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Medic, il

111' te-timoniil-. uid the fi\ouiib!e iicu-pupii nulii i - ,ue ill nilh home out-tlu\ ik tiuthinl \\ u li.uc cmiiehcs seen thiecinst.un i -. wlicic l>i Kiw nth il has ustoicd sight to the tot.ilh blind f..i jeaii, besides unproved vision to m.i iy who were -nlicring fiom ophth Uniic diseases of mon'hs or two \cit-,' snnding We mention, because bo is Mill known throughout this district, Mr. James Horsfall, whofcc di fectno sight hasboin ladically cured M - Flagery, of this town, who has suffered fiom de if i for years, owing to fright produced ly tho I lie ut , dog, had her hearing restored in our preset eo \ cataract was successfully removed from the ejo cf i bUcklcllow in the service of M. O'Sh»nassy, Esii Fort Bourkc. Mr. Stewart, who has been blind for about sixteen years, can now see almost to read print A gnl named Joues, who had bcon newly blind for two jears, can now see the smallest object, and plays with other children AjounR lady from Mooniba, WilcMinia, named Eastham totally blind from some c -mplaint, cun now see . but in nearly e\eiy case, a sudden influx of light must be guarded against. 'J he succcssfni tiottment at Bogandtn.i of Mrs H J. Ad mi s e\cs is alone sufbcicnt to establish Dr Rosenth il s reputation as ,w oculist. Wo could enumerate t\vi>ir\ ii.stimipsof persons known well in this town md district whose sight Iihm cither Iiu-n restorod or improved, and w hose deafnos* has boon romoved . and we think it but a duty on our pint to nolico the cases whicb are Unowu to us, and to ondorsc (he public opinion which has been io farourably and deservedly bestowed. Mrs. Bayley, who hai had bad eyes for five years li»s been completely cured, and so hate the eyes of Mrs. Reynolds. Ho hai futfilleil every promise made, »nd effected in every instance some very remarkable cures. Dr. Koscnthal has alo this in lus favour— he doei not Fond away lho poor, noj i'oos lio evict the lust farthing from those in indigent circumstances. Ou the contrary, ho could not h ive had undor his gratuitous treatment fewer than tw eh c persons , nnd to one woman and thicc ilnldmi *iilf. im^' fi m almost total blindness, he supplemented his sirvires by raising a sub'i nption to rclicM' then n< cecities.- ('< ntud Australian anil /;..i-i/,, / ' ..H///,, Decnnbn H, 1S7^ N 1) — Mini bundle ils ol testimonials ill in i like sti mi, cm It seen at Mr. Rom-nth il'-- consulting rooiils.

"1T\7ONDERFUL DISCOVERY.— W Corns cured in ft day, by using :ALK\. ROSS'S CHIUiJPO. Ihis preparation graduallly dissolves tho Corn in a few hours, removing the very root 21S, High liolboin, London, and at Ki vn> TiiouNf to 1'i.ossir, Dunedin and Auckland SPAN ISH FLY is the acting inpietlient iu ALFA. P.OSSS CANTIJAltlDKs OIL. It is a sure restorer of Hair and a producer of Whiskers 'Ihe effect is speedy. Hud of KrMrTiiORNE& Piiobbtu, Dunedin and Aucklmd. IJ AlR-D"KSTIiOYER.— 24S, High HoiXT born, London — ALVX. ROSS'S DEPILATORY removes superfluous Hair from the face, neckand arms, without cnect to tho skin. — Uad of KempTiionNi- At Pnosspn Dunedin and Auckland Dl^ T NliFORD'S~ FLUID MAGNESIA Is the great remedy for ACIDITY OF TUK STOMACH, HEADACHE, HLAK1 T.L UN, INDIGESTION, SOUK iRUCT VTIONS, AND BILIOUS Al TECTION'S. It is tho Physician's Cure for GOUT, RHKL'MAIIC GOUT, GRAVEL, And all other complaints of the bladder , And as a safe and gentle medicine for Infants, Children, Delicate Females, and for the sickness of Pieg nancy, Dinneford'8 Magnesia is indispensable. Sold by »ll Druggists »nd Storekeepers. NB.-Ask for DINNEFORD'd MAGNESIA, and use DINNEFORD'S Friction Gloves and Belts. Whtlesalo AgentsFrench, Kempthorne, and Co , Dunodin.

JUST Published by Messrs. Bailliere, lin dull, and Co\. 20, King William-street, btrand London Eighth Edition, post too, J-f. bcl, ON THE FUNCTIONAL DERANGEMENTS AND DKBILIUESof the GKNFRVTIVK S-'iSTEM, their Cause's, Svmptoins, Treatment, and Cine. By F D Coubtf>ai, MUCS, England '• The aim of the author is to present a common sense v lew of tlie nature, consequences, and treatment of a class of mental and physical diseases very prcv alent and most distressing, the v ictims of which bavo been tc o often terrified in all sorts of ways by philin thropists, often ill-advised by phj sicians, and prcj ed upon in the most shameless manner by quacks."— Medical Cueular.

