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IIioh \\ \ T *n, Tills Day ; I 2<> it m . I "i i n m aod Su.MhkT I ]>!■« Day h r .s i m iPlpra MoonS I'ntsi — FnM Moon, MaTh 14, r> .' I t> m Winii— M.iriU 7: Southerly, lixht. Jlinhi N K , li^ht WKAniKr.._MarohSftnilO. i'lno.

ARRIVALS.— MATini 8. TVitorfon, p s , 200 tout, Konncdr, from Southern Torts Paiiengcrj— Mrs OolUm , Mrs. Bolt, nuno, and clulil Miss Von Temptkr, Miis O'Neill, Mi™ Hchultz, Miss Hat *•!!, Mi« Kennedy , Mri. Lawion and rhildrcn, Mrs Montros*, Master Schultz, Ciptain Andr.wi: Moais F. Russoll, \V. M. Martin. C. O'Neill, M.U R , J. Henderion, C.E , J. O Doc^, C.R , W H. liobnor, Dosley, C.K , W. II. Floyd, To RatiRiltahoki, W Kelly, M.H.R., Hugh Craig, W MoMullon, J. Nancarrow, T. Sponco, J. lllaney , ami 6 in tho steerage —M. Jono% Agent. Kowona, !s., 71 torn, McGrogor, from Norlhorn porti l'a«ongorj— 10. — Crulckihank and Co , agents.

March 9. Oro«, is, 76 ton», Sollati, from Tauranga ind other East Coast ports. Pasiengera— 13 — J s. Marfarlane and Co. *g§nts. Natal (iuecn, barquo, 23d torn, J. R Gourlay, rmm Lyttolio i I'aitongoa— Mrs. Evam, Mli^ symoniK, itpv It t reeraan.— D. II Mackcnzl-, a?ont Suntipam, lohooner, 30 ton», Itroirn, from Whiniji ron. I'assenger— Hot. Mr. Williams — M.ntcr, .»'<cnt. uldo, cutter, 30 ton», Ohlson, from Lyttolton — Jtistor, ijent.

MAKCIt 10. ero > R<i » 851 torn, Logan, from Molho'irno, via hy<lnoy ard lnntant. Pnwongors : From Melbourne — Mr. and Mn. O K. Breton nnd fimilyl(i). Mr- W V Oliver md infant , Mcs-ri. C « dilib", 1 Andrews, J Kursu, J. \V»H«r, '.) 1a\kc\, A. lsauts, Ileminittnn , and It in tho htoerago Krom Sydney— Hon. J. Vok«1, Air*. VoroI, infant, and nurso . Mr. nnd Mm .James Smart, Mr* Karrell, Miss Emunuol, Mm T. r, White and child . Mcr-r* H. (Joodiil, Vox, Or«ham, ,r M. foot"-, Dunckby, M itihowi, Krani, J Abr«lmini, Emmniil, V Gurhun. H, V T»etmn«t, J. Itohcr'on, AITrod Andenon, Ri.v J. Warron »nd 21 ia the itoorago — Cruickihanlt nnd • ' , agouti. hur|»rno, biig, 230 tons, Thompson, from IiOvnk.i P»«ongors— 2 —Master, agont.

CLEARED OUTWARDS. T)r .vor, brijj. 17"{ tons, McMastPri, for Sydney, via Wlmnsiaroa — Ilendrron and Macf >rl.ino, ,v<cnt< Tiiwern, spho»iior, Hi ton*, Iv nnorty. for Tuveity IUy. I'.u-pnt'ors— Mil. Hcul »nd fimily ('>), and 2 nutiviM— I *< M icf.irl.inp, agent M.iry Kli/i, cutttr, :o tons, Jones, for Russoll.— M Nicool, igcnt

PEIWUTUIIES.-Marcu 8. Lilly Itowcn, frr M tluir.ingi and Jlot Sprlnpn , Tower mi), for W/i'ui'{,iron . Fortune, for Kast Coast Alutcii 9. Mary EIu-., for R>i«ill T.nvorn, for Povorty

