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ARRIVALS. Tanranga, s.i., 67 torn, Sellar., from Sbortland, with pas■enger*. Royal Alfred, p. i , 130 toni, Farqubar, from the Thames, with passengers. Lady Bowen, p s., 60 toni, Cunningham, from the lh*mes, CjJeS. iohnoiST'tt ton.. W. D Veale. from Lyttelton, with bread-imff*. Ac Pimengers— 2 Poyd sch oner, 15 tons, »• h.te. from the Tliamev in ballut. J H Ru'sell schooner, 62 ton., D. Kiichie, fiom I yttelton, InSS^MhSmw, 24 tons, Eicketts, fr«m Tapu Creek, in Marv EMeii tchooner, 30 tont, Bill, from Mercury Bay, with Mnrewaf schooner, 23 toni, W. Jonf.. from Napier Tia Poverty Biy with gMin, fliiX. produre, *c " Lllr .plioonrr. 17 tons, March, from Waiheke, with randnes Diamo-d, cutter, 16 toas, Doblo, from tbo lhame., in H irrlot putter. 16 tonn. Ttnwdpn, from the Thuroe*. in ballufc. Wnv- cut er. 19 torn McUugh. from Taupu, with tim bet. Corrm aik, cutter, 18 tous, CUrke, lrom th« Ihumes, in ballutt

pwi'AWTlif-TCS. Ahwiri. m . 148 tons. Fl.iwenUr. for Nap'er and Southern port« with » Rener»l o>»K" and raveneen Star of th S .nth. 5 ... 101 tons B ndjtU. for Tauranga and Nupier «i li «fne al ergo and pasiengfis Midee m . « tons Stfwnrt for with painengew Eovrl AUred p • , 130 tons., for the Ti.amei, with Tauran^a!' B s.s', 67 tons, SelUrs, for Shortland. with p«Noveft" S barqne, 376 tons, Nearing, for Sydney, with a general ArTo? o iohosner" ge 3 8 2~tons, Dories, for Wh*ng«ei. with storei. &e. Paisengers— 6. Fiery Cross, ichooner, 72 tons, Short, for the Bay of Luanda, Danedin'schooner, 68 tons. Stewart, for Kaipara, In JJUast. Stag, cutter, 19 tons, Pimpson, for Shortland, with 6,000 feet sawn timber, stores, &c Kangatira, cutter, 10 tons. Walton, for Tapu Creek, with 2 o"0 feet sawn timber stores, <fcc ... Hero, cutter, 30 ions. Joiner, for Whangapona, with itores, &c' Passengers— 6 G«zelle, cutter, 24 tons, Jagger, for the Great Barrier, in Wah'.pu, cutter, 15 tons, Bacon, for the Thames, with 6,000 Mary Ann, cutter, for Coromandel via Shortland, with atorea. PHSsengers— 2 Catherine, culter, 10 ton», Keane, for Great Barrier, with Severn cutter, 19 tona, Lombard, for ShortUad, with ■unaries.

EXPORTS. Per barque Novelty, for Sydney : 2 packages order. Free of duty • 49 cases kauri gum, Owen and Graham ; 83 b»le» flax J E. Roberts; I7bal«i fltix, 65 ca«ei gum. Hendetton and Macfa-lane ; 4 cases metnl. Bfll Brother! ; 76 ca»ei gum, J. S. MucfarUne; 10 cases cornflour, ihort-ihipped at Sydney —Henderson and Macfarlane, agents.

