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, Tenders. 'Y\ (> CON T V, A C T O R S. I'endeis v ill lorn en, d until him n To d iv ,uh .tlst ', tin il t i . \\ i in,. rid s1p|i ii slo't Uud't'^i' IIi i> . a i'.\ ■ ue, li.~.n fin ',ri'il 111 s R't I' \1W W \I\ \>,'i > t

Notices. "J^TOMINATED I&U1IGRA1 ION. FREE PVSSAGES TO SINGLE AVOMHN 10UR POUNDS TN CASH, OR A PROMISSORY NOTK TOR S1V POUNDS l'ER STATUTE ADULT TOR OT1ILR 1MMK!RA>J^ '1\\O Pol NM^ I'OI! CII1LDRLN I M>' 11 awi.L\ r. INFANTS FREE.' V P> — Colonists desirous to brin-? out Iabourri3, Servant', or Artisans, can arrange for then selection by frunds ,it home Partie il.ns can be obtained from tho Tmn illation O.t'ccis Government Assuianco Ageat«, oi at anv Moi.ey Onler Post Oilice. C. E HAUGIITOV, Fnelei -Secretary for Imniigi .tion _ W< llington..Tu1y 10,1873 IN tlie Matter of the Deed of An mgem,i,1 e,f JACOB JUNG, of iru 'Jlumis Coldfio'iU, Diktnctof llmiraki, Q leen'-, ( om tv , Province of Auckland ard Colony oi Ni.vv MenbiKd, Hotol-keeptr, Eilier, and Storelte per Jvotiie is hen by ghin that apjilicalio i will be m t lc on Thursday, tho 7th dny of August, 1873, at 11 o'clftk m the forenoon, to the Mip erne Court "! New Zea' aid, .at I'loklind. for a decln it on of com pletc I'xiiution of the sud Deed of An mg ment filed heicm. Dated Ibis 291h day nf July, 1873. RUSSELL & DEVOUR, Solicitois, Auikland

NEW ZEALAND LAND AND COAL COMPANY (LIMIT ED) The MurpList will he clo3od on the 31sf .Tn'r, l'-7? Applications received bofcre that date will hive precedence in Allotment. By onler of Directors W. A. GKAirVM, Manacjcr,

"M" O T I C E OF R E M O Y A L. The Ofhce of the Wailiato Steam Nmigatinn Company has brci Removed from 20, Queen-street, to their new i lemises in Duiham-stroet (rcco it!\ occupied bv Mr \ Ma-kie), immediately above A Pucklaml's S '!c Yaiels BRVPLEY & CO , Agents .Tune 23 1S73

PHOTOGRAPHIC NOTICE. clahkb brothers I m so-, er yeirs pupils of Mr Crombie *rd for tlie list twchc months opcr.ttori r or Mr Catcu, II in minli [1 1'ii'c in lnfuiming their friend'; and the |'iilil,( geneia ly th.i* ti cy )i i% o purdiastd tlio w('l known I'll Ttosiapluo Bus lies so siucfsfnU} curmdoii lyJIossu Crotnbie and Oit->r for the l.ii* oiplitc jii joirn, and triist, by civi Hy and a'tontion to busnii'ss together with producing fir«t-cl«si pjitnuts at tnodbi tti> price-, tj meut with a sh ire of tlio ]Mtroti! o s ) Hbor.illy bestow il on their predecos cis Oluldicn's poi ti ut* tiikpn Ins-tf tancouslv .N H \11 debtsiiuo to tho establishment tn bo pud to ( 1 irlio J!rotlior«, wliose receipt will be iiiliioipnt

"VTOTICE OP REMOVAL. EXPIRATION' OF LEASE. II CUC'KsLY, City Ha'l, Pismoforte and Music Sell r, begs to inform hu friends vid the gcncial public that ho has RKMOVHD to thrso central -md extonsiv e prrmisrs lately occupied by Mr R IIoi'iis, Draper, at tho Junction of AValiencld and Qu<-en-atrcct^ 1'ianofoitcs and Ilnrnionmni3 on s ilw or line. [KSTABLISHED 18C3 [

mO HIGHWAY DISTRICT BOARDS. 1 he undersigned bep respectfully to intima'e tl at the) nrcp'cpiied to conipilf nnd ssessnunt lists for tlio ensuing with the r we.l 1 nown ae curacy anel coircetness, on the sama terms us list }o*i. Rates duo by non-resident* collected by Mr R Ciiitwii o ht, }uu. CAHTWRIGIIT & SON, Land Agents ami Accountants. 2(1, Shorthand Auckland.

