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Sydney, October 22. Mr. Daixey has b«en offered the Attorney-General* ship in the Robertson Cabinet. The prizes for the A gricultural Society's first show amount to nearly 1,000. A boy fell out of a railway train to-day near Newcaatle, and was killed by the train passing over him, severing his head from his body. The telegraph wires have been extended to Merimbula. The Government Gazette notifies that vessels arriving from California will be placed io quarantine. The ' Whistler' discharges her cargo of Califomiau breadstuffs here. The deatination of the * Cowper,' with a similar cargo, reported yesterday, is not yet settled. Mining affairs at Gympie are reported to be very dull. The departure of H.M. 8.8. < Challenger* for Melbourne is postponed until after the arrival of the mail. Irade generally is quiet. The bulk of the * Whistler's' wheat has been placed prirately. Offer* have been made for the ' Cow per V cargo in one line, and the transaction is under consideration. The wool tales have b?en more active to-day. One. clip of 300 bales of greasy realised Bsd. ; sheepskin* sold at a decline of id. The steamers • City of Melbourne, 1 * City of Adei laide,' and ' Wong* Wooga' are under offer to a. Melbourne firm for £80,000. October 23. The Presbyterian Synod closed their sederunt last nigtit. The drought is destroying the crops in the We-t^-rn District, and unless more rain speedily falls the harveit will be very d-ticienc. Californian letters report that the ( Gentoo' re* turns to Australia with a cargo of breadstuff*. Mad«me Anna Bishop left for Brisbane to-day on a professional tour. In the import markets there has been some alight; movement in brandies and rum; tales of Martell'a braudy are reported at 7s. 6d., and rum at 4s. 2 1. The ' BalgownieV cargo of Mauritius sugars was submitted to auction, and all Bold ab the following rates :— Rations, £26 12*. 6d. to £28 17s. 6d. ; low counters, £31 to £32 5% ; yellows, £33 12s. 6d. to £37 10s. ; yellow crystals, £34 ss. to £36 10*. ; whites, £39 10s. to £4L 2a, 6J. ; and white counters, £39 10s. to £40 The * Whistler* wheat brought 63. Flour is selling at £15 10s. to £16. 'I he 'Lubra,' with California breadstuff;), reported. at Brisbane, is ordered to this port. Sailed ; ' Zephyr,' for Hong Kong. October 24. The Congregational Union Assembly closed itt sittings last night. The red rust is increasing in the wheat crops ; and in the Armidale district a terrific hailstorm did a large amount of damage. Arrived : ' Novelty, ' from Aucklan 1 . October 26. The 'Pantaloon' has brought a large cargo of breadstuff* from Chili. The weather is very changeable, and heavy rain fell during last night. The Waratah Company's report shows net profits to the extent of £15,000, and a dividend of ten per cent has been declared. A man named Bpooner, at Araluen, committed suicide yesterday. When dying he said he had killed his son, and the police are now searching for the body. Arrived : 'Valparaiso,' ship, from Liverpool; 1 Pant-iloon,' from Chile. October 27. In the Legislative Assembly to-day, the new Ministry were announced as follow : — Mr. Robertson, Colonial Secretary ; Mr. Samuels, Treasurer ; Mr. Foster, Commissioner of Crown Lands ; Mr. Sutherland, Commissioner of Public Works ; Mr. JSgan, Postmaster-General; Mr. Josephson, SolicitorGeneral. The office of Attorney-General has not yet been filled. The Assembly adjourned to the Bth of December. Mr. McPherson has resigned his seat in the At* sembly, and will leave for England by the next mbil steamer. The writs for the Ministerial elections have been issued. They will take place between the 9th and 25th of November. The ♦Miguelite' bring* 5169 bags of Chilean flour, and 1,427 bags of wheat. Trade is still dv.l. The Illawarra Steam Company have declared a dividend of 23. 6d. a share. Bain has been general throughout Queensland. October 28. The half-yearly report of the Bank of New South Wales is very satisfactory. The profits on the halfyear are £79,500. A dividend at the rate of 15 per cent, per annum has been declared. The New South Wale) Insurance Company have declared a divided of 15 per cent, per annum. No opposition is anticipated t j the re-election of the new Ministers. t-'pooner's son, said by his father to have been murdered by him prior to hs committing suicide, hat been found alire. It is supposed the unfortunate man was labouring under mental aberration. The bush range -s who shot Constable McCabe have been beard of on the Queensland border*). Rutherford, the man who wan shot in the wrist, was suffer* ing severely from the wound, and his capture in an* ticipated. ihe news from the Gympie diggings is of a more favourable character. in the market for bread*tuff« prices are firmer. The mail advices are causing a better feeling among.t holders. The ' Paut*loouV cargo of Chilean flour will be offered by auction on Friday. Holders of Adelaide fluur are asking a slight