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English Advertisements. T ONDON JOURNAL (ILLUSTRATED) ■ 4 —Original and Deoply-intorcsting .Domestic Novel.?, by th* first authors . LONDON JOURNAL — Every Month— Copyright . Coloured- Fashion-plate, designed expresily by renowned Continental artists. rLONDON, . JOURNAL i- Evem »Month — Monster ' Ladies' Supplement; of Fashions, Patterns, und Needlework. LONDON JOURN'ALr-iJvery Month— Chronicle of Fashion', describing all the most recent events iu the world of fashion. LONDON JOURNAL-Original and Popular Music, Vocal and Instrumental. LONDON JOURNAL— Short Tales— interesting and exciting. LONDON JOURNAL— General- Articles and Essays on Literary, Social, Political, Topographical, and Historical Subjects. LONDON JOURNAL-The best selection of Witty and Laughable Jokes. LONDON JOURNAL-Thousands of Useful RcceipU for the HoUMhold. LONDON JOURNAL-r-Charming Poetry, original and selected. LONDON JOURNAL-Scientiflc and Statistical Information for Architects, Engineen, and Mechanics. ' LONDON JOURNAL -Voluminous Personal Correspondence on every topic. LONDON JOURNAL-The bost, cheapest, largest LONDPoriodical, with the greatest circulation. LONDON JOURNAL in Monthly Parts, Sevenpence. LONDON JOURNAL, Half-yearly Volumes, Four Shillings and Sixpence. LONDON JOURNAI Volumes 1 to 53 are now ready, bound in cloth. LONDON JOURNAL may be had of all Booksellers in tho Colonlos at a slight advance on London publishing price LONDON JOURNAL-Parts and Volumes are always in pnnt. > LONDON JOVRNAfc Office, 332, Strand, London. LONDON JOURNAL. — The Proprietor bogs his Colonial readers to obtain his Journal through the Local Agents.

FURNITURE, CARPETS, AND BEDDING.— Ax Illustrated Fornitdre Cati toacjB.containing nearly COO Designs, of every descrip tion of Furniture, faithfully drawn from our own Btcck, will be forwarded gratis, or may be had at tho office of this journal, on application. All Orders for Export carefully packed in dampproof cases, and shipped without delay, at a charge of *- 10 per cent, on amount of order. Remittances in advance to be sent direct to London, crossed London and County Bank, or made payablo , at London Agonts of remitter. LEWIN CEAWCOUR & CO., UPHOLSTERERS AND CABINET, MAKERS, 73, 75, and 81, BROMPTON ROAD, LONDON. Established 70 Ykars. N.B.— Every Description of Merchandise supplied on the most liberal terras.

JW. BENSON, Watch- and Clockmaker , to the Prince of Wales. PRIZE MEDALS— LONDON, DUBLIN, AND I'AKIS 8TE«T FACTORY FOR CW0K8 4ND WATCHES, LUDGATE HILL AND OLD BOND-ST., LONDON. Established 1840. Merchants, Shippers, and Wholesale Buyers aro specially invited to obtain from the Manufactory the Illustrated Catalogue of Watches, Clocks, ChaiM, Jewellery, &c, bofore sending thoir order3 elsewhere, as not only tiro the discounts liberal, but tho selection can bo rnado from tho Lirgest stock in the world. OrJers can bo sent direct to the Mannfactory (Ludgate Hill), or through Merchants or Shippers in England. Watches—To suit all climates, all countries, all tnstes, and the occupations of every one, 200,000 havo already been sold, and are in all parts of the world, at prices from 2 to 200 Guineas. Watches, Chronometors, Chronographs, Keyless, Repeaters, Lover3, Horizontals, for Ladies and Gentlemen. CtocK3— For Dining- and Drawing-rooms, Carriages Churches, Hall or Shop, Perpetual Calendars. Wind Dials, <bc. jKWKMiEnv— Specialities in Monograms, Diamonds, Crystals, and Fine Gold, for Bridal and other patents. Silver and Klkctro Plate— l-or Presentation, Racing, Dinorsa la Russe, or Ton Tables, A.C., &c. Watohos sent safe by post to all parts of tho world.

