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ARRIVALS Enterprise No. 2, p.s., 45 tons, Scon, from Shortland, with passengers. Tauranga. s.s., 67 torn, Sellers, from Shortland, with passengers Sea Bieeze, schooner, 70 tons, Norris, from the fifty of Islands, with produce and passengers Herald schooner, 60 tons, Mathieson, from Bay of Islands, with coal Industry, schooner, 24 tons, Kicketts, from Tapu Creek, in ballast. Lily, schooner, 17 tons, March, from Waiheke, with firewood. Eo-e Anu, schooner, 36 tons, McKenzie, from Taima, with sundries Mary schooner, 22 tons, Hogan, from Maraitai, with timber. Jessie, cutter. 11 tons Smith, from VVaiheko. with firewood Maid of the Mill, cutter, 17 tons, /rota Mahur*ogi, with produce Sydney, cutter, 14 tons, Coupland, from Shortland, in ballast. Feirel, cutter, 10 tons, Hayes, from Whangaroa via Thames, with cattle, timber, &c Wild Duck, ketch 42 tons, Munroe, from Great Barrier, with firewood. M>rgaret, cutter. 21 tons, Joseph, from Kawau and Matakana. Three Brothers, cutter, Holder, from Kennedy's Bay, in ' ballast. Aron, cutter, 20 tons, Murray, from Shortland, with sundries. Spey, cutter, 19 tons, Smith, from Tapu Creek, with empties and passengers. Harriet,' cutter, IS tons, Bowden, from Thames, in ballast. Asp cutter, 10 tons, Simmons from the Wad*, with produce. Alacrity, cutter, 11 tons, Smith, from the Thames, in ballast. Alabama, cutter, 10 tons, Jarrett, from bhortland, in ballast. Prince of Wales, cutter, 24 tons, Buliff, from the Thames, in ballast, i Heather Bell, cutter, 24 tons, Dam, from Mahurangi, with produce and passengers.

DRPARTJ KES. Tauranga, s s , C 7 tons, Sellars. for Shortland, with passengers. Enterprise No. 2, p.s., 4> tons, scon, for Shortland, with pas■engers. Midge, s s., 56 torn, Stewart for Shortland, with passengers. Industry, schooner, 24 tons, Iticketts, for Tapu Creek, with geueral cargo. Mavis, tohooner, 29 tons, Morton, for Wellington, with 34 tons coal Boyd, sch oner, 15 tons, White,- for Mercury Bay, with general cargo and passengers. ' Ivanhoe, schooner, TO tons, McGregor, for Mangonui, with general cargo and passengers. Whau, cutter, 15 tons, Burns, for jShortland, with sundries. Miranda, cutter, 23 tons, Jiidd, for Whangarei, in ballast. Frances, cutter, 19 torn, Sullivan, for the Hot Springs, with stores. ' > Clyde, cutter, 17 tons. Kasper, for the Thames, with stores. Tay, cutter, 16 tons, Hopkins, for Matakana, with itores.

VESSELS EXPECTED. H M s i Blanche, from England, tailed February 24. Star of the South, s.i., from Queensland, via Hokitik». Racehorse, ship, 1,077 ton', from London, sailed March 27. Excelsior, ship, from London (loading). Constance, barque, from London, sailed March 29. Alice Cameron, barque, from Sau Franciico. Bella Mary, barque, from Hobart Town. Princes* Alice, brig, from Lyttelton. Olencoe, barque, from Lyttelton Ellesmere, barque, 170 torn, from Lyttelton. Royal Exchange, brig from Sydney. Au JRevoir. schooner, from Melbourne via Sydney and Port "Fairy. Eugenie, schooner, from Tahiti Stanley, schooner, from Jap»n. Swallow, schooner, from Lyttelton. ' Kate Grant, scboouer, .from South Sea Islands. Excelsior, schooner, from Kaipara. Eagle, ketch from South Sea Islands. Bittern, Cutter, from Norfolk Island, fiahia, cutter from Poverty Bay Agnes, cutter, from Wapier via Poverty Bay. '

PROJECTED DEPARTURE. For London.— < harlotte Ann,' early. , j •< Norfolk Iblan» — Joanna, to-day. ( } , BiDNiy.— 'Dart, lotii : early. ', ' ■ 1 Txranaki.— From the Manukau : Airedale; 19th. , T Wixlington.-* From the Manakuu: Aire lale, 19th. Nklion.— i-rom the Manukau : Airedale, 19th. Oakiat.- Fiery Cross to-d»y. Lttteltoh. — From the Manukau : Airedale, 19th. Otago — From the Maaukau : Airedale, 19th. Southland.— From the Manukau: Airedale, 19th. West Coast.— From the Manuk&u : Airedale, 19th. Thames.— Tauranga, Enterprise, and Halcyon, to-day. KBNNum's Bay.— Bob Roj, to-day. ■ , ' , Katj»a*a.— Onward, early. Birx*a»A».— Gemini, daily, at 1L

