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SHIPPING STATISTICS. March Quarter, 1870.

QUAHTER ENDING DFCEMBER 31ST.— We have been unable to obtain the returns for this quarter, as they have not yet been completed at the Customs. Total increase 1870 £76,762 0 0

PRODUCTS. Province of Auckland. Gold Export. — The following is the amount of gold exported from this province for the quarter ending December 31, 1870 :—: — Oz. dwt.qr. Value. To U. Kingdom 10,563 9 6 ... £47,125 N.S. Wales 5,321 13 12 ... 24,120 Victoria ... 191 1 0 ... 530 Total ... 16,076 318 .. £71,775 Duty on above i— £2,olo 15s. Bd. tfoU — TaIIWs is ta ha added a large auantifcy of gold held bjtclc from the Baeamber QUsurfce]* I>7 the for the following reason: in the lewion oi imo General Aoembljr, held during the p*«t ye«r,» biU v u introduced repeillag the Gold Duties Aot previously in existence, wLioh impoied a uniform duty of Ss. 6d. an ounce, *nd aubstitnting a duty according to purity. Besides thfc, there is gold to the value of £49,600 to be shipped by the ' Counteis of Kintoro,' which sails to-day.

EXPORT IN DETAIL. Quarter [ended December 31, 1870. General exports of New Zealand produce, at the Port of Auckland, for the quarter ending December 31, 1870 .(exclusivo of gold) :- Biscuits-(plain), 178owt |£236 (Fancy), 29 packages, ... 21 Beer— (bottled), 413 gallons, ... 166 (Bulk), 550 gallons -55 Bonea, 2 tons 17 Bran, 7 tons 35 Bricks, 15,000 55 Butter, 90owt.- 244 Cheese, scwt. 17 ! Coals, 98 tons J 107 Confectionery, 1 package 5 Copper ore, 7 tons 120 , Cordage, 68 cwt 123 Curiosities, 10 packages 43 Doors and sashes, 697 packages ... 377 Flax, 264 tons 4,611 Flour, 16 tons 197. Furniture, 38 packages 1,115 'Grain (maize), 310 bushels 85 Gum (kauri), 1,080 tons 37,145 Hides, 767 , 612 . Horns, &c., 22 tons 22. Ironsand, 2>tons ... • 95 Leatner, 280cwt. «, 1,440 'Machinery,, ( ;25 , ;MiaoeU«ui6<m£&*M6leS ... ... 1,309 [Oil~Spe^m^9,632 gaUons 55 i Otherjkuida, 920 gallons * ... 112 jKtyh,.»nd,Ur^sojjarrela '„., ... < ,50 Potatoes, 19/tbns ... ... ■ ... • 99 1 i Plants and tr«e«, 110 packages. ... 14 I

Provisions— Bacon, 47cwt 130 Beef (salt), dcwt. ... IS «i! J , ltori — - 5 oMepwona, 3.087 388 Soap, 86c'wt. • 127 Tallow, 205cwfc. "\ Z Z 1,029 Tunber-p a i ingß> 1500 ft 8 fawn, 681,670 ft 3,017 Tnw 0A( r h ?Z le *> 90,000 162 low, 248cwi... 183 Wool, 213,3191b. 10,613 v Total of New Zealand produce £64,796

