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....Br^her arrival of the 'John Pernn ' in the Manukau [t sMttM»y"we learn that "the telegrams of English " iwjrs" I v{B'Snez Were reeeifed at Nelson on the 17th 'inttant,,' ana 1 published in an extra by the Nelson 'T&camirier on that "date. The steamer 'Otago ■ 'ScSived th&English'mails via Suez on board at MelJfUnft at ''9'fc'm. on the lHh, and tailed at 2 p.m. !t cm>Wl2th. /She reached the Bluff on theafternoon instant. '"'TMr.r'Bolleston, the Superintendent of Canterbury, Km been returned without opposition at member of ■'jfri.Honie'of. Representatives for the Avon district. '"' Captain Kenny was also returned member for *£ictbni in the House of Representatives, on the " V fltl| instant. He was unopposed, Dr. Sickler havtx ins ritired from the contest. vJr^|[e NeUm Colonutol the 16th instant reports that 'Major .MoDonnell has arrived in Wellington from ° gatea to see the Government on the recent outrage*, ''flrajfconpiaers it doubtful whether any assistance will T'jA'Mr. Donne., Provincial Councillor of Nelson, '' .'appears to have a'ade bimielf particularly obnoxiouß 01 tftwie, other member*.' On the 28th instant, he ? iriojw fh»t ihe next annual session of the Provincial IJ , Council be held at Westport, which was unanimously ■negatived. The hon. member spoke for three-quar->%:iexd of an hour on this | motion, amidst the moat r " nndiiguised marks of disgust and ridicule on the'parb ! h ofnu Confreres, placards being ' exhibited in various "'!»rliii^f l the J Chamber, bearing the words "nBhut" n 8hut up," A&nm,". Ac. :" and 'whilst enumerating benefit which 4 would arise from the' adoption of r '" the motion, he again indulgtMl in further personal fOTl remarfss with reference to' the press, concluding by ' T crifing the attention of the Speaker to the hot tftia't ''the reporter of the Colonist was lrfoking r%t hli^ ( in a'most baref*^ way," an announrement jppnynlsed the House. ~ m^ b 'j*j^%^j l oa Prbrinci»l Council have negatived a J "'wpolatipn naoyed bv .Mr. GibbX that, the Dry Dock ' b ttottld not be' commenced until it be ascerfcaihed reVemie is'^uffioient to allow of its tI»M, carried on without retarding°other ptlbhc ""^S^'ThflAppropriationßilt was to be sent downas '" *^?«M\g« Qn t the 52iDtb, and, this'having been passed, M&^W 1 w< > u^ he P c Feigned.

1 r The Auckland Provincial Council vrw to have met 'yarter&y at 3 o'clock'. lt At 1 that hoar there was not » QVOOjn [ireient ; and, "after -Waitin^'till 3*3 * quarter j^^ffiree^^ilw^SpMkerjlftQlwcd-that, only eleven members bung preiaot, tne~ Council «ai adjourned » I 'fd?%^^guolinm ) till*«(Wf«y.' -^iy.^flr^ re«^Jmeftife%rtcHHat%Hi r Friday 'it wu agreed' that "there 1 & Irtj'ouldbelno titting'of Coanoil 6n TnMdayr(fchisday) ' '' on Mdban't of the meeting' •( OUhnhui »nd We' pro- *>' tame that the Speaker will take the chair tb-ctay, A and that thtri will be anotlier count-out.' ' > *'. iv ,Tlw/|fob'art Tofrn-ilfercMry statea, on the authority, ''J^f J pnyatot,infonnaj^O|iy that , the recall of Co&ner

