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m H E A T R E ROYAL. Proprietor Mr. Norman. Lessees .. .. Messrs, S. Howard andCfc, Crowded Houses and Thunders of Applanso testify to the wonderful ikiU of the world-renowned LANCASHIRE BELLRINGERS, Who will appear for THREE Nights only In their marvellous entertainment. THIS (THUBSDAT) EVENING, Will be repeated, for the l»st|time, ALICE GREY: Or, THE MORAL BRAND. To be followed b/ttie celebrated LANCASHIRE Bt'LLRINGERS, Assisted by Mn. J. G. Joyce anil Mi. J. A. South, who will sing several comic and ten>im<inUl songi. To-morrow /Friday)— Grand ComedrNlfrtit. Look out for the INVISIBLE PRINCE.

THE ANNUAL BALL in connection -with the A. OF. and I 0. 0. F. will be celebrated, in th» Hall of the Mechanics' lnititute, on the evening of REGATTA PAT, the 80lh mstan^ . Tl-kefs maybe had from Mr Jamleion', Evening News office. Secretary Mechanics' Institute, and at Mr. Colo'i. Queen-street. Doable ticket -, 10s. (Id.

T UN ATIO ASYLUM, Tbe Original Whan Minttreli. assisted by other talent, will Rive «n Entertainment in the Lunatic Asylum, on Wednesday. February 1,1871, »t haJf-paaft 6 o'clock.— Proceeds for benefit of patients.— Mr. Gilbert, pianist.

GRAND SWIMMING AND DIVING MATCHES AT THE AUCKLAND SALTWATER BATHS, Bke\kwat*b. The following Prize* will be offered for competition on TUESDAY, the 31st Instant, weather perreiltinr— the first race to commence at half-put 1 o'clock sharp :— lit.— Swimming: Boys nnder*l2 years ; distance, 60 yards : entry, 6(1, First, lfis ; fecond, 7«. 6d. 2nd.— Swimming: Boys under J 6 years ; di«tnnc«, 100 yards ; entry, Is. First prize S«s.; if cond 16i. 3rd.— Swimming: All »gei; distance, 150 yard*; entry, 2s First prizr, 405.; srconri, 20*. 4tti.— Diving Longest Distance : Boys under 12 years; entry, 6d. Prizs 10s. sth.- Diving Longest Distance; Boya under 16 yean ; entry. 1* PnV, 15i. 6th.~Pivmg Louge«t Distance : AH ages ; entry, 1«. Prize, 20s 7th.— Diving for Plate : Entry, Is. Prize, SOs. Bth.— Walking % Greasy Pole for ft Fat Turkey : Open to all comers. Three to tUrfc or no race. Admittance to the Baths, sixpence. THOMAS HILDITCCT, Manager.

PIANOS. PIANOS, For Sale or Hire, Exchanged, Impaired. «nd Correctly Tuned, at Hoffmann's Academy of Mmic, late Brmnington's. Wellerfey-street, Auckland. Leiion* on the Piano, Harmonium, and Singing.


O 0 I R E E. The Annual Mu«ical Soiree in connection with St. Paul's Sunday School will b« held in the Music Hall, Symonds-stre-t, on Thursd'y, 2fith initant. Tea at 630 p.m. Ticket* (2s. each) to be obtained nt Messn. Uptons' and Wayte's, or from any of the teachers,

/~| RPH* A N HOME. The Annual Subseriptiorig to this deserving chuliv »to »f>w 3>ne, jw>a the frtlowin* larliss have consented to ct llect the same tfaioughout the various town parishes:— St. Paul's: Mrs. Fenton, Misses Lysnar, Baker, Beale, and JJr. J. Weetman. St. MatthbVs : Mesd»TOes Mvinto, Maude, Brig* }mm,'\VUliamg, Oveiton, Dixon, Mumford, and Mlw Riflings. hT. Mary's: Me«dnmei Hetleyand Kempthornt Misses Maunsell and Lusk The committee earnestly invite the public to visit the institution.


