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Met.hourne, August 10 : The opening of the new Town Hall, last; night, was a brilliant affair, 'ihere were 4,000 guests presentMr, de Couvcy Ireland, solicitor, was fined £5 for driving through a closed street, in front of the Town Hall, last night.— Mr. McAlister, tbo leader of the Opposition, has been re-elected.— Mr. Coppin has leased Morton's Opera House, for Theodon's Museum of Art.— The flood at Wentworth ia a foot higher than the greatest ever known.— Fifty-six horses have accepted for the Melbourne Cup, as follow :— Tim "Whiffler, Glencoe, Manuka, Warrior, Piwtor, Bylong, Barbelle, Earl, Moselle, Milesian, Monk, Strop, Barbarian, Duke, Sir William, Little Dick, Croydon, Carnation, Ida, Colt, Molly Carew, Rosebud, Trump Caid, Sir John, Juanita, Al, Lapdog, Flying Dutchman, Florence, Partisan, Montrose, Detective, Marksman, Kate Dalrymple, Roe, Farmer's Daughter, Mischief, Valentine, Freetrader, Phosphorus, Maintop, Palmerston, Cotherstone, Paddy's Land, Huntsman, Nimblefoot, Aurora, Keejjsuke, Zu Zu, Zillah, Sheet Anchor, Romula, Horizon, Saladm, Miss Willrins, Patience, and True Blue. — August 11 : Harris, Secretary to the Bu'la Shire J Council, has bolted with another man's wife, and £000 of the Shire money ; it i 3 supposed that he has gone to one of the other colonies. • — The Government have suspended Messrs. Chris fcopherson, Shakspeare, and Woods, the engineers of the Malmesbury Reservoir. — The Geelong Gas Company have declared a dividend at the rate of 10 per cent. — Frederick Cope. has been committed for trial on a charge of embezzlement. — Frederick Brown pleaded guilty to forgery at Geelong, and has been remanded for sentence. — Commercial Bank shares sold at £3 14s , and Notional Bank shares at £5 12a. Gd. —Wheat has been sold at ss. Bd., and a parcel of Albury wheat realised 6s. 1 — August 12; The fancy ball last night \vaa a magnificent affair, surpassing all previous gatherings. During the evening some ladies presented the Mayoress with a diamond bracelet. — O Barry, a reporter well known here and in other colonies, committed suicide by poison. He had been drinking for a week. — The Government have decided not to send any mails via. California, as the Wellington Government (?New Zealand) refuse to accept the terms offered by Victoria. — August 13 : The mail takes 13,000 ounces of gold. — At the inquest on Barry, the verdict was that he poisoned himself while of unsound mind. - August 15 : The Sheriff has been seriously ill.— Vair was executed this morning at Ballarat ; he made a short statement acknowledging the justice of his sentence, and trusting in God's mercy. — In reply to a deputation from Portland, Sir James McCulloch said that the propositions for further loans for railway purposes would 'meet his uncompromising opposition. — A man named Jeremiah OBrien committed suicide on board the ' Macedou' during her passage out ; it is supposed he was connected with some of the outrages in Ireland. — The ' Maccdon' will make a trial trip, previous to entering on the Melbourne and Sydney trade. -A new reef has been discovered near Bairnsdale, in Gipps Land, the prospects are good. — Flour is firm ; the bakers, generally, have advanced the price of bread. — August 16 : The Emerald Hill Council have decided on surveying the Albert Pa^k lagoons, with the view of converting them into a rowing course. — At the sessions, James Cusack, a miner, was found guilty of wife-murder, and sentenced to death ; the evidence disclosed a degree of brutality similar to that which resulted in the jHotham murder. — Walter Craig, hotel-keeper, and sporting gentleman, died at Ballarat this morning, aged 45 years.— Hillerman has obtained a verdict against the National Insurance Company ; several points have been reseived.— Flour is steady ; feeding grains are easier ; maize is quoted at 4s. §d. ; sugfrs sold freely at current rates. - The ships 'Hampshire' and ' Moravian,' from London, are off the Otway. — August 17 : Messrs. Depraves and Halfey have been nominated for the Southern provinces. — The forgers of of bank-notes at Benalla have been committed for trial. — The award s have been given to the intercolonial wine exhibitors. Mr. Mapleson, of Heidelberg, gets the champion prize : Geelong takes five prizes ; Castlemaiuc, three prizes ; South Australia, three prizes; and Sydney, three prizes. Victoria had 153 entries, Adelaide 44 entries, and Sydney 2S entries. Adklvtdb. — August 10 : The Governor read, at a meeting of the Philosophical Society last night, an interesting letter received by him from Forrest, the overland explorer ! from Western Australia, who arrived at Fowler's Bay on the 27th July, leaving Perth on the 30fch