entered in : Vessels} From London 3 „ Liverpool ... ... ... 3 | „ Sydney "„ 17 „ Melbourne 4 „ Newcastle ... ... .... 6 „ Mauritius ... .., ... 1 „ South Sea Islands „, ... 10 „ HobarTown 2 „ San Francisco ... ... 5 51 With cargoes, 51 ; tonnage, 17,362 ; passengers, 750 ; ballast, nil. Cleared out : Vessels. For London 5 „ Sydney '. ... 16 „ Newcastle ... ... ... 9 „ Sea South Islands 8 „ Queensland 1 „ Hobarfc Town 1 „ Guam ... ' 2 42 With cargoes, 41 ; tonnage, 10,107; passenger39l j ballast, 1. Total, 42. June Quarter, 1870. Entered in : Vessels. From London 5 „ Liverpool 3 „ Sydney 14 „ Melbourne 3 „ Newcastle ... 10 „ Honolulu 2 » Fiji 2 „ S.S. Islands 10 „ Gladstone 1 „ HobartTown 3 „ San Francisco.., ... ... 1 54 With cargoes, 53 ; tonnage, 19,505 ; passengers, 51 1 ; with ballast, 1, Total, 54. Cleared out : Vessels. For London 4 j, Sydney 15 „ Newcastle 14 „ Honolulu 3 „ Fiji 4 „ S.S. Islands 13 „ Queensland 1 „ HobartTown 2 56 With cargoes, 45 ; tonnage, J7,794 ; passengers, 465 ; with ballast. 11. Total, 56. September Q (tauter, 1870. Entered in — Vessels. From London 3 „ Liverpool 2 '„ Sydney 13 „ Newcastle 10 „ Queensland 2 „ Adelaide 2 „ HobartTown 1 „ Honolulu 3 „ Fiji 5 „ South Sea Islands 8 Total 49 Tonnage, 18,103; passengers, 510 ; with cargoes, 46 ;in ballast, 3. Total, 49. Cleared Out: Vessels. For London 3 „ Sydney 14 „ Newcastle 12 „ Queensland 2 „ HobartTown 1 „ Guam .. ... ... ... 3 „ Honolulu ... . ••• 3 Fiji 13 „ New York 2 „ South Sea Islands 6 Total 59 Tonnage, 20,261 ; passengers, 198 ; with cargoes, 52 ;in ballast, 7. Total, 59. December Quarter, 1870. Entered in: Vessels. From London 4 „ Liverpool 2 „ Sydney 14 „ Newcastle o „ Honolulu 3 „ Mauritius 1 ;; Fiji 10 „ South Sea Islands 9 „ Gladstone 1 „ Hobart Town 1 Total 53 Tonnage, 17,303 ; passengers, 790 ; with cargoes, 51 ; in ballast, 2. Total, 53. Cleared out: Vessels. "For London... ... ... •■• „ Sydney 15 „ Newcastle 16 „ Honolulu 3 ,; Fiji 16 „ South Sea Islands 9 „ HobartTown 1 „ Guam 1 Total 64 Tonnage, 16,829 ; passengers, 480 ; with cargoes, 55 ; in ballast, 9. Total, 64. CUSTOMS REVENUE. Quarter ended March 31, 1870. Spirits £17,411 Spirits, New Zealand 42 Cigars and snuff ... , 831 Tobacco 5,867 Wine 2,036 1 Ale and beer in wood 138 Ale and beer in bottle 1,127 Tea ... 2,826 Coffee, cocoa, &o 354 Sugar and malasses 4,744 Firearms , 6 Shot 60 Goods by measurement 8,504 Goods by weight 1,806 Goods valorem 66 Other duties not specified 803 Tdtd £48;460 CrOlTOajWlKitag quarter, 9 — 43,054= Increase March quarter, 1870 ... £5,406 Quarter ended JtJNE 30, 18,70. Spirits '.' ... " £19,254 , Spirits, New Zealand 68 Cigars and snuff 331 Tobacco ... ' 5,208 Wine 1,315 Ale and beer in wood 50 Ale aud beer in bottle 1,270 Tea ... 2,526 Coffee, cocoa, &c 407 Sugar and molasses 4,238 Firearms ... ... ... ... 12 Powder (sporting) ... 81 Shot 41 Goods, measurement ... ... 9,152 Goods, weight ... ... ... 1,037 Goods, ad valorem 141 Other duties not specified 1,404 Total £47,964 Corresponding quarter, 1869 ... 52,340 Decrease June quarter,, 1870 ... £4,376 Quarter ende© September 30, 1870. Spirits. ..'.,, £17,878 Spirits, New Zealand " 137 Cigars and snuff , •' „. , ( i(r -.., v ... 436 Tobacco ... ..'• - ... ... 5,667 Sheepwash ... ... 3 ,Wine ... 1,309 Ale and beer, in wood , 94 : Ale »nd beer, in bottle ... ... 687 Te* 2,670 Coffiss, coooa, &c ... 339 \ Sugar and molasses ... 4,007 Firearms* 1 Powder ... ... 19 Shot ' , 8 iGoodßbymewujEßiuent ( „ ,, ... 7,773 Goods by weigbJf /... ," \' r • V _A?<°£ Total. * £45,631

United Kingdom ... New South Wales ... Queensland Tasmania Victoria Guam South Sea Islands ... Whaling Grounds ... United Statts America £ 170,769 105,175 70 473 9,653 22 7,340 190 150,108 s. i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total £299,800 Corresponding quarter, 1569 209,642 0 0 0 0

Increase, March, 1870, ... £90,158 0 0 Quarter ended June 30, 1870.

