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An inquest was held at the Critenon Hotel, 1 lobson-str< et, on SitnuHy, June 'JS, l<i&t, before Dr. LMnlson ami a |ury of twel\c, on the body of an infant, .iljccI thice months, <md named L1//10 Ada Dante, w ho was found dead in bed on the moi mug of Saturday, July 2S. The jury found that the deceased was "Found dead and sufl'ocited in bed beside hoi mother, without niaiks of violence, on Saturday momint,', June 2S ' Mr. Cobley was the foreman of the |my A very sudden death occuncd on June 2."). It appears that an old man named John Latino, who icskled at tho Kaiaka fony, about ten miles from Otahuhu, was, on the morning of tho day above-mentioned, sittinp in front of the fire in his own hou«p, and conversing with some childien. Ono of them spoke to him, and, on receiving no answei, looked at him, and discovered ho was dead. An inquest was hold at tho Star Hotd. Newton, on Moiiday, June ."(», bcfoio l>i T M. I'hilson, Coionei, on the body of Stephen .Newbeiry I'aj lor, aged (I.'?, who u is tumid dead, at his resilience in Lincoln sti eel Dedwood, on Sunday, June 2[) The jury returned a verdict that deceased died from a coagulum of blood on tho brain, pioduccd by the rupturo of a blood-vessel in that organ. An inquest was held on Tuesday, July 1, at the Mount Eden Stockade, before Dr. Goldsbro' and a pit}, on the body of Edward Moyle, aged 4">, an inmate of the prison. Deceased had formeily been an apothecary, and was committed by the Waiuku Bench of Magistrates for three months' hard laboui, foi Living no lawful means of .support '1 he jury returned a verdict of Death fiom natural causos On Monday morning, July 7, Mr (Jiaham's stables, at Remucia, were destio\ed by iiio Tho building was worth about tlod, and was wholly uninsured. This is the second Hi a that has recently occuicd in the Kemuera district, and theie were circumstances I attending the pic\iom one which led to the belief that it was not an accidental one. A sudden death occuricd at the Waikato J coal-mines ou Tuesday morning, July 8. It appears that a boy, some l."> years of age, named William Edwaid Booth, the son of Mr. Booth, brickmaker at the Steam Navigation Company's coalmines, Waikato mer, had occasion to go out, and being absent longer than usual, Mrs. Booth sent a younger boy to see where ho was. Deceased was found lying on the iloor of an. outhouse, with his neck bent under. The deceased had been subject to epileptic Jits for some years. A coroner's inquest was held on Wednesday, July 9, upon the body, befoie B. 0. Bealp, Esq., coroner, when the following verdict of the juiy \v .is returned : — "That the said William Edwaid Booth died from RulTocation during an epileptic sei/uio on the Sth July, 1873, at the coal-mines Waikato " The unfortunate gnl, Margaret (Jlarkson, who was run over by a horse and seriously injured on tho L'Sth of June, died on Sunday, July 13, at her father's residence, Tararu Road. An inquest was held on the body on July 11. The evidence went to prove that the concunent noise of tho tram was the primary cause of the accident, tho noise frightening the horse that tan over her. A post mortem was made by I)r Lethbridge, which showed a severe comptcssion of the brain, resulting fiom concussion. A verdict of " Accidental death" was recorded, and a rider by tho jury to the ellect that the running of steam engines on public loads is highly dangerous, and that the attention of the authorities of the district bo called to a with a view to then removal The funeial took place the following day, and was very numerously attended. A band of young gnls (her foimer companions), diessed m white, and cairying flowers and evergreens, foimed pa?t of the melancholy cortege. An inquest was held on J uly 1 1 at the New Caledonia Hotel, before Dr. Plulson, coroner, and a jury, upon the body of Rose Eleanor Evinson, aged nine weeks, the daughter of Eleanor Evinson, wife of Samuel Evinson, of Kaiangahape Road. Mrs Kvinson, mother of the child, gave evidence that deceased was alive ami well on Saturday mi»ht. Witness took her into bed with herself out of the cot Went to sleep. At t> a m on Sunday, the 13th July, she woke and disuoveied the child dead on her arm. The child's face was turned to her own breast. The breast wa> pressed against tho face of tho child. — Dr. Stockwell deposed to ha\ing examined the child lie found no maiks of violence on the body. There was every reason to believe the statement of the mother to be correct. — Tho jury returned a verdict of " Found sullocated in bed while lying on her mother's aim in bod." Owing to the afllicted condition of the mother, tho juty were obliged to adjourn to her losuleucc to receive her ctidom e. On Thursdav morning, July 17, one of tho seamen belonging to tho brig 'Oborlin,' which ai lived from Adelaide on Monday, July 1 1, had a most miraculous escape from death : while engaged aloft on tho foretopsail yard, ho lost Ins footing, and fell thence on to tho dock. In the com so of his fall, the man tinned completely over and pitched full on tho back of his head Every ono who saw the act ident thought tho unfortunate man's neck was broki n. Dr. M. E, B Nicholson was immediately sent for, but before the arrival of that gentleman the sufferer— if he may be so teimod— had so far recovered fiom the shock ho had leceived as to be ablo to lesumo his duties on board tho vessel An inquest was held at the Provincial Hospital, on July If), before Dr (Joldsbro' and a jury of twelve, on tho body ot Patrick Hunter, who died on the previous day fiom the effects of a stab inflicted by a man named William Kiunison, at Queen's Redoubt, Pokeno, on tho 7th July. William Kinnison was present in custody. Mi. John Tomes was chosed foreman of the jury Mi. ilichard Laishloy appeared on behalf of Kiuiuson. Dr. Goldsbro' road tho deposition of the deceased, as tikon by his Worship tin Mayor and Mr. Inspector Broham. Tho juiy returned a verdict of Manslaughter ayamst William Kinnison, who was theiefoie committed for trial on tho coronet's warrant An inquest was held on Saturday af t»i noon, July 19,at the Railway I crminus Hotel, lx forejury (of which Mr. Hood was chosen foie man) and Dr. Philson, coroner, to inquiic into the cause of the death of Maria Louisa Boylan, who died suddenly at her residence, the Koyal Hotel, Eden Crescent, on Ftida\ evening last. Peter Tioylan, husband of the deceased, who atood charged with being tho

cause of the death of his wife, was piesent during the inquest, Mr. loy appealing to watch the proceedings on his behalf? Koigcanfc- Major Paidy conducted the ini[iuiy. After sumo evidence was gnen, the easu was ,id)ourned until Tuesday, July 2:2. On tlio coinplftion of the evidence, the |iiry it (nod foi "20 minutes, and lotiunod tha following Teidict • --'Tlio |ury lmd a verdict of manslaughter ayamat the pusonei, rotor Iiojl.ui. for his having bf t n acoeasoiy to the death of his wife, Matia Louisa I5ojl.ui." An application was mado to admit the pii'.onor to bail in the same amount as that alieady allowed, but the Coroner determined to let tins i[iu's1ion stand over till next day, in order to confer with the Inspec tor of I'ohco as to the sum. — The prisoner was then committed to stand his tual at tlio ne\t Ciirainal Session of the Supremo <'onrt, Auckland.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIX, Issue 4971, 30 July 1873, Page 7

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ACCIDENTS AND OFFENCES. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIX, Issue 4971, 30 July 1873, Page 7

ACCIDENTS AND OFFENCES. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIX, Issue 4971, 30 July 1873, Page 7