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E. J. COX.

We are glad that, notwithstanding the evident reluctance on the part of persons whose duty it is to assist in the administration of justice, a warrant was obtained yesterday by Mr.liogan, J.P., Otahuhu, for the arrest of the absconder, E. J. Cox. We refrain from further comments at this time upon the extraordinary facts that Have been stated to us on this matter. Mean* while, we would suggest to our worth j Magiitrate,to give instructions to the officers of his Court to afford every facility in such cases, instead of making the procuring of a warrant a matter of the utmost difficulty. The following is the wording of the warrant; — " That he, Edmund J. Cox, formerly of Auckland, on or about the 4th day of hath been guilty of feloniously stealing, taking, and carrying away, from the said William It. Logan, at Auckland, the sum of two hundred pounds (£200), the property of the said William K. Logan." The mail steamer leaves the Manukau to-day, and the warrant will go by her. We hope it will be in time to detain him.

! We hold over our Tauranga correspondent's letter, and a second letter from our special reporter at the seat of war at Eotorua. Several district letters are likewise pressed out of to-day's is sue. We understand that the Returning Officer has te : eeived the writ for the election of the Superintendent. It runs sixty days. Our Raglan correspondent bears testimony to the zealous effort! of the friends of Mr. John Wiliamson, who appear to have had emissaries in every settlement in the prorince canvassing on his behalf. Of course those signing the requisition art bound to support him, whatever may be the policy he enunciates. We hope that it will be most satisfactory. An adjourned monthly and general annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held yesterday afternoon, for the eleotion of office-bearers and transaction of other business. Mr. J. A. Gilfillan presided. ■ The secretary gave a' statement of the present financial position of the Chamber, which showed that they had abalance of £6 12s. 7d., after paying nil liabilities. Ifce following office-bearers were appointed :*— J>. Nathan , Esq., chairman ; Thomas Macfarlane, Esq., deputy-chairman ; committee, Messrs. J. McC. Clark (treasurer), J. T. Gartfct (hon. secretary), W. C. Daldy, J. Ci Firth, "Walter Grahame, Henry. Isaacs. - The proceedings are reported elsewhere. There wag no sign of the Panama mail at Wellington on the 25th. The commercial classes of Auckland suffer great inconvenience from the nonarrival of their letters, which have been forwarded chiefly by way of Panama from England. ahe Panama service is worse ' than useless as a mail service to Auckland. Y« sterday we were shown a requisition from the Tauranga and Opotiki settlers, numerously signed, to Mr. John Williamson, asking him to allow himself to be put ia. nomination for the Superintendency. The requisition was entrusted to Captain Fraser for presentation. An extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Auckland Insurance Company was held at their offices at noon yesterday, to consider a resolution respecting the winding np or disposing of the business of the Company. Mr.' J. CNeill presided. A resolution passed at the general halfyearly meeting, authorising the directors to take the necessary steps for winding up the affairs of the Come any in such manner as thejr may think right, or to dispose of the business of the Company to some other office doing business in Auckland, was unanimously adopted. At the competitive firing for the colonial prizes at Tauranga, Captain William Fraser, M.P.C., was the only competitor who qualified himself to proceed to Wellington. The gallant gentleman scored 43 points. We believe the military authorities there came to the conclusion that he was not entitled (as in Mr. 'Hazard's case) to proceed to Wellington, because others did not make a higher score ; but he is ptoceeding there at his own expense. The argument on motion for dissolving the injunction in the case of Bosie v. Bain, and others has been postponed until Wednesday next. ] The Protection of Certain Animals Act Amendment Act, 1866, is to come into force in the proyince of Auckland on and from the Ist day of April of the present year. It appears in another column. We remind persons who have sent in their claims to be registered as electors on the " old forms,"and who have not received letters by post on the subject, to call at the post-office nearest their residence and at the General Post-office