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5^11? 'CTTY OF AUCKLAND.' All Accounts against this Vessel, up to date, in connection with the lute accident, me requested to be lodeed in duplicate at our oflice by 12 o'clock To-day Cittiuttlay) ORrieKsn ask. s:_jvrt & co.. Agents. High-street, Anekluul, Mmi.irv ->S, 3571

QAN FRANCISCO, AND OVERLAND >O toEnpland - Tho Cnliforniin, New Zealand, and Australian Mftil Line of Steam Packets,under contract with the Government • f New Zealand for a monthly service, cirryinc the European and American mails.— Tho Splendid Ste.mi Packet 'WONG A WONG A,' J. aut, I>q , i'omm wider, will leave the Queenstreet Wharf, cunviiig the English Mail, at 2 p.m. on rncMlny. 7tl» February, 1871 For full iuriicnliiis of tho thiough-routc, apply to H. M. JERVIS, Agent. January 1), IS7I. _


'JAMES PATERSON F. Moonr, Commander, Will ls_va Aucklai d /or Fiji on or about Tuesday. tliefrtiprov. For freight or passage apply to H. M JERVIS, Agents.

TjlOR SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE Transhipping to fvny port in the Australian colonies, by tlie A S N. Company's Steamship.

Tho f'alifoinian, Kew Zealand, and Australian Mail Steam "hip 'CITY OF MELBOURNE,' 1.550 tons, fT. fimivuß, Commiwi ler, expected on Tuesday 11th Febmary, JS7I, will lea\o six hours after arrival. Va^seiigers will bo booked for above ports at the oflice of H. M. JERVIS. Agent.


Tlie magnificent s s. ■H E R O, ' 750 tons repister, Captain Logw, may be expected here ahont tli^ 10th proximo, .imi will leave again for S\ dii v and Melbourne foiu ili^T if ter aui'al "With her cosllv miyirovcmevts »n<l repairs, the 'Hero' m now unqiicstiod ibl) tho finest steamer ia the Intcrcnloni il li.ule Foi freight, iVc , .ipply to (<UVICK<n\y!K, SATAKT & CO., A^n^, Aucklind ; Or LEDGER _ FRvNCIS, Agents, Crahainstown. lllgh-street,Aupkland, T'linury 23, 1871.

STtAM TO LONDON. — Devitt aud Moore's hue of O Jpper Steamships.— The mag liificent new fecit w Stc,\nisliip,

'QUEEN OF THE THAMES,' Axi at i.ioj<i'<=, - J ,6'o? io., s i <■£,"<■ lui\I ui\ 4 000 tonsburdcti, 400-lwrsti j'lower i ommal, 2.000 imlictert, O^o, os Mudonmd, Comni'indor Tins "-pleiidifl ste.uner hasjusfc been built by Robert Nap-ci mid .Sons, or Glasgow expiesslj' for the jia^seiiKer tnide, is replcti with evt-iy luxiiiy mid comfort, and will sail from Melbourne foi London via the Cape of Good Hope, culvm Fobru.irv Fiom bcrllnfmodul and great powoi i' isftilii pxpectrd she will m.iKe ,i most rapid pns«.ii:e. JJe 's, Hm dm« Linen, Table Itoquisitcs, Arc , pioviilcl 1» th'- «hip for ill cl.i^e? of^enpoi s. •She l- fitted with liaths Piano. Ladies' Uoirloir, tec , &c. Curios an expciienccd Surgeon: also a ,Stew.udeyi Pa«s-nccis booked tin ouuh fiom New %t}.i],nu\ at a reduction of ten percent, on ordinary lutes Puss tc^e moil' v, £20 and upward--. J^or nl ms and full p nticu'irs apply to A. A. UROW'NH, A sent, Tort-street

