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Much Sfc— Wind, 8.W. ; light; shoiwjr.

▲BJUYALS. »«itt«ffal Suit, *.■ , 186 toni, Minrlok, from N»ptor Tia Bj* oflitondi, withaheep -f3 Anxw Melhniih, barona. *8T tons, Wlllltmi, from NtWCMtle, X»t« Grant, nhooner, 40 torn, tf«ts«n, from Kaiptr*, , With timber. , « «, J«n«, »choon«r, 7 WtoD», J"»nlkn»r, fK»m T PoT«Pty IBiy, with M*l# <?&• MUUeufaf . SOiom. N«o,' frtm M»lrar»nci. Shuamok, tntttr, SS t6n», BUph»m, from litronrjr Bar, • withtimb.r. , . > ' duriotto, eatttr, 40 toni, Fntiec, from outtktna. Don, cutUr, n tona, Martin, from Wanftroa, with cattle. Smuggler, cotter, 21 tons, , Shepherd, from Mangapai, with bark, *a • ■ Uno*, ouster, IS torn, Dickion, from Matakana, with cattle.

DXPAsrmtxs., . Ttttniki, «.•., 886 toni, Itaaeli, for ttrarufftwd South, with 1 gnntl OMfo. " ' ' BwuUfal^fiUr, «.«., 126 toni, Morwick, for Napitr/with, SnHtyibr Sf^ p.i., <o toni,l4iflpott : , for M«i*k*n*, with l^mm jSc^ trifc'Sey ton«, Kiadt»#^<w Wbotan*, with VDtnl moo, , Itiuioft, Mboonw, 70 toni, MoGrifor, for Ifongontd, with •• ttebtr, JwL" 2 --'- ■■•> ' • ' • " * JHUk%' acboontr, 40 toiur, C»taipol«, for Tftinu, with Siwro^ctitfcir, 1^ few, JonM, *».tt« Tfiltmitililn bkiiiut. AUta, outtir' M tani, Snywomr, for iUaJSW*!, with itorei.

. , u . x . , £ VMSBLB EXPXOTKD. A.M. i Challenger, Commodore Boeblort Maguirt, from HobartTown. lOdge. as., ft torn, Lonuu,, from London (under oanYas), sailed Norember IT, Wo? MOB, lst'-dls. p. Star of th« South. ■ «., 147 tons. Bendall, from Napier. Iturt, p.*., FUrchild, fte*pf*tfrtnßa. ' John Soott, ship. 665 tons, Penfyld. from London (sailed De;e^berU).No.e2Bß,;Ul4is.p. . • «'',''' Warvto^abjo, 1,005 .tons, Farmer, from London (wiled ;Jinswm No.i497,toddls. p. Ironside, shlpVi»'tons, Clm», from London (lo»dta»), No. tttT.'lrtdlu'p. ■ - ' Harwnhuq, b)»rqTJ», 700. ,tooa, Shwlock, from Newcastle • N.&W..No.l»o4,tradi« I p. _ ■dwiß. P««< barqnc, 217-tonf. Spray, from Brisbane, (tajDad 14th^ QTBW (new code). Mand City;' barque, 490 tons, Wolff*, from Port Curtis, Qnteniland. ' '■ ' Bella Mary, barqna, 1267 tons, Coppint;, from Hobart Town, No. BfiO/Brd dls. p. Harrirtte Xatbaa, I ' l>arqne, US tons, Lloyd, from Hobart Town; QT D3 (new code). Atlantic, barque, 2CO ton», Smith, from Manrltlnt, No. 640, < irttWley,-t!rtf,2ir tons, Potsajtb, from Bolivia, No. 2640, ' *' tnd dis< p.- * ■ •' •orprise, brlf , 100 tons, McQrath, from Tahiti, No. 1802, 2nd dis. p. • , ftkeba/ brlf, 178 tons, Bobinson; from Adelaide, VL P G - 'Otew'cdde)." Susan, bift, 186 tbni, Poulien, from Newcastle, N.S.W., No. 1806. 2nd~dJs. p. Alexandra, brig, 288 tons, Stephenson, from Adelaide (sailed -risth^o. Mo.lst dlsp. -. . •.!'-. Padflo, Mbponwr, 80 tons; Bates, from Norfolk Island, No. . •286\ IJJLdu. p. Albatrott, aehooner, 86 tons, Bratmd, from Chrlstchurch, No. • W.tlstdMip. i - . - BanaUM^scboimtr, 70 tons, Sloane, from Adelaide, No. 0118, . 2nd' dis, p. < « » < SUlahVsonooner, 0$ toni, Wjkti, from TanitL - , Clyde, schooner, M tons, Cheshire, from Christohruoh. St. Kilda^ schooner,,eB tons, from South Sea Islands. Cora; tehoon'e*; SO tons, McCaUum, from InTercarglll. Odt,' tohoonef' 48 ton*,' Btdlrrim, from Dnxiedbu Jortunf t sohooner, 24 tons, Black, from OpotUd. , Btr^'soßaon«r, from Tkartopu aumM, schooner, 80 tons, Pnrchas, from Tanranga. .' Herald, schooner, 05 tons, (n«w),-Munro, from wantjarel. Zawera, schooner, Sotons, Kennedy, from Forerty Bay. BlavbelUichooner. .85 tons, Loverock, from Chrlstohnrch. SpeedwelL ketch. 'SB tons, Lamb, from Norfolk Island and N '- New Odedoola. , ICarwtU^SS'taai, Hardiman, f rom Holdansa. , ; I Hope, scjhooner.' S7 tons, Black, from Taniann. | Nautilus, 20 tb'ns.'Bns'nell, from Chrlstchurch. j Suse, cutter, 40 tons, Haymet, from Sonth Sea Islands. j Agnes, ontter, 14 tons, Hitchinj, from Ohora, North Cape.