VESSELS E > PECTED. HMn. Blanche, from England (sailed February 24), No. 74. R.IW. s s Rosario from the Bay of Islands. ■Wellington. • s., from the South. ExceWor, ship, from London, lit dis. p., No. 6.942 (sailed Tda Ziegler ship, from London (loading) 3rd dis. p., No. 76. P-am. -hip. from London (loading) 2nd di«. p , .No. 819. Glencoe. barqne, from Newcastle, Ist dis p.. No. 5 423. Ifr'la Mary barque, firm HobartTown. 3rd dis p No. 8 326. Eliza Sh-irp barque, from Wellmt'ton. Ist dis p., No 6 684. Celesta barque, from S H n Francisco, 3rd dis p , No. 1,046. Kate, bnrque. from Sydney, Ist dis p , No. 6,539. Harriet Arimtage barque from Sydney, 3rd dis p., No 19 Prince Regent barque, from Newcastle, Ist dis. p., No. 9,784, Alice Omeron barque, fiom Sydney. Lady Alicia, brig, from Newcastle. Fawn. brig, from Newcastle lit dis. p , No. 3,804. Moa brig from Tahiti. Ist du p , No. 7 138 Alarm, brig, from Melbourne via Newcastle, Ist dis, p. Princess Alice, brig, from Sydney, Ist dis. p., No. 4,938. Pakehit. brig, from Sydney. Part, brig, from Sydney, 2nd dis. p., No. 7,930. Rita, brig from Tahiti, 2nd dis. p., No 7,930. Lalli Rnokh, brie, from Sydney, Ist dis. p., No. 6,932. Su«an, brig, from Newcastle. Nil DMperandum, brig from Sydney. Astrrea, brig, from Kaipara. Prince Alfred, barquentine, from Sydney, Ist dis. p., No 8 216 Stanley, schooner, from Japan, 2nd dis. p.. No 1,230. Kenilwortb, schooner, from New Caledonia, lit dis. p., No. 7 853 Saucy tass. schooner, from Napier. Mariner, schooner, from Kaipara Eugenie, schooner, from Tahiti, Ist du. p., No. 8,654. Neva, schooner, from Tahiti Ist dis p., No. 8,720. Kate Grant, schooner, from South Sea Islands. Amateur, schooner, from Sydney, 3rd dis. p., No. 3,079. Mavis, schooner, from Dunedin. Ivanhoe, schooner, from Mangonui. Meteor, schooner, from the Bay of lalandl. Coquette, schooner, from Russell. Tawera, schooner, from Poverty Bay. Tauranga, schooner, from Bay of Wands. Zephyr, schooner, from the Bay of Islands. Excelsior, schooner, from the Bay of Islands. Canterbury, schooner, from Lyttelton. Success, schooner, from Napier. Sea Gull, schooner, from Newcastle. Dum-din, schooner, from Kaipara. Herald schooner, from the Bay of Islands. Marwell, cutter, from Hokianga. Bittern, outter, from No*f° lk Island.

PROJECTED DEPABTHRKS. For London —Kate Waters and Racehorse, early. Tahiti.— Clyde and Moorea, early. Eaqlan.— From the Manuk&u : Willie Winkie, to-mor-row. Thames.— Tauranga and Royal Alfred, to-day. Tapu Creek.— Eingdove and Helen, to-morrow. Kaifara — Little Fred, early. Ritejrhead.— Gemini, daily, at 11.

VESSELS IN HARBOUR. (Thti Kit does not include coasting cutters. Entente No 1, p.i. (on fwrry »«r»lpe) Enterprise No. 2, p s. (on Thames trade). Taurangn, ss. (on Thames trade).— T. Macky, agent. Midge, ss. (on Thames trade) — L. D. Nathan and Co., agents. Halcyon, s s (on Thames trade). Imke of Edinburgh, p s (on Thames trad*). Lady Bowen, p s. (on Thames trade), Clyde, p s. (on Thames trade). Royal Alfred, p s (on Thames trade), Gemini, i s. (on Riverhead ferry serrice). Jane, s s. (repairing). Racehorse, ship, from London.— Cruickshank, Smart, and Co , agents. La Dorade, French transport ihip, from Sydney. Constance, barque, from London.— Henderson and Macfarlane, agents. Kate Waters, barque, from Nelson.— J. S. Macfarlane, agent. Albatross, schooner, from Mangonui. Southern Crosi, schooner, from Norfolk Island. Moorea, schooner, from Rorotonga. Little Fred, schooner from Melbourne. Isabella ketch, from Whangarei. Sea Breeze, schooner from the Bay of Islands. Cleopatra, schooner, from Lyttelton. Jane schooner, from Taurang*. Queen, schooner, from Lyttelton Boyd. schooner, from the i humes. J K Russell, schooner, from Lyttelton. Industry, schooner, from Tapu Cr ek Mary I- lien, schooner, from Mercury Bay. Murtswai, schooner, from Poverty Bay.

THE S.". AHURIRI. The N.Z.^.N. Company's b.s. Ahuriri, Captain Fluwerday, took her dnparture on Saturday *fiernoon for Nn|»i»-r and Southern ports with cargo ami passenge'S as folio as :—: — Ca r Ko: Free, for Nap ; er — 1 roll lea' her, B. Gittos ; Ir. 11 1. ather, Ireland Brother*. For Wellingiou — 144 pieces nhifting, 14 pack«ges s^she^, 40 loose iloors, 16 bundles mouldings 146 architr.ves, Union ■>»sh an I Door C< mpany ; 1 parcel trees, 1 case il«nt", D. Hay; 1 cose varnish, Huchn'z an<J Co.; 1 parcel, J. Black ; 1 parcel, Walters ; 4 cases stores, C"inmisiaiiit. Pa-sengeis : Mr. Ledger, Mr. Hewitt, and three others.