VBMSELS IN HARBOUR. (Tbii lilt doe* not include coasting cutters. ftnte»prt«e No. I, p i. (on »em <»'»' re) Tauranga. s.s., from the Thames. — T. Mucky, agent. Halcyon, ■ a., front the Manukan. Lady Ho wen, 1 1. (new). Gemini, v., on ferry terries. Jane, si . from the Thames. Royal Alfred, p i. (newj. Charlotte Ann. barque, from Nelson.— CruicVshank, Smart, and Co , agents Pakeha, brig, from Melbourne.— Hendenon and Macfarlane, agents. Dart, brig, from Sydney.— Roberton and Co., agenti. Onward, ichoouer, from the Thamet. Fiery Cross, schooner, from i>ahurangi. Ocean Wave, •cbooner, from Lyttelton. Amateur, schooner, from Lyttelion — Captain, agent. Southern Cron, schooner, from Norfolk Island. Tawera, ichooner. from Lyttelton. Argo, schooner, from Whangerei. Neva, schooner, from Tahiti and Rorotonga. Nautilus, cutter, from Napier. Herald, ichooner, from the Buy of Islsndi. Kose Ann, ichooner, from Tairua. Sea Breeze, schooner, from the Bay of Island*.

.ENTERED INWARDS. June 13— Tndustrjr, schooner, 24 tons, Bicketts, from Tupu Creek, In ballast.

, CLEARED OUTWARDS. Jdnic ** 18— Industry, schooner, 1 24 tons, Eicketts, for Tapu Creek, with general cargo 13— Whtu, cutter, 15 tons, Burni, for Shortland. with sundr es 13— Ivanhoe. ichooner, 72 tons, McGiegor, for M»ngonui, with general cargo Passengers — 4. 13— Nautilus, cutter, 29 tons, Stephens, for Mercury Bay, in ballast. „,?., n , i Miranda, cuiter, 23 tons. Judd. for Whangwei, in ballait. 13— Boyd, ichooner, 15 ttas. v\hite, for Mercury say, Irith ~ general cargo Passengers— 2. 13— Mavis, schooner, 29 tons, Morton, for Wellington, with 31 tous couL

ARRIVAL OPTiE SCHOONER SEA BREEZE. The schooner Sea B eeze, Captain Morris, arrived, from the Bay of Islands ou Saturday, with 3 tons gum 3 sons lugg>ge, 12 pigs, 2 oases arms, 12 kegu powder, and the following passengers :—Mis-j: — Mis-j JButterworth, Mrs. Waynaomh and sou. 'Mr. J. Ke.iburo, Mr. Marshall, Mr. T. Hall, and 6 ia the steerage, left on Friday aft,ernoon, and experienced light westerly and N.W. wiuds along the coast. ', Beporta thebaique hlldSuiem, Captain Lake, lying up the river, discharging railway iron ; ami tbe cutter Fmm», in the Bay, awaiting the return of Mr. Mack ay from hlokiauga. 'I bere were no whaling vessels at JKussell when the Sea Breeze left.