f " The nomination for the eleotoral district of Franklin to It place yesterday, as noon, at tv« new tull-house, Panmure. The attendance wm comparatively small, comprising not more than thirty persons altogether ; a considerable proportion of whom were oitizens,and miners from Shortlaud and the adjacent districts. Mr. W. T. Buckland was proposed by Mr. E. Maclean, and oeoonded by Mr. Farmer; Mr. I W. T. Swan was proposed by Mr. H. S. Andrew, seconded by Mr. D. K. Clarkson. The respective oandidates then addressed the eleotor§, after which a *faow of band. was called for by the Returning Officer, and declared to be in favour of Mr. W. I. &wan. Mr. Bucklaud then demanded a poll, and, after thre* oheew had been given for the Keturnmg Officer, the meeting separated. j Our readers are aware that the natives at the Thames have acted with most praisevr orthy liberality to giving pieces of land on which to build churches lor the different religious bodies. There is great need now for a church at Graham's Town, on the Waiotahi fiat. We' believe that Aperahama and some others nave agreed to grant a piece on which a church will, jt>e trected in connection with the Wesleyan body. The nomination of candidates for the vacancy in ihe Provincial Council caused by the retirement of (Mr. William Rowe' took place at Dewar's (KoberfcJson'sl schoolroom, Karangahape Hoad, yesterday. jMr, J. 0. Wilkeswat proposed by Mr. E. Matthews, and seconded by Mr. James Gallon ; Mr. John, (Graham was proposed, by Mr. T. B. Hill, and 'seconded by Mr. I>. Smith. Both candidates having 'addressed the meeting, a show of hands was taken, ! which was declared by the Returning Officer to be Jin favour of Mr. Graham. A poll was demanded, 'which will take place to- day, at the schoolroom, jKarangahipe Road. | Yesterday afternoon the City Board of Commissioners' held their usual fortnightly meeting. _ The only business of importance was the consideration of a communication from the Provincial Secretary to the lefftct that the Provincial Government was prepared to supply prison labour to the Board, if they would hand the rates over to the Government. After considerable discussion, a motion was put and carried to the effect that a deputation from the Board should wait upon his Honor, to confer with him and his Executive upon the matter. We hold over our report. Mr. Mackay, whose success in making peace in the Bay of Islands district, and obtaining the surrender of the man who caused the disturbance, has created a feeling of universal satisfaction in the community, left yesterday for the Thames in the cutter 'Emma,' to tiansact important business before the Native Laud Court, which meets at Shortland Town this (Tuesday) morning. In several of the cases which are to come before the Court, are tracts of land on the river Thamea, deposit* on which have been paid by the Provincial Government, and if these purchases can be completed it will be very satisfactory. The Court will bo presided over by Mr. Mimro. No word has as yet been heard of the unfortunate man Morrison, who fell overboard from the steamer • Tauranga on Suturday night, and who, in all human probability, met a watery grave. In the absence of Mr. Commissioner Naughton no one has felt himself justified io giving oiders to search for the body. Jndeed such a search would be almost useless, as the body would most likely be swept out to sea. The carpetbag of deceased's still hangs in the Police-office, but will probably be given up to the wife of the unfortunate man to-day. At the District Court yesterday, before Thomas Beokbam, Esq., judgment was given in the case Mclndoe v. Munro (heard last sitting-day) for the defendant. Costs were certified by the Court in the case of Kunst v. Arthur. It w»s agreed to settle the action of McCaul v. Stewart by arbitration ; and in the case Wallis v. Ormea judgment was oonfessed for £6. The case of Mclsaacs v. Long was one of considerable importance to the mining community, and occupied the Court for more than six hours. A full report will be found in another column. His Honor gave judgment for plaintiff. This morning, the case of Mr, Yon der Heyde will oome on for hearing at the Police Court An information is laid against the defendant, by onn of the rangers appointed under the Act, for being illegally in pursuit of game without a license. Last evening Mr. Foleys royal menagerie w»s visited by a large number of persons, who availed themselves of the opportunity of inspecting "the KiDg of the Forest," an.l the other wild animals which form part of Mr. Foley'a excellent show. A band was in attendance, and contributed much to the evening's amusement. Mr. Foley advertises this as t> c last week of the menagerie, and we advise our readers who have not viiited it to