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WINES (m bond)— Duty, 4*. in wood and bottle (over tockeil) prico liomiual

TUT. PHILOSOPHY Ol' TiRrXS —Shakespeare, who knew all itualities with a learned spint of human dealing, ranly omits an opportunity of indicating how thoroughly ho understood the philosophy of (lothin^ 'The apparel," he sajs, "oft proclaims the man Though the famous Lord ( hestciliiM, the autlioi of the well known " Utter-, to las Son," was not a Rioat genius 01 a profound plulosophoi. he was a singul.ulv shrewd man of the woild, and was well titted to oft' J advice on this subject " I < onfes-,," ho sa>s, " that I cannot help fouiung some ojiiuion of a man s sense and character fiom his dress, and I behe\e most people do io as well as niSHclf " I lognes excellent in atructions to his son- "Take oaie alw.ijs," hesij-> "that your clothes are well made and lit you, for otherwise they will give you an awkward air" The foregoing remarks on the philosophy of diess aie a< mirable but they require to lie suppleinentcd witu the following piece of practical advice Co tos\Mi i i CooMHts, the well-known Tailor and Outllttei ol the City Clothing Mart, No. HO, Queen -street and Highgtreet Auckland, also of Albert -street, Orahamstowii, who supplies every description of cloth Jni{ ready inade or madft to mea-suie, for adults and jiueniksof all classes and who offers to his customers the rare coin bination of excellence m material and workmanship he newest designs, and imp iralleled cheapness

*CA.UTION.-OLSON\S TOMATO SA.UOE.-Con-nouseuri pronounce ting Sauco to be tho BBS I for general u?e in households, find, in consequence of its high reputation, some unprincipled persons horo lieon induced to COLLECT KMPTY BOTrLKS the manufacturer'* nime stamped thereon, and pa «ing the lameoff as "Olson's Universal Tomato 8auce The proprietor has in consequence caused ins iuauvj MAKK to be Re 8 istered under tlie pronsions of tho Trade .Marks Act, 186(i, and pro( eedingi will be taken aeainst mch persons as may forge or counterfeit such mark The public are ciutioned to nsk for Olson s Sauce, and see that the n.ime ii Stumped on Bottle and Stopper, and wrapped round with his well-known label

