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Daily Southern Cross Office Friday evening.

Burinew generally shows, the jame as thoae we noted la^wflek,, and thg, improvement in trade ii fully, maintained. .. The wholesale transactions, with; tte Thames stall .CoAtiirue to £«», «gft staple of business, and merchants can now look td that diitriofc *• ;» permanent field <jf jmyestment. There Hare been no sales of much importance during the-tfwt week, if wi except We or two aucfionsaleV by Messr* Jones and C°., ** ■?• fflf^W * n * C £v another*. ,A quantity of Qouert fcerosme, ex •DwV from Sydney,.jwas sold by auction at. 2s Bld to B»9d per gallon,.- ,she, [following price* Dave also been realised in the lame, manner pekoe, • Dishing, W%ve,' 3s Uij^range pefcoe, Albert TiQfcor,' 2« lid ; „cru«hed Idaf sugar. Bid; Neva eanajes, Is lid ; Victorian jams, 2s 4d; crystals, 16<v,9d; l§tty!s salad oil, half-pints, gs 4d ;. tag** 4*d; aworlfced. pickle., Vnybrow» 8 , 10a fid j whifcng, 6s ad* Bdmontine candles, Is OJd; Neva candle*, 1b lid ; Sinclair's bacon,, lid j Byrne's hams, lslfd.j currants, 4*d ; oysters, ,8s ; lobsters, 8s 6d ; sardines, ..qw.,.6" 8d; halves, 8s Wj BeU aid Black's plaid vestas, 8s 8d j. Campbelltqwn whiskey, 7s Id; Martell'spale brandy, cases, 28s; do. qr.oasks, 9s 6d ; geneva, 18s 3d to 18s 6d j soap, 15s 6d Thaonly arrival in the way of breadrtul's has been the 'Tawera,' which brought 2,280 wheat. The market is nqw adequately supplied, and there is a slfgfct downward tendency. Meuri. L. D. Nathan and Co. held a sale of oilmen'a stores, groceries, ,tqbacco, rf candles, soaps, kfl. t « • Pkk,eha,'from Melbon'rne,.at their stores, on Tbuftday, w^n the, following prices were realised: 4^d • Belmbntine candles, lSd; Cramer's Neva candleivJSid to,18ld; soap (primrose, hbusetold, bfue-mottled, .and, best pale yellow), 30s to 81i; buoon, illd; Melbourne-made oatmeal, 8d; oomvAV. half -ohests, Is 6d to Is 6*d; oongou, chests, Is 8d; salad oil, half^pints, 8s 6d ; Colman's mustard, lib. tins, 12s;#b. bottlw..Bs ed^bpttledfrtiits, 15t,6d to 10s 6d i .sauces, 6* p^d per , dozen j dried apples, 8d j "Wbybrow's, vinegar, Us 6d to 11s 9d; Sublett's aromatic tobacco,, pounds, Is 3d to ls^ 4d j ligbt-preued pongtess aromatic^ 9Jd : t Carrier Dove twist, lid ; M«ie Josephine, fans, IOJd to 104d ; J. A. Arthur, tens, JOid; pancake aromatic, pocket pifoes, 2s. <M : Balwin's crown twisj, 3d to 3^d ; gold Jeaf aromatic, Is 6d j Isabella, tens, damaged,, 4d to sd; Dabney and Harris, tens, damaged, 5d ; Melnor's tens, slightly damaged, Bid ; Surprise, tens, damaged, 9d ; Queen of Hearts, 41b., damaged, 8d ; Hudson's tens, 104d to lid ; Beynolds's purified prepared clay pipes, 9s per gross j Crop's pipss, assorted, 15s; French vestas, 4s per gross.— Amount of sale, £1,.750. „, Wool : Wool-is now out of season, and the market is depressed. Prices are very precarious. Hides: These sell at from ss,to, to 12s, and sheepskins at from 8d to Is 9d. Price are firm. Good heavy are, in demand, and those from 451b. to 601b. ajft.worthlOs.. Tearlingifetoh si. : The market, is fully supplied with this oommodity from local tanneries ; pripes same as last quoted 1 Colonial joK 30d to Is ; Sydney sole, 14d I ; Mdfskins (oplonial), 4a.t0.4s 6d j Fre,nch, 5s to.Cs 6d. J[ip : Colonial, Is 4d to 2s ; cordovan, 3s 6d to 4s j basils, from 12s-6dUo 14s ; coloured loans, 5s each'; harnect leather. 