March. He reports that there are many millions of acres of grassy country, but no peimanent water excepting in one place noted by Eyre. He entirely depended for water on lock waterholes, and suffered considerable hardship. — Three hundredshares in the Mercantile Marine Insurance Company were sold at auction at 15s, each. — A man named William Prince committed suicide at Burrabv taking laudanum. — August 11 : The sai\ey party, sent some twelve mouths ago to fix the boundary of the colony, have returned, having undergone great privations. — A petition, signed by eleven thousand persons, was presented to the Government against the opening of public-house3on Sundajs. — A return has just been publisned which shows that the total amount of land sold is 3 953.153 acres at an average price of £1 5s. — The Government have forwarded stores for the telegraphic expedition to Port Aagusta, and an overland party starts for Mount Margaret on Friday Mr. Todd leaves in about a month to decide the route and start the expedition. — Wheat is very firm ; a sale is rumoured at ss. 9d. — August 13 : During- a heavy squall yesterday, a portion of the roof of the Parliament House was blown off and the walla injured. At Clarendon the wind did great damage, at.d several persons narrowly escaped with their lives —The 'Aldinga sails with the troops on Wednesday — Gascoigne, supposed to have been poisoned at Burra, turns out to be a tramp, and nob a commercial traveller as was first stated. — The prospectus of a tweed manufacturing comp <ny is advertised, with a strong list of names as promoters ; the capital is £15,000, in £10-shares. — An attempt is being made to get up a valedictory demonstration to the military. — August 15 : R. Wilson, a cabin passenger per • Aldinga last trip, and since stopping at the York Hotel, attempted suicide at Payneham by shooting himself in the head. He is still alive, but no hope is entertained of his recovery. The corn market is very firm, but all business is stopped by excessive wet. — August 16 : On the departure of the military, the police are to take charge of the guaul duty at Government House and the stockade. — Major O'Halloran, au old and much-respected colonist, died this morning. — There is a flood at Cox's Creek ; J. Dunn and Co *s new dam is completely destroyed. - A sale of 300 tons of flour took place at : £13 10s. for town, and £12 10s. for country. — August 17 : Mr. Hughes has given netice of a series of resolutions as the basis of an Education Bill ; it affirms that the present system is uusatj.yfaptory, and a more secular , one is necessary ; recommends ■ payment by results ascertained by Government inspectors ■without reference to religious instructions. —Several clauses in the Land Bill are passed through committee ; the Assembly's proposition to allow auction between simultaneous applicants instead of tender was negatived ; ;khs. maximum, area for one selector is^fisqd, at 640 acres ;' the Government proposal o£ ten annual payments is rejected in favour of" payments in advance, and of the second and , fifth, years' balance at the expiration of that termj a motion to alio.w payment of, pur-chase-money at the end of the fifth, year was negatived. .. Tswn\— August 15 : Mrs.Btitler, , widoV of a late wealthy .colonist, is dead.—" August 17 : , Mr. Hopkins, on his eightythird firrth'day,- laid the^foundation-stone of $jxiemoriftl church; tocpmmeiSaorate,' the in<> trpquction of Cpngfe^atioiiajism'.by tie late' !^f.,,iEVederiok?Milier.^Statistiqsshow f tha,t; ',6ne-Bevehth of, th.c revenue, o£ (T.ssm'a!nia?isj ( T.$sm'a!nia?isj expended on cuafitabiejiiistitutibns^ v », ♦ ►>"<

Tbntbr?ield.— August 17: A rich reef has been discovered, at Glen Elgin.— Prom the Lunatic Reef; 41b. weight of quartz yielded 2302, of gold. , Glen Iknes.— August 13 : Extraordinary heavy ram fell on Friday and Saturday night. The rivers are higher than they were at any former floods. . Brisbane. — August 13 : A deputation from the Chamber of Commerce waited upon the Government, to urge the formation of a river trust, and the improving bf the navigation of the Brisbane.— A favourable reply was given. Goulbtjrn.— August 11: The Attorney. General declines to prosecute Heaton, for libelling Messrs. Forsyth and Co., considering a civil action the proper remedy. Queenscliff. — August 13 : Arrived : 'Nicholas Thayer,' American barque, from Boston.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 4061, 27 August 1870, Page 3

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LATER AUSTRALIAN TELEGRAMS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 4061, 27 August 1870, Page 3

LATER AUSTRALIAN TELEGRAMS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 4061, 27 August 1870, Page 3