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A. Meeting of the *h u-ehohieis of tho Golden Harp Claitu (Woiotahi OreeM was held at Mr. "'a office, Hiokbury Building?, on Saturday afternoonMr. Longdell iv tho chai' — whtmtwas unanimously resolved to take step* to form the claim into a company under tbe Gold. Mining Limited liability Aot, 1865. Messrs. Longdel), Uiapman, Macdonald, and Prince wtre elected <» provisional committee to take the necessary steps foi 1 the formation, and registration of the company, A raoetiog of the shareholders of tbe United Service Gold-mining Oompnny was hold on Saturday afternoon at the office of Mr. Martin Sholl, Queen' street, Mr. James Russell in tho chair, when it was resolved that the number of directors should be five, three to form a quorum, and th ■ fo'lowing gentlemon were elected : — Mei<-re. Robert \Vhib<.ou, James Russell, Frederick Whitiker, Allan o'Neill, and Captain Armstrong. The chairman brought Under tiie notice of tha meetif q a proposal to amalgamate the Uni<eil Service Company with tho Aloukloy, West m Star, Surrey, Ministering Angel, and Teuij.le Bar Claims ; aud stnted that, with one or two exceptions, the sbareboldbrs of thugd clniws were willing to adopt that course. Ifc wa- agreed that three disinterested arbitrators should be appointed i to assesß the value of the claims, and that (Jarter's l machine should form pait of the new oompany'w property. The majority of the shareholders present signed a document agreeing to tha amalgamation, after whioh the ineeting was adjourned for three weekp, for the purpose of passing rules and jegulations in reference to the company, and to receive the report of the directors as to the proposed amalgamation, ahi shareholders of the Waiotahi, United, and St. Laurence claims (Waiotahi Creek) nre requested to attend at the offioe of Mr. Taylor, Cresoent Chambore, S-hortiaud-street, at 6 o'clock < n the evening of Thursday, August 5, to oonßider the advisability of amalgamating and forming odb company. A meeting of the shareholders of the Rose of DenmarkjClaim was held onSaturduy. It i, as agreed tv form the clam iuto » company, Mr C. B, Kiagaan W»3 appointed legal manager. A fcpeo al q neral meeting of shareholders of the Corouiandel Gold-iniuiug Com])any ( imited) will ba bfld ab the offloe of Messrs. Comber aa<i Daldy, at 8 o'olook to-morrow afcernoon.

A meeting of the shareholders of the Inkerman and Durham Claimp, Hape Creek, was held at tbe Munß'erHotelon Friday, when the chims wereforoied into a company under the a'>ove title, with a capital of £22,500, in £1 alures. 17a. 6d. of which is oousidered j>»jd up. Mr, Walter Sqlly was appointed