to get the letters addressed to them. Saturday next is the'last day claims will be received. The ' Enterprise ' brought up 150oz. of gold last evening from th« Kapanga Company's mine at Coro- | mandel, for shipment per steamer to Sydney. The public will be glad to hear that Sir G. A . Arney, our Chief Juatice,is enjoying good health in England. Writing to a friend he says the weather here has been very severe : "I found the cold all the better for me j I grew daily stronger"; after a few hours skating, I was able to cut my outer edge, in figure of 8, almost as neatly as 20 years ago." Sir George may be expected to return to Auckland in June, 1868. There was a long list of eases for hearing at the Resident Magistrate's Court yesterday, none of which however'wer© of much public interest. A report of the proceedings will be found elsewhere. The following Acts passed by the Provincial Council, and assented to by the Superintendent of the province of Auckland, having been laid before the Governor, his Excellency has .been pleased to leave the same to their operation :— The Highways Act, 1867 ; the Impounding Act, 1867. A public meeting of the electors of Newton and its neighbourhood is advertised to be held to-morrow evening, at half-past 7 o'clock, at the Newton Hall, for the purpose of nominating a candidate or candidates for the Superintendency. We find, by our Matakohe correspondent's letter, that a retire d*oldier, named. Benjamin Waters, who had gone .to settle in that district, had his house and property destroyed by fire, whilst he was at divine service. - : We are glad to be able to state that our esteemed fellow citizen, Mr. Thomas Connell, barrister-at-law, j has been appointed revising officer for the province of' Auckland under the Building and Land Societies Act, 1866, and the Friendly Societies Act, 1856. v We find the following in the last New Zealand Gazette :— The Governor has been pleased to appoint Frederick Denham Gibson, Esq., James Stewart, Esq., and Thomas Turnbull, Esq o to be inspectors of steam vessels for the. colony of New Zealand, under the provisions of the Steam Navigation Act, 1866. James Stewart, Esq., , and Ebenezer Hamilton, Esq., are appointed to v be .engineer surveyors for the colony of New Zealand, under the provisions of the Steam Navigation Act, 1866. The Government steamer ' St. Kilda was to sail for the Chatham Islands on the 23rd on a surveying expedition. Major Edwards goes to examine into the state of the prisoners, to reduce expenditure ; and Mr. Balse goes to prepare for the introduction of the Native Lands Act there. A man named John Maloney was yesterday apprehendtd by Sergeant J. M. Clark, on a charge of stealing two silver medals from a companion. An alarm of fire was sounded shortly after seven o'clock last evening, the reflection being in the vioinity of the Great North Road; It vtm discovered, however, to be merelya bush fire on aome land to the right of Arohhill Farm. His Excellency the Governor will not visit Nelson •at present ; a telegram having been received bjjrthe Deputy-Snperintendent, intimating that the visit was indefinitely postponed. A large body of Maoris, over fifty in number, arrived on horseback from the] country yesterday, in the expectation of meeting ' his Excellency ; bnt they, lik,e'»ome others, -will be djsappointed.-iJVeto>» Cobnitt' March 26.

Mr. Barnicoat, the Deputy-Superintendent, h»s sent a person to examine into the working of the coal mine at the Grey. It is stated that the company who have it on lease are not only not fulfilling Jthe terms of that lease, but are endangering the future working of the mine. The coal produced is much less than it should be, 1 and the change from MrBatty to this company has not resulted in the benefits •which the Government at the time anticipated. — Ibid. , i In %• New Zealand Gazette, published on the, listh instant, it is stated that the native title has been extinguished over the following block of, land: — " Province of Auckland, district of Bay of Islands, Ruapekapeka Block, estimated to contain 24,636 acres. Boundaries : Commencing at a point on the Kaurinui river, thence southerly and easterly by the survey lines to the Waiotiu river, thence Boutnerly again by that river, thence westerly following the survey line's by Te Ruapekapeka, Tiiohia, Oremaitewhenua, and Opuawhangd, to the ' Waiharakeke river, thence up that river to Te Oro, thence northwesterly by a line to a point called Te Hautapu, being the southern extremity of the Kawakawa block, thence north-easterly by the south-eastern