"VESSELS EXPECTED. VtLou London — KdinbiirKti Caillt 1 . ship, sailed Doc 18. Losding: 1'arieo, Cmntoss of Kintoro, ships. TTkom LTVKni'nor, — Z my i, bq , loading. Vrom Ntw York— Knit LothUn, bq , sailed Dec 20 . 'llia-no*, tx) .wiled Fbom HTDNKT-Corndo, bq . Allco Cnmoron, bq , loadmp —In tlio Mknukau- Ladybird, « « , dim Prom Nkwoahtlic — liriton, bq , sailed, Albion, brie, sailed Dorwont, tailed I>'uom South Ska Islands — D.mntlosi, sch , early From Tahiti,— Ktnlllo, ich., eaily. From Lititica.— Success, sch , enrly ; Sutollito, cut. From KonutT Tow.v — Hclla Mary, bq., early. From Soothkuh 1'orts.— In tho Manukau : riimbo, i s , duo Wellington, 1 1 , Tnranaki, s s From I.>TTti,Tov.— ARnciJonk', snh , toiled 20th. Fkom Duvedin.— Florence, «oh.,*allod Fol). 18 From WtUiMiiov.— Comnot, Lgtne, oarly.

PROJECTED DEPARTURES. In this Hit coasters are not Included. You London.— Iran e»t Homo, »hip, loading , Owon »nrt (Jruli i in nRonts. For San F JUNOisro —Dakota, p f , March 20 , llcndorinnnnd Mac-fadinc, agonti. For hiMEi — lloro, is , early; C uickslnnk and Co , atrenK— From Mamikau Plxi-bc, i « , MutIi 17 . (Jdtnbui nn 1 I>aUly, i.gonti. liiovor, brig, girlyi llanilorson and Macfailauc, opont< t'on I.icviika — Cli.irybilU, uol)., Sth ; J. S Mncfurl»no and (Jo , nifont'. Foil Nohh)Lk IsrAND— Sontlicrn Ciosi, Mh kcIi , early ' Fou Southkhn Pons.— Patcrson, t n , rurly; M. Jono% njfont —From Manukau : Weliin^t in, n « luranuki, 1 1 , early , Combes and Dttldj, ajjoctj.

IMPORTS. ?or Wr|iio Natal QiKen. from T.vtff.Itnn i --»» wh»h iliuinu, CT. NV. JMnney; U.i s-ick a jnalfc, orrler j XI fc*ses bacon, Arthur ; 4 cases bafedn, It. Lusk ; 20 cases chceao, .). Buchanan ; 5 cases bacon, Osborno Brothers ; 15 caics bacon, O. W. Binnoy ; 35 sacks crass seed, T. II. Hall ; 33 kogs provisions, O. W. Binncy ; 4 caics cheuso, Marsh and Blair ; 410 bags, 100 sacks flour, 1 1 cases biscuits, 2,lSfi sacks wheat, G93 saoka oats, 183 saokq biun, 91 sack3 sharps, 142 sacks barley, 71 sacks wheat, order. Per cutter Dido, from fiyttclton : 419 sacks wheat, r>l sacks oats, order. Per p.B. Pateraon, from Southern ports : 1 box, 2 parcels, Corabea and Daldy ; 23 packa^q, 23 bales wool, order ; 0 packages, Urogdei and Hons ; 1 package, Uacon ; 95 boxes, TcloRrapli Department ; 1 parcel, It. Lusk j 21 packages, W. K. l?o))inson ; 3 packages, M. Jones ; 1 piano, E. Perkins ; 1 case, M. Montague ; 40 sacks grass seed, fJreen. Per brig Surpriso, from Lovuk* : 52 bags /lour, 8S bags maize, J. Copland ; 8 casks I cocoanut oil, Owen and Graham ; 287 bags cotton uncd, 15 tons cobra, 100 bundles bananas, Thompson.

EXPORTS. Per bri^ Drovcr.JfromSyJnoy.viA. Whan^aroa- OO.OUOft. timber, Humloiscm ami Macfarlano.

