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By the arrival of the s. a. ' St. Kilda on Saturday last we are in raeoipt of later Southern exchauges. The news is of an unimportant character. We glean the following items from papers to Innd :—: — Doormats made of New Zealand flvx deserve to come into fashion at Dunedia. Mr. Joseph Fersyfch of that oity is now engnged in making thorn, and is likely to meet with some success. 'Jhe Otago Daily Times describes it as a handsome article, decidedly betier than the ordinary imported mat, and at the same time equ Uly cheap. The all-important question of fire insurance in Napier is about to be ventilate ', a public meeting having very properly been convened to consider the matter. The foundation-stone of a " diggers' bakery " has been laid at JSfaseby. The proprietor promises, on i condition of receiving the support of the mining population, to supply bread at a price considerably lower than the present one. A singular atmospheric phenomenon is reported to have been witnessed at Oaznaru. The local journal says :— " On Wednesday afternoon a number of porsons might have been s^en. glass in hand, scanning the horizon, where the line of the ocean was broken with elevations, which seemed as if an enormous tidal wave was rolling in. It certainly 3eemed through the glass to be rolling waves travelling southward along the lino of the horizon. After an hour or so it appeared to roll gradually away." Twelve deer wee brought from Melbourne by the 'Alhaiubrn,' consigued to Messrs. Driver, McLean, and Co., Dunedin. A Boal nine feet in length has been captured at the l^ow River Head 0 , Inv-trcargill. The carcase wa* given to the Maoris, who joyfully took possession of it. The Maoris have sold the skeleton of the whalt recently caught by them at Waikouaiti, for the sum of £4.0, a-id it is to be exhibited in the JPolytecliD c Hall, Dunedin. The whole of the inmates of the Southland Lunatic Asylurr — ix men and two women— have beon forwarded to Dunedin, an arran>pmenb with the authorities there having been made for their safe k< cuing, r| hu Wellington corre^ 'ii lent o e the Oamaru Thiics i r>l i fco i that "On fSaturlay evening la&l/ I was in abutcUer's &lwp heie, iv hen one of the member entered and purohi'-ed 31 I>. of chops. On leaving the shop, ho leraarked, 'Ah, the^e will do me two day?.' i hub equently learnt that thi-< worthy member (m the receipt, ivmcnnber, of an hoiioiauum of one cuinci a day) wis one of four who clubbed together, and, paying 2j>. a week —not 2.")'. each — for the use of a sitting-loom and bedrooms, entered for themselves. Mr. Samuel GoMsfcon, of tho Anow, writes to tho Daily Thn"i that ho is on the eve of peifechinsr a a flying m >jlime, >5e nrg's the nece'Pity of delaying the email uclioii of <Miy it'll way until Ins invention is complc'rd. Mr. Fuller, of IJunedi i, ha<? recently rocoivod a cotißiii-nmenb of lc-rosin » Oil, lnamiLictured hj^ Grab un, of Wollongon^. jit-w ISoiith Wales. This nil — tho psoduction dt which promts to become a mosL importatit industry in ustralia — appfiiis to be in every resppct to tho impo jpd Airencau oil. It bums with equal bnlhanoy md st^rdineis, is free fumi any offeuaivo Kmell, aud is sold at the same pi ice. The Otar/o Do'ihj Times sa\s that, a bill for i-ho amelioration ot the roci >1 evil m Zealand will shoitly bo 1 id before the Mou c of Kepiosantatives, it behoves, by Mr. iktcandiew.