PjBOJZOTXD DEPABTUBBS. *« Loirbow.—Maari, to-monow; NbTelty, April S: Electric 7th; Southern Grotty W»jr IS; Unghmi and Mary Shepherd, early. Gaxu.~<Adrlatlc ( «wly. Caxlao.— E«gln!i, early. Bait Fkawohoo.— HeT«rtham.e«rlr; Fl/inf Cloud, 2nd. South Bxa Islaiom.— Eagle, to-daj. ,, STDKir.tjAßolclandi April 2nd ; Kate, tarly. If MWOJipTLB.— Ann* Htlhtklib, eaitr. CKUirdHbxos.— Qnein, to-day ; Kate Grant, tnd. Ninu.- Agnai, to-day. ' Fotmtt Bat.— Jane, 2nd. 'fl?At»Ai»taA:^St>T«reign of the' Seat, to-day. Bat oi 1 Islxkdb.— Sea Jirees*, and General Cameron, early. • * , 1 "WAHoAjnEC— Snrorrler, to-day. « Mamoapai.— Smuggler, to-day. MMtTOjtT Bat.— Janet Grey, to-day. CoxoiCAßSKL.— Ent«rpri«« Na 2, Brd ; Wanderer, to^ay. Fo*t Pitowt,— P»wn,-to-d»y. MAHtnuoiai.— Ent»rprii» No. S, lit ; Maid of the Mill, to-day. Matakaka.— lnterpriie Na 2, 6th; Charlotte, to* morrowi V*»i.-f ow SUt«n, t(KUy,