The steamer Halcyon will leave the Queen-street wharf this morniDg at 9 o'clock f»r Short-land. Ihe departure of the airedale, for Tarauaki and Southern ports, id anaounced for Thursday uext at 2 p.m. , i The cutter Hob Boy will leave to-day, at 6 p.m.", for Kennedy's Bay direct. , f j The steamer Tauranga arrived in port on Saturday morning at 6 o'clock, Jan<ied 110 passengers, and left again in an hour, returning at 6 o'clock the same evening, shortly after the Euterpiiae No. 2. The fine new hchooner Fierj CVoss, Captain Short, made a trial of the adaptabilny of her sails and gear yesterday, and everything having proved satisfactory she will take her departure to-day for Oamaru. Ihe schooner Ivauhue salted ror Mangouui on Saturday, wich a general cargo and 3 passengers. Ihe ketch Wild Duck, Captain Munroe, arrived the same day from the Great Barrier, with firewood. Toe schooner Keoil worth, which has been loading timber at Kennedy's Bay, aucliored off the North tie-id yesterday, called in for orders, &c., and sailed again for Noumea. New Ca'edonia. 1 The schoou-r Herald, Captain Mathieson, arrived from the £..y of Islands on oatuiday, with 86 tons of coal. We have much pleasure in reporting the safe arrival of the s.s. Star of the South at Greymouth on Monday evening — aloeit we confess to a feeling of disappointment that she should be there instead of here. However, it is satisfactory tj know that the county has a port in reserve, lor we never yet remember the ports of Hokitika and Greymouth being inaccessible at the same lime, and long m<ty they be able and willing to accommodate each other when either is beset by necessity. Mr. Lees, chief omcer of the Star of the South, anived in town from G-eymouth yesterday, and from him we have obtained a few particulars respecting the Star's doings since she left this port on the 19th of April last, with well nigh 100 passengers on bo*rd. After a very pleasant passage, she arrived at Maryborough (Queensland) on ihe 2b'th of April, landed her passenger*, and then was condemned to lie idle for twelve days, waiting for a supply of coal. It came at last, and, us uo return passengers offered for Wcstland, the Star proceeded to Newcastle, to load up cattle, an<l a> rived there <■ nthe 13th ult., the run up having occupud five days. Sixty head of cattle were shipped, and on the 23id she left for Hokitika; expeiieuced nothing but easterly weather during the passage, and arrived in the roadstead on the 30tb. The river then being inaccessible to vessels of her size, she was sent on to Greymouth, and reached there as above. Mr. Gillu-s, of the firm of Carey and Gillies, agents and part owners of the Star, has returned iv her, and will very likely arrive in town by to-day's coach. From Greymouth, the Star of the South goes to Auckland, via Nelson and Wellington, to take up her old running on tne East Coast, "he is announced to sail on thii morning's tide. — West Coast Times, June 3. We see by advertisement that the schooner Onehunga is laid on for Auckland, by way of Manukau, and being a smart, well-built vessel, and ably commanded, she should commaud some patronage amongst shippers and travellers. hhe has fair accomm dauon. — West Coast Times, June 2. The Eddy-tone, -vmcricttn shi t >, Calcutta to Boston, with general c irgo, put m at the < ape of Gond Hope on the 12 h Felxuary to land Captain T<>ats and. crew (12i, of the Bn isti barque Ihernsa, from l>a»goon to Antwerp, abaudoued, in a sinking state, on the 20 h January, iv latitude 11*29 d., longitude 88-44 E The s.s. Kaikoura, Captaiu Darke, arrived at npon on th« 6th, having t a*t off from the buoy at Sydney at 3 15 p.m. ou the Ist mat., and passed thr Heads at ill p.m. Experienced fresh S. E. Wind* for the fir-t two days, after which _ strong southerly brerze and heavy bp* until euteriuu' the IStr<iUB. Mad- the land at 10 p.ui. on the sbh j passed Ca pe Farewell at Biidnight, and Stephen's Island at 4.30 a.m. ; rouudt-d Cape Terrawiti at 10 am., and entered the Hr-ads at 11.23 a.m ; anchoring as a hove ; thus man ing the passage in four days eighteen hours. Light E. and S. HI. winds were met with in the Straits. At daylight on the morning of the 6th exchanged signals with the barque H.dina, bound to the eastward. She left rthis port yesterday, wifeh the following passengers : 11 — From Sydney for Panama — Mr. Laude. 'Melbourne— Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and fire children, Mr. Clayton. From Greymouth for San Francisco— Messrs M. and K. Kyan. From Sydney for New York— Mr. Flanagan, Mr. Farjeon. From iMelbourne — Messrs. Ackhurst and McFarlane. From Lyttelton— Mr. Sellar-. From Hokitika— Mr. Delisle. Prom Sydney for Southaujpton — Mr. and Mrs. Lawless and child, Miss Malony, Mr and Mr«. DavidSon and four children, SirG. tfowies, Mr. Kennedy. jFronu Napier— Mes-iw. Brown and Taylor. From 'Melbourne— Messrs. Finlay, Smith, and McDougall. jFn>m Otago Mr. Cummin. From Lyttelton — 'Captain Morgan, Miss Morgan, Mr. Brett. From Hokitika — Mr. and Wrs. Ricard, Me«srs. McLaughan, Gisiinge. From LVelson Mr Kentoul. From 'Wellington — Mr. and Mrs. Foster aud two children, Bish-ip Via-xl, Rev. Father Tressall«t; Mr., Mrs., and (Master Bridges; Mr. Thomley.— Wellingtonlndependent, June 9.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3405, 15 June 1868, Page 2

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. MISCELLANEOUS Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3405, 15 June 1868, Page 2

PORT OF AUCKLAND. MISCELLANEOUS Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3405, 15 June 1868, Page 2