We pumUh ia another co'umu a leporfc of the discussion on the Mahuivu»i petition by the Wade [Hylic 'neeting. Tht» mjeiing, our coucspondent sayq, was most orderly, and lie informs ns that he it nut at rM hiu'|i i-<ed at tie fealing against the Provincial Government evinced at the meeting when he takes into account the neglected Btato of the roails in that locality. Flo stye, "So ve>y bad are they that Mrs. Kelly had a very narrow escape from being killed by the upsetting of hey enrt while a team of bullocks weie tiying to bring nome provisions from the landing place. Betwesn the Government and the Highway Board the roada aie left to themselves." We understand that a half-equal nhare in the Land's End Ulaim, ab the head of the K^r.vka, near McTsaac's Comp.ny, was sold yesterday for £120.— Thnet, July 21. A farewell dinner to Captain Wray an I the oftic rs of the Napier detriment of the 18bh Koy»l Irish was given on July 13 at the Odd Fellow.' Hall, Napier. At the Police Court on Saturday, the only business disposed of by the Bench was the punishment of four peiaons for dmnkynnesa. We were informed on Saturday that a quarter share Id the Goldeu Gate Oia<m changed hands for £1.000. We hava been shown by Mr, F. FT. Lewfoon a greenstone moie, roa«1o by him ior the a^d ohi<-f Patuone, of the No«th Shore. Them*** bus h^a out from A piece of {.'re^n^otv* pvewntud to Pt.tu<u.p by (3evoju»ov Sir Gforcju (te<*y, a^d the solid pit-t'c of grconutuno from whioh the symbol of «utuor»iy 1^ b sen mailo i« now ou view at Mr. Lcwi^ou <*. Wo believe this is t'.o only nusro ih'vt his u'.er btoti made by any European, and has fcakeu three mohths' constant application to complete the work. The Royal Exchange Company, Karaku Cieek, iuat registeied, have applied for a lensa compnsing a very valuable piece of ground in the Karaka, above the Ha'cyon Company's machine. The four claims amalgamated are the lioyal Exchange, Naval Volunteers, Gammon, and the Maori Mint, all of winch have already found auriferous stone. It comprises an aren, of thirty men's ground, an 1, being abb to drive ut a low level, will no doubt ,-rove a good investment, and amnJy repay the various shareholder*. The fine weather will enable them to have an immense quantity of stone ready for crushing. ' Mr. N. W. Mas>oy is the legal manager. Writ nc of " The Prince's Munificence," the Guymouth Evening Star 8 »y v' Tho tolul expense mcm red in tho reception of the Pcnoa iv New Zealand is estimattd nt over £18,000 ; tho pmei.ts ha carried away, at nearly £2,000, liw Highness donation of £30 for iho orphan anylum and the education of poor clnldiea cannot fail to evoke grateful feelinoa of the deepest and most indtlible nature. We t-usfc that the British taxpayer will not a^ain be called upon to ie-imburse tho Prince for the generous donaton." At a meeting of the board of directors of the Great United Quartz-orushing Company, held at the offijs of Me S'S McKeeinie and Co., Mr, A. D. McTaviah's report; v&a read, aad received with satisfaction.— Advertiser, July 24. A sxilor named Stephen Trethone was apprehended about 1 o'clock on Sunday morning for obstructing constable Cou^ in the execu'ion o£ hi^ duty. It appears that while tho constable was bringing a prisoner to the lock-up Trethone and a number of J his aasociatja attempted to rescue him The original prisoner nianagtd to escape dv the 3ci ffl', but tli3 conaUble, with the a £»n a>«ce of <i< tectvye f'.rnahan, came up at the time, succeeded m cap'urin-7 Tiethnne, wto bthav- d in a mosb violent manner," inflicting vev.'ial soratthea on 'lcrnahans hand. The lvgular monthly meoting t,i Lo Jge St. Andrew, J No. 418, P. 0., will be held in the lodgerooai, Star « Hotel, at 7 o'clock this evening.