TEBBXLB IN HA&BOTTX. (TMi Urt doei not Include ooartlng cutters. ) Auckland, •.*., 705 ton*, Harris, from Sydney.— H. M. Jarria, ' agent InttrpriM Ho. 1, p.*. (on ferry lerrice). Gemini, is. (on ferry service). Bella Marina, coal bulk. Benjamin Heap*, coal hulk. TOurr Shepherd, ship, 906 tom, Croot, from London.— Brown, Campbell, and Ck>., agents.' Electric, snip, l.lOfl tons, Ltwthwait*, from London.— D. ]7atban, agent Maori, ahip, 799 tom; BoDerti, from London.— Crolokinank, Smut, *ad Co., agentx. Xngland, tbip, 868 tons, Fox, from London.— D. Nathan, •gant B«gls»i «Up, 6W tons, Lintbornt, from London.— Harrii and Lanxie, agenti. Southern Crow, tbip, £02 toni, Mordn*. from Wellington.— Orniokfhank, Smart, and Go., «enU. Anna MelhnUh. barque. 287 tons, WOliami. from Kewoastle, N.B.W.— Hendenon and Maofarlane, agents. Prince B»tent. barque, 267 toni, Boie, from Adelaide.— Hendenon and Maofarlane. agente. Korelty, barque, 878 tontj Kearin;, from Adelaide.—Henderion and liacfarlane, agent*. Kate, barque, 840 toni, Auttin, from Sydney.— Hendenon •nd Mac/arlane, ageni*. ViiUeto*. barque, SSS tons, Duder, from Melbourne.— Hanii and Laurie, agent*. Adriatio. barque, , 802 toni, Cappon, „ from Port Victor, South AnitraUil.— Harrla,aitd Laurie, agenti. H7)nrCaond (new), 877 toni, Scon, frcm Little Omaha.— 3. Woollen, agent Srima Donna, icbooner, 85 'torn, Oook, from Sydney.—ollfllUn and Co., agenti. Xenllworth, schooner, 118 toot, McKenxie, from New Caledonia.—Cndduhank, Smart.' and Co., agenti. Bapld, icbooner, 84 toni, Martin, from Tauranfa.— S. J. Edmonda, agent. Jane, ichooner, 87 toni, Fanlkner, from PoTtrty Bay.— T. 1 Maoky and Ca, agent*, ween, Kkooner, 60 tow, Cbeahlre, from Napier.— T. Craig, Bisabeth Mary, ichooner, 27 toni, from Great Barrier 1 laland. WllUami and Julia", ichooner, 80 toni, Kein, front Chrijtc, churoh.— Captain, agent. Kate Grant, ichooner, 40 toni, Mataen, from Eatpara.

ENTERED DTWAEDB. Mamcb 20— Don, SI torn, Martin, from W»D|»ro», with 8 head oatttt, 40pki, 2 ttaen fowl* Pawengmr— l. 10--?rince Regent, barque, 267 tout. Son, from Adelaide, m* I *!™^"" Hendewon »nd Macfarlsoo, ««ont». S» r Xlto Grant. 40 torn, Matien, from Kaipara, with 29,000 I Mtiawn timber. f^kmmlei, 21 toni, Shtpherd, from Mragapai, with lStoni J^pKudn bulm l uck oatt. 1 pig. P«ueni?er«— 7. S^itauflfal Star.irt., 126 ton«, Morwick, from Eautll, Bay of Mttdj,withll6iheip, 195 b»n «ra« seed, 60 pkgi. lttHaf»,lhone,lca«koiL Pau«nge»~7.

