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Amusements Acu _ i ;,- rFIHEATBE Jt- Q t"_4 Ii« M»nig«r .'. [TTlr. J. P. HytJ*. ' ' GENUINE SUCCESS OF THOSI TAUN2XD ABTISTEB, MI^JS , OLAEA STEI»HENSOK And J^R f CHAS. THIS (WEDNESDAY) EVENING-, >»o«, 5> The Entert»lnmcmt will commenct wiUtißao&mkVH ■ Gre»t Br»m» , FLOWERS OF TBE FOREST. , \\ lihmial, tha Wolf .. ' .. Mr. Chatlei Boiford CynthJ*, the 2iny»r*. . .. M !«s CUr» St*pki^O» Lemuel Mr. Thorp* tTrT Tho Kinchin Mr.J. P. BfdM Starlight Bess Mlm Flom ArxtMl THURSDAY, MISS STEPHENSOIf IN BUELEBQUE. Pit, In.; S»«lli, to.; Dr«ii Clrcl«,Ss.

T>RINCE OF WALES THEATRE. Lome Mr. B. N. Joom. NOTICE. Mr. ;b. N. Jones bus much plearart la iafonttof hit p«trons that he ha« succr«<<«d in u«ki»ff lot ta* gagcment with th'it Oa'ebr«Ud ArtUU, MR. MORTON TAVARRESL ..

JJOYAL ITALIAN OPEEA COMPANY. Sifnor Caglinas the hanour 1 toannbnnretbatln eota* pllance with numerous requeit* ht will giv* a'settas of three < oncerts ]a the Cl.oral Il«i2. «<o 'MQir< DAY. TUKSDAY.'and WKD>EsD*Y EYE^IJW, December 11th, J2tb, ami IStb, when th» following Programme will be performed : — ' >l FIRST CONCERT. PiM T. . ' ROSSINI'S STABAT MATEB. Jam 11. DONIZETTI'S DON PASQffAtS, SECOND CONCERT. Vmt I. OOUNOI''B MABS. Part 11. DUET IN SIFFO? Sjgnora Zenoni. .' Signor* Polll. i QUaRTBTTB IN BIGOUTIO: Sff no*» 007, Rffnonk P. -111. * Signer E-sn*tl. Siirnor Coli»». r OVEHTURB BY CfIOBAL BQCIETT. , , TftlO IN LUOREZIA BORGIA : Slfnor* Zepnnl. Sign or HoidaU, Signor L'ondi, Slenor C*rll it gntified to bt able to ny th»t k» will b« Milcted l)f tho strenfth of tb« B»od Mil Chorus of the Choral Society. - ■ > Pricw of Adtniuion :— Tioketi for the Three Concerts : fleierved Se«u Ml U,< TiokeU for Ona Concert : Reienred S»»U 0 lOf TheGftllery q 4i* Box office and plan open at T'pton and Co '«. N.B.— Members of the Chor»l Society, on producing their member's ticket to Kant. Upton ami Co. dax receire tickets for Signor Cagli's «rl»i of tbrM Ooncerts at tho reduced price of 16$. /CHORAL- SOCIETY, Th» new Society's year commancts on D'r«jnb4r Ist, and tickets art to be hod at M«m. tJpWs, Queeo-*treet. The »ttf.i.d»nct of all performing Memben is particularly deiired at the pracilcas for tha approaching concer's. Tickett tf Hdmix»ihft to the 0 rcheitra will be Issued oily to tkoie attending punctually. Application for membership may be left At M» Connells office, Shortland-street.or at Mei.irs.Uptoa's, W, H. CONNKLL, Hon. Sec. Awn TTATTai? — QTTiTTcimn/^tt Mr*. Lewis's Breakinf -up Farewell Ball Is unatold* ably postponed till Tuesday, 10th Instant. ; ■ ■- l« ■■■'■ '""ft Sporting. /^REYMOUTH RACE MEETING, 18tk \JC «nd 10th March.— Tuesday. 19th March. 18J1 Orcy mouth Jockey Club Handicap, of 200 son. 2 second horse to sate his stftht. Nominations X guineas, and acceptance!- 7 guineas. DitUnce. S| miles. Nominations will close on Dec mber 31, handicap declared on January 21, an<> acceptances r»ceived up to February 29 next. Nominations an 4 acceptances to hold good if bearing poi>t mark of above dates.— James Payne, Hon. Sec.

