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„ Hian "WvxEit Tilth Day -Morning, 2 29, afternoon, 3 0 Wind and Weaiiteu —December 13 . Wind, Nai „ fioih Weather, showery Barometer, 29 SS , iiiermometor, S, 60 Phase or ms Moon.— Pull Moon, 19th, at 11 29 aIUU » \ ! S — DECFMPhIt 13 Wellington, s s , 202 tons, Holmes from Napier and ■Other Southern ports Paxseugets— Air. and Mi« Martelli, Mr and Mrs 4 tames, Mrs. Russell, Miss Russell, Mrs Aicken, f.nnil>, and seivunt . Sli-s tidied, Miss Burke, Miss D Burke Jms-, ./ohnstone, Miss Buc 1 an,m, Miss Williams. Mrs Tohnson and family (2}, Mr and Mrs Tucker, Tilr^ Turner, Mr-, Griffiths, M»^ Stanley, Messrs Bowman, Olhver, Muuio, Nviukenilo, t.ennie, Caslimore, Stephenson, Dixott, Reany, George, 'lhomson Graham, Doiio\ a i, KawUiana and attendant, i lliott. Oourlay and <ain\lj (4). Toplas, M icdou.ild, AVhite Bill, Augustus, Reed, Jsulisbury, Mirths, Buiky, Thomas Jaclvhon, Samuels, Murpliey, McLaclilati — Combes and D ildy, gents Chile ship, 708 tons, Cuthbert, from London 21 th August Passengers— Mi and Mis. Young, 11 r. A Baldero Mien Sanderson, Mis M Wutkins, Mr M Quirk Margaret and Hemy Wi!co\, Mi Tidwell , D , Agnes David and 'ames MeKiniidl. Samuel Lambert, X (.lire, May McDowell H and Lucy JSwingtou . Anlmi, ,lane, Hrederick Aithur Florence iJili«a Ada and Mai> lluinmuigton , l'au l l.uliiuoiid, |H tJnfhihs 11 Wile x Mr., Mrs , Mis-, and \\ altei Perkins — liiown, (. impbill, and Co , .(gents VoluHtuci, -cl«fx;»i2v 2rftons, Ham, fiom Little Omah i Pasatttgois-i — M.ister, a^'ent Ivanhoc ?nwuuci, McGiegoi fiomMan&omii P. s sengers— ', Morning Light cutter, Tiller, fiom Great Baniei — Mnstti, ng.-nt.

CL fi All RD OUT \V \. R DS —1) fc impe a 1 3 Manner, scheoner, 38 ton? Hooyur, for Kussell, in bftllaat — Cluster, agent Morning LU'ht, cuttei, 20 ton^, liller, for thu Or«at iJamei.— Master, agent