- CLEARED OUZWABDS. MjUtOH tons, Eoberti. for London, -with 272 ton* miutajpiwres, and troops.— Oraickshank, Smart, and Co., •fttnE ft; 20— Queen, to, Una, Veale, for Christchurch, with 88.000 feet .timber (to 1 be ahipped at Wangapoa), 5 bales bags, 1' ton 4 flies for mill at Wangapoa. w— Serern,ilB tons. Jones, for Thames, in ballast T^TS" 10 .*' ?° toni ' McGregor, for Mongonui, with.' 7,000 feet timber, 8 tons flour, 4 pfcgs., 1 case. 1 bundle. 2 tons bonedusfc « baes make. 2 kegs nails, 1 bundle, 4 coils rape, m^S "/*• * bari bon > irori, 15 bags sugar, 1 ' .W V&?: 1 CMc » x bllle . 2 dozen spades. 3 boxes soap, 2 pkgs.^lo bags ragsT, Apkgs., 1 ewe, 20 bags grass seed. Passengers— B. , '** J 0 ? 1 - *'»<*'. 'or Taurang«andBonth, i?Bi f0r i T » nw ?»»J 1 Parcel, Combes and Daldr. For Napier: 1 parotl, Lewis 8r05.;,l parcel, Combes and DsidV; 1 parcel, Wayte atd Bather ; V Tv2no, Ltasttoe ; 2 eases drapery, Clark and Sons, For WellSn : 1 parcel Q '^?\ Chapnsan; 1 carpjt bag. Mrs. Holflwood; 2 casks sped. 1 case seed. Brown. Campbell, and Co. : 1 case effects DMptfßink: 1 parcel, H. M. JenU; i c&ie rtcUmmr ' Co^otor of Custom, .- 1 hhd, holloware', 2 carts hoUowam \ &B. Smith ; 1 case ironmongsrr. Crulckshank, Smart ana 1 Co. ; 1 can wine, Collector of Customs. For Banedin •1 * portmanteau. Combes and 'Daldy ; 6 casks vinegar, Greet: and Co. For Lyttelton: 1M sheep, R Graham.— Combes and Daldr, agents. ( «»-BaanMfnl Btar,,s.s., 126 tons. Morwick, for ff»pi«, with 115Jshee^ 1S( bags grass seed, 50 pkgfr. luggage, I hone, 1 owkoll.Wott and* C& : 240bags^onr, lt^Vi Buttonl rtatss, Kial and Close. Paassngirs-7.^J. 8. Macf arlan. agenl ' *«TJ^ lH N 4at ? v'u ' Catohpolt, for Tifrw, wtth 1 ton coal, 2 ton lfoni, l cask potk, 2 caul rum, S kigs butter. Tiwon-

IMPOSTS. J&J&^'^^P^SJ 10 * 1 -AAWto; 2,056 Mcki

JCXFOBTS. Parabip Haori, for Plymouth: #2 ton* <3pT»nua»rit ! ■ilttur itom, SnpeiinUndent of Stom.— Crictahimk. Bm*tt, wd Co., MgnAt. ' '