The s.a. llowcna, from Rusaoll and Noithern ports, amvod in harbour onrly on Saturday morning, bringing a full cargo of gum, flax, &o , and a number of passengers. The Rowona will loavo again for Northern ports thi8 afternoon. A sail in sight outside Tiritiri Tsland was ■ignallcd shortly after G o'clock last night, but owing to the light wind prevailing uho had not inadu the harbour up to the hour of going to prose. The H.s. Southern Cross arrived in harbour yesterday morning from Tauranga and East Coast ports, bringing passengers and a small general cargo. Tho schooner O'harybdis will hail for Lovuka to-day. The p s. Lady Bowcn took her departuro for Mahurangi and tlio Hot Springs on Saturday morning List. Tho Bchooner Fortune flailed for East Coast ports on Saturday last, with a general cargo. The brig Tower Hill took her departuro for Wliangaroa on Saturday morning last. Tho brig Di over will sail for Sydney, viil Whangaroa, to-day. At tho latter poi t aho will ship 00,000 feet timber. The cutter Mary Eli/a sailed for Russell yeoturday morning. Tho mail steamship Dakota loft Lyttulton for Duncdin yesterday. Whoa tho a y. Rowona loft Riusoll on Fiiday last, there were eighteen vessels lying at tho Bay waiting for coal. Amongst tins number are the brigs Moa and Rita. The schooner Sunbeam, from Whangaroa, with a cargo of 12,000 feet timber, arrived m harbour ycatorday aftornoon, after a passage of four days. Nothing but light E.S. 15. ami N. I'], winds throughout. Tho 8hip I'olor Star, tho arrival of which vessel in a .sinking conditiou we announced in our Saturday's issuo, camo up harbour and anchored o/F tho wharf early yesterday morning. Iho Huhooncr Zior, Captain Mnklrjohn, wai loading at Lyttelton, for the Waikato, when tho Dido left. Tho schooner Amaranth was also loading at tho sarno poit for One* hunga. Tho Rchoonor Lvfcifcia, on disthargo of her cargo of tirnbor at Lyttelton, from Auckland, was to load with grain for tbia poifc. The h.s I'lwi'ho loft Wellington for tho Manukau, vj.\ Picton, Nelson, ami Ta:anal<i, at midnight on Saturday last. The ship Parseo was to havo loft London, for Auckland, with 80 immigrants), on the 8th January, Tho ship City of Bombay arrived at Dunedin on Saturday last from London. Tho ban | no Cyrono, from Newcastle, with coal, aravod at Lyttolfcon on Satuidny la 4. The p.a. Patorson, rocently purchased in Sydney by Captain Kennedy for Messrs. firogdon and Sous, arrived in hai hour early on Saturday morning last from Wellington,