DR. R O B E R T S ' S CELEBRATED OINTMENT, CtLLKD POOR MAN'S FRIEND, Is confidently recommended to the public as an unfultug remedy for wounds of even description a certain enre for Ulcerated Sore Legs, even of twenty jears' standing Cuts, Burns, Scalds, Ihmses, Clnl blains, Scorbutic Eruptions, and l'imples on the Face, Sore nnd Inflamed Eyes, Sore Heads, Sore Breasts, Piles, Fistula, and Cancerous [fumoJrs, and s a Specific for those itllicting Eruptions that '•ome linns follow vaccination s o lil m J'ot> at Is ljd. and 2s 9d each. DR ROBL'KTS'S PILULvV, ANTISCROPHUT. F or Alterative Pills.conflrmcd by sixty v ears'e\pci lencc to be one of the best medicines ever lompcuudc 1 foi purifying the blood, and assisting Nature in hei operations Hence they aro useful in Sciofula, Scorbutic ComplanK, Glandular Swellings, p irticu larlj those of the Neck, &c 'Ihey form a mild and si p'enor Family Aperient, wlrch nifty bo taken at all 1 times, without confinement or change of diet Sold in Boxes at Is. ljd , 2s 0,1 , Is Cd , 11< , and 22s each Sold by the Proprietors, BEACH AND BARNICOTT, AT TMEIR DISPENSARY, BRIDPORT, ENGLAND, And by nil respectable Medicine-vendors.

P.itionisrd bv Her Majesty the Queen .and His Roval Highness tlie Piincc of Wales. Piti/i Mi i> us— London, Ib31 and 18G2, "Vienna, Ib73 BARNARD, BISHOP, AND BAP,. X VII D'S Norfolk lion Woiks, Norwich On manuf.icturcis of machine-made galvanised wnc netting Kv eiy description of iron and galv aniseel iion in iteii.ils of the best manufacture. Impioved cattle and sheep fencing Improved .stable fitting, gaiden and.vwaiy lequiiemcnts, lawn mowers, farm linple inonts uid materials, iron mangles, machinery, mills, fountain 0 , tanks, houghs, close and open kitchen and cookiiu'i mges foi Indian and colonial use non bottle bins and lacks, non entrance gates to gaidcns, mansions A.c (as supplied to his Eoval Highness the Pi nice of Wales at Ssaniliingham) —Illustrated priced catalogues on application, and all goods most caie fulh packed and shipped. Order through mcuh.mts, oi with lefeiences, or payment on shipment htate th it indents are to be for the manufactures of B VU- ?» \IJ1), BISHOP, and BARNARD'S Noifolk lion \\ inks, iNonuch, England.

A LLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS. SCIATICA. nENitvr r>. hrandretii, esq , LivKnroox Heywcod, October 0, 1S71 Dear — Please to send ma another six dozen of Allcock's l'l istcrs and two dozen Brandreth's I 1 ills. Is IM The Plasters seem to produce wonderful lesults There i& scarcely a day passes but some one is telling mo of tho cures they are making. Rheumatism in various parts of the body disappears .is if by m lg c Only on Saturday last Mr. Jacob Ileywoo 1, AlbeitTerraio, St.irkey-streot, Heywood, informed me that lie had been troubled with icUtica for tbree yours so b id was it the last twelve months of that timo th it he w is unable to follow his employment Ho bid tried doctors, been to Matlock, and spoilt C2 on <i largelyadvertised electric chain belt, but all to no puiposc .Some one at last porsuaded him to try youi l'l isters lie said he had no faith in them, but he would tiy them, for he was stuck fast thej could not niuke his pain much worse, and it would be a little more money sent after the re«(;. .So ho bought tw o,onj he placed on his thigh, and the other on his back, and a week aftor he w. as ready for his work. It is now six months ago, and ho has had no roturn of his pain" — Youis truly, W BECKET' BRONCHITIS. HI MIY U llKANPtU Til, ISQ, Ll\ BRl'OOL, , BirniniKh>m, November 27, 1S71 Dear Sir, — I have for some months past been in tho habit of using Allcock's Porous Plasters (procured from the establishment of Messrs snapo and Son, 13, Great Hampton street, of this town), when suffering rom bronchitis and severe pains in the side, and have on every occasion found immediate relief , whert as 1 had previously consulted two medical men without dei iving the least benefit. I can with confidence recommend them to anyone suffering from the same complaint —Youn respectfully, GEORGE STYLES. RHEUMATISM. lit Ml V D HIlA.MlIUTir, Tf() , LrVEKPOOL. 121, Nethertleld road North, Liverpool Sir, — I beg to inform you of a wonderful cure effected by Mlcock's Porous l'lustors hllen Yates, living at No 1, l'rioiv Teirico, called hero to night to sny that she had been much arfictod by rheum itism, and could not dress heiielf for a fortnight, but after applying one of your plasters for ;i single night «ns much bettci, and in a few dajs able to dress and go about bci domestic duties as usual She is willing I should infoini j ou of this and allow you to publish it Further, I may add thut the piaster^ are giving univoisal satisf iction, and that tho pr.ifso is m every one's mouth —I remain, youia respectfully, Ii ENTWIVfLK., Dentist and ( hoinist ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLAsTKRS aie sold by all Dri ggists, with full directions for use, in any size to suit 'Hie vard Plaster is specially iccomineiided for families and physioians, One jard equals 18 flusters Principal Agencv foi Ireat Britain and tho Colonies (Wholesale and ICetall): 67, fill! \1 ClIAKLOrTh STKEI-T, LlVFllPOOL KEMITHOIINE, PROSRER, & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Auckland and Dunedin.

ALL WHO S TJ F F E II F 11 O M I N D 1 O E S T I O N Should use NORTON'S CA MOMILE PILL S. Sold everywhere. Bottles Is. ;Jd , 2s. Oil., and 11s

C^IIEAP JEWELLTCKY.— Persons in tho J Colonies will find best assortment ami prices at J J Millinytc-ii's, 48, lloiind->ditch, T,ondon N H. — Watches, Clocks, Spcct iclos, &>nib<,Biushes Pipes, Perfumory, Stationery, Pens, Purses, Cutlery &c — Catalogue! freo to any part of tho world.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5123, 23 January 1874, Page 2 (Supplement)

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5123, 23 January 1874, Page 2 (Supplement)

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5123, 23 January 1874, Page 2 (Supplement)