WEEKLY SUMMARY. , Shipping business has been brisk during the weelr? owing to considerable shipments of timber and other merchandise the product of the province. The weai Jther has been unattended with any extremes, and very toild for the season of the year. The arrivals number six foreign, and the departures eight. Of the former we have to report—on the 25th, the mail steamer Auckland, Captain Harris, from Sydney, one day behind her date of arrival, in consequence of detention in Sydney until the evening of the 19th. She brought a large general "cargo, the Marseille! portion of the English mail, and> number of passengers. The Circular Saw barque Slate, Captain Carter, arrived on the 27th, and the topsail, schooner Prim* Donna, both from Sydney, withjpneral cargoes. On the following day, the Auoldknd schooner Kenilworth and the ex-royal yacht Prince Regentfaxrived, the former from Noumea* New Caledonia, with wine and maize ; and the latter from Adelaide, with a large cargo jof grain to, Che order of Messrs. Thornton, Smith," and Firth. On the 29tb, theJbarque Anne Molhulshl arrived from Newcastle, with a cargo of ooalt, to the order of Messrs. Hendtrtpn and Maofarlane^ The b. ■. Star of the South ihai arrived from Napier, with , a car_go of ' sheepr and returned with a general cargo j and-the s. si Beautiful' Star has landed sheep at the Bay of Wanda, and called for cargo for the retum~trip to Napier. ' TJie p.i. 'Enterprise has made her weekly trip to Corbmandel, bringing 150 ounces of "gold. ; The departures foreign, during the week, have 'been— on the 26th, the Mission schooner Southern Cross, with the scholars, of theMelaneoian Mission, 'from Kohimarama station, fox transport to Norfolk • 1 aland, which is the future location of the school. On the 26tb, the barque Armistice, Captain McKeon, ; sailed for Hekianga, in ballast, Ijo load timber for the ; Sydney marktfc; and the brigantine Sea Gull and 1 cutter Hercules sailed for Islands of the South Sea, ! with full general cargoes on merchants' account, to i load island produce for the return trips. On the 1 27 th, the Circular Saw barque. Alioe Cameron, left [ for Sydney, with a generaTcargo and a full complei menfc of pasiengers, in charge of Captain Garter, of ! the barque Kate, who arrived that morning from the same place. The brigantine Vistula, Captain Paton, sailed the same day tor Newcastle, with a cargo of timber. On the 28th, the brig Bose of Australia, I Captain O'Hagan, sailed for Newcastle, New South ' Wales, in ballast ; and on the 29th the Auckland brig Princess Alice, Captain Kiddey, sailed for Melbourne, with a large cargo of general merchandise, and 3d passengers. • The sohooner Tauranga brought up a dettohment of §o,rnwnf of. the 12^h, Begiment on, -the 23rd " initant irom Tauranga. ' ' Tfie English shipping to hand thiamobthbringli'lntelligence of the departure of the large iron ship Warwick for this po^| Captain Kean, of the lost brig Tenus, arrived herein the Katejon the 27% an^ ->has furnished us with an account^of the' wreck from' the ship's log. The s.i. Taranald, from the South, arrived on the morning of the 28th, having 'been detained at Wellington by order of the Government; The '" hull of the new steamer Tauranga, to the order of the ' Bay of Plenty Steam Navigation Company, was launched from Messrs. Nicool's yard at the North Shore on the 27 th. Particulars off her.; build have -been given in these column*,' -We regret to hare to record the loaa of the fine Auckland schooner Stately; at Oamaru during the recent heary weather. She was owned by Captain Short,' of Mshurangi, and only partially insmed. Bhe had on board at the time of her loss 84,000 feet of timber from tbuport, Mtd' Wag proceeding to Chrjstchoroh to load grain -for th© return trip. The Auckland cutter, Elizabeth Ann was likewise wrecked at Tairua* on Saturday last, whilst orossing the bar, fortbii port, with gum. No lives were lost at either wreck.

EMBARKATION OP TROOPS. The left wingf, of H.M. 57th Regiment embarked for England yesterday on board the hired transport Maori. The men mustered at the Albert Barracks, where' _fcheyv have 'been* concentrated from their variorm stations read j~ for embarkation, at an early hour in the morning ; and after being pt>i through their last exercise in the New Zealand Barracks, were marched, to the Queen-street Pier, headed by the fine band of the regiment, playing ,s .the usual parting airs. , There was , a goodly number of frienoV* striving to 4 take a last farewell of thejgaUantmen wholiave fought our battles, and behaved nobly., during their sojourn amongst vi. Armed at the wharf, the men were embarked in the s.s. Gemini, .and in oargo boats,- the. band continuing to enliven the proceedings , by faVourite , aejections from the repertoire of popular music Everything wa« in readiness for their reception on board the troop ship, and the men soon set about making themselyes comfortable for the voyage. The ship will be inspected by the^Reiident, Transport Officer this morning, and proceed' to sea to-morrow with her living freight Major Stewart is the offioer com* manding on board, and the Ber. Father MoSweeney is the military ohaplain. The following are the names of the officers embarked and the strength of the foroe on board, viz. : Major Stewart (in command), Mrs. Stewart, Miss Stewart, and one child ; Captain and Mrs. O'Shaughnessy, Miss O'Shaeghnessy, and one ohild ; Surgeon Davies (in medical charge), Mrs. Davies ; Captain Sir K. Douglas, Bart , Captain E. G. Hasted, Lieutenant W. De W. Waller, Lieutenant P. E. Powys, Ensign C. J. Matthews, Ensign, R; J. Holmes,. Ensign C. P. Benn ; 4 married and 7 single officers : 1 military chaplain, 1 -staff-sergeant 2nd battalion 18th Regiment, wife and child ;-staffisergeant 67th Regiment, wife and three children ; staff-sergeant 57th Regiment, wife and one child -, Staff-Sergeant Christie, Royal Artillery, wife and one child; Staff-Sergeant Curtis and wife ;< women, 19 j children, 24 j nonoommissioned officers and men.— Total, 268. The Maori also takes 272 tons ef Government military stores.