14d> , TaUb#7 There is a fair demand for lotal contahiptlon, bnt prfces 'are "somewhat lower th«nus^al. Snppfies'are'readilyolearedoff. It is worth 30s to Swp^cwt. Bdnes : The demand for bonedust is almost ml, the season in which this manure is most in demand being now .over. Ordinary is sold at £i for cash ; butebeW, I£s'j1 £5'j Wborie'diist at £9 a ton, including Owing to tne^leTilopment of ourprovincial'lSSslfle'ld?, which furnish first-class fuel in abtindance and at lower' prices'fchan foreign coals, thm' is scarcely any sale or demand for the latter. Kt^akiwa coal is siWible at 25s for 1 unscreened, iM'3ds T fOT screeried ; and "Whangarei coal is 'sold at l^'for'screemtJcs 1 ; be¥t screened, 22s '6d, 19^6d from thS^artorandlSs delffered at the mine* Newoastle. doai; as already stated, is not' saleable, but is Offered at fAm* 80s to 345. Prices ha»e now reached ft Kin'd of fixed T staildard j arid aa 'arrangements for a rlStilariupi'ljliave !>§4h made by the formation of ! ah'd the investment of» *ffiftal r for developing r tfi« 1 coalfields, prices aronot Sely to ffmituafe. : WeH-creaned i auri gum is worth from 23s tb ! j24s,'and f 'rotigh' fMm ' 15s to ; 18s ; well-cleaned nSknra' Hill :^am ia worth 20s to 225. > The fa&k&U firm, in consequent of the 'Charlotte Ann' loading for London . BreadataffsTTnT'amvar6f'*ieve«ll large shipment* of wheatifrom the South during the past tfask has rendered the market firm* and supplies win befuljy,«dequateior some, time, to come. WJmX is.n6wworthfrom7s6dtoBs6(i, aqd duUof salf. Wbuv wbolesale^ crown brand.,, £24 ;t; t imppxted Garittrbnry, £20; T. S. .and^P.'* brand, ,£22.. SBarps, £6, -to £8; bran,, 10d/ to If, Bisouite are ngw.Very dulloLsate, and little business was done idiuiing the part week. % t .to <, ». ioM* and Porter:(dntyipaid)i Jslqod'aandJennanb> •jfe'in d*man64iiat M prioet from 135,6d to.^ls jS< iwbeStively. Victoria stores jftouj;. realises. 11s, ,f n( is.very ialeable.j, TkeJtnarkefc is fully stocked,, apd, ' il«re<are.ilargeaqtiantities to. arrive,!., r Bass's, ig^in demand, ab 11s to ,12s ; Jofffey's^lOs 6d ; Aysopp's Burton qudfedjjtt from! 105.t0., Up. o Tbe duty, is Igjjfrperfgailont anid^Ji^i^per. d^»eu^b-s»>.\jv; uj± U Wine*<ia bond): All kinds.»rftf ully supplied^ There lA^ooddekl pf ;fnferii)is<pwt and sherry in^hqmarkofc. 4EUai braridiaris.wqrth^romßs co8s; pommon^from 4s KB. Port Tje*HfB»abaut thc.sinje rate%;Tjie market Jwrawly soaplied, *nd the requirements are nqWikely 4»llffgrisatiorisdm% tini* to dome- „ Nothiqe ; bMt.the (Vas^ p<n^iiisaie'able>jo»tiAbw. .Wines in case, are in *fti^[emand»ati£rom§osto:,42s.d, «.•«*■• .•.-,-.* Ua &nritv(in(bond)4 { jands andyrum sjail ha^e «nuptoarditehaenpui Brandy it-wortJl 9fl 6d, ,andX,p^dsi.s 4nuh' realises from 5s td<6s. All brands are. Y*ry scarce rmbnlk. HennjusyJCiSjsqaroe WBos to-31st[ Geneva Holland^, ji,scaroe,a)i; ,2oa l; :and:the«isTery little JDKZin the: market. .Manjejfr jfcrabdy^, from ;28s to /,2os j and M*Ys> iCStts «tfi«Bg.,.j There dmmj.u)iW* of the Utter m t 4ow« but it' i* easily nldvedloffin bulk* uy.«i / >& ' yj Old IJom.:>.This, coinmodity as i4 Jair., supg)yr*nd 4Bmesthatldall^f sale,J>ht fair j prices are realisedoßumett's; 18s {.Booth's .i«i worth about 20s f, other Btand^ 14s.<td'toil6K<(inbdnd).L.< t .;, Jy , (/JJ , iU j22«, .the^ market yWj^fiwblf supplied -witk this i brands Jfcmies/?p's..jw • oonsidered tobethemottgenul^^nda.greeeJl«jpjrUr, aadiftaoldoat(jtfls'to 30s/. tuereiMwg.VeiQiilii.tile in' the i«a^^, JJDd=only on* or two holoVs. infaofud j*iii, tWti aw ta^^wdiabli.tlMpifbfttjM hfaadf,