IMPORTS.— J)um; 13. Per a q Wellington • From Lyttelton, ex •warehouse, under bond— 3 cases,' E and 11. Isaacs. Ex Rangitoto, fiom Melbourne— l paiccl, "\Y Montgomery ; 1 parcel, W. Yeates Ex Gothenburg, fiom Melbourne — 1 l)ox, Myers ; 5 oases, oider ; 4 ea^es, McMaster ; 1 paicel, Hall; ] p.uce], .\laishall; 1 paieel, oider. l'\ee and duty-paid, from Dunedm — 1 crate eaithemvaie, H. Probert ; 3 cases «nddlei v, .1 Roauy ; 290 bars lion, 18 bundles umi, 18 bundles Loop iron. 3 amils. 3 kegs nails - «asks bolt-, and mil*, 1 ta^k simducs, ( Ogdviu. Campbell, and Co ; 2 cases, 2 cases j handles, 1 C abo, E Poiter and Co. ; 1 b.ig, 2 coils lope, 2 bundle » ivis>,2 cases -iundiies, «"> stoves, 2 casks suudnos O^dvie. C.unpV>ell, and Co ; 1 tieico eaitlumvaie, \V. Eames ; 2 cases dings, 1 cask dings, T. Phillipson ; I cask drug-., 3 cases dings, 1 j (hum diii^s, H Bntten, 1 ease chlonde ' lime, J W. Robinson , 2 cases ding-., •! Hopkins ; 3 cases dings, H. Pottei ; 4 cases diugs, 1 keg duiga, 1 dium oil, 1 rase acid, .) X. WeKman ; 10 cases drugs, 2 ,j-casks diugs, Ivempthoine and Co ; 1 case tlrapeiy, ] bale di apery, 1 case, W. Eames ; 2 cases, 2 trusses diapeiy, S. and J. P». Vaile ; 12 cases di apery, 2 bales order ; 10 hogsheads ale, Samson, Fiaser, and Co ; 4 cases diapeiy, order ; 4 bundles washboards, 1 case sundries, P. A. Philips ; 4 cases di apery, older; 2 packages, 1 box tea, mat sugar, W. Eames ; 2 eases, H. Kohn ; 300 bags oats, 2(iO bags flour, GO bags oatmeal, order ; 1 cask paint, Watson, Rcanlan, and Co. From Lyttelton ■ — 2 ti neks boots, 1 case, Isaacs ; 1 box cheese, Rose ; 4 cases e%^s, Peicival ; 1 box, (Jhadayson From Wellington— l package, Union Bank Austiaha ; 1 box, Tayloi ; I paicel, Hawkins ; 1 bale, ruder , 1 paicel, Bank New South 'Wales ; 1 saddle, Pitt ; 1 paicel, Union Bank Australia ; 3 cases, 1 tiuss, H M Customs ; 1 package, Combes and Daldy. Per ship Chile, Cuthbert, fiom London : — 30 case--, K. ami H. Jsiacs; 523 pack me-, order; 150 pickaxes, ordei ; 59 pickages, Cmi kshank, "-marl-, and Co.; 1 c;»Be, 120 keas, oider ; 1 caso, Kay and Honey man ; 100 ca*ks 2JO package", Bucholz and Co ; 2 cas-s, G. P. Fierce; 13 packages, order; 30 cases, Bucholz and Co.; 10 pockets, Seccoinbo and Son ; 20 case*, 7 bales, order ; 3 coses, fchirley W, Hill; 1 hhd., order ; 7 packtiges, CruicU&hank, Smart, and Co.; 1 case, addtc-s ; 1 case, Bank of New Zealand; 2 packigcx, ad'lrea-t ; 1 case, .T. Fr«;e! ; 3 cases, order ; 255 packages, Cruickshank, Sm.vrt and Co ; 1 bin, order ; 9 packages, G- Turrell ; 3 oases, E. Wayto; 2 cases, W. B. and J, U. Upton 1 c»se, addiess; 2 cases, Hay !\n<l Hon uyman ; 3 oaßes, Sir George Arney j 1 oase, li. Cuckeey ; I oaso, S. Hill ; 1 oase, B, Gitt'S ; 1 case, Gonlton j 9 0»>-e«, U, W. Ke.itl ; 1 caso, \V, B and J, H. Upton; 1 cas,e, Eraokeubury j 19 package*!, Irelaud Brother; 8 oaaes, 128 pa ka^s, 23 trunks E. an! H. Ibjuos j 38 pacUa^««, A, OUtk and Son j '2 OIHeB, ord*T J 2 oases, R, Beuk ; 6 trunks, J. Roub ; 1 case, D, L, Mnrdooh j tiO duimsj B'ichniz and Co ; 16 package^, Williams a> d Co, j 9 paokagea, Lewis Brothers* 6 paol:» ages, E. and H, Juaaos ; 51 )iiokng<s, R. Luak ; 8 packages, B. Wnyte; 81 packages, A, Clavk and Son; 16 baloß, W. C. Wil-on ; 16 case?, Upton ami Co.; 8 paokages, H. Lusk;B bales, J. Allom; 12 b%les, 50 halfhhd«., Brown, Campbell, and Co. ; 2 c«ats, F. Loverook ; 20 packages, McArthur, Shera, and Co. ; 4 cases, J. Koufc ; 8 package^, J. Wallace ; 1 oase, order ; 40 bundles, Henderson and Maofarlaoe ; 8 caaee, order, paokagee, B. Porter and Co.; 2 cases, CruickMiank, Smart, and Co. ; 92 package", order; 7 packages, Ireland Brothers; 2 cases, F. O. Baddeley; 1 box, H. Ireland; SI packages, Cruickshank, Smart, and Co. ; 14 packages, 8. and J. R. Yaile ; 26 puckag -m 25 tons pig iron, 250 oases, Cruickshunk, Smart, and Co. ; 8 cases, 45 packages, order ; S dales, A. Gordon and Co. ; 2 dogs, order ; 198 packages, Brown, Campbell, and Co. ; 9 paokages, E. and H. liaaos ; 75 drums, Brown, Campbell, and Co. ; 11 packages, order; 76 packages, E. and H. Jsaics ; 452 paokagei, L, D. IS a than and Co. j 8 package", Koesin^, D nt^h, and Keesiug ; 4 oasts, order ; 2 paokages, Crnick^h^nk, Smart, and Co ; I o<»se, 74 paok.»g3B, Oweu and Graham ; 126 paoka^ox, H. Fendelow ; 200 oaskn, Brown, Qainpbell, and Co. ; 2 cuss-, J. F. Lsightov ; X oase, address ; li ta»ki, order ; 1 o^st, S, Hilli For transhipment to Napior — 2 oases, Newton, Irvine, and Co. J 1 oase, adurets ; 430 cates, W^tfc Brothers ; 18 paokages, A. H. Rusiell ; 4 ouses, H. li, Ho'der; 2 oa«es, Kitty's and Co. ; 2 paoka^ee, R. Bayley ; 1 oase, J. Brewer ; 1 case, F, Yatham ; 1 case B»Genney j 1 o»8e, A. W. Abrahams ; 1 oase Wray ; 1 ca^e, Forest ; 2 oase 0 , Marshall ; oaBe, Browc s 51 paokagei, Watfc Brothers, 8 paokages, J. Wood; 1 oase, address ; 211 paokages, order ; 267 paokages, order; 60 bags, 1,689 paokages, Watt; Brothers ; 1 oase, A. Brown.