-N ipier, Vovi 1 Ij Bay, and Tauranga, biinging :i I U};<! numhi i of j> s^cii^ers ami a general caijjo. lho I', a poodle stoauioi ot 200 Ions, \wm icocnMy owned l>y the Hunter Kivcr iNavig<Uion (Join piny (Sydno)), having boon built on tho (Jlyilo. Her dimensions «ro— length over all, l?Oft.; beam, 22ft.;ovir sponsons, 42Et ; depth o( hold, lift.; diaft of w.iU'i (loaded), 8tt. Gin. This ingmus (otcil litipg) .ins of 120-horso power. After having been purchased by Captain Kennedy, the I'ltoisoh Mriia placed in :lock, and considerable nitrations and hnpioveincnts suitable for tho New Zealand trado woro mndo. 'J lie si 'inner is similar in dock arrangements t«> the ■• \\ 0114a Wonga, her hurricane (kc'i I' 1111,' c.wind aft only an far as t> the ln,\d (if tho poop. Her B.vlo .11 is vuy spacious and well furnished The ladies' cabin adjoins tho saloon, and is provided with every requisite. Of thu trip along tho coast tho passongcrs speak very highly of tho sea-going quahtioB of the steamer ; and she bids fair to become a gicat favourite with the travelling public. CapUin Kennedy reports having lift Wolhnglou on Fobiuary 98, and arrived at Napier ou the 2nd ; left again on tho 5th, and nrnved at Poverty Bay on tho Gth ; left again tho samo night ; loft Tsuiranga on Friday at 0 p.m., arriving in harbour at 9 o'clock on Saturday moimng. Owing to tho scarcity of coals, Captain Kennedy was compelled to H3o wood dining the greater portion (t tho trip. OH' \\ hito Island, tho steam 1 was stopped for throe hours to poimit of of the passengeis landing and examining tho island. Wo aro indebted to Mr. Hoadloy, tho purser, for tho delivery of our iilea and for other favours. Tho following address was presentod by the passengers to Captain Kennedy on tho arrival of the Palerson at tho whaif :— " P.s. Patoinon, March <S, 1S7-. To Captain Kennedy. This b ing tho lirsl trip of tho Putoison in tho New Zetland watci'j &11100 hor renovation in Sydney uixki your hands, we talvo this chance ot welcoming you back again, and of congiatulatiug tho tiavulling public at having at their &01vico so comtortablo a boat under jour esteemed and ablo command. Thanking you amongst other kmdiieas<_s for tho pleasuio ot lauding at White Island on our way, wo aie, dear Captain, yours tiuly." Lllcro tollow tho signatures.] Tho schooner Tawcia took her departuio for Poverty May yesterday morning, with eight passengers, and the following caigo : — 28doois, 1 bundle, Union Sahh and Door Company ; 12 tons (lour, Elliott ; M cases pickles, I caso arrow root, 4 kegs nails, 1 box cigars, 2 packages groceries, I caso di apery, Owen and (Siaham; 2 bedsteads, ilalliday ; I chest, Williams; 1 package, 7 casts beer, Hooper ; 3 tons Hour, 2 bales oakum, ltoberton and Co. ; 17 oais, 21) kegs ropo, ,J. S. Macfarlane ; 1 box, 3 cases bis01111% ."{ cases drapery, 8 packaged groceries, Lewis Brothers ; 40 bags flour, J. S. Macfarlane ; 3 qr.-casks mm, AV. J. Cawkwoll ; 20 cases kerosinc, J. S. Maofarlauo ; (5 boxes, T. and S. Morrin ; 2 cases, 2,000 bncka, 3 packages sashes, Koano ; 2 cases, 1 bale, 11 packages groceries, 20 bags sugar, 1 box tobacco, 14 packages. Owen and (Irahatn ; 11 oars, 2 coils ropu, 4 drums oil, 8 tins paint, G packages stores, Williams; ] caso boots, G bags potatoes, L. W. Eaton ; 14 tons flour, Thornton, Smith, and Firth ; 10 cases biscuits, J. S. Macfarlano ; 3,000ft. timber, Georgo Holdship ; 1 qr.-cask rum, W. J. Cawkwell ; G casos beer, Hooper and Co. ; 2,000 bricks, Keane ; 1 case, lioylau ; I parcel, l'oiter; 4 bags liino, Keauo ; 52 pieces timber, G.000 shingles, Goorgo lloldehip ; 1 parcel, J. C. Sharland ; 2 cases stout, ] caso whiskey, Brown, Campbell, and Co. ; 7 boxos soap, 1 bag, J. Allendcr ; 4 casks seed, , BucUland ; 1 plough, 2,000 pii^s iron, 10 pairs hinges, A. Smart ; G ploughs, 12 sashweights, 3 bundles, Porter And Co. ; 1 box tobacco, 4 packages, 1 bag sugar, 1 hhd. rum, 2 cases brandy, 3 mats sugar, 20 bags salt, G i-cases geneva, 2 cases port, 3 packages groceries, Owen and Graham ; 1 ton (lour, Low and Motion ; 2 cases, J. S. Maefailano; 2 packages, Winks and Jfall : 12 packages, Ellingham. Tho barquo Natal Quaon, from LyfcfccUon, with a cargo of breads tufTs and three passengers, arrived in harbour early ycntciday «.. s . Oapciuu uuui'uiy l'oporcs having left Lyttelton on tho 2Gth ultimo, and for tho first part of the passago had strong N.E. winds; thonco S.W. veering toN.M. winds. Hounded the East Capo on Thursday last. A very heavy swell from tho eastward waa met with off the East Cano. Launch.