advance. Melbourne, October 24. Lockhart Morton's new drags have been tried in th» Yarr*, and have been found to work satisfactorily A BalUrat miner, named Timothy, has been apprehended for shooting a Chinese thief dead. He has been brought up for examination and ha* been remau'fed. Madame St. Denis, a very promising young aotresH, who played la-.t week with Montgomery, committed suicide by taking laudanum last night. She expired this morning, being ooly twenty yean of age Her name was Alice Macs. Her mother, who is a Frenchwoman, was present at the inquest. The coroner's jury returned a verdict of felo-de-se. About Melbourne the crop* are looking very bad. In thejrowing matchjtoday, the ' Galatea ' beat the crew of the Yarra Rowing Club. October 26. From letters left by the unfortunate Miss St. Denis it it supposed that her suicide wat caused by unrequited love. James Edwards, tabacconist, has left here ; his creditors seized the stock. Lord Burghley is a passenger by the 'Alexandra.' The ' Juvanita,' from San Francisco, has brought 300 tons of breadstuffs. October 27. The lady accused by the Rev. Mr. Taylor has made a statutory declaration, denying the allegation. The 'CowperV cargo of breadstuffs was sold through agents here to a Sydney firm, but the prices are withheld. Armed : ' Nestor,' from San Francisco,

October 28. The Customs authorities have seized a quantity of oilmen's (tore?, sent from Sydney to firms here, with two invoices, the entries being passed on the lowest invoice. The firms alluded to repudiate *ny intention to defraud, and urge that the lowest invoice represents the price of goods in Sydney. The Commissioner of Customs has given them 48 hours to elect whether they will submit to his decision, or have the matter taken into the Law Courts. The report of the Langlands Foundry Company i« satisfactory ; the net profits are equiralent to 8 per cent., besides paying £20,000 in wages to working shareholders. A charge of [fraud has been initiated against a well-kuown solicitor. It is reported that the Rev. Mr. Taylor left in the ship 'True Briton.' Messrs. Dalmahoy Campbell and Co. report : — Prime beef in worth 22«. 6d. per 1001b.; and 561b. wethers, with wool od, 9-j. The flour market is duller. October 29. Lieutenant Stanley reports a reef 4J miles east of Elephant Bock*. Davis'a photographic assistants have been fined £100 for having obscene negatives. The betting stands as follows; Tim Whiffler (Sydney), 4to 1 ; Barb and Little Fish, 7to 1 ; Glencoe, Bto 1; Gulnare, 12 to 1. The latter finished with a good gallop to-day. Flour is steady at £14. There have been large sales of oats at 3s. 4£d. to 3s. Bd. The • Hector's ' cargo of maize has been sold at 3s. lOd. to arrive. Arrived: 'Ruby,' fcom Saigon; ' Formosa,' from Mauritius. October 30. Captain Robin has been fuither remanded on a charge off raud,at the instance of the American consul. His solicitor has entered an action against the superintendent of 'detectives for detaining £400 fouud en Captain Robins. The Melbourne Banking Company have declared a dividend of tea per cent. Flour is quiet, 70 tons sold at £13 155. ; oats sold freely at 3s. 9d. October 31. There is reason to hope that the steamer ' City of Launceston will be raised by the Sunken Vessels Company. Active preparations are being made for the undertaking. It is asserted that the Rev. Mr. Taylor is still in the country. The general impression appears to be that there was no foundation for his imputations on the character of the lady whose complaint led to the exposure of his misconduct. Breadstuff's are steadier. Maiza is ia request. A small cargo changed hads to-day at 4s; per bushel. .Adelaide, October 22. Rumours are prevalent that scab has broken out amongst the flocks on the Murray. There is some improvement in the import markets. The corn market is quieter, operations being stopped by the heavy arrivals of breadstuffs in the other colonies. 7.15 p.m. Mr. Fuller's amendment has been carried by a majority of ten, and the original motion befora the House as amended was carried by a majority of twelve. The Government have carried an adjourn* ment of the House, and obtained time to consider their position. The motion as carried reads thus :—: — "This House has no confidence in the present Government, and does not accept the policy propounded by Mr. Strangways." October 23. The • Coorong' has landed a quantity of sugarcane plants ia splendid condition. They are intended as an experiment in the way of introducing sugar-growing and its manufacture into South Australia. The news from the Barossa diggings continues very favourable, and the aggregate finds are reported very encouraging. The corn market is quiet. Wheat i 3 selling at 53. to ss. od. ; flour, £12 10s. to £13 10a. There are, however, no transactions beyond trade wants. October 24. The corn market is without change, and trade sales toalimitedextent have been made at quotations. October 26. The Ministerial crisis has assumed an entirely new