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A.MUIVAI.S. Aburiri, s s , Flowerday, 131 torn, fiom Southern ports, with geueral- cargo. ..passengers— iti.-; -r --;-,. .:-.-.' '•'■ " - * DaKc if Edinbiugfi, 'p.s.,'6l tons, M. itfitrks, from t!>o Thames, with, passengers. Royal Alfred, p.s , 130 tons, lt'urquhar, from the Thames, with passengers. ... Tanranga, s.s., 67 tons, Sellars, from the Thames, with Halcyon, «"'., 27 tons, Wing, from the Thames, with pasCassia, ketch, 16 tons, Lloyd, from Ngunguru, with 46,000 shingles, 15 tons firewood. Passenger— l. Nautilus, cutter, 30 tons, Stephens, from Mercury Bay, witn 20,000 feet sawn timber. Passenger-1. Mary Ann. cutter, 21 tons, Ford, from Thames, with 43 tons Margaret, cutter, 21 tons, Innes, from Matakana, with 100 posts, 40 tons wood. Morning Light, cutter, 29 tons, Tiller, from the Great Barrier, with 50 tons firewood.

DEPARTURES. Royal Alfred, p.s., 130 tons, Farquhar, for the Thames, with Duke*©! Edinburgh, p.s., 61 tons, H. Marks, for the Thames, with passengers. Tauranga, s.s., 07 tons, Sellars, for Shortland, with pasnterprise Ko. 2, p.s., 45 tons, Scon, for Shortland, with passengers. .t.. t . Favourite, p.s., 58 tons, Adams, for the Thames, with passengers. iAll&Rookh, p.s., Smith, for the Thames, with passengers^ Falcon, schooner, 41 tons, Farquhar, for Bay of Islands, in ballast. _ . Onward, sohooner, 69 tons, McLeod, for Poverty Bay, in ballast. Passenger— l. . Margaret, cutter, 21 tons, Innes, tor Matakana. in ballast. Passengers -2. , , _ . Flora Macdonald, cutter, 18 tons, "Wilson, for Tookey's Flat, with 16.842 feet timber. Morning light, cutter, 29 tons, Tiller, for Wbnngaparoa, in ballast. Cassia, ketch, 16 tons, Lloyd, for Ngunguru, with sundries. Aloe; cutter, 10 tons, Black, for Wako, with sunaries.

VESSELS EXPECTED. H.M. s.s. Blanche, from England (sailed February 24), No. 74 Hero, 8.8., from "Sydney, Ist dis. p., No. 5,189. TiOid-Ashley. s s.. from the South. Keera, a.8., from Dunedin. Ida Ziegler, ship, irom London (sailed August 3), 3rd dis. p., No. 7a Countess of Kintore, ship, from London (loading). Glencoe. barque, from Newcastle, Ist dis. p., No. 5,423. Bella Mary, barque, from dobartTown. Moa, brig, from Tahiti. Ist dis p., No. 7,133. Dart brig, from Sydney, 2nd dis. p., No. 7,930. Lalla Rookh, l>ii/, from Sydney, Ist dis. p., No. 6,932. Wave, brig, from Melbourne. Fanny, brigantine, from Melbourne, via Newcastle, Ist ais. p No 3 78 Kenilwortb, schooner, from Batavia, Ist dis. p., No. 7,853. Stanley, schooner, from Japan, 2nd dis. p., No. 1,230. Clyde, schooner, from Rorotonga. Kate Grant, schooner, from Rorotonga. Little Fred, schooner, from Melbourne. Albatross, schooner, from Sydney. Dancing Wave, schooner, from Dunedin and Timaru. Jubilee, schooner, from Dunedin. Hamah Newton, schooner, from Kaipara. Murewai, schooner, from Opotiki. imerald, ketch, from Kniapoi.

PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Jfot London.— Ballarat, to-day ; Siam, January 9 ; Excelsior, early. Chii.e.— Oriana, to-day. Sydney.— Hero, November 19. Napieh.— -Ahuiiri, 10th. "Wkllinotn. — Ahuriri, lOtb. Southern ports. — Lord Ashley, 16th. SaoAOXAND —Royal Alfred, Taiiranga, lalla Eookh, and Enterprise, to-day. Tapu.— Halcyon, to-day. . Kaipaka.— Queen, November 10.

