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Ohemica'fi, &c

KKMPi'flORNBj tfiOSSEU. & CO., Latt Vounginau and Co., ■WHOLESALE ? IlH l> . EXPORT DBUGGI3T3 DKYdAHB«8, DKiracJlsJW/SUKDKYiLBN; ' IMi»Olt'rjSKS CHEMICAL, PHARMACEUTICAL, PHOTOGKAPHIC, and" dther ..Preparation!. PATENT JlJSDICIfcES, PEKFUJttEttjr, „ HUflGICAL INSTKUMfiNTS and APl'LIAMCES, VlOTOBrA-STREET EaST, AUCKLAND, ' ,| I ' Su<A£EORD-STREET, X>ONBDIS. _ '■•' ON SAL*., ' •' • ' PUR^I DKUGS, and CHE.MICALS ; Sundries and, ; ■*- PAucj Good* of every rtoscrlptloa used by tho trtle, with it continuous tupply Of "»ll the new prupar itioim »nd noveltiei »s thev *re introduced in the horn* market. C*rbo\s, Spicits Jars, Shop Bottles aud Sittings in great vunetj und noweit dotigiis - v 1'KBFUatERy ' and T«ncy -Softp*, Ataimon'3, - Bayley's, U(WT?r'», Gosnell'i, Humiiy'i, Piehie »n<J Lubiu'x. Peai'i, Kimiucl'i, B eger^i, and RowUnds's. JiflUSHVVARB: -Ladfes unit Oentlemen'i Bait' Brusboi, in Wood, Pe.u-1, mid Irory Backs, N*ilTooth. and 'Shaving Bruskei. COMBS : ToTtoine-shell, Ivory, Bone, and indU rubber. , > AMERICAN GOODS: lowmend's and Drlitol, Suraaparilla. liarryV Tricophorons Plotida Water, Sozodont, Ayer's Medicines, Siiripavil a, Cherry Pectoral, Hair Vigour, and Catharti Pill». , ', . , Urower't IsinglMs. Coriander Seeds, Porter.and Wine Culcs, LaUeli, Cap*ulei, Tinned and Copper Wire, Cut and lloll Tinfoil, Tjing Twine, Es» Lemon, Jttispberry, &c. S.W. and G.Ji Bottles; Soda nnd O. B. Corks, Cordial Label* , and Cordial-makerit' Mstetial* of erery description. •■ - Haw Aut Uoilcd*>i!, Olive, Colza, and Custor Oil» Spirits or Turpentiue, Spirits of IV. Kcctifled and MothjUted bpimiof Wine, French Polish, Shellac, soft Soap, American Pot-ash, Arsenic, Ulue*ton«, Flowers Sulphur. Nitric, MurUtic, and Sulphuric Acidi, Borax Cyanide, of Potassium, Finest Quicksilver, Sodium Atnalgara, and Crucibles. 1J olloway'a 'Medicines, Cockle's Pills Steeduian'i Powdors, Alum, &»ltpetre, Cream Tartar, Tartaric Acid, Curbonat* of S»d», I imojuice, Ep*om Salts Seidlitz Powders, Bakiug Powders. Cooking Esiencei Nulsou's Gi'latine and Lo*engt», Assorted Confectionery, L'quoricu Juice, Kobin»on'« Barley f nd Groats, Liobiii* Extract of Went, Castor a»d Salad OUi, Whlto aud Brown Ginger, Canary, Homp, and Bape Seeds. We art glad to be able to acquaint our custitmeti that our increasing business enables us to, supplj goods at pricos couiider.ibly undar those charged by our predecessors.

PUBIF^ TilE ijLOOD. STRENGTHEN THB NKRVE3. QlNGIiETON'S SARSAPAIUI LA, manufactured *^ from tho formitU of the celebrated Dr. I'dtim*., M D , FKUS, LAC, Lectui er on Cb.enii-.try and Tlierapoufrlcs at tliu London Hospitals, is the bes* .propumuoo #f iho rod Jamaica root ever ottered to the public ; it is warrunted free from mt-icnn&l ur other deletenoui luj^rediants, contains the agreeable flirour o( a cordial, with the active principles of tlio funioui red .Ikmnicd sanuparilla, and it highly recimmcndov for Us curntlve »nd restomtive propeitie* by most eminent medical men Simpleton 1 * Sardaparilla ,m»y b« Obtained from »1 merchants, dfuKgist«, »nd storekeepert throughou tho colony. Thl« btvei»ge haubecomo lopopn'nr in tho Soutberc districts (hit tbo »ttontion of the Northern hotel iceeyor i» ttattlcularli reque«ted to it, being tho best and most economical cordial n ;