EXPORTS. QUARTER ended March 31, 1870.

United Kingdom ... New South Wales ... Queensland South Australia Tasmania Victoria Hawaiian Islands ... South Sea Islands ... United States, America £ 208,696 31,465 4,505 7,762 1,772 26,874 5,073 19,833 113 s. < 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Total, corresponding quarter, J1869 306,731 0 0 303,023 0 0 Increase 1870 £3,708 0 0


Jnited Kingdom .. South Wales ... Queensland Dasmania Victoria Song Kong Satavia New Caledonia South Sea Islands ... [Jnited States, America £ 3. 260,752 0 41,792 0 1,914 0 3,069 0 23,250 0 13,014 0 400 0 43 0 29,426 0 136 0 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total'"... * £375,996 0 0 Total corresponding quarter 1869 350,330 0 0 Increase, 1870 £25,666 0 0

Quarter ending June 30, 1870.

£ 8. United Kingdom 135,952 0 New South. Wales 54,179 0 Tasmania 116 0 Victoria 41,306 0 Guam 728 0 South Sea Islands 14,693 O United States America ... 47 0 d. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total £249,063 0 Corresponding quarter 1869 167,746 0 0 0 Increase June quarter 1870... 21,317 0 0

United Kingdom New South Wales Queensland Tasmania Victoria Chile Guam South Sea Islands United States of America ... £ 96,102 39,879 10 270 2,727 207 13,128 13,129 19,778 s. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cl. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total £173,438 Corresponding quarter, 1869 155,953 0 0 0 0 icreasein Se] it {*• 1870 £17,485 0 0


tOUABTEB ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1870. k To £ s- d. S. S. Islands ... .'.. ... 0 0 United Kingdom 66,926 0 0 N. S. Wales 6,051 0 0 Melbourne 361 0 0 Norfolk Islands 462 0 0 Honolulu 417 0 0 Tasmania 375 0 0 Total exports £96,166 0 0 To this is to be added gold export, which i 3 as follows :-~ £ a. d. United Kingdom 47,125 0 0 New Soath Wales 24,120 0 0 Victoria 530 0 0 Total £167,941 0 0 Corresponding quarter, 1869 216,217 0 0 Decrease in Dec. qr. 1870 ... £48,276 0 0

Quarter ekdikg March 31, 1870. £ s. d. United Kingdom 189,345 0 0 New South Wales 93,805 0 0 Queensland 4,809 0 0 Tasmania o»» 88 u 0 Victoria 47,904, 0 0 Mauritius 5,728 0 0 Chile 4,080 0 0 Germany 20 0 0 .South Sea Islands 37,327 0 0 Whaling Grounds 4 0 0 United States, America .., 170,709 0 o Total £395,659 Total, corresponding quarter, 1869 348,271 0 0 0 0 Increase, 1870 £47,388 0 0

Corresponding quarter 1869 ... 58,382 Decrease September quarter, 1870... £12,751 . Quarter ended December 31, 1870. Spirits £13,200 17 6 Spirits, New Zealand ... 144 14 0 Cigars and snuff 517 18 11 Tobacco 5,003 10 8 Tobacco, sheepwash 7 9 3 Wine 1,267-10 7 Ale, beer, &c, in wood ... 23 19 0 Ale, beer, &c, in bottle ... 825 5 9 Tea * 2,724 19 10 Coffee, cocoa, &c. ... ... 272 18 3 Sugar and molasses ...' .. 4,213 15 2 Firearms 3 10 0 Powder, sporting 25 12 6 Shot 5 0 0 Goods by measurement ... 5,813 12 10 Goods by weight 1,924 9 4 Goods ad valorem | 121 4 0 Other goods not specified ... 855 16 9 Total £36,952 4 .ecoipts corresponding quarter of previous year ... 57,103 14 4 1 lecrease December quarter, 1870 £20,150 9 9

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Bibliographic details

Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4180, 6 January 1871, Page 6

Word Count

ANNUAL STATISTICS OF THE PROVINCE OF AUCKLAND. IMPORTS, 1870. SHIPPING STATISTICS. March Quarter, 1870. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4180, 6 January 1871, Page 6

ANNUAL STATISTICS OF THE PROVINCE OF AUCKLAND. IMPORTS, 1870. SHIPPING STATISTICS. March Quarter, 1870. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVII, Issue 4180, 6 January 1871, Page 6