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JJRINCE OF WALES THEATRE. Continued Success of those brilliant artistes, MIBS ADELAIDE! BOWRING, and AIR. J. B. STEELE, TO-NIGHT (Monday), AUGUST 29, Aad Tuesday, Au^nst 30, LEAH! LEAH! LEAH! j Miss Bowring as Leah ; Mr. J. B. Ste.lo as Rudolph. T vB.rv 8 .r. P in^°nTn nC 2c wilI it commence with an English - M? nOf » D * Mo « ntn *l'» Way of the same name, * 3nT^S£?2lffi? Owl utt0 > adapted b * Mr - LEAH;. or, THE FORSAKEN. ?l U °£ hl T " " '" Mr.J.B.Rteole Leab, the Jewess .. .. Miss Adelaide Bowrinf To conclude-with tho screaming Farce of SLASHER AND CRASHER. In which Messrs. Sam Howard, Clinton, Joyce.Keogh and Mrs, Sam Howard and Aliss Warne w:il appear. Wednesday-Miss Adelaide Jowringand Mr. Steoloin y A R C ISSE!

A LL SAINTS' ENTERTAINMENTS. Madame Carandlni and Company, assisted by Mr. and Madam* Winter, having gratuitously giroo their services ' IN AID OF THE STJNDS OF ALL SAINTS' CHURCH, A GRAND CONCERT Will be given in tao CITY HALL, QUEEN-STREET, ox TfIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1870, Under the patronage and in the prwence of LADY BO WEN. A. W. FLEMING, Hon. Sec.


ALL SAINT S' CHURCH. A Bazaar in liquidation of the debt on tho abovs Churoh will be held about the second week of February, 1871, under tho immediate patronage of Lady Boren. Committees have been formed in th« parishes of All Saints', St. Matthew's, St. Paul's, St. Mary's, and St. Sepulchre's. Contributions will be gladly received by ministors and oonimittcas of the sevoral parishes. By order of the General Committee. W. TAYLOR, Hon. Sec,


TjIDUCATIONAL, Mrs. HOOPER (late of Hobson-street), having re. covered from tho sever* illness which compelled her to give up her School and Music pupils, begs to inform her friends that sho has commenced a Morning Class for Young Ladies, from 10 till 1, and in the afternoon an Adult one for Ladies whose education has been neglected, Music and Singing Lessons piyen, Address, corner of Aberorombie-street, N.B,— A Dancing Glass for Young Ladloi erorjr Tuesday evoning.

Dentistry, &c.

mEETH ! TEETH ! ! TEETH ! ! ! —The I. Choipest Teoth in the colonies, all at the lowest London prioe*, by Mr TYNDALL, SurgeonDentist top of Shortland Crescent Mr. TyniUU begs to cull tho piuticular attention of patients who have worn artificial teeth and have received no comfort from them, and hk begs to say that he still continues to rectify the mistakes of other dertists, and assures those who will put confidence in him that he will make the game teeth by remodelling to suit e-s en tho most fastidious. Prices of artificial teeth: In Silver, from sb. ; Gold, from 10? ; Dental Alloy, 7s. 6d. ; Pink Vulcanite, 6s. Stopping Teeth: In Amalgam, 55. ; in Gold, 7s 6d. ; Crystal Enamel, is. Od. Extracting, 2s 6d. : from 9to 10 in the morning, Is.— Consultation free.

DENTISTRY! DENTISTRY! Mr T. TR AFFORD, Suigeon-Dentist, Wake-field-street. Auckland. Mr. T. desires to call the attention of those persons lequirinff Artificial Teeth to his new Adammitino Teoth of surpassing beauty, which he fits so close in shape and colour to those left in the mouth, and are formed so exactly to nature, that the closest observer cannot deteot the differonco. Without springs or wires. Prices : In Oold, from one to a ful' set, from 10s. par tooth ; pink vuloanite or dentil alloy, 6s. ; stopping, 55, ; painless extiaction, 2s. (Id: Old Plates remodelled. Children's Teeth carefully ogulated. All Consultations free.

X0.0.F., M.U., A.D. DISPENSARY.— • T. Fish, Chemist and Druggist (for five years Dispenser to Drs, Stratford and Wright, Parnell, opposite tho Masonic Hotol, Prinoes-stroet, Auokland, Dr. Stratford in attendance for oonsultation from 10 to 11 a.m. Dr. Wright, from 11 to 12 a.m

Chemicals, &c.

KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER, & CO Late Youngman and Co., WHOLESALE AND EXPORT DRUGGISTS, DRYSALTERY, DRUGGISTS, SUNDIIYMEN, IM- | PORTEKB of Chemioal, Pharraa-ieutloul, Photographic, and other Preparation!, Patent Mudioinoi, Perfumery, Surgical Inatrnments and Appliances, [ Viotoriv-BtrbetEast, Auckuxd. SIAFFORD-STIIEET, DUXBDI.Y. ON SALE PURE DRUGS and CHEMICALS ,• Sundries i ll 7aucy Goods of every description vied by tho trade, with a continuous supply of a.ll the c. > ■ prepftrAtionn and noveltiei as they are introduced ih the home market. Carboys, Spscle Jars, Shop Bottles and Fittings In groat variety and newent deiigns PERFUMERY and Fancy Soaps, Atkinson's. Bayley'i, Cleaver's, Gosnell'i, Hann&y's, Piesjo and Lubin'H, Pear*, Rlmmel'i, JUoger's, and Rowland's. BRUSH WARE: Ladies and Gontlcinen'i Hair Bruihei, in Wood, Pearl, and Ivory Back*, Nail, Tooth, and Shaving Bnuhei. COMBS : TortoUo-iholl, Ivory, Bono, and Indibrubber. AMERICAN GOODS: Towmend's and Bristol* Sanaparllla. Barry's Tricophorons Florida Wator, Sozodont, Ayeri'i Medicines, Samparilla, Cherry Pectoral, Hair Vigour, and Cathartic Brewer's liingiaii.Coriander Seeds, Porter and Wine Cttks, Label*. Capiulei, Tinned and Cupper Wire, Cut and Soil Tinfoil, Tying Twine, E« Lemon, Raspberry, <tc. S.W. and G.B. Bottles, Soda and G.B, Corki, Cordial Label*, and Cordial-makoru' Material! every description. Raw and Boiled Oil, Olive, Colaa. and Castor Oils. Spirits of Turpentine, Spirit* of Tar. Rectified and Methylated Spirit* of Wine, French Polish, Shellac, Soft Soap, American Potuh, Arsenic, Bluutone, Flowers Sulphur. Nitric, Muriatic, and Sulphuric Acids, Borax Cyanide of PoUuium, Fineit Quickiilver, Sodium Amalgam, and Crucible*. Holloway'* Medicine*, Cocklt'* Pills. Steedman't Powder*, Alum, Saltpetre, Cream Tartar, Tmrtaric Acid, Carbonatoof S«da, Lime juice, Epcom Salta, Stidlitx Powdon, Baking Powdow, Cooking Esiences, Nelion'i Gelatine and Lozenge*, Assorted Confectionery, Liquorice Jaico, Robinson's Bailey andGros.U Lieblg'i Extract of Meat, Castor and Salad Oil*, White and Brown Ginger, Canary, Hemp, and Rapo Seed*. We are glad to be ablt to acquaint our customer* that our increasing builnei* enables v* to supply good* at price* contidorably under those chaigod by our predecenor*.

PURIFY the BLOOD and Strengthen the Nerve*. SINGLETON'S SARSAPARILLA, manufactured from the formula of the celebrated Dr. Pariera, M.D., F.R.C.S , L.A.C., Lecturer on Chemistry and Therapeutics at the London Hoipital*, is tho best preparation «f the red Jamaica root ever offeied to tho public j it ii warranted free from mercurial or other deleterious ingredients, contains the agreeable flavour of a cordial, with the active principles of tho famoui red Jamaica sawaparilla, and i* highly recommended for its curative and restorative properlle* by tho most eminent medical men. Sinpleton'i SanaparllJa may bo obtained from all merchant!, druggliti, and itorekeepen throughout Thii beverage hnibecona* io popular in th» Southorr dUtrict* that the attention of the Northern hotelkeeper i« particularly requested to it, being tho bo«t and ino*t economical cordial la me.

WASHING done Without Trouble or Labour.— Palmer*! Royal Blue Magic WashCompound.— lt* effect! are marrelloui, and wilhont injury to the mo*t delicate fabric. Ono trial will convince the most sceptical. It* tale ha* trebled during the past three month*, and must, from its intrinsic excellence, continue to increase No family should be without thi* household prize ' Palmer** Washing Compound i» lold in Sottlei,ls. 6d each, by all druggiiti, grocers, and storekeepers, and m*y be had wholesalo from KBMPTHOBNB, PBOSSBB, & CO., Solo Agents for New Zealand. A liberal discount allowed to wholesal* nuy*ra.

OBSERVE. OBSERVE. OBSERVE. The addr««, Paris House, ParnellE&e, .where H: Pope i» now quitting bisntw and choice Stock of Draper? tod Boots at extraordinarily low prices?. * Extraordinarily ckeap to suit these extraordinary times.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 4062, 29 August 1870, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 4062, 29 August 1870, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 4062, 29 August 1870, Page 1