THE STAR OF THE SOUTH. The steamer Star of the South, Captiin Bendall, took her departure on Satnrday afternoon for Tau-raiiL-a and Napier, with the following cargo and passengers :—: — Cargo : F'>r Napier, ex Cou stance from London — 29 cases, 1 bale, 1 box, 3 casks. 3 hogsheads. Ex Novelty — 8 oases venta?. Ex Hacehorse — 4 octree, 4 cases hardware, 49 cases brandy, 12 quartercasks i randy, 2 barrels merchandise, 1 parcel samples, 4 bundles merchandise, 4 quartercasks, 1 trunk, i cases, 7 casks, 5 cases, 38 bundles iron, 2 bundles hoop3, 2 ca-ea merchandise, 2 kegs nails. Ex warehouse, linger boud — 49 casks beer. Free, duty paid — 200 sacks flour, 200 bags flour, order ; 2 packages, J. Pocock ; 40 and 4 packages staves, J. Boyle ; 7 packages scythes, J. Ninford ; 1 circular saw, C»hmore; 25 sacks maize, Coulton. For Tauranga : 20 sacks oats, 1 tin sundries, 2 packages, Colonel Harington ; 1 parcel, N orris. Passengers : Mr. De Thierry, Mr. J. A. Wilson, Mr. Morsoin, Mr. Davey, Mrs. Ball, and 20 natives. The Star of the South may be expected here again about the 26th inst.

ARRIVAL OF THE SCHOONER MUREWAI. The schooner Murewai, Captain William Jones, arrived in harbour yesterday afternoon from Napier, yia Poverty Bay and East Coast. She left Napier on the 23rd of July, and arrived at Poverty Bay with full cargo on the 29th ; left the Bay on the Ist instant, and arrived off Kawakawa on the 3rd, and lay off the coast from that date until the 13th, during which period the sea was too high to enable Captain Jones to communicate with the shore. Took in cargo on the 14th, and left at 6 p.m. the same day, with an easterly wind, which subsequently increased to a gale, and rendered it necessary to put into Tryphena Bay for shelter on Friday until the following night, when she shaped her course for Auckland. She brings 81 bags and 94 kits of maize, 23 bags wheat, 13 casks oil, 30 bundles flax, J bale wool, 4 casks pork, 1 cask beef, 6 bandies sheepikini, 1 keg

butter, I keg lard, »ni 31 pig*, consigned to Mr* J. £» Macf rlaue. f 'JLhe cutter .^hamrock, bound for Kennedy «. B»y, and the Sovereign of tbe Sea for Wh*n«»pou», w« r « lyn g tu Trypheu» Bty, in company with the Murewai. The Stur of the >omh -lso put in for >hcUer at 12 o'clock on Saturday nighb.

ARRIVAL OP THE SCHOONER J. B. RUSSELL. 'Ibe a uokla id-built : schooner J. B. Husse'l, Capt>»in Ritchi-', arrived id pn>tou Satnriiay a'tern<><m, with 341 ba^s wheat, 195 bags barley, 200 bagt flour, 216 bagn o*ts, and 20 kegs butter, conmgned to Mr. Ko er6 Lu>>k. She left LyueltOQ on the 6bh inttanfc, and lay beca med off P<irt Oooj-er f»r tbe firat two day« ; anchored off Kangiboto oa Friday night, • and made tliu harbour as above.

ARRIVAL OF THE SCHOONER QUERN. The so'iooaT Queen, 46 tons, Captain W. D Veile, »Tived iu poit on Saturdiy nisjbf, at 2*f o'clock. She left Lytiel oi on the niitut <>f Snnd,al the 9h instant, with B.S. K. wm s, which laatt-d until the following dny, when it reeie<i to 4.E »nd brouglit her up to the East Cape, winch was muudttd ■•n Hrttlay m> rmni;, S»me oi/lit «-xperience>» % severe gnle, and h>>ve-br>, the uight. being very dark } It ft on the next d-ty atdvyl'ght, arriving at> ft'iovr. Blie brings ih» following ca>g», ou-i.oed to Mr. Robert Lu^k:— l92 sacks wliett 91 sacks barley, 169 sucks o*ts 424 sack* flour, and 2 tout sharps, Pasiengeri : 2,

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3495, 17 August 1868, Page 2

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3495, 17 August 1868, Page 2

PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3495, 17 August 1868, Page 2