ARRIVAL OF THE S.S. BEAUTIFUL STAB. The s,s,, Beautiful Star, Captain H. Morwick, arrived yesterday morning from Napier, vift B»y of Islands, have landed a oargo of sheep at the latter plaoe. She report* haling leffc Napier on Sunday last, and had southerly .winds until arriving off the East Cape, when the wind came from the westward, and continued so until the arrival of the vessel at the Bay of Islands on Wednesday evening. Discharged 960 sheep and 3 bullocks at the Bay to the order of Mr, Williams, and took in 116 breeding sheep, *c,, for the return trip. Left the Bay on Thursday afternoon, and returned here at 7 aim. yesterday. The Beautiful Star had the following oargo from the Bay : 115 breeding sheep and' rams, 195 bags grassseed, 60 packages luggage, 1 horse, 1 hhd. oil, Kinross and Co. She had likewise the following native passengers for Napier, being the remainder oi the scholars from Bishop Williams'/s school at the Bay, viz.:— Renata, Apikers* Eparauna, Kiriata, Rereira, Para, Makere. After coaling and shipping 240 bags flour and other cargo, the steamer left for Napier, with her cargo and passeDgers.— J. S. Macfarlane, agent.

ARRIVAL OF THE BARQUE ANNE . MELHUISH. The barque Anne Melhnish, Captain William*, arrived yesterday from Newcastle, N.S.W.,.with coals, *c, on account- of Messrs. Henderson and Maofarlane. She reports having left on the 10th' ingt., and had rough head winds and sea* all the way across, making the Three Slings on the 25th', 4nrt., and experiencing light muds along the cOakt. Cargo : 450 tons coal, 450 bags maize, 50 tons bones. — Henderson and Maofarlane, agents.

Thh s.s. Tjueukakl— The BT.Z.S.N. Co. 'a s.«. TManaki, CapUin'H: B. Franois, left the wharf at 11 .o'clock last night for Taurangi »nd the Southern port*, with general cargp^as per Customs report) •ndtheloUojTing passengers:— For.T,aur*nga : Messr*. . Spencer,' lTdhnson^ andWilton. Foil Napier : ' Meisr*. i P. McGreevy,..A.. H^rErice,: ,B.vWright, P. McDonald, J. Taylor. For Wellington: Messn. i Audtewa and three children, C. M. Smith,. Mn. ! Home, Mesira. Kavapagh and W»tts. For Lyttelton : Miss Williams, Master Williams, Mr. J. Colmore. For Dunedin : Mr. Douglass. TBre Kmugolbb. — The cutter Smuggler, Shepherd, master, arrived yesterday from Wangaioi and' Mangapai, with bark and produce.' She report* having left Wangarei on Wednesday iiight, and had •trong head-winds klqnt the cOasfc. Cargo : 16 ton's • towai bark, 8 sacks barley, 1 sack t>ats. 'P*i. •engera : 7. '

Thk Sohoonxb Katb- Grant.— The schooner Kate Grant, Captain Matzen, arrived yesterday morning from, the Kaipar*, bound to Chriitehurch with * cargo of timber from the Wajroa mill*. reporU having left the Beads on Wednesday week, 5Sr enc^ n t«ed very severe \r eathor after iea-ving. When offthe Qape, on Eriday last, sustained considerable injury to, her saili through the violence &if the weather^ and bad to repair. OS the lajtjts 1 Barrier Island, on, Tuesday, had a quantity c*rr{od; ■way, and deemed ifodTuable to put in for repairs

