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Produce, Seeds, &o-

npASMANIAN SEED WAREHOUSE, A 129. QUKKX STREET, AND NO. i, NEWMARKET. White Clover Sainfoin Red Clover 1:3 e Alsjke Tares Cow Grass Lucerne Rib <>» Lnibced Trefoil Couch rats Timothy Canarj Rye Grass Norway Oat Cocksfoot Seed V, heat Borghmn Mangold Circular ITead Potatoes Ashleaf, Kidney, aud American 1-arly Kose Potatoes Silrenkin Potatoes. NKW NOVELTIES IN Peas, Cucumbers, C>bbag« Brocoli, lurnip, lienni A LAItGE COLLI-CT1ON OP New Gardon aud Flower Seedi. Ac. F. LIPSCOMBE, WHOLEPALE AND RETAIL SEED MERCHANT 129, Queen-street and 4, Now Market. Orders taken for Quicks, Fruit Trees. 4o.

Bonedust. "DONE DUST. BONE Dt/ST. FREEMAN'S BA.Y BONE MILL. Tbo underlined are now supplying Bonedus* of their own manufacture, guaLanteed frM from alulti-ratlon. at £7 10s per ton of 2,2*0lb., sicks o» bags Included. J. 4 J. SOPPET, Freeman's Bay; Or at N 0 8, Lower Qu*en-ltr*«L. Bonai pnrchniort In »nj quai tlty for Oasb.


Banks. A UCKLAND SAVINGS BANK ESTABLISHED 184 7. Pli l)SH> f XNTJ HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR. Vjo«-Prmid*nt i WILLIAM RATTRAY, E«Q The B/tnk I* open daily from 12 to 1 o'clock, also on Saturday evenings, from 7 to 0 o'clock. Any sum from Is. and upwards received, for which 5 por cent, interest is allowed. Erery faoility giron to depoiiton. E, CAMERON, Accountant. 100 and 102, Quean-itreat.

Medical. TT EMPTUO^UNEr^PROSsTR, & CO. Latc YovhqvaV akp Co. WHOLESALE AND EXPOBT DRUGGISTS, VlCTORIA^STRMT EAST, AUCKLAND, UfD [STArroRD-ITRlXT, DrjNIDIV, IMPORTERS OF Erery description of Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Photographic, and other Preparationa Surgical Instruments and Appliancts Perfumery, Brushware, Combs, Spongei Glassware, Earthenware, Medicine Cheiti Medical Books, Shop-fittingi, and avery Kind of Druggist Sundries Cordial Makers' Materials, 8.W. and G.B. Bottles Corks. Cut and Roll Tinfoil Wire Brewers' Isinglass. PATENT MEDICINE AGENTS.

tC3»^IIaHiliSl WHELPTON'S VKGETABLE PURIFYING PILLS, Are warranted not to contain a sinyU particle of Wercury oi- any other Mineral Substanc*, but to consist entirely of Medicinal Matter, purely vegatablo. Dining the lust thirty-five years tbej have proved their value in thousands of instances in Uiseasek of the Head. Chsst, and Bowels, Liver and Kidneys; and in all Skin Complaints one of the bett medlolnes known. G. WHELPTON k CO., 8, CaiNi Court, Flxkt-staxbt, LONDON. And may be had of all Chemists and Medicine Vendors in the Colony of New Zealand. PERRY DAVIS' VEGETABLE PAINKILLER. A SURE REMEDY For Coldi, Fever, Ague, Diarrhoea, Cholera, Burni, Scalds, Neuralgia, (be. Sold by Chemist! and Druggists throughout tha World. The rapidly-increasing popularity of thii now Celebrated Medicine baa been clearly proved by th* enormous demand that li constantly being made upon it from all parts of the world. Numberless Testimonials have been rec*lv*d, taitlfyiug to its efficacy in curing innumerable diseases. TAKEN INTERNALLY, IT CUBES .Sudden Colds, Coughs, Fever and Ague, Asthma and Phthuli, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Acid Stomach, Headache, Heartburn, Indigestion, Canker in th* Mouth and Stomach, Canktr Bash, Kldn*y Complaints, Piles, Sea sickneis, Sick Headache, Cramp and Pain in th* Stomach, Painters' Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentry, Summer Complaints, Obolara Morbus, Cholera Infantum, and Cholera. APPLIED EXTERNALLY. IT CURBS Scalds, Eurm, Frost-bites, Chilblains, Sprains, Brutaas, Whitlows, Felons, Boils, Rinfwormi, Old 8or*s, Rheumatic Affections, Headache, Neuralgia In tha face. Toothache, Pain in the Side, Pain in tha Back and Loini, Neuralgic or Rheumatic F*lni in tba Joints or Limbs, Sting«|of Insects, Scorpions, Centipedes, and the Bitei of Polioaoui Inssoti and Vanomous Reptiles. 1 Full directioni(the rasult of many yaari'ezparlanca( accompany each bottle. Mothery will find it invaluable in the nurnry. Dr. Swaet says lt taket out tba soreness of bone-aattlns; faster than anything he has ever uiad for that purpose. BEWAEE OF ALL COUNTERFEITS AWD IMITATIONS. Tho genuine is put up only in panel bottlas, with labels finely engraved on steel, the naraa bein{ also blown in ihe bottles. Any party applying tha words "PAIN KILLER" -whioh is our Trada Mark— to a preparation of their own, or dealors found tailing ha same, are equally liable for infringement, and will be protocuted to the full extent of the law. PERRY DAVIS & SON MAKUFACTURIK8 AND PKOPllETOal. Providence, E I.


ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM TH« KIMESY rOK OCKINO CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AND CROUP. A8 AN EXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAL It Is composed of th* active principles of roots and plants, which are chemically Attracted, 10 as to retain all their medical qualities MINISTERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS, afflicted with throat diseases, will Ond a snr* ritmody in this Balsam, and taken a few times, will ensurt a permanent cure. Will all tho? e afflicted with Conghs or Consumption give this Bab am a fair trial ? They will b» pleased with the reoult, and confess that TUB SORE REMEDY IS FOUND AT LAST. It i Sold by all Druggists. MERIT SOON NOISED ABROAD. It is but seven years tince ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM was first offered for sale and very soon its fame was noiacd far and near; now it is sold in nearly every Drug Store in the world. No similar medicine stands higher with th* people. From Australia larg* orders are received for it ; and throujhout Canada it is will and favourably known, and sold averywhere. Pokt Bonwiix, March 23. Messrs. Pkbbt Davis t Son: Sirs,— I am pltaied to notify you of the benefit which I bar* received from Allen's Lung Balsam. HiTinj b«*n troubl.d with m. Couch tot ••▼•r*l yean Sast, to* Bals>m was recommended to m*. I immtlately procured it, and found It raliev* my Cougk mor* readily than anything I «v*r tried. My wit* has also used it with most satisfactory rtsults, Touri, T*ry truly, Catt. D. fOSTKB. WHOLESALE AGENTS.: I L, D. NATHAN ft 00,, AVCXLAND, N.Zi '

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5113, 12 January 1874, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5113, 12 January 1874, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXX, Issue 5113, 12 January 1874, Page 4