MAl'KU H I G II W A Y V, OAK D. FINAL NOTICE All arrears of rates not paid In August 0, 1S73, will be sucel for without fmther nitice. lliA'WOOD CRISPF, Cli in nan .hil) S, 1^73.

_£* 1 0 P R I Z E. A Dounweii, will give tho abovo for tho twenty hi ( 'f t and bcivicst Mangold wurt/el, to be exhibited on May], Ib74, open tu all parties wlo ha\e purcliased ono ton or more of his IJonedust. JjJ O T I C E. All Accounts against the Steamer ' Mananatu' to b a stilt to our oflicc immodiutcl>. COMI'.KS & D VLDY, Admits NZSSC'o (Limited 1

1VT O T 1 C E. TAIEUV SUV-MILLS These Mills bein? now in full operation, the Propraton big to intimato tint they are piepirod to Exccuto Orders foi Sawn Timber With ibe utmost desu itch, ut Current-Rates. Oihce— Custom housc-stroet, Auckland J. M. MACDONALD, Agent.

Ihavo discovered a Yaluablc Rcpf cf M mumcso on the Island of Wmheko, for which I have obt lined from the Go\^rnmont piotcction, lmv-ni-c applied for lc ise W W CASTLE

L^ERVA^TTS DIRECT FROM ENGLAND. R. W. TIETIIERINGTON, EMPLOYMENT AND EMIGRATION AOENT, UXURlLieiL, iNCIHMI, a])ponitcd by tbo Affont General for Now Zealand to select suitable pjrson-, foi fur passages to tins colony, anil h .s (luinp tho pist yen sik ceded In sending to New /cilind a Imjc number of firm labonrc r s and female domestic v rvants He will be happy to e ii^nge' in rnifbinel anj s rvnut rci|uiu il bj poisons who find a ditbculty in obtaining them in this countr>,anel will endeivour to send such sen mt l>y tho next emigiant ship leav nii; London A Mini of tl must bo sent for e ich rdult requited, whiihvviil be used, when necessary, in assisting the en l^iant to obtiina pissftjio Kniplojcrs should write Ime • to K.W ltctherington, stating full pnrtu ul ir- of '■ltn ition nnd of tho servant wanted, htnct invostigntion will bo nude into all servants' charactcis beiurt an eiiiM-ienient is made References may bo obtained in N>w Zetland fu-m Phiick avd Ukah\ii, Vailc's Duildingi, Queenstrcct, Auckhnd.

milE (IOSPEL OAK IRON AND GALJL VAN1SED IRON AND AV1RK COMPANY. IRON MANUFACTURERS AND GALVANISERS Virst P.iand, ) ( Second lhand "c ancmoro," VTiude Marks. I " KAGLE, ' tirst titulity. ) ( Eagle Quality Tho Gosnol Oak s ho oldest manufacture of Gnl varusod lion in England Tho Gilvantfid Tinned Iron was first made at those Works m tV yo tr 1M2 This lion obtained tho Prize tit ' I \t ( lion' Qn ilitv " at tbe Gie it Exhibition in lbO2, t beini; tlie only Prize Medal in the truele. The price is fo« pi \itly re luced Woiks— (3ns! el Oak linn ,, Mitre Works, Wolveihampion. „ Re Rent's Canal, Limehouse, London Warehouse— 5 , Upper Thames-street, London Lxpcut Olluo, Kin(rAVilliain-«trcet, London

/^i E O R Cl E COOK, GOLDEN LINE LIVEUY AND P>AIT STAEL1 \V n FPIBLD-STKEKT Double and single buggies and saddle horsei for hire 'Buses for parties on hire.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIX, Issue 4971, 30 July 1873, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIX, Issue 4971, 30 July 1873, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIX, Issue 4971, 30 July 1873, Page 1