— A now foro-and-affc schooner, built by Messrs. Lano and Biown, v\ is launched from thoir ahip-building yards at Whangaroa on March 1. Tho keel of the schooner was laid about nino months bne'e. There were a lar^o number of persona picscnt to witness the launch, and as the schooiifi ghdod off the ways into the water sho was christened in tho usual manner tho Alert, by Mrs. William Lano. Tho following aro tho dimension") of tho new schooner :— Length of koel, GOft ; length ovor all, 72ft.; beam, 17ft. Gin.; depth of hold, 7ft. ; tounago, builders' measurement, about 45 tons. Tho Alert was to be ready for sea about tho 20fch inst. It is intended to employ her in tho trado between Whangaroa and this port, under tho command of Captain Lane, at present in charge of tho Sunbeam. The cutter Dido ai rived in harbour from Ly ttolton yestei day with a cargo of wheafand oats. Captain Olson re-ports having left Lyttelton Heads at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, tho 25 th ultimo, with N. V). and easterly winds and thick rainy weather t> tho East Cape, which was rounded on Tuesday last. Thonco stiong westerly winds. Put into Hicks's iiay for shelter ; lay there 12 hours. Sailed again on Wednesday at 4 p.m. Made tho Red Morcury Island next day at G p.m. Had light winds and calms the remainder of tho passage. lioundocl Capo Colvillo at 1 a.m. on Saturday, arriving in harbour yestei day morning early. Tho s.g. Ladybird, wo learn, has been almost rebuilt, although her Iino3 liavo been carefully maintained, and it is therefore expected that sho will be capable of going at great speed. Her cabin accommodation is 0110 of tho most perfect kind, and mipenor, if is stated, to tho gonoral run of vessels of her Bi/o. The old engines of tho Airedale havo been put in her. When tho s.s Go ahead left .Sydney she had steam up for a trial trip, which wo have no doubt has fully answeiod tho most Hanguino anticipations* of her ownerd. Tho coal barge that is being built at tho Thames by Mr. Kobeit Stone, to tho ordor of the Bay of Islands Company, 13 fast approaching completion, and in all probability will bo ready for launching on tho new-moon apiing tides at tho latter end of this month. Like tho stoamcr, which preceded her on tho stock.s, her eoii'ih notion is upon tho diagonal principle, which combines strength with lightness and flexibility. Tho bargo will bo as fttiong as sound wood nnd good woikmanship tan mako her ; bei floor is full of timber, whilst the keel anil kcelton arc of extra ai/o and strength. Laying on tin second akin will be finished on Monday, and a week later will see tho most of tho third in placo. Tho bai go would havo been ready for launching by next springs but for the unavoidable dolay in commencing her caused by the unexpected and extra woik of refitting and renovating tho machinery of tho Hteamer above roferred to, and which threw Mr. Stone behind his contract timo. However, as both vessels bolong to tho samo company, overy allowance willljc made for this. Our Northern Wairoa correspondent says : — " Tho Agnes loft Aratapu for Taranaki on Saturday last, with tiinbor for building tho new Hank of New Zealand. Tho Mavis, from Auckland, arrived on Saturday at Aratapu, whero sho will load for Lyttelton. Tho Tauranga has noarly completed loading foi Duncdin. The Golden lalo sailed from 'IV Kopuru on Monday for Auckland, with (JO.OOOft H.iwn timber. The Hero has an wed at To Kopuru from Onehunga." — •+

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIX, Issue 4847, 10 March 1873, Page 2

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIX, Issue 4847, 10 March 1873, Page 2

PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIX, Issue 4847, 10 March 1873, Page 2