Coffee : In bond— Plantation, li ; Java, 10 1 ; .Manila, 9.1. White pepper, Is; black pepper, 4id; oocoa, Is 2idj chocolate, Is l^d. Chicory is ray soarce, and will probably ooniinue ■o until the arrival of one of the English vessels which art now due. Messrs. Gregg and Co. are the only holden it present that we are aware of. Oilmen's Stores : English arrivals are slill anxiously tpotfed for. Staroh is more plentiful, and worth* Jd. Salad oil 1 is plentiful, 'at 9s a doien for "nalWmts, and is much inquired for. Pickles hare been in demand during the past weak, arid] a' large quantity 1 has been disposed of,' prices having advanced to 12s. These are only saleable in good brands, as Morton.'s and Whybrow's ; inferior one! are idrugin the market. Bottled fruit, are quoted at :4s to l4s 6d, but are dull 6f f sale. Hobart Totti jams art very 1 rare; and a ihipment from tfiat qua :ter is »nxT6usly looked f6r. They are at present work. fr<Jm 103 > Us per d6Ben. Cornflour: Brown J and Poison's is 'almost etitirely ' run out, but is quoted at lOd per lb. Several ( sniall parcels, of KftifcsfOrd's atfd otter tfrahds Have c'nariged'ha'nds at Bid to 94. Champion's ' wnfegar, in bulk, is worth 3s '6d to 3s 9d, and Gillon's, in bottle I ,' 11s. There is a'snTall l6t of white win'e Vinegar in bulk in town, wfcicn is much admired! It is quoted at the same iw Champion's. Mustard, ,iq 71b. titas, is worth about 9*d. The market ib, hbWever, not > 'wen'subplied''with''theSje. , S"ug%rs i The market w now fully supplied: Com'panVs No. 1 realises 'about £41 per ton (in bond), and ditto Yis sold at £36, knd there is rery little in ttie' market. Iti place is, how^ter, supplied by Mauritius. * „ a . Catfdles : Candles h%ve somewhat deolined m Vfklbe. Price's are worth from Is, 3d to Is 4d, and other manufactures feiloh Is 2*d. Mr. S. Jonea ■biaafewhu'n'dVe'a Doxes of t>utch frond ll±d to ls.[ Moulds, 'A6ckla v nd-made, are preferred to others, and are worth r6r 6& ' T«as : TKeT m'a'tk'eT; is fairly supplied with chests > and nilf-onesta. Boxes of good brand are scarce, ana realise frbm 24s to 25s in bond. Chesta, £7; ha] f.ohesei/£8'10« td £3 15s. The market is firm. ; Soap : Sydney and Melbourne mannfacturei ir* p'U ntif ul, mor^ the latter \ primrose is qu >ted at 31s } hoaseliold,' 33s ; niottled and best, 38i to 395 ; Warnook's'aridineditim, 325 ; best, 34» ; Allender's, 355, , *. Soda Crystals' are worth iittluoli <s 20a to 22*. St >oks Bare, howeVei-; entirely tun dut, and shipmtafa a'fe'iMci<nwly«xpeo</ed, ' Balt i This commbflity is sett cje, «nd sticks have riekrly run out. Sinall quantities havi changed ha ads^at as high as £8 and £8 ids, but there is very lit il«i sold. • ' , , , _ , . ' Hamftiand bacon are becoming more plentiful, and large supplies"***" expected to' arrive shortly. The to: mer is worth l6d, and the latter 14Jd. . ' ' bried Fruits :■' The market is Tather bare of dned trJits, which are worth' 7*d. Good rai«in« fetch 7d per lb. W nscatels are marketable, but are extremely '■circe, there being only one or two holders j they are now worth from Is to'ls Id. There are no dned i ap|ples in 'the market, *nd currants are overstocked. JRioe is itill'scaree, and realiiei £30'per ton in bond. pops 'fcre - still scarce, and r are worth from 3s, 6d. to 4s, . „ : jFuh': Pickled salmon is still almost a drug in the market. Priflei are nominally at about 6d. Fresh saimon realises 17s per dozen. jTobaOOO ; Th* market is well stocked with com'mbn'te»s, which are worth' from lOd to 14d ; lib., Is ; twists hare lately become entirely unsaleable,' arjdtrery good samples are offered at lovr figures. J Ci gars are worth from 40s to £10 (in bond). Colaa: French defined, from f 6s 3d to 6s 6d per g( lion in case ; oommon colza, in drams, 5s 6d to 5s 9d. jKerosine: Stocks are w6U supplied with this commodity, but, owing to the unsettled state of the niarket at present, speculations are made very cSutiously. For Cozzen's 3s 3d to 3s 6d can be obtained, duty paid. Hay, £3 10a per ton. Oats: Seed, very Jittle in the marked worth 4s 6d ; feed oatsiell readily *fc 3s 6dto 3s 9A. (Maiae: Good maize, Sydney, realises from 5s to 5s 6d. All kinds of grindery are fully supplied.

The Customs revenue cofteoted it thh'port to-day ajnounted to £421 7« ss, u foUdws :— Duties, £409 ' 10s lOd ; aritos'fees, 6s ; light dues, 9s 4d ; pildt*gb, £7 5s 8d j port charges, £3 15s 7d.

Meisrg. Samuel Cootirane and Son lold at their storei, Fort-street, to-day, a large (juantity of valuable furniture, Aq., which realised good , prices. There wai * Urge attendanoe and spirited oompetitjon. The magnifieent engraTingg by Martin were the only lot not disposed of.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3404, 13 June 1868, Page 3

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Daily Southern Cross Office Friday evening. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3404, 13 June 1868, Page 3

Daily Southern Cross Office Friday evening. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3404, 13 June 1868, Page 3