mTIE UNITED STATES, NEW ZEAJL lAND, AND AU^TIIALASI VV STE A M PAC X E T LIN E. Tm; >TORTn pvcrFio trvn^portatiov COMPANY of li lnci^c'o hiving onfoiGil into a Contrict «it!l tho llonnur.ible the Post'naster-Generai of Nmv Ze il mil foi tho Comoy 'Ui-e of M u!s between Pan Kianusco Honolulu, I«'iji,' Vuckl.iml, Wellington, L\ Helton, nnd I'ort Chalmers, and vice versa, the duttsof sullii" will lie fiom Poit Clmlmer'j on the Ist und fiom iticltl-ind on tlie "th of eveiy month, to cf».,,ueutj6 irom Voit Oialmoib uil the Ist of April ne\C The Service will 1« pel formed by the Powerful ide-wheol Steam cih tlie «N E R R A S X A,' 2,143 Tons I?cgi9tpr ; 'N E V A D A,' 2, 1-1.3 Tons Register ; «D A X O T A,' Of 2,151 Tons Register; all built in 13G">, iin'ler oflirial supcivision, and cl.isseil extr.v Al at Vmcucau I loyd's Foi pisson»er ,ici ainmoditinu these vpsspis are nnaurp.isscd by any .ifloit P< i feet vrangements have been made to connet t with tho P.iciflc Railway, and with the ni.icninci'iit lines of st 'micrs ninnin? betttci nW w Yfnk anil Knijl.ind Passenee & will be booked liijht Hirongli Fiisr-cl.m fire, from all p'Tts iv New Ze.iluid to Cn^l 'nd, including tlio use of the celebrated Silvui Pal in* Cm ov«r the American Con tinciit, will not cxce< d £S5 Second- and '1 hird-class passenßers will t.e t iken .it piopoitionately low rates lletui n tickets it ,i reduced rate will be issued, and p.issenueis will be allowed to leniain over at any and all poits and stitioiu c.iliod \t The contract time hoi veun San F/.mcisco ami Auckland, and vicevers.i j5 54 ilaj! P \^o«jjm^ n\Vio Ya\y to \>TooeeA tiaht thvough will touch Enplaml mWw 40 (l.vys from Am kl.vul. K^crj exertion wall be made to m ike this tho pniiuUr p^seneicr rodto. An.imjPiTHMits will be m.icle to connect in New Zealand witn th» mteirolonial steamers, so tint Australasian pi-.seni,'ers miy bo ronvoyod risht through at a sliglH increase upo"n Now Zealand rites.* will be fjxven iii a future advertise ment. CItUICK^IIANK, SMART. & CO., Afronts-iii-Chief for New Zeahnd, at Auckland, for thi> United New Zealand, iind Auitr.ilianSte.iin P.icket Line; DRIVER, STEWART, & CO., Agents for Otago; JOHNSTON & CO., Agents fo Wellington; MILES & CO., Agents for Lyttelton. November 26. 1870.

STEAM TO GRAHAMSTOWN, SHORTLAN'D, and OOROMANDEL.— The Favourite p s. ENTERPRI ENo. 2,' Captain Seo\, Will receive cargo and passen^'ers for above, transhippinft pissen^ers and cn«o to ps. 'L^lla Kookh' for Corom.indel : froiffht, 17s Od per ton ; passengers, saloon 13s.,s,teeragu 10s Arrangements perfected to receive Goods ex s.s. ' Hero,' s.s. ' Auck anci,' and other voisels, tra,nshipped in bond, or p'iy duty, and deliver all goods at Gralumstown or Shortland wharves. Bilk of Lading or Delivery Orders for Goods to arrive v }._,'„! in our JWDfJs Wjjl rcuCIVS prompt attention) UTl<( gcocts torwmhch \ti &B^Y^TiV\%Y>\^«sa>«X>i\s upon arrival Horses, Cattle, and Sheep for Coromandel at through-rates. Parcel or Small Packages left on board, or at the office carefully delivered by the agent at tho Thames Freight to Thames, 8s per ton, payable on delivery For freight or passage, apply to / J. MORTONjCoehrane's P.uildings, Fort-street j Or 1?. ONYnN. Asent. Grahamstown.

BAY OF ISLANDS. BAY OF ISLANDS. Wcokly Steam Communication with tho above Toil

The p.s. 'COME' ANG' Captain Chrisp, will leave the Queen-street \Vh*rf for the Bay of Islands every Friday, at 4 p.m sharp, and leave the Bay of. lslands for Auckland every Tuesday at 12 noon. * * Fabhs: Saloon, 255.; Steerage, 17a Cd. N.B.— Any refreshments had during the passage the Passengers will please settle for direct with the Steward. W. J. HURST & CO., Agents, Auckland. C. lIARGRAVES, Agent Waimate ; S. STBPHENSON, Agent, RusielL

STEAM TO EIVBRHEAD. The s.s ' GEMINI' Loaves Dftily at 11 o'clock, arrlvei »t lUverhend »tl o'clock, »Uying there 2 hours, leaving at 3 p.m., and arriving at Auckland at 6 o'clocsc evening. Picnic parties lundeu on Wood's Island and taken off on the passage down. Return tlcktt* to pleasure-seekers, 3s. November 22, 1870. J. CASEY.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4199, 28 January 1871, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4199, 28 January 1871, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4199, 28 January 1871, Page 1