I fegal oiamger, and in tuicfc-.i to oblaiu a K.iso o thy company's ground. A riMk-tiiio ( .f the t-harehoklus of the Dainulr;t and Sink to r.iso Claims was held at the All Natio. a Hotel, Grnhnm's Tov.n, en Thursday, when it wa, res'i'vcd to Atnalgnmnte the imerebtn of the two cairns, and form themselves inioa company undei the Mining Companies' Limited Liability Act. The prospects t-f this company, when formed, ;tr3 exceedingly bright, from the fnct of one of the claims having crushed 60 tons of quartz for a result of 620 ounces of smelted //old, and the other claim 58 tons for a result of 710 ouucea omelted gold. A meeting of the shareholders in the Rising Sun and Ballarat Claims was held at Sully and Wai-dell's office on Friday afternoon for the purpose of forming a company. Mr. VV. Weston was vot~d to the chaw. A proposition was made by the al-are-holdeis of the Triangle Clam to ama'gainafce, which was acceded to if fceims can be ai ranged . In such case tho capital of the Company will be £2i 000, in 9,600 shares of £2 10a. each, £2 4s. paid up. Mr. L. Broad was Appointed legal manager. It wns decided to apply for n lease of the ground ; directors to bo chosen at a futuio meeting. At a meeting of the shareholders in the Frin's Hope, Diamoud, Rhaw'a Eeef, and Enterprise Claims held on Friday at the Governor Bowen Hotel (Mr. Griffin in the chair), it was lesolved that Mr. Bioad be appointed legal manager for the company. A meeting ot the sharehol lers of the Mocking Bird Claim took place at iho Wharf H<tel on Friday evening, when all the memberpresent feigned the deed of asiooiation, and instructed the legal manager, Mr. Clifton, to get the rest of the signatmes, so as to complete tho formation of the Company. A inebtingof the shareholder of the Golden Bar and Golden Eagle Claims was held on TLursday, to nma'gtimatc fnd form a company uuder the name of t'u* Golden Bar Company, with a devl«red capita' of £10,000, in 4,000 shares, £2 paid up. Mr. I eighton : was appointed iegal manager, and received mstiuc . tions to apply for a lense forthwith. A meeting of the shareholders of the General St. Ruth Claim was held at Butt's Hotel on Friday evening, when it was formed into a company under the title of the St, Kutb Gold-mining Comi-any, and the hgal management offered to Mr Lowthei Broad. 1 Mr. Dudley Eyie was elected acting mining manager of the claim. [ A meeting of the shareholders of the Flying Cloud Claim was held at Mr. Beethams office on Friday evening, when it was decided to form the claim into a company, under the Mining; Companies Act, to bo eille 1 the Flying Cloud Gold-mining Company (registeied). Mr. Beetham was appoinUd legal manager. The company have a eonaideiable heap of quartz stacked, which •will be crushed when the Moanataiari tiamway is opened. — Advei'lscr, June 24. _ A meeting of shareholders in the White Horse and Star of the South Claims, Murphy's Hilf, was held at the Exchange Hotel, at thieo o'clock on Friday afternoon, at which it was decided to amalgamate nnd form a company. The claims are well siru-ited on Murphy's Hill, near the Koyal Sfcandaid, and s»me highly auriferous lodes have been opeued iv both olaim 1 ?. A meeting of the shareholders in the Bachelois No. I and 2, Great Butain and fid ward's CLiimd, Waiotalii, was held at the Govetuoi Bowon Hotel, on 'J hursday evening, Mr. 1. i<, Johnson iv the ' chair. It was agreed to amalgamate the claims on equal terms, form a company, and apply foi a lea^e of the ground at once. The capital of the company was h\ed at £14 400, in 14,400 shares of £1 each. The name of the company w«s decided upon as the BtchelorV Cold-mining Coinpanj. Piovis>ional directors wei'o elected, and Captain Alasoey wus appointed legal manager. A meeting of shareholders in the Queen Victoria Gold-miuing Company was held at the Peinbiol,o Hotel on Friday afternoon, Mr, Wigsjens in the chair. Mr, John Gwynueth was appointed legal manager, and AJr. Dodd solicitor to the company ; provisional directors wore also .ippointed. Tin ciipital of the company is £10,800, iv 16,800 shaiej of £1 each, 17a. 6d paid up. A mcc ing of the .shareholders in the Little Golden City, Anglo.JVl.ioM, and Fieak of Fortune Claims, Waiotahi, was J'c'd on Tnuisd.iy evening, at the office of CapUiu Ma&Sty, Mr. J. C. Youi ij in tlu Ui^u 1 Tfc w<v resolved that a comp.ny should be formed, comprising the said claims, to be called thr Kouth-m Pae Ho G