£ s (1 £ s (1. rort(inwo'd)pei gall .fairtogood 0 6 0-0 11 0 Common ilo . ..0 5 0—0 (> 0 Rherr\ (in wooil) per gall .flnepale 0 10 0—0 18 0 >Hir tn -,00(1 . . ..0 7 0—0 10 0 Common do. (nominal) .0 4 0-0 0 0 Champagne (licit brands), per iloz 3 0 0—4 0 0 Ueinh.ird ut.d Co.'s Moselle. No. 2 2 15 0-0 0 0 SPIKirs(in bond)-dut\, 12*. per '.Till , pioof nnd ui dcr Dark Bianrh (Martell's), pci gall 0 0 0-0 0 0 Heii'iesky's Pale Urunily --0 9 6—0 0 0 T Hine (nominal) . . 0 G 9—0 0 0 OUrn's (nomir ii) . .00 0-0 C 0 Martell's, ptrdoz .. ..0 0 0—1 9 0 IJonuessy'ii&c.jree) .. .. 0 0 0—1 11 0 (J V I*. (nominal) .. ..0 0 0—1 2 6 U V P 12 0-0 0 0 Rnm, 10 o p , ptr gall (nominal) 0 0 0—0 3 3 Hum, 30 o p , per gall . ..0 0 0—0 4 6 Whukey pti (jail . .05 0— 0 0 0 Wlmkey in cnei (Scotch) 0 12 0—0 U 0 Auuklin'l Crown Dutilluy (pioof) 0 13 0—0 0 0 Ounville'% per Rail , (n . in c*« 0 0 0 0 17 (i Geneva, por caie (for best brands) 0 11 0—0 10 0 20 bottle caw 000-120 Geneva, per half « aw .. .. 0 0 0-0 10 0 Old Tom, per case (according to brandi) . . ..011 0—0 15 0 (Bernard's) scarce ., .. 0 12 C — 0 13 0 Burnett'i 0 15 0-0 15 U Boord'i 0 12 o-O 13 0 Booth'* 0 10 0—0 0 0 ALE AND BEER, &c , (duty paid)— duly (in wood Is per gall (in bottloj )i 3d per gall Ale— Ua-sS bottled, pale pci doz 0 14 0—0 0 0 Devenish's Ale, 1> Id by iiya^ 0 13 0—0 0 0 Blood's A lu (non ) .. .00 0-0 0 0 Dawson'sdo (nominal) ..0 i) 0-0 0 0 Tennent't .. ..0 1 0-0 0 0 Jeffrey's Palo Ale (scarce) . . 0 10 0—0 11 0 Stout- Blood, Wolfe, and Co , per d z (good demand).. .. 0 13 0-0 13 C Younger's (nominal) . . . 0 12 C-0 13 0 Edmonds', Pif^circe, in demand)*) 13 0—0 14 0 Machen's Stout (none) ..0 0 0—0 0 0 Byaw's 0 0 0—0 12 6 Uumneis'i extra ttout, bottled by Machcn . . .00 0—0 14 0 Jeffrey'! Porter . . ..09 0—0 9 0 H 1'orter and Co '» . . ..Oft 0—0 9 0 Barclay's 0 9 0—0 9 6 Dawson'i 0 9 0—0 10 0 Porter- (in bulk, none) .. 0 0 0—0 0 0 TOBACCO (in bond)-dnty, 2m Cd per pound, for «rieep u.tsh, 3d Negrohead, per lb (good) . . 0 0 0—0 1 8 , Cavendiah, per lb, L.fe ior 0 0 7 — (t 0 8 Cavendhh, per lb, good to fine 0 0 11 — 0 1 7 Good tens, Southern .. .011 — 017 Half poundi, Aiomatic . 0 1 0 — 0 110 CTOAJIS— (in bond) dut\ ■ 5a per pound. German 115 0 — 250 Msnila . 3 10 0 — 3 15 0 Swiss, per M. (Ormond's) 2 2 (i — 2 5 0 Havannahs, per 1,000 . . 0 10 0 —10 0 0 COKFEE- Duty.Sdpoilb (duty paid ) Ceylon Plantation . . .0 1 1}— 0 1 2 Ceylon NatiTe .. .. 0 0 10J-0 0 0 Java, Ordinary 0 0 10J— 0 0 0 Javn, Blue Bean 0 0 11 l — 0 0 0 Manila 0 0 ll" - 0 0 0 MISUELLANEOUS-(Duty paid) English Hops, duty :id perlb,'72 (— o\ctt,iooked cannot be told) . . ..020-000