ARRIVAL OF THE SHIP CHILE. The ship Chile, Captain Cuthbert, arrived in harbour yesterday morning from London, after a wearisome passage of 112 clays. The chief officer has suppliecl the following report of the ship's passage to our evening contemporary : — The Chile left London Docks on the 22ud August ; landed pilot off Portland on the 25th, on which day she took her final departure for this port. Experienced light E. and N.E. winds to the Equator, which was crossed on the 25th of September. Passed the meridian of the Cape j of Good Hope on the 23rd October. On the ' 2nd November, in lat. 48 '41 S., long. 54 "17 E., passed a very large iceberg, accompanied by a quantity of drift ice. On the 4th of the came month, in lat. 47*35 S., long. 59-40 E., another large iceberg was passed, after which a strong gale from the S.E. was encountered, which lasted for 12 hours. Passed the meridian of Tasmania on the 26th November, in lat 44-20 S. Made the Three Kings on the Bth instant ; rounded the North Cape same

day, and experienced light easterly weather along the coast, arriving in harbour aa above. On the 7th instant, when within one day's sail of the Three Kings, Mrs. Mann, a second cabin passenger, was safely delivered of a male child. The Chile conies consigned to Messrs. Brown, Campbell, and Co., to whom we are indebted for the manifest of the ship's cargo, also for the passenger list — our reporter being unable to gain the slightest information on board concerning these matters.

ARRIVAL OF THE S.S. WELLINGTONThe N.Z.S.N. Co.'s s.s. Wellington, Captain Holmes, arrived in harbour yesterday afternoon from Southern ports, with a large general cargo, and GO passengers. Captain Holmes reports having left Port Chalmers at 2.20 p. m on the 7th, arriving at Lyttelton at 9.45 a.m. next day ; sailed again at G. 30 p.m. on the Bth, anivmg at Wellington at 4 p.m. on the 9th ; left Wellington on the 10th at 2,30 p.m., arriving at Napier on the 11th at 2 10 p.m., and sailed again at 8 30 p.m.. same day, anivmg in haibour at 3.45 yesterday. Fiom Poit Chalmeis to LyttelLon expenenced fine weather and smooth water ; thence to Wellington strong northerly gale and heavy sea ; fiom Wellington to Hawke's Bay strong northerly winds and heavy sea : thence, till arrival", variable winds, with heavy easterly sea. We have to acknowledge our indebtedness to Mr. Moss, the purser, for our files of .Southern papers.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXV, Issue 3842, 14 December 1869, Page 3

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXV, Issue 3842, 14 December 1869, Page 3

PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXV, Issue 3842, 14 December 1869, Page 3