ikl-iuium;* Cnmpmy, Captain Massey was appointed nui.ager. and Messrs. Putiick Callaghan, James iMcGolt liofc, J. C. Young, Frank Kohmaoii, and John Dur! c were appointed dnectoi*. of the company, The pi. pos d capital of the company was decided to be £12, G00 iv G 300 shales id £2 per ohare, £1 los paid up. The necessary ordcis for foimmg the comj)any weic civen tlie legal m nager Tho C( mpany'a ground is said t<> bo iv a lii^t - ratj pi'S'ti 'ii, bang -xi tho head of the Waiotahi, and adj itiing the Vale ot Avoca, Mocking bird, Hopeful, anil oUier e;oi'd claims, As soon «jj possible the gtound will be tho oughly worked, and we }uve no doubt Ihe coiii|i,iny viill be ef[Ui»' to any in the 'arne ili'tnofc. At a meeting oi the claimhobleiM of the Lake Takapuna and Clmstmas Box I'laims, i<t the ofhee of Mt. F. Whitaker, holicitJi, G'ih.un's TmMi, H \> as i evolved to fi>ini t)u"*e eLnr mo -\ icnipniy, to iie called <ho o '1' ka nna Goht-Mii i.'« 'Joinpany (Kegisti'id) ; c.ijtiial, >.'lB 41/0, w 18/IOU -Inns of £1 each; amount paid up, .-(,];■} 800 Mi"iiVailc, Bisstt, Winto, (Jr>y, find MolJuVnvd wen fi\«-d upon as dir.cfci >d, nnd Mr. W, Con übl,* as lentil manager ; and Mr F. A, Whitiiler as tohcitoj to the company. A lease bpen applied for, and it was determined to pet to work as eaily as pus-iMe to obtain a crushing of about 250 tons of the rich stone now stacked -m the claimi, A meeting of 'he dnecfcois of the New Zealand Gold-mining aud Quartz ciushms/ Comply, linker^ Gully, Tararu, \>as held on Fridiy niahtat tho niSce of n. A'lcKcchme and Co., Williouison-street, Graham's Town. The legal manage i's aecouub was examined, and found aatmtactory, It wv.s also shown ] that a large number of the pioiooteis' shares hut been taken up in this cyropany ; and ib was decided that the prospectus he advertised f r one week, and that operations should eminence on the giovuid forthwith, and that all sharisnot taken up by that time shall be withdrawn; and ib was also decided tint the company should be registered under the Limited Li ibility Act, 1865. A company called Clarktou's No. 1 Gold-mining an i Quartz-crushing Company has lieen recently forme i at a meeting of shareholders, held in Gi.ihom's Town. The Company com»naes tho viellknown claims, First Gold Discoverer, -uidrio House, Harv. st Homo, and Star of Kiin, all belonging exclusively to the Messrs, Clarknon This ground, situated on Wiseman's Gully, in the vicinity of good claims, such as the John O'Groat's, P kehmau, and others, is very valuable. Without faking into consideration the fact of the John o'G! mat's loaders having been recently traced thiouuh the giound, it has itself numerous gold-bearing tea ieis which will shortly be developed, Besido* the exoel'eut machiue known as the Gold Discoverer, erected thereon several mouths ago by George Clarkson, Ksq,, of the Shotover Claim, and now tho propeity of the Company, renders still m< re valuable the Company's ground. This battery contains 13 head of .stnmpeu", divided in four seta — three Bets holding four head each, and the other set having a eingJe stamper and a bordan, the engine m connection with the same being capable of working a babtiry of twenty ho id of aUmpeia, and occupying onby a limited space. A tramway, which has neen elected from tho michiie to the neighbouring claim", makea it accordingly convenient for the conveyance of qnaitz to the battery. A lease has been applied for, and will shortly be granted to the company, Tho right to use the water from the creek is m the Oorx.panyV possession, and, with the lease, they will have the right to use the road from the beach, lfc was arranged to make tho ea ttil of the Company £30,000, iv 6,000 aharesof £5 each—^4 paid up. Directois were also Appointed, and we und^t stand that Mr, Kitchio of Auckland, solicitor, was elected legal manager, and his fiun solicitors to the Company, As the Company will forthwith commence vigorously to develop the ground, wn ar<* sanguine that thf-y will do S'> successfully aud profitably to all concerned. — Times, J uly 24,

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXV, Issue 3750, 26 July 1869, Page 4

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MEETINGS OF SHAREHOLDERS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXV, Issue 3750, 26 July 1869, Page 4

MEETINGS OF SHAREHOLDERS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXV, Issue 3750, 26 July 1869, Page 4