T.Kinaman, '7 l(ovei stocked- 0 0 11—0 1 0 Ai row root (West Indies) - duty, idp^rlb in bulk in bottles, tins, jin— duiy, 10 i>er cent • • 0 0 7-000 AppKiXdutyWrerlb 0 0 7-007} I'anditd peel, per lb-rtuty 3rtlb 0 13-0 14 Candlei, Belmont, sperm— duty 1,1 i 1Pr H, .. 0 0 0 — 0 0 11} CamKf other brands 0 0 0 - 0 0 ilj Cocoi. peril.— dutv,3ipeilb .. 0 1 0 — 0 1 o ChoioUte, pei lb -duty, 3d per 11) . • 0 13 — 014 Currants, par lb— duty Id per lb 0 0 4J- 0 0 4} * nuts, bottled, pei doz -duty, 10 pei cent .. 10 12 C - 0 0 IS 'loney, jut lb • 006-000 English .l.ims, per do<:-duty, 10 percent. .. • 0 U 0 - 0 11 0 Adelaide Jams "Craiglec,' lib 0 7 9 — 0 S i Molnrt Town I.ims, per doz — <lut\, 10 percent. . . 0 7 G — 0 0 0 Mmtaid (pn pound) Colman's —duty, 10 per cent .0 0 8 — 0 O 8. Reckitt's Blue, 7M1 perlb. Oil— Salad, lulf pints— duty, 10 per cent 0 G 0 — 0 i 0 „ pints— daty, 10 per cent . 0 10 9 — 0 13 0 Keiosine— duty, Cd Devoe's 0 2 0 — 021 „ Diamond ..0 1 11 — 0 2 0 Downer* .030—000 Castor Oil— DuM, Cd per I gal.— Hulk (per gall ) 0 0 0 — 0 5 0 I Bottled— Duty 10 per cent —half-pints (per do? ) 0 C 0-0 C 0 O0I71, per gall —duty, Cd per gall , drums incl .0 5 0 — 0 0 0 Pieties (pints), per doz —duty, 10 pei tent . 0 10 0 - 0 11 G According to brands RiceAlressert) — Ja\ i, per tonduty, id per lb . . ?8 0 0 -20 0 0 Patii ». pei ton (very scarce) 29 0 0 -30 0 0 Raisins— Muscatel, perlb, go ul —duty Id per lb (scarce) 0 10 — 012 Cape, per lb— duty, Id per lb (scarce) .. .000-000 Eleme, per lb— duty, Id pei Ib(-carce) . . .. 0 0 r. 1 — 0 0 0 Sago, perlb— duty, in bidk, 2s pirewt, in bottle oi t.iaister.duty 10 per cent (none) 0 0 0 — 0 0 3 1 Saltpetre, per lb, duty Js pei rwt <B arms licence tec 0 0 5} — 0 0 G S.ilt-rmt\i>erti>n ■ 4 10 0 — 0 0 0*e, per ton . .400 — 4100 Soap— Liverpool, double crew n, per ton.rtutj 3s cd per cwt 0 0 0—27 0 0 (N'one ) Sydney, por ton . . 24 0 0 -20 0 0 Melbourne, ptr ton . 2 r > 0 0—27 0 0 Auckland, per ton.. ..22 0 0—32 0 0 Soda— Carbonate, per cwt — duty, 10 per cent . . 0 0 0 — 1 S 0 "Washing, pel ton— duty, 1* per cwt .. 0 14 0 — 0 0 0 Sardines (quailer), pel doz, duty, 10 per cent (seine) 0 G 9 — 0 7 0 Saidines per do/ —duty 10 per cent . 0 10 C — 0 0 0 Sugar— Loaf, per lb— duty, Id por lb .00 Of— 000 | English crushed, per lb — duty Id per lb (scarce) . 0 0 f<}— 0 0 6 Co 's No 1 Pieces per ton — duty, Id per lb . 46 5 0 —47 0 0 Mauritius duty Id per lb 4G 0 0—51 0 0 ( Vccoiding to quality > Honolulu 3ugar (in bond) 0 0 3 — 003] Boiled and Lollies— duty, 2dveilb 0 0 0-000 Treacle, pei ton— duty, Id lb 32 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 Tea, Ration per lb— duty, Ctl per lb (stocks large and dull of sale) . . . 0 0 10 — 0 1 0 Medium Congou, per lb — duty, Cd per lb . .010 — 020 Good— duty, Cd pei lb ..0 2 0 — 0 2 (. Fine Kaisow— Cd per lb. . . 0 2 6 — 0 2 0 Gunpowder, per lb— duty Cd per lb . . .022-000 Tapioca— duty, in bulk, 2s per cwt 0 0 0-000 Tapioca, pei lb-duty, 10 per cent , in bottle, and tin . 0 0 7-000 English Vine,; ir, pel g.ill — duty Od per gall . . 0 2 G — 0 0 0 Bottled Vinegar— duty, Cd per -all . 006-000 Raspberry Vinegar— Duty, 10 per cent (none, ..000 — 000 Walnuts per lb— dut} Id p lb 0 0 4 — 0 0 4J Barcelona pcrlb— dutyld perlb 0 0 7 — 0 0 7$ Turpentine, per gxll.— duty (xl per gall, in drums . . 0 0 0 — 0 5 0 Ditto A mcricui, incise! ..0 3 0 — 0 4 0 White Lead, por cwt— duty 2s per cwt •■ .. 1 r. 0 - 2 4 0 Gnnpowder(blist) overstocked 0 0 0 — 0 0 CV Gunpowder (canister 1'™'). -duty Gd overstocked.. 