ADAMS'? PATENT C. F. BREECHLOADING KEVOr/VERS as erduilvely adopted by H.M. Vftr Department Roprinti of Special Articles from the Times, Engineer, Daily Telegraph, Pall Mall Gazette, <kc, on competitive trials of this Revolver, with price lists, can lie obtained on application to John Adams at the Factory and Depot, 391, Strand, London, W.O. THE SOLE ADDRESS. Breech-loading Guns.nfles with all necessaryappurtenances. CAUTION.— It is neoessary to caution purchasers a?«inst spurious imitations of this Revolver of tho most inferior make.

rilHE GOSPEL OAK IRON AND GAL1 VANISED IRON AND WIRE COMPANY, IRON MANUFACTURERS AND GALVANISERS The Gospel Oak is the oldest manufacture of Gal vanised Iron in England. Tho original Galvanised Tinned Iron was first mado at those Works in the yoarl842. This iron obtained the Prlro Medal for 'Excellent Quality" at the Great Exhibition in 1S152. It being tho only Prize Medal in the trado. The prizo is now greatly reduced. Works: Gosptl Oak Iron Works, Tipton. „ Mitre Works, Wolverhampton. Regont's Canivl,Liinchouso, London Warehouse : CO, Upper Thames-street, LondoD. Export Otilce: King WUliam-street. London. TT" EATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. This Universal Remedy now stands tlio first in public favour and confldenco ; this result has been acquired by the test of fifty yenis' oxperienre. Thtse lozenges may be found on sale iu every Kritiili Colony ; and throughout India and China they have been highly esteemcri wherever intioduccd. For Coughs, Actlima, and all affections of the Throat and Chest they are the most agreeable and eilicucious remedy ; they do not contain opium or any other deleterious drug, and may therefore bo taken with perfect safety by the most, delicate constitution. Sold in boxes, tins, and bottles of various sizes. KEATING'S CHILDREN'S WORM TABLETS. The great rtmody for these disorders in adults and children can now bo administered in tho form of a Purely Vegetable Sweetmeat, at onco agrecalilo and effective. Testimonial :—" Batlcy, January 20, Ife69. Sir,— One of my childien, aged two ye.m and four months, bain? troubled with worms, I was induced to try your Bon Bon*. I pnrchnieil some from Mr. B. Whitaker, Chemist of Bntloy, nnd after taking two only, xho voided nine large womis. '1 wo days After another dose, she again voided three more; tluee of them, the worst, measuring from 8 to 9 inches each in length. I consider them a most invaluable remedy, and should bo tried by alt suffering from worms — (Signed) John fTEXf-o.v.— Witness, li. Whitaker.— To Mr. Kentinp, London." Sold iu tins and bottles of various sizes. KEATING'S INSECT-DESTROYING-POWDER. This Powder is Quito Harmless to Animal Life, but isunrlvalled in Destioying Fleas Bugs, Cockroaches, Beetles, Mosquitoes, and every otherspecies of insects. Sold in pnekots, tins, and bottles of various sizes, Tho public are particularly requested to °bserve, that all the above preparations beur the Trade Mark. Sold by all Chemists and Druggists. OETTS'S CAPSULE PATENTS. To prevent infringoments.notice Si hereby given that BEi'TS'Sname is on every Capsule he makes for the principal merchants in England and France, thus enabling vendor, purchaser, and consumer not onJy to Identify the genuinaness of tho Capsule, but l«c\sis« the contents of the vessel to which it is applied. The Lord Chancellor, in his judgment, said that tho Capsules are not used merely for the purpose of the orunment, but that they are serviceable in protect, ng the wiue from injury Mid ensuring its genuineness. Manufactories: 1, Wharf Road, City Roud, London ; and Bordeaux France. Notices. .

EXTRACT from page 80 of New Zealand Gazette No. 8, February 4, 1871. Colonial Secretary's Office, Wellington, February 3, 1871. In compliance with recommendations contained in the Reports of tho Flax Commission Committee, and of the Joint ( ommittea on Colonial Industries, to the effect that " premiums not exceeding in th* whoJo £600 should be granted for the encouragement or Sericulturo in the colony," nnd that the development of ceitain industrial pursuit* would often b« best promoted by the offer of » bonus on production, tlie following rewards are offered, subject to the unuermentloned conditions :— A bonus of 50 per cent, on the valuo realised is offered for the production of the first £1,000 worth of cocoons of the silkworm or eggs of the silkworm produced in Ihe colony, to be paid on quantities of not leu value than £50 or moie than £100 produced by any one person. To any person or porsons who shall manufacture | wltbin the colony from New Zealand fl>x— For tho first 600 ream* of Printing Paper. * »um o £400, and a further sum of £250 for the flrH 500 Mams of Packing Taper; and Hie »^ e » nm for , th * flr*t 10,000 yards of Scrim-clotU suitable for covering flax bales. Conditions. The required quantity of each article to be com pleted before June 30, 1872. The weignt of each ream of printing paper to be not less than 301b., of each ream of packing : P»|W not less- than *0lb., and of each piece of scrim-cloth of WO yard* in length and doutlc-widlh not les* than 301b. f-ii«» Tmvrntin will bfl paid on the certificate of »n above condition* have been complied

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4402, 4 October 1871, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4402, 4 October 1871, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4402, 4 October 1871, Page 2