Ecclesiastical. THE AUCKLAND DISTRICT WES. LF.YAtf SUNDAY SCHOOL*' TE\-MEETIN(J wilt b« held in the Pitt-ntreet Schoolroom, THIS EVENING, December 6, *t«.8O o'clock. After TV« there will bo « PUBLIC MESTIZO, at which Addreisn upon lubjects of inte'o»t will b© delivered bj Miniitert (now attending th« Diatrict, Meeting) and other frUndi. Ouri-'f; the freninff >«riout piecet of mmlo will ba rendered bjrtht' Scholnri. Admiiiion, li. Cd.; Children, li. JUBT PUBLISHED, the 7th Number of the 2nd voJ of THE CHRISTIAN TIMES. Pmor: Bix«nok. Publiihed by 1 hio. Coopkh, »t tbe Dajmt SorjXBX|ix Ctoas tfflce, Queen-ftreet.

Merchandise. T ANDING, EX 'CHILE,' FROM LONDON, 100 cuks TEN ENT'S ALE 100 cue* BIOOD'S STOUT £0 c»m Deinb»rd'» Vo. 2 MOSKLLX, (ttftitf »ud plnt» IK) cues Henneuy't BEANDY S5 i-cuk> FORT »nd BHEKRY W£NX SO J-CMk« SO o.p. RUM 2^o p»ck»r«» OROUERIES, oompriiiDg Surjlnei, Salmon, Lofoten OU»,4c. H. S. MEYEI-Steo., Quttn-iUtet WfaMf

Miscellaneous. CBONNINGTON Ru jtut received A Cosaif nment of Three Magnificent GERMAN-MADE COTTAGE PIANOFORTES, Full Trichord, and "err modern improvement; luual price £76. The*© initrunaenU "Will ik Sold tor £56 tucn hit Caw, To «mure » speedy mlb, and they will I* found the greattit btrcalm in pltnofort«i eTor offerxl Id i.dck> l«od. May b» ie«M at WKBT £ CO.'S, Quetn-itreot S*v*r»] Harmonium* for **)• ckeap. pRIOKET! CROQUET! A LAKOE NKW BTOCT Of CrlcVrt Bttf, Bt«tup», Bhlli, Glorei, L«f Goanb Bf»t I/iodon-made S»t» of Croquet Ladiei' ami Oetitleman'a Lawn Killturdi San Bowls. Quoiti. Footballi, Fenelng gliokg Toili,Uuk»,Q\orei,ite , at H. PENDRLOWS, ItoDUonprr, IW, Qne«n>atK«k

QK(\ SACKS PRIME TABLE POTATOES, Fox Bali, AT dt, A SACK, DELIVERED, JAKINB * WILI/-OX, 2>urhatE'*tre«t. XTEW POTATOES. NEW POTATOES. ' ±S NJJW POTATOES.— Tb© rob*erib«r. h»vin f m%&* »rr»ngemenU for the •»'»!« of TliomM Ctwkw^H'g Potatoes, io pr« ared to aopply th«m in war (jMHntlty dellrered to ordur in t irn. or 'o the >i »«»n» l >ojitn for , the Tb*m«i or Ck>roman(!«l. Shipping mppiitd kt (b* »hor tot notice. * . . Alto. 20 torn Old PoUtotl or Mi, In good ordv. LW, SAW 9»»«tt^UMt, ■

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4456, 6 December 1871, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4456, 6 December 1871, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4456, 6 December 1871, Page 1