0 °. G — 0 2 0 Rifle •■ ..036-000 ritch.p barrel-duty 1. barrel' 5 ft- 0 0 0 Tn (-Stockholm., perbirrel 2 0 0 —2 1.) Tar (Coal), per gall. (Colonial) 0 0 1-000 Linseed Oil (duty Gd pel gab)— One" VS? Per . 0 0 0-040 lioiled, per «.ill. . ..000—040 PROVISION— Beef (salt), tierce-duty, 2s per _ q q "^•Si^uth^Lcwf 5 10 0-000 English Cheese (duty Id. perlb) 0 0 9J - 0 1 0 ILims, English, V>e»t brands— dut), Id perlb .. .012-000 Bacon. English duty, Id (none) . 0 0 11 - 0 1 0 Ricon ar.l Hams, Colonial 0 0 7 — 000 fish, clu<d silt „ 0 C O - 0 0 3 pickled „ 0 0 0 — 0 0 21 Flour— T)ut>, Is per cental— Adelaide, per ton . 0 0 0 — IS 10 0 Chili m (none) . 0 0 0-000 .. .000-000 Superfine fl^ur ..000 —17 0 0 Sdk-dio,sed flour ..000 H 0 0 Bran, per bushel, of 201b .000 — 013 Bread, per 21b lo if . 0 0 3J — 0 0 C Biscu ts, Colonial (cabin), per 100 lb . • .. 0 0 0 — 0 IS 0 Oatmeil.OUgo.per ton ..2<i 0 0-0 0 0 Pearl Barlej, do .Colonial . 2> 0 0 — 0 0 0 GRAIN, &c — Wheat, per bushel, of COlb ; duty, 9d por 1001b 0 4 0—070 Mai/e (N SW ), pei bushel of 001b duty, !)dpsi 1001b 0 4 G - 0 5 0 Oats, per busaclot 401b (feed) 0 5 0 — 0 5 4 Hay.perton 4 0 0 - 5 0 0 Straw, p iton . .. 3 10 0 - 3 1. 0 English Malt ; duty, li Cd . 0 li 0 - 0 M 0 Colonial Malt 0 0 0 - 0 10 0 BUILDTNG MATFUTAL— . Timber (sawi,). O? to 14s per 100ft , duty 2« ; shingles 8i to Us per 1,000, duty 2s p.ilings, 17s to 18s per 100, duty 2s per 100 posts, £"> per 100, duty 8s rails, fi 7a Od to i. 5 10s per 100, duty U. Bricks per 1 000, £3 Cement— Duty, Is per barrtl-18* to 20s per barrel. GALVANISED CORRUGATED IRONMorewood's,' Phillip's, and HiU\ *c .. 0 0 0 -3 r » 0 0 Second <iu»hties.. . 0 0 0 -3 5 0 0 ; N.uU, Ewbanks, 15 per cent. ad\ «nce. NEW ZEALAND PRODUCT.— Potatoes, per ton, £S to i3 10s. Kauri Cum Good lota, 323 to 33* Hides, 8s to 12s Flax, £18 to £21 per ton Wool lashing, £1 10s per cwt. SUNDRIES- oca Coals, Australian, per ton ° ° i n n Coals, N 7. , per ton, on hulks 12 0-000 (At the mines. 1G-.) „,-,-, Firewood, pei ton ..0 11 0 — 012 0 Iron— English liar, per tonduty free . . . 20 0 0 — 0 0 0 Pie, per ton . ■ — ) 10 O Manila Cold ige, per ton, £80 to £8t.— Duty, 5s per cwt for all »i7es. Lecher-Sydney lole, Is to Is 2d, colonial so e lOd to li Id k ip, Is 3d to 2s Ml , calf, Lnjflwh. 3> Od °Puty, lole, id per lb other kinds Id per b Ironmongory-duty, 10 per cent. Stationery, market well supplied -dut\, 10 per C *Paper-Duty, 10 per cent —Wripping, 3Jd; Bagi. 3^1 Writing paper, demy nze, uncut edges, free, 0a to 7d per lb Boo^knd g Sho°e C .-duty, .11 kinds, 10 per cent. Drapery -Full «toek-duty, 10 per cent. Earthenware, CO to 70 per cert on invoice according to f rtizht— dutv, 10 per cent. Low Roods uns il iMo O ffiare-duty.10 per cent stocks Kood, window glass, fcirce, wanted Window and sh. et glass, dutv'. Is per 100 superficial feet Saddlery, little demand-duty. 10 por ecnt Perfumed spirits - duty, 12- per gallon, proofs — I Perfumery— duty, 10 per cent

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5115, 14 January 1874, Page 3

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WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT: FOR PARCELS ONLY.-JAN.13 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5115, 14 January 1874, Page 3

WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT: FOR PARCELS ONLY.-JAN.13 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5115, 14 January 1874, Page 3