VESSELS IN HARBOUR. (Tbi* list does not include coasting culteis. H.M. s. Kosario, from a cruise. Phoebe. 8.8., from Wellington, via East Coast. Ahuriri, s.s., from the South. Ente'pr»e No. I, p.s. ion tarry ««r»!ce) Enterprise No. 2, p.s. (on Thames trade). Tauranga, s.s. (on Thames trade).— T. Macky, agent. Halcyon, s s. (on Thames trade). ltake of Edinburgh, p.s. (on Thames trade).' Lady Bo wen, p.s. (on Thames trade). Clyde, p s. (on Thames trade). Eoyal Alfred, p.s. (on Thames trade). Gemini, s.s. (on Riverhead ferry service). Jane, s.s. (repairing). Favourite, p.s. (on Thames trade). Go-ahead, s s. from Eussell. Siam, ship, from London. — Cruickshank, Smart, and Co., agents. Excelsior, ship, from London.— L. D. Nathan and Co., agents. Sallarat, barque, from Nelson.— Brown, Campbell, and Co., agents. Oriana, barque, from Valparaiso. "Waverley, brig, from China.— Cruickshank, Smart, and Co. agents. Eliza K. Bateson, brig, from Newcastle. Gem, schooner, from Port Fairy. Southern Cross, schooner, from Norfolk Island. Fiery Cross, schooner, from No- folk Island. William and Julia, schooner. from Kaiapoi. UMgfMA, WoiiAi, hum U>«mngWu. Hantress, schooner, from the Bay of Islands. Jane, schooner, from Tauranga. Dunedin, schooner, from Kaipara. Ivanhoe, schooner, from Mangonui. Woodstock, cutter, from New Caledonia.

WEEKLY SUMMARY. The fine weather we have Lad during the past -week has caused a slackness in our shipping trade, the on y arrivals of an importance being the schooners Gem from Port fairy and Fiery Cross from Norfolk Island, and the cutter Woodstock from New Valedonij*. On the Ist;, the brig Astrsea sailed for Sydney ; and the schooners herald, Donald McLean, Success, Taurauga, and Zephyr left for Russell, the four former in ballast and the two latter with sundries. On the 2nd, the schooners Sea JBreezp, with cattle ; Huntress, with coals, from the Bay of Islands ; and Meteor, from Whangarei, with cattle, came into port. On the same day, the barque Kate sailed for Sydney with a general cargo ; the brig Yarrow, for Eokianga, with sundries ; the schooner Meteor for Whangarei, with sundries ; the Saucy Lass, for Kennedy's Bay, with general cargo ; and the Tawera, for Poverty Bay, with sundries. On the 3rd, the schooner Fiery Cios3, from Norfolk Island, with cattle ; the Gem, from Port Fairy, with potatoes ; and the Falcon, from the Bay of Islands, with coal ; also, the ketch Speedwell, from Russell, with coals, arrived in harbour. The departures were the schooner Don, for the Manukau, in ballast ; and the Sea Breeze, for Russell, with sundries. On the 4th, the s.s. Go-ahead arrived from Russell with coals, and the schooner Jane, from Tauranga, via the Thames, with pigs. On the sth, the schooner Ivanhoe arrived from Mangonui with cattle and produce; the Dunedin, from Kaipara, with timber; and the cutter Woodstock, from New Caledonia, with general cargo. [For yesterday's shipping see to-day's issue]