phase. His Excellency informed his advisers to-day that he had reconsidered his assent to a dissolution, and he now thought it should not take place until one more attempt had been made to form a Ministry out of the present House. The Ministry thereupon tendered their resignation, and Mr. Fuller, the mover of the amendment, was sent for. Mr. Fuller has accepted the task, and got till Thursday to complete his arrangement!. The Victoria Regia has proved a great attraction to the Botanic Gardens, and over 30,000 persons have viVited it since it came into bloom. The corn market is very quiet. A sale of 6,000 bushels of new wheat at ss. 3d. is reported. October 27. Arrived: 'Darra' and 'South Australian,' ships, from London. The annual agricultural show will come off on Friday. It is anticipated it will be the best show ever, held in the colony. The ship ' City of Adelaide' takes 600 tons of flour for the English market. The ' South Australian' has brought a party of men to erect the Port Adelaide screw pile lighthouse » The corn market is firm. A parcel of 5, 000 bushels of Port MacDonnell wheat sold yesterday at da. 6J., for shipment to England. Flour is quoted at £12 15s. to £13 10s. The n«ws by the Panama mail is likely to strengthen the market. Arrived i ' Isis,' from Foo-chow-foo, with a cargo of new teas. Sailed: ' Coorong.' October 23. The Wesleyans have petitioned Parliament for an alteration in the law, so as to secure the better observance of the Sabbath. Reports are in circulation to day of farther gold discoveries near Adelaide, but nothing' definite has transpired. The corn market is still quiet. Sales of wheat to a limited extent have been made at ss. 6d. October 29. Rumours are prevalent of scab having broken out amongst the flocks on the Murray* There is some improvement in the import market. The corn market is quieter, operations being stopped by heavy arrivals in other colonies> 7.15 p.mi Mr. Fuller's motion was carried by a majority of 10, and the motion as amended was then carried by a majority of 12, which reads thus ;— " That this House has no confidence in the present Government, and does not accept the policy propounded by Mr. Strangways." The Government have obtained the Adjournment of the House in order to consider their position* October SO. Another shock of earthquake is reported at Clare at 6 o'clock yesterday morning. Mr. Fuller in the Assembly expressed regret that the Governor had sent for Mr, Strangways,and hinted that his Excellency was acting from influence behind the scenes. Mr. Strangwaya spoke strongly as to the bad taste exhibited by Mr. Fuller in speaking thus of the Governor. He stated that he had till Monday to form an Administration. The corn market si unaltered* Brisbane, October 26. A fire occurred on Saturday night in George* street, by which two houses were gutted) the damage is estimated at £600. October 27. The 1 Golden Bar Claim at Gympie yielded a 700Ottnce nugget and 130 ounces of gold for two days j there have been large finds since. Forty-two tons of Stone from thejfrospeotors' claim at the Galedoniar Beef gave 2,200 ounces. Newoas-tlb, October 22. The races were a great success. The following ie the resnlt t— Trial Stake* » Soldi«r Boy, 1 } Blabber, 2}2 } Earoola was not up to time, *nd did not start; a fine race. Maiden Plate t Kaigfcr, 1 Prioress, 2; Concert) 3; a splendid race. Inn keepers' Puree : Karoola, 1 j Hambleton Hill, 2 Faiigh-a-ballagh's jockey was throws, but not hurt There was great excitement over this race. Cit; Handicap : Deception, 1 ; SilvertaiJ, 2 ; Rainsworth 3. Black Diamond Stakes t Miss Anne, 1 ; Lad] Elegance, 2. . October 24. The following is the result of the second day* raws t-Oity Handicap t Bungaby, 1 } Circassian 2\ Ladies' Purse . Kaiser, 1 } Prioress, 2. Jocke; Club Handicap : Karoola, 1 } Hambledon Hill, 2 Silvertail, 3. Prince's Stakes t Faugh-a'ballagh, 1 October 25. A la 4 fourteen years of age,, was taken im the ac of tampering with the railway points of thej Wallsen' line, on Saturday. The points were altered o Thursday. A watch was set which led to the Cat tare. Had the engine-driver not observed tn obstacle, the consequences would have been disai troust BoWjcn, October 26. The 'Boomerang/ s., arrived here from Clevelan Bay, to-day, and brings 3,4500*. of gold, the pre duce of the Cape River goldtields, near Towntville also, four tons of quarti! for away. The prospeci •re Tory good.,

Maryborough, October 27. Forty tons of quartz from the Caledonian reef wn crushed at Threlkeld'i machine, and yielded 1,278uz. 78 tons from the new rush at Monklands, crushed at tho Enterprise, yielded 2,3460z.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3536, 14 November 1868, Page 6

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AUSTRALIAN TELEGRAMS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3536, 14 November 1868, Page 6

AUSTRALIAN TELEGRAMS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3536, 14 November 1868, Page 6