AUCKLAND EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY. The School for Young Ladies re-opened on Thursday, 19th January, at hulf-past nine o'clock a m.. m the Society's Boom, Weiltsley-street. Lady P/incipal, Mis* Tinner. The coins of education will comprise the following subjects :— English Grammar ami Spelling, Wilting, Arithmetic , Euctld, History, Geog.c»vhy, French, ! Lacir., Get man, Dt&wrai! unrt Ptunting, duel fnstranient.vl Mv\s=ic The pupils will bis in-ttuctedin Vocal Muwbv evening All these subjects^ ill be lHC'ndeil m the weekly routine, and there will be no 11 ex ti «s." The Sc 00l will de open to the public generally ai well as to the families of the membeis. Scale of Fees: For girls nged eight jcars and not exceeding 12, £2 per quarter, oi 15-. pei month. For girls nged 12 yours and upwards, £2 10s. per quarter, oi 18s. per month. JOHN MOGINIE, Secrelaiy.

AUCKLAND EDUCATIONAL J\. SOCIETY Members are hereby informed that the Singing Class will ba Resumed on Thursday Evening, the 2nd of February, at hulf-pitst 7 o'clock. Also, that attendance will be given at the rooms in Wellesley sti eet, This (Thursday) Evening the 2Cth instant, to rec eire subscriptions, preparatory to the Ballot for Instruments, which will take place on the 2nd February. JOHCT AIOGINJE 1 Secretary.

\ UOKLAND WESTERN ACADEMY. REV. PEI'ER MASON", B.A. School duties will be resumed on "Wednesday, the Ist of February next. Fee, per quarter £1116 Class for Beginner* 110 Bourn ujd Edccatiov. Biys under 12 years of age, per quarter £10 10 0 Boys above 12 years of age, per quarter 12 10 0 Mrs. Mason* Classes will reassemble also on the Ist of February next.

CARLTON ACADEMY, HOBSON-STREET. DAY Classes for Young Ladies and Gentleaien, as re-fi rmed a«5 usual. EVENING Classes for Young Ladies from 7 to 9. 0. B. ANDREW, 8.A., Principal.

(^ RAFTON ROAD. — Mrs. and Misa \JT B-nssey's Pupils will Re-assemble on Tueiday, 31st i»»t. Mnnic, French, Drawing and Painting, Le*ther-\vnrk Ww Flowers, Ac: daises ope», or jnivate le«son« given ir the abovenamed accomplithments. A senior class for Yonng Ladies wMiiug to complete tlieir prtuciiion is forming.

TjiDUCATIO N. Were ■^•BKisjnfi'&'^'rijswßisSk'es Vsifc *s& Gfittingon and Heidelberg, Professor of the German, French and L<tm Languages. Symoiids— treet nearly vi«-a-vii Music Hall.

WAKEFIELD and ABERCROMBIESTREET« The B^ardinp and Dny School* for Young Ladies, conducted by Miss Druiy, le-opened on M<wl«j", the 23rd instant.— Private hes-ovM BivGn by Misi Drary in Sinking, and on the Harp aud Pianoforte.

E VOCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT, conducted by the Misses Campbell, Bipon Bouse, Epsom. — Th« First Quarter of the Session I commenced on Tucadny, the 24th Jauaary, 1871. There are vacancie* for a few Boarders.

HH OAT LAND HOUSE, Boar<Hng-a.nd D*y-s«k<Jol for Young Ladles, ! Shortland-street, Auckland.— Mrs. Lcwii resumed tho Pnpih' Studies on Monday, 23rd in^taflt.

/^IHUECH OF ENGLAND GRAMMAR Vy SCHOOL.— Head Master, Rev. J. Kinder, M.A., Trin Coll. Cam. The Bchool Re-opened on Monday, the 23rd. Uoaulers received.

PITT - STREET SEMINARY.— The Young' School, conducted by Sin John Gorrie, will bo reopened Thu Day, January, 28, at 10 o'clock. •__ '

HOBSO Nr-STREET SEMINARY: FOR YOUNG LADIES.— MiIs Hwelden'-i Fupfli reassembled on Tuesday, the 24th January, 1871. One or two Boarderi can be accommodated.

FO ft S A' Lt E 200 boxei Applet (hourlr ©xptetwf pet * T»- . j»er»,' from Poverty <B»yX' J o' 2,000 btuhelt Pororty Bay cinMa S«ed- • J. S, MACFA&IA»» * CO, Jumpy 2S, 1871.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4197, 26 January 1871, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4197, 26 January 1871, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4197, 26 January 1871, Page 1