ARRIVAL OP THE AHURIRI. The N.Z.S.N. Co.'s s.s. Ahuriri, Captain Flowerday, arrived ia harbour last evening from Wellington. She left Wellington on the 2nd inst., at 6 p.m., and arrived at Napier on the 3rd, at 6 30 p.m.; left Napier on the 4bb, at 10 p.m.. and arrived in harbour at 5.40 p.m. Had fine weather throughout the passage. Passengers : Saloon ; — Mrs. Hudson and 2 childreo, Mr. and Mrs. Trist and chiLi, Messrs, Robertson, O'Neill, and Mitchell. Steerage : Mrs. O'Connell and 4 children, Mrs. Heach, Mrs. Purdie and 5 children, Messrs. Dagoall, Brown, Moore, Mines, and Antonio. Cargo: Transhipped ex Gothenburg, from Melbourne, under bond, for Napier — 10 boxes soap, 2 package?, 1 garden engine, 1 mowing machine, Kinross j 2 oses stationery, 4 qr. -casks whiakey, 4 packages,- 1 amalgamating pau, 1 pincer, 1 case, order. Transhipped ex Asterope, from London, under bond, for Auckland— B qr.-ca*ks sherry, order. From Wellington, for Napier, ex warehouse, under bond — 20 cases geneva, 30 cases brandy, 9. cases poifr, R. Kennedy. Transhipped ex Noranside, Tinder bond, for Napier — 2 cases, Poole. Prom Wellington, for Auckland, ex warehouse, under bond — 1 qr.-cask sherry 2 octaves, 2 oases candied peel, order. From Wellington, for Napier (free aud duty- i paid) — 1 cask, 1 box, 1 bundle, Kinross ;12 drums oil, 30 gunnies sugar, R» Kennedy ; 1 case drapery, 2 trusses sundae*, Stuart ; 6 casks porter, 1 case drapery, Robjohn ; 1 bale matting, Kewton, Irvine, and Co. ; 3 boxes, 1 bag, Kinross j 1 ton wool lading, Watt Brothers j 18 gunnies sugar, Neal and Close; 18 gunnies sugar, button ; 1 bale 1 bundle woolpacks, Kinross ; 1 parcel, Routledge ; 2 cases, Poole; 1 case drapery, Rathbone; 1 case drapery, Poole ; 3 tanks, 1 tarpaulin, 2 casks earthenware, 1 cask brandy, 2 drums kerosine, 1 caw chair, 2 chests drawers, 2 kegs nails, 1 table, 1 package paper, Kinross ; 10 bundles wire. Tele- & a ?K MrUBSM rU8S d ' a P cr y» Kobjohn ; 1 box, 1 bath, Watt Brothers ; 6 cases, 1 box, Poole. For Auckland, free and duty-paid-6 oases floorcloth, order ; 1 case, Gill ; , 1 case, Powley ; 1 bale, Petsohler : 1 case drapery, Corbett ; 1 case drapery, Short • 3 cases and 2 bales drajery, Smith; 1 case drapery Barnside ; 5 cases drapery, .1 truss, 2 bales carpets/ order ; 1 case drapery, 2 bales carpet, Vaile ; 4 kegs batter, 7 casks bacon, Smith ; 5 tons pig iron, Masefield ; 5 kegs butter, Nathan ; 3 cases drapery', Clark ; 1 case and 1 truss drapery, Burnside ; 1 , cask, 20 half -chests tea, French ; 1 case, Hall.— Combes and Daldy, agents.

MISCELLANEOUS. The schooner Onward entered outwards at the Customs yesterday for Poverty Bay; in ballast. The schooner" Falcon, Parquhar, master, will leaVe for the B«yof Islands to-day, in ballist-f ''r\ The schooner Gem is fast discharging her cargo of; potatoes. ;

