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WHEREAS it has come to the knowledge of the undersigned that somu of the foreign market-* are being supplied with fraudulent imitations of their well-known ''SIMPLK DYKS," they nodoe that •■•bey have furnished their correspondents with Power of Attorney to take inrt^nt nrocefdings against Vemlors of any imitations by which their n'glit may b» infringed. DANIttL JUDzQS & SON.

JUDSON'S SIMPLK DYES FOR THE PJfiOPLW. Sixpence per Bottlv, jrfk?wi$MF'*\Sk. aie wdoubte^ly tbemott Jn^&k^f^S^\ n-eful article ever offeied j§/©^w8wl io tbe pubhc - Any one fiMPt^'^^K^N^J l cau line them* Vv*^^KJ^W # Anything can be d>ed \^*^vw^x witl1 lhera *° * fevr m^ uu^ 3H without soiling thf hnndo. In England i!gr "JUIXSON'o DYES" are as •' household wonis " Artic'es of clot ing that havf beeu aside as faded and useless may be made nearly « qua) to new, l»y merely following the simple directions •p.'endeii to each bott'e of Dye. Nauie^ of C >lours.--MaKenta ( Mauve, Violet, otrlet, Gr^fn, Bine, .-late, Purple, Pink, Crimson, Browu, Canary, Orange, Black, Puce, Lnvei-di r. Price Sixpence per Bottle. May be h«d of Druggists and storekeepers throughout the world ; or Wholesale of DAMEL JUDSON^ & SON, LOND >W. N.B. — A small bottle of Colour will dye from twelve to twenty-four yards of Bonnet Uitiboi), according to texture. * # * Observe Name and Trad© Mark on every Lottie <>f •« JUD^ON'S" Simple Dye.-, t e wonderful popnlarity of which has caused numerous inferior imitations, wh-ch are calciiia^cd to i j ire both buye>B nnd seller-*, ■if-k for i>ur Cutal<ign»> of Instructions how to uee the Dyie f<>r twenty different pu'poses. A2«^nts: Hamilton" Bkothrbs, Druggists, Auckland.

f^ROWN MOLESKIN TROUSERS V^ nay be purchased retail from all Drapers and Storekeepers, and Wholesale from all Warehousemen and Importer* in the Co vmie*.


PURE DRUGS and CHEMICALS; Sundries *nd Fancy Good* of every rieici iptici used by the tr»'«, with * continuou* supply of all the new preparations and ooreltiea as they are introduced in the homct market. Curboys, Specie Jars Sho]: Bottles and Jbittings in great variety and. new* detigns PERFUMERY and Fancy Soup*. AUinson'*, B»jrley'», Cl«urei's, Gosnell'a, Hannay'a, P1»sjo and Lubiu'*. Pear's. Rimmel'*, R «g« r>a » ««* Rowlands'*. BRUSHVYAfiE: Ladle* and Gentlemen's B«u Bruihei, in Wood, Pet«rl, and Irory Backs, ftai 1 Tooth, and Shaving Brtuh«*~ COMBS ; TortoUe-ihell, iTory, Bone, amd India rubber. AMERICAN GOODS: 1«wnsend's and Briltol' Snriup >rilla Harry'* Tricoplierons Florid* Water, Soeodont, Ayer 1 * Medicinei. San.. panl a, Cherry Pectoral, Hair Vigour, and Cithaiti Pills, Brewer's Isinglass Coriandar Se«ds. Porte»|and Wine C )rk«, Labels. Capsules, Tinned and Copper Wir«, Cut and Roll Tinfoil, Tying Twin«, Ess Lemon, Ruapberry, Ac. S W. &n<l G.B BattUi, Soda and G B. Corxi, Cordial Label*, and Cordial-mak«n' MaUtial' of every description. Raw an 1 HoiUd oil, Olive, Coin, sad Caitor Oil* Spirit*^ of Turpentine, 8piri$» of Tar. Rectified and ilethjiated t-pims of Wine, French Polish, Shellac Soft soap American Pot-a«n, Arienic, i^lu«iton« Flower* Sulphur. Nitric, Muriatic, and Sulpbnrio AcM«, Borax Cyanide of Potassium, Finest Quicksilver, Sodium Amalgam, and Crucible*. Holloway'* Medicine*, Cockle's Pills, Steedman'a Powders, Alum, Saltpetre, Cream Tartar, Tartaric Acid. Curbunatuof S«da. l.itnejuice, Epsom Salt* Seidhtc Powder*, Baking Powders, Cooking Essences $eisoii'a Gelatine and Lozenge*. Assorted Confeo t'onery, !• quoriceJ lice, Robinson" » Barley »od Groata Liebig* Extract of Meat, Caitor and Salad Oils White and Brown Ginger, Canary. Hemp, and Bai* Seed*. We are glad to be able to acquaint our customer thnt our increasing buiinei* •< able* u* to snpply good* at price* comiderably under those chatged by oar predecessor*-.

PUBIFT THE BLOOD, RTBKJTOTHEN THI 'v NKRVEJ. SINGLETON'S SARSAPARII LA, manufactured from the formuU of tlia celabrated Dr. Pftritra, MD, F RCS, L.A.C., Lecturer on Chemistry »nd Therapeutic* «t the London Ho*pit»l«, is ihe bes* preparation wf the red Jamaica loot erer offered to tb public ; it i» warranted free from mercurial -ot oth« deleteriotu lDgredienU, contain! tht agreeable fUrou of » cordial, with tha actire principle! of the f*raoa red Jatnttio* sar*ap«ritla, and U hittfa recmmendK fur it» caratira and reitoratir* pcoperties \>j most eminent medical nun. Si Mi-le ton's Sarsaparilla wtXf be obtained from at merchnnts, drutfgiit*, and ttoMkeeper* throughout the colony. Thi* berera* • hat become so popular in the Sontherr dUtrlcta that tha attention ol th* Northern hotel koeijer is i>ariicul»rly requeited to it, beinj tht bMt aiid,- most tconomicftl cordial n

ABASHING t DONK WITHOUT lttTBBINO O* *" ULliOUE.— E^lmerU Koy«l Blue U«sie W«»h Compound.— Its effects tire raarrellouc, and w"ithou_ injnrr to the most delicate fabric Ont trial will con Tince the molt sceptical. Iu salt h»i trebled during the past three months, and most, from 't' iDtrinsi excellence, cnntime t<> incre»se. Ho family ul b<r without this household prize . Palmer's Waatiing Compound i« sold in ttlei.l fid. e»eli, by mil rtrngjjists wmcn*& stor«\tep«r and may be hud wholesale frobt-f 'u fv >. - - KEMPTHoaNB, paoeiat; * 00.,

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 3962, 4 May 1870, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 3962, 4 May 1870, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXVI, Issue 3962, 4 May 1870, Page 3