fd new oibvm. Was unable to make the harbour, rough scarcity of sail, until yesterday morning, jports the brig Reliance, Captain Austin, arriving the Heads, to load timber at the mill, as she "BaUvld, and the -ship Cossipore ready for sea, her [definition bein&iDallaP. Cargo : 29,000 feet a*nn tiatb«r. j Wreck of a Coaster. — By the arrival yesterday of the schooner Jane we learn that the wreck of a coasting craft was washed ashore off Gable End Foreland on Thursday se'nuight, but had not- been, identified ,up to the, time she sailed" for ' this j port. ' The 'wreck ;was that of a green-painted cutter about 38 fret jkeel. The mast and deck were thrown on the be«ob •with the tide, very nearly in the immediate vicinity jolitid wreck of 'the Star of the Evening. No cargonor anything calculated to lead to the identification of the vessel had been' washed ashore when our informant! eft; • Thx Sohoonzr Jans. — The schooner Jane, Capitain A. Faulkner, arrived yesterday afternoon from ;PoVerty Bay, with a cargo of sheep, &o. Bhe reporlSi hwrine Jeft Poverty Bay on Monday * morning .last, and had a fair wind to the East Cape. From thenoe to the Hole-in-the-Wall bad head winds and oross seai, arriving off tbexe on Thursday. Had W.S.W. and S.W. winds from thence to port. 'Reports the schooner Tawera, Captain Kennedy, to 'leave Poverty Bay for this port on Wednesday. i The sohooner Donald McLean, Captain Baker, left PoTerty pn Sunday last, with a cargo *of sheep for Tauranga, 'and proceeds from thence toTairuasaw ' mills to load timber for the return trip.' Sighted the schooner Celt, bound down on Monday last, off »TolagQ>.B»yj and. a ontter, off the East Cape, on Tuesday, name unknown. Cargo: 117 snec!p/24 jbags wheat, 20 oases apples, 84 bags grass seed. ! Passengers: Mr. W. S. Green and ion.-— T. Mack/, 'agent. > ■ » The Prince Begent, with grain from Adelaide, ' entered inwards at the Customs yesterday. I The brig.P^rinoass Alipe, Captain^Ciddey, sailed i for Melbourne yesterday, with a large general cargo, ' inoluding 266 bales Auckland fax, 1,986 bars and bundles iron, and 34 passengers. She proceeds from IthenceJto Adelaide to load grain ;on owners' j account. * ; We understand that the s.s. Beautiful Star, which j called here yesterday to. coal, on her way from the . Bay of Islands to Napier,' has been taken up for the , conveyance of several cargoes of sheep to Poverty sßay. j The cuttei Ppp,' , Oaptafa-Mjurtip, ' arrived yester. , day from Wangaroa, with a cargo of 8 head cattle, 40 pigs, 2 dozen fowls, &c, after a fine-weather passae;e. t Passenger : Captain Butt. The sohooner Iranhoe, Captain McGregor,' sailed last night for Mongonui, with 7,000 feet of timber, * general cargo, and eight passengers. The sohooner Queen has changed hands, having been purchased by Captain W. D. Yeale, late of the ' Isabella, for the Southern trade. She leaves to-day for Wabgapo*, to load « 36,000 feet of timber for, Christchurch. The schooner Jubilee, Catchpole, master, sailed last night for Tairua, with sundry merchandise and three passengers. The cutter Severn, Jones, master, sailed last night for the Thames, in ballast. The p.s. Enterprise, Captain Fhilpott, steamed for Matakana yesterday afternoon, with a number of passengers and a small general cargo. The cutters Charlotte from Matakana^ and Maid ' of the Mill from Mahurangi, arrived yesterday, with cargoes of firewood and lereral passenger*. The cutter Shamrock brought up a cargo of sawn timber from Mercury Bay mills yesterday. The cutter Glance, Dickson, master, brought up eight' passengers and a quantity of settlers' produce from Matakana last evening, after landing 12 head of cattle at Kohimarama.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIII, Issue 3019, 30 March 1867, Page 4

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. MISCELLANEOUS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIII, Issue 3019, 30 March 1867, Page 4

PORT OF AUCKLAND. MISCELLANEOUS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIII, Issue 3019, 30 March 1867, Page 4