Fifty men volunteered from the i harness mro^n ,9 to Jhe'invilAlion frr Bi a n for service m the WaiUrto, issued by Major Cooper. Half this number weie from tho Tararu Rifle Corp«, under Captain Pinneity. Major Cooper leffc for Auckland on bn&ay on the bu-iuesa of his office, and will call a general I arade of volunteers on liia return wish a view of I obtaining another draft of men for scivico,— Advertiser, July 24, i A Melbourne writer says :— "We_ have some ground for a little bitterness of spirit Under the Verandah, H.R.H. has gone in heavily for Aires in tbe Long Drivo Co., in New Zealand, and never bought, a single mining interest in Victoria. Why did he not try a few Long Tunnels ? We christened companies enough after him and bis bliip •without the slightest apparent effect ? We had great hopes when the late Mayor wont rabbit shooting at Geelong that he would put the Prince into a good thing or two in quartz. His Royal Highness was, however, rather a shy bird ; and, perhaps, he hadn't felt so sure about that three thousand guineas remittance from tho old folks at home. Probably, however, the new investment will rhow in tho next year's Hchedulo of presents made by the Prince in JSow Zealand to his most worthy self. Princes play— p.ople pay." We observe that the Crescent Hotel, Shortltvndstreet, will be opened to-day by Mr. A. G. Davies. We would call the attention of our readers to the extensive sale of mining shares, which is to take place to-day, at Meßars. E. and H. laaacs's, The shares to be disposed of include interests iv the LoDg Drive, Eureka, Pride of Knranui, Inverness, AH Nations, City of Glasgow, and other valuable claims in the vicinity of the Kuranui Hill. The following letter on the eclipse o£ the moon has beeu addressed to the Editor of the Evening JSfevis : — "Sir, — While engaged in observing this occurrence for tbe Royal Astronomical vSocieiy athorae, I thought the public of Auckland generally would like to know that the eclipse took place acqoidmg to prediction. The first contact with tbe earth's shadow occurred at 8 mm. past 12 o'clock, the middle at SI mia. past 1 o'clock, and la9t contact with shadow at 19 sec, past 3 o'clock this morning. The appearance of the earth's shadow was that of a coppery colour, which, as it passed off the moon, grew gradually darker, though, through the telescope, with a power of 100 de^., its appearance was similar to lend. The night being xernarkably clear, between the squalls, the sight was well worth the lobs of a few hoius' re-»t ; and those who did not avail themselves of the t,ood opportunity may have to wait for some yeais for such another. — T am, &c, S. Lamueut, M.A., F.R.&.H.— Auckland, July 23, 1869." " The velocipede mania has reached about .18 far towards the South Pole as ie is likely to get— for some lime at least — one of the machines having been exhibited in Dee-street, Invercarjill. '1 he Souihfand News says :— <s We cannot say that either its aoliou or appearance created a favourable impressiou, foi 1 a clumsier-looking and more unmanageable nffair could hardly have been put together. The only thing it reminded one of was the ancient FgyptMn chanots travellers find depicted on the walh of the chambers of the Pyramids. The machine uuder notice neither drove nor steered, showed a decided tendency to capsize, and went best when puehed a! on 4 by boys attracted by the novel spectacle." The Library Committee of the General Assembly ha 3 represented to the House of R"pte'sentntives tbo veiy insufficient accommodation which is now available for the library, and they have recommended to the Government to place a sum of abuiit £800 on the estimates, for erecting and furnishing an r.ddiiional chumber, accoiding to a j»l,<n prepared some time .igo, by Mr. Runjßey.— lndependent, July 8. la tbe Times of India of June S we find tins paragraph: — "The latest rumour legardmg the festivities at Agra in Januaty n'xf, when the Duke uf Edinburgh vi^it-t fndia, is that Messis. Kellhpr and Co., of AU»h.tbad, have already scored i 1i 1 c contiact for the supply of viands, and that a dim, or ha« been oid<rod at a cost of £0, 000." Au^tiaU , thai, will rot be alone in her gloiy. Whitebaib "perns to b' the t< ch"ical ta-m l"i\?i coined bv the fi<hot b-iy,-, who, do il hngth" glitteiii".. li h m two, put them o»i a hook and us d them s bait for catching flat fMi. White ail wns first introd-iced into the Loi.dou m>ikots by 01." M'ke Murphy, not iiftv y^ais ago, and thf- pL»co whcie )B was hist eilen v/as the Aitichi ke Tavern nt Blackwall, which building Is doomed to come down t .r d. rail 11 ay improvement. A singular attempt at suicide by two 1 .'li" , riding at IJleKheim Cre>cnt, dotting Fill, has In n nj'ortcd to the Kersin£»lou guardi.uis. 'ihrv both sl.ibbcd themselves with scissors, while in a 'tile of insanity : and have since been letnovul Lo au asylum fot lunatics. 'J ho de-ith is announced of Captain J. C Philippe '■aid to be the L<st su'vivi'n,' officer who w.'s pusent nt the battle of the Nile. The de?en<-cr], who wa 5 in his SGtfc, entpr^d iho navy in May, 179b', as_ a, I volunteer, and server! in the ' Minotaiu ' as a midship j ruivn at H:e battle of tho Nile, Aivuist 1, 170 S.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXV, Issue 3750, 26 July 1869, Page 3

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THE SOTITH. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXV, Issue 3750, 26 July 1869, Page 3

THE SOTITH. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXV, Issue 3750, 26 July 1869, Page 3