XXT ASHING DONE 'WITHOUT RUBBING O] vv LABOUR.— Palmer's Koynl BJu* Magic Waot Coraiiouud.—IU effects «re marvellous, and vriihou injury to the most delicate fabric •'One trial will coi vmce the most sceptical. Its sal* has trebled durin the i>»st thice months, »nd tnuit, from.itf intrimi excellence, continue to increase. No family nhcul bs without this household prize Palmer's Wa*liingrCojnpouad If sold, in Cd eacl), by all druggiit*, ffrocer*, »nd storekeeperi nnd m*y be hnd wholesale from KEMPTHOKNE, PH0S8BB, & CO., Solo Agents for Mew Zealand. A liberal discount allowed to wholesale buyer

rpftESE are diitinct preparations, and are iui|the x cure of LIVEK Ah G'UT, JtHKUMATiSM, and 8YMPATHB1I0 PAINS ; alto lor such disease a as may require a mild 'and active ape'ient, such as BILIOUS C jMPLAIN J S, INblOB3ITON. FLA I ULENC'K, &c. The wonderf ul curt affected by them aie unparalleled, for proof of which the ro&deris referred to tn« p.tmplilet, wliiof contains ft large number of testimonials irom «omo of the best known retirienli in tho Au>lr*laiLn colonies, jome of them tettifriug thut after forty yen r*'su(T en pgtlicy > hare been completely curid by these valuable r«med es. Amongst these are letter* from J itoss, li»q., wine merchant, Melbourne ; < apiain Lawrence, o Lloyd'« Kooms, Melbourne : R. C Spencer, .Esq., Invercurfill ; A. Cumming, Esq. ; J. S. Wagner, Esq., Hokitika ; H M. Levinge, fc^q..^ Greymouth ; his Honor Judge Hackett, Melbourne '; besides a variety ; of others from persons of all ages and sexes, 'lhese remedies tnny be obt.iued through the wholesale j Agents as nbuve, of Messrs, Fel ton, Grimwitde, and ' Co., Flinders-lane Melbourne, and retail tbrongh any chemist or storekeeper. Messrs. Witt and Co. are prepared to receive application^ for agenctei where such do not at present exist. Pwinphcts may )>e had (?r»tl« direct, or of any of tho agent*.— Agent for Auckland, J. N. Manning, Chemist, Shortland-street Auckland.

CAUTION. BETTS'S CAPSULE PATENTS are being infringed by importation of Capsules made in contravention of hia rights, which necessarily are numerous, Beits being the original Inventor and Sole Maker in the United Kingdom. 1, WHARF ROAD, CITY BOAD, LONDON, AND BORDEAUX, FRANCE.

HAIR.CUBLING FLUID, 2a, Hifh Holbom, London.— ALEX. ROSS'S CURLING FLUID curfe L*die»« or G«ntl». men's Hair immediately it is sppliad.— "Rogs's Great Hair JReatofer" has no nodi* tncnt — Of WELSstAJJ, Queon-ntreet, Attok* land. > < ■

f^i HEY HAIK.— 248, High Holborn, LonV7T don.- ALEX. BOSifS HAIlt DYB produces a perfect colour immediately it la used. It is permanent, and perfectly natural in effect. — " Rosa's Great Hair Beatorer" for Grey Hair is speedy in its effects, and is beautifully clean.— -Of Wtt&HAN, Que«n» street, Auckland.

HAIR DESTROYER.— 248, High 1 HgJ. . born, London.— ALEX. BOSS'S DK. f PILATORY removes superfluous hair froan the face, neck, and arms without affectiog the skin. — The "Great Hair Restorer" grmdually restores .grey hair to its pristine shade. — Of Welsman, 158, Quosinfcreet> Auckland, HAIR COLOUR WASH.— By damping the heaa v,lth this beautifuUyperfumed Wash, in two days grey h*xr becomes its original colour, and-' remains so by an occasional ujing. — ALEX. ROSS, 248, High Holborn, London, and all Chemists ; also of Wexsilan, 158, Queen* street, Atiekland.

SPANISH FLY is tke acting mgredient m ALEX. R0$&& CANTHAREDES OIL, which speedilyj^roduoefi Whiiken and thickens "Hair.^ iiftqift'a "Great Hair Restorer" is perfectl)^<|Miocent. in its in* grcdients.— Axxxl KoBi 4 i^8, High .- Holboni, Londoa- wd of WWi. ?&,"&**

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 4001, 18 June 1870, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 4001, 18 June 1870, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 4001, 18 June 1870, Page 8