do so. A number of city rate oases are set down for hearing at the Police Court this morning. It will be well for thoie who owe the money either to pay it before coming into Court, or oonf ess judgment, asj by so doing they will save the law expense 3 allowed, by the Court for profesional attendance in every case; before the Court. At the inquest whioh was held at Hokitika, on on Saturday, June 15, on the bodies of three men' drowned in the ' Louisa,' one of the witnesses stated that the man named King had been a sailor on board the steamer • London,' and steered the boat containing the survivors from that ill-fated vessel. We hear that an inquest at the instance of the Royal Insurance Company will take place on Wednesday next, at the Hibernian Hotel, Queen-streer, Onehunga, to endeavour, if possible, to elicit the origin of the late fire whioh totally destroyed the Court-house Ef otel. The loss of this building is much felt, especially by arrivals. There weie no less than 100 yesterday by s.s. 'John Perm,' and a similar; number is expected to-day by the * Wallaby j' also, if reports brought up yesterday are reliable, there are thousands more ready to start from the Weal; Coast as convenience offers. j Last evening the second of the series of Penny Readings took place, as announced, at theEdwardesstreet School-room. There was » rery good attendance, and the selections read were listened to with considerable' pleasure. We hope these readings will continue to be given, as, from the programme gone through last night and on the last occasion, we think they are likely to obtain a very fair support. Information was yesterday given to the police that Charles Cribb, a lunatic, who has been confined in the Asylum for the last six or seven years, had effected his escape between 10 and 12.30 in the forenoon. He is described thus :— Age, 35 j height, 6ft. 7»n.; complexion, fresh ; hair, black ; whiskers round the face ; shaved about the mouth ; very surly-looking ; a Scotchman ; Scottish accent. At the time of his escape he was wearing moleskin trousera marked "L.A.," blue jumper, cap with French peak, good boots and socks, and a Scotch twill shirt. A young woman named Elizabeth Lestrange was last evening brought to the Police Guardroqm in a state of almost maddened intoxication. She was in a dreadful state, her dress and petticoat being saturated with blood which had flowed from aereral very severe cuts in her hands and arms. She was found lying in the gutter in Queen-street, nearly opposite the Greyhound Hotel, and when at first picked up it was thought that something of a very serious nature was the matter with her, and she was at once conveyed to the Police-office on a stretcher. She appears to have broken several windows in Queen-street, cutting herself very severely ; and at the station she was so violent that it took several policemen to keep her quiet. A man named Owen Cain, who was called yesterday at, the Police Court, charged w;th being ah habitual drunkardj but who did not answer to his bail, was yesterday afternoon apprehended by warrant. At the Polioe Court yesterday, three persons wer,e convicted of drunkennes*, and were awarded the customary penalty. Owen Cain arid Ann Poulgrain were summoned under the Vagrant Act, as habitual drunkards. The former did not appear, and a warrant has been issued for his apprehension : the latter received a sentence of three months' imprisonment. Two cases of threatening language, preferred by, Minnie Craig and Annie Goldsmith against Johjn Craig and John Codd, respectively, 1 were dismissed. The baud of the 18th Royal Irish, under the direction of Mr. Quinn, will perform on the lawn in front of Government House "^ this afternoon, at 3 o'olock - (weather permitting): -The following is the .programme Cr-March ; overture, " Zampa,'" HerolrTj waltz;' * 1 Gung'j j seleßtfon; *"ir Ban' Giovanni;" Mozart ; cfuadrill«>, v «• Olaribel," arranged, Quinn -„ g»lop, " Archeryf Berg'mannjfiGtod save the Queen." ' - „ j The Atgvk of June 3 states that Mr. Bayl^s ' has lost' no time in moving ' in the matter tf the'Darlingjp-'ant. Immediately 'upon taking' his 1 leaf in the House, he" gave notice that,jon the following day, he 'would move, that the' House resolve into' committee of the .whole to consider the propriety of 'drantin^the slim o of £20,000 to Lady P£thgjff[ Miikting his Excellency to forwardJbe^ec«al»ymeWe u to'tKe is'sembly.for the 'initiation Jof a ieptts« ' . ;

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3412, 23 June 1868, Page 8

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THE SOUTH. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3412, 23 June 1868, Page 8

THE SOUTH. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3412, 23 June 1868, Page 8