'i he- barque Uallmub haul d into f>o Btr. am yy f >gte.'iiay, an i will takn lur lUjmtine lor London lo<tay, with a !ar^->- general carg". l'deß.*. tar of tin; Soath, Kendall, wll t -ke her departure this afternoon fur tho M.-ihia, carrying aboit 70 slie^p. hhe is ex,e,;tel t. return h^re fil'ont Wednesday next, wit.h a c:\rgo i>£ wool — ffawkes Day Herald, No-.fmbt-r 3. T'sm s.s. Wellington, when off tho East Cape, passed a bii,' standing south, and heavily laden, who was supposed to b a , by her colour*, a Greek or Clii'eau vessel. — Ibid. jfcThe Henry Millor, we perceive, has been taken off the berth for London. Her place will be taken by the barque Excelsior, shortly expected from Wellington. The Henry Miller will, upon diHcharge of her inward cargo, proceed to China, via Newcastle, N.S.W.— lbid. We have no authorised report of tbe trip of the St. Kilda, the captain having refused to give any information to the press, Btating that such were his instructions. — Ibi^. Tbe ss. Auckland, Harris, master, arrived in Wellington < u the 28th ulfc. from Sydney, which place she left on the 15th. The Astkbope— The first bale of wool was hoisted on board this ship yesterday, and, according to custom, a gun was fired on tbe occasion. Tne Asterope will be our first wool ship this season for London. — Wellington Independent, ('ctpber 29. The p.B. Sturt, Captain Fairoh'M, was to leave Whaiigaaui f».r Pate a 'in the 29 ih ult. The ship IJydaspef, one of the largest vessels which ever vi-ited this colony, arrived at Lyttelton on Wednesday last, after a Gnerun from Loi.don of 84 days. She brought a large number of passengers. — New Zealand Advertiser, November 2. The sbip Blue Jacket, from London, arrived at Lyttelton on Friday evening, after a fine passage of 78 days —Ibid. Ihe barque Caiuilie, Captain Tucker, arrived in harbour yesterday evening from Newcastle, having left that port on the 13th instant. She brings 520 tons coal for the P..N.Z , and Co. Captain Tucker informs us that he sighted a wreck off Stephens' Islaud yesterday morning ; the bull was lying on its siiie, anolie thinks it must have belonged to a vettsel of about sixty tons. — New Zealand Advertiser, October 26. The clipper brig- Corsair^ 134 tons, Bidgood, master, was to leave Melbourne for Auckland on an early date. — Argus, October 20. By advices received by last mail, we learn that Captain Uobertson, of the Countess of Kintore, baa been appointed to the command of the* new ship William Duthie, for the Sydney trade ; Captain Petherbridge, of the Chile, has been appointed to the Countess, for tho Auckland trade; and Captain Culbert, late of the uufoi ttmate Star of Tasmania, has got command of the Chile.— Otago Daily Times, October 30. Messrs. Hall, of Aberdeen, have launched a barque of 300 t >ns to replace the John Williams, missionary ship. She was named the Samoa. The barque Sea Nymph, 256 tons, which left tbe wharf at Geelong yesterday morning, bound for Newcastle, in ballast, went ashore near Cowie's Creek, between 11 and 12 o'clock. It appears that the vessel in warping out had to cut and leave one one of the hawsers which connected her with the buoy of the Yarra-street Wharf. After getting into the bay the captain sent a boat to recover the line, and hove-to, .waiting for the return of the boat. The wiud being strong, and two points abaft the beam, caused the vessel t-i head on towards tbe coast off Cowie's Creek, where she eventually beached. The steamer Reliauce made several attempts to get her off, but all her efforts proved unavailing. At nightfall the vessel still remained iv a precarious position. — Melbourne Argus, October 21. H.M. s. Blanche. — It is stated in a Sydney telegcam that H.M. s. Blanche is to proceed to New Zealand.— Wellington Independent, October 29. The S. D. Bailey. — In our Jast issue we gave full particulars relative to the examination ©f the late captain of this vessel. The Melbourne Age of the 17th instant says, " Charles G-. Robins, late master of the American ship S. D. Bailey, from San Francisco to Nelson, New Zealand, re-appeared at the City Police Court yesterday, to answer the charge of forgery. General Latham, American Consul at Melbourne, being unprepared to go on with the case, the prisoner was further remanded for seven days." It may he noted that Captain McTntyre, the American Consul here, has been indefatigable in his efforts to obtain the necessary evidence to establish the case a>4>aiflBt KobillS- Tlio veo*ol io now ail) Aucklaud, aud we believe the American consul at Melbourne has ser>t instructions to Captain Mcln tyre to obtain the mate and as many of tbe original crew as possible, and send them, together with the vessel, across to Mi lb >urne. There are, however, some difficulties connected with international law in the way of adopting this course, and Captain Mcfntyre, as Consul here, has not been able to secure the o-operation of the New Zealand Government. — Ibid.

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Daily Southern Cross, 7 November 1868, Page 4

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, 7 November 1868, Page 4

PORT OF AUCKLAND. PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, 7 November 1868, Page 4