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I/" I'IML'l IIOKM., I'KOSS; It, A. CO. L\JC VOLNUM^N JL.VIl CO. M liOLF.SALK AND KXPORT DRUGGISTS, VirroTUA-<-niuM Evst, Auckland, STAFrORD-^TRLKT, DUNIDIN, IMPORTERS OF Every deicrlptioft of Chemical, Pharmaceutical Photographic, and uther Preparation a Surgical Instruments and Applinnc-t-i Perfumtry, Urushware.Oomba Sponges tJl iss«are, K.irthenw.ire, Medicine Chests Medic il Hooks, .Shop-nttniKs, and every Kind of Diuggist Cordial M.iUors' M.iteri il«, S.W. and G B. Bottles Corks. Cut and Kol] linfoil Wire Brewers' Isinijl.iss I'VTKN'T MKDICINK WH ELPTON'S VhUKTABLK PURIFVINC PILL«J, Are warr mtcd not to contiun a sinyle particle of Mercmy oi any other MiikmI Substance, but to consist enliriU of Mccliciiial M iticr, pmcly veijetable Duinif,' the 1 st thirty fhe year? the> have proved their \a\up m thou-and-, of niitances in DiiC.ises of the lleul, (hest, and Bowels, Liver aud Kidneys; and in all bkni Conipl.unts one of the best medicines known. (i. W Jl E L l'T O N & CO., '', ( IIUF Uul HI, Tl I I I si. If FT. I O^DOX. And in i> bt ludof .ill GheinisW and Medicine Vondors iu the Colony of New Zeal ind. PEIIKY DAVIS' VEGETABLE PAINKILLER. A SURE REMEDY For .Colds, Fmcr, Ague, Diarrhoea, Cholera, Burns, h. dlds, Neuralgia, die. Sold by Cheuutts and l)t Heists throughout the World. 'I ho rnp'dly-increasitg popularity of tills now Ci'luhmted Medicine has \h en cle.irly ptovc 1 ]iv tho enorinniis demind that l const intlyLeing made upon it frcm .ill pirts of tho world. Kuu.bcrlc.s Testimoniah have been received, testifying to its etlicicy in curing innumerable dUe^ses T\KEN IMKRN\LLY, IT CURKS Sudden Colds, CV uifhs, Fever and Akup, Asthma and I'hlhisH, Djsi up in, I,i\e'r Conijilnint, Acid Stem ich, Ileiduth 1 , rieurtl.urn, Indigestion, Cunker in the Miiiuh mil Sloiiuib, Canker K.ish, K dni'y ( oiiiplniiits, Tile'., Sc i sicknu s, Sick Headiiche, Ci imp nnd I'un in the Stoinirh, Painters' Colic, Diirrlici, !)(-, ntrj, bumm.T CompUmts, Cholera Morbns, 1 holcrnlnftintum, and Cholera. APPLIED JXrnnN\Liy, IT CURES 'scalds, I'urii", Fiost bite?, Ch.Ihl.uus, Sprains, Bru ses, \Vliiilui\«, Folons, Iiuils, Uingworm.", Old t-'ore«, Rluuniiitic AlfectioiH, Headache, Xeuralgia in the K ice, Toothache, Pain in the Sido, Pain in the Buck and Loins, Neuralgic or Kheumifc Puina in the Joints or Limb3, &tin<r<{of Ii.sects, Scorpion', Conli ped s, and the Bites of Poisonous Insects .ir.d Venomous, Ilpptiios. Full direction' (tho rekult of many years' expcrlonte( accompany each buttlr. Molhcis will llnd it inv.ihuble in the nursery Dr Sweet s.iys it takps cut tho soreness of boi e-^cttii'g faster anything ho has ever used for that purpose BMVARK OF ALL COUNTERFEITS AND IMITA11O.VS. The (jeii'iino is put up only in pnn<-l bottles, with label-, fine y enijiav^.i cm it'tl, ihe i auio b> in<j hKo blown in ho bi ttloi. \ny puty .ippl>ii.g tho words ••PaIN KIl.LI'.ir-nluo'i is cmr Irulu— t ■ » picpimtmi of i\m\x own, or doaipis found olltn^ ho siime, *re < qually li .h.'e for infringomunt, and a ill I a pr j.oi uted to tLo fall > xtont of the Ww. PKKKY DIVSA SO.V JlASUFACTUi'KKS ASD Pnf'PItUTORS. I'ro<idtno , II I, Wholes \wz Aoents: L. D. N A T IL AN & C O., AUCKLAND, KBW ZFALWD. ALLEN ' S LUNG R A L S A M TIIF IIMIDVFOI Ct I'IKO CONSUMPTION*, COUGJIS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AND CROUP. A8 AK EXPKCTORVNT IT HAS NO T.QUAL I It Is composed of the actue principles of roots and plants, which arc chemically extracted, so as to retain all their medical qualities MINISTEKS -VNI) PUBLIC SPEAKERS, nfllictcd with throat c'iscases, will find a sure icmedy in this un, and tikrn .i few tunes, will ensure a perm. me. nt cure Will .ill tho c .ililiUod with Cunt's or C'omuuiptiou give this Bil-am a f ni tn il ? They will be pleised with the ri;«ult, and conft S3 that THE SURE KFMfcDY IS FOUND AT LAST. It i Sold by all Druffgi'ts MERIT SOON NOISED ABROAD. It is but soven years since ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM wis flrs>t offered for Bale nnd \eiy s>oon iU f.ime was noised and neir. now it is sold in nearly every Drug Store in the world. No sinnl ir medicine stands higher with the pcop'e. 1 rom Australia large ordors are received for it . »nd thioughout Canada it is well and favourably known, and sold ev< rywhure. Port Buiiwell, March 23. MFssm. Piuri Davis & .Son: Sirs, — I am pleased to notify you of the benefit which I have receivod from Allen's Lunfr B.ilsam. Having been troubled with a Cough for 3everal yovrs past, the B.ilsin was roc unmcndcd to me. I immediately procured it, and found it relieve my Cough more readily th m anything I ev er tried My wife has »lso used it with most satisfactory results. Yours, very truly, Cai-i D 1'OSTER. WHOLESALE AOhNIS : L. D. NATHAN & CO., Auckland, N.Z.

DINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA Is the fireat remedy for A< 1UIIY OK '1 1 1 K Sl'OMACH, HKVDACIIC, UKVKrJ.LRN-, KYDIOESIION', .SOUK ERLCTATIONS, AND BILIOUS A i-h EC I IONS. It m the Pliysician's Cure for GOUT, RIIKUiMAI'IC GOUT, GRAVEL, And all other compl tints of the bl uldcr And as a safe and gentle medicino for Infants, Children, Delicate Females, and for the sickness of Prey nancy, Dinnoford'8 Mnpnetia is indispensable. Sold by all Drupgists and Storekeepers. N B —Ask for DINNEFORD'd MAGNESIA, and use DINNEFOllD'S Friction Gloves and Belts. "\Vh»lesale Agents — Trench, Kcmpthoruc, and Co., Duncdin. TUST PUBLISHED by Messrs. Bailhero Tindall, and Cox, iO, King William sieet.Struid London Third Edition, p st-free, 2s 2d REVELATIONS OF QUACKS AND OUACKERY By Dktbcior. Reprinted from Ihe Medical Cix ulai This Pamphlet constitutes a regular (iujck Dncc ory, by consulting which evurj young m.iii nuy know wliere he may go if ho withes to yet plundered and destroyed . . Buy, therefore, " Revelations of (in icks aud Quackery," by Detector.— J'mii h

DR. 11 O B E R T S ' S CELEBRATED OINTMENT, CUIAD POOR MVN'S FRIEND, Is confidently recommended to the public as nn unfailing remedy for wounds of every description . a certain cure for Ulcerated Sore Legs, even of twenty yo«rs' st Hiding Cuts, Bu ns. Scalds, Bruises, Clnl blams. Scorbutic Kiuptions, and I'imples on the Face, Sure und Inflimed Kyes, S»>re Hoads, Sciro Breasts, 1'iles, Fistula, and Cuncsrons Humours, ,uul s a Spccillc for those afflicting Eruptions that «c>mc times follow v.ic ination. Sold m Poti at Is. 1JJ. and 2s <Jd each. DR ROBEKTVS PTLUL E ANTISCROPHUL.K or Alterative Pills,toiihi med hy sixty ycars'expcnencc to bu ono of tbc> best medicine ever compounded for purifying the blond, und assisting Nnture in hoi operations Hence they »ro useful in Scrofula, Scoibu.ic Compl lin s, Glandular Swellings, particu larlv those of the Neck, S.e '1 hoy form a mild and superior IVmily A pel lent, which m*y be taken at all times, without conhncmeut or change of diet Sold in Boxe-, at Is ljd , '2s <)d , 4s Od , 11* , and 22s each Sold bv the Proprietors, UEACI1 AND BARNICOTT, AT THMR DISPENSARY, BRIDl'Oltr, ENGLVND, And by all respccUblc Medicine vendors. PitioniMil bv Mci Mucsh the (Eileen uul His i:<>\ il HlgllMl-S tilt PllllCC Ol Allies l'ui/i Min\i> I ondoii, 1^.")1 and lbi>J \ lciina,

BAKNAIil), BISHOP, AND 1URN\i:i>-> Norfolk lion "Works, .Norwich On Kiual UMnufactuicis of unuhinc- inado KaU.inised wire in Uiiik K\i'i\ dcsciiption of uoiiand i^ih.imsed umi in ill uals of tin bust m.iiiuf utuii lm)>in\cd cattle and slit i'p font inn Impiowd stabli titling, -,'.uden aii(l,i\iai\ icc|iiiic ments, l.iun uiovveis f.uni nnple ments and matciials, lion m ingles, imiclmiciv, nulls, loimtains, tanks, tiouidis, close and open kitchen and cooking ranges ftn Indian nnd coloninl use, iron bottle bins and racks, irou entrance gates to maidens, mansions, \c (as supplied to his l!o\,il Highness the Pi nice of Wales at Saiidringhani) -Illustrated pi iced catalogues on application, and all goods most carefully packed and shipped Older through merchants, or with references, in pujment on shipment State that indents .no to be for the manufactures of B \R NVUD, Illslloi'. and I1ARNAHD.S Norfolk Iron Woiks, Ncuwith, England. ALL W lfd~S U F P E R FROM INDKiKHTIO N Should Ubi NORTON'S CAMOMILE PILLS. Sold everywhere. BottUsls. Ud.,23. 9d.,and 11s.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5115, 14 January 1874, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5115, 14 January 1874, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5115, 14 January 1874, Page 8