t boundary of theKawnkawablbckto the reserves lying between the last-mentioned block and the Ruapekapeka block aforesaid, thence by the eastern boundaries of said reserves to the \ Kawakawa river, thence by, tha|; river and the southern bank of the Karatu river, to the Waitem»ringi reserve, thence following, the boundaries; of the last-mentioned reserve to the northern bank of the laat mentioned river, thence by that bank and the Eawakawa river again and the eastern boundaries of the Pomare (Te Wh»kau) and Punawa reserves, to thesouth-west angle of Greenways claim, thence by the southern boundary of that claim to the Kaurinui liver first mentioned, I ' and thence, by the Kaurinui river to the commencing ' point. Also including 486 acres of the Kakikatea bush land as set forth in the deed 'endorsed upon' the deed of conveyance of the Ruapekapeka Block, and dated 13th June, 1865. ! The following reserves are excepted, viz. : At Te Mairi, 11 acres ; at Kaiwaka, 19 acres ; at Otarari, 18f acres ;at Tirohanga, 65} acres ; and a reserve at Pukiti, as more particularly delineated on the plan drawn in the margin of the deed of purchase of the Ruapekapeka Block aforesaid." ' ' Special sermons, in aid of the funds of the parish, will be delivered at St. Paul's Church on Sunday next — that in ,the morning by the Lord Bishop ' of :N«w 2e*)*H<3, and in the evening by the Eight Rot. Bishop Patteson. , ' , , Thejhalf-yearly. meeting of the Nelson Volunteer Fire Brigade was held on the 18th instant, Captain X night in the chair. It appeared from the statement of the Treasurer that the receipts amounted to £330 19a. 6d,, which were derived from the following sources j — Provincial Government, £200 ; honorary .members,, £52 10s. ; subscribers, £5 ss. ; working members, £8 45. ; fines, 9f1. ; Liverpool, London, and Globe Company, £20; Northern Insurance Company, £15 ; New Zealand Iniurance Company, £15 ; Union Bank of Australia, £5 ss. ; Bank of New South Wales, £5 ; donations, £4 Is. ; Bundries, ss. 6d. ; A balance of £200 12s.- 9d., remained in the Union. Bank, the sum of £130 6s: 9d. having been expended for the purpose of- thei Brigade. The balance in the Bank was expected to be greatly redaced fchbrtly, as the hook and ladder carriage would cost £180, and uniform and caps £100. A subscription of £26 would be obtained from the Board. of Works. It was stated that all the Banks bad subscribed except the Bank of New Zealand, the man»ger of which had, refused to give anything to, the funds of the Brigade. — Ntlson Evening Mail. ■ The undermentioned persons have been ' dujy licensed to act as Custom-house' agents fbr the year ending the 31st December, 1867, namely /—At the port of Auckland : Brown, Campbell, and Co., Louis Bucholz, Butt »nd Anderson, W. J. Cawkwell, M. T. Clayton, Combes and Daldy, Cruicksbank, Smart, and Co., S.J.Edmonds, Walter Grahame, Shirley W. Hill, Harris and Laurie, Henderson and Macf arlane, B. and BT. Isaac's, H. M. Jervis, S. and' O. Jones, J. S. Macfarlane, D. Nath«n, Owen and Graham, E. Rich, J. Robertdn, C. B. Stone, W. J. Young. At the port of Onehunga: A. Barnes, W. D. Brewer, A. Christey, E. W. Walker. It will no doubt be remembered that some two years ago John Perry Robinßon, Esq., Superintendent of this province, was unfortunately drowned with two others whilst orossing this bar in a boat from the Wallaby. Although every search was made for the bodies, and large rewards offered ft>r their recovery, nothing was ever Been of them, and they were supposed to have been carried out to sea. During the last week, however, a discovery has been made, which it is thought by many will throw some light on the matter. Some diggers from the Karamea started on a prospecting tour to the Heaphy, and from there crossed to the Big Eiver, about thirty miles from the Karamea. They there came to a sort ' of a bight where were some large rocks, under a high cliff or bluff. There they found the skeleton of a man lying, and in the vicinity two pistols, very rusty, and a tin billy. Close to the skeleton was a ' bundle of papers and letters, which had evidently been saturated for a length of time in water, and [ which had also been torn to pieces by rats. The water had rendered the writing wholly or quite illegible, but »n one piece the words William Robinson could be distinctly made out. The trousers | were of dark tweed and the bqotß were Napoleons, j but both were of a superior kind, and not like those usually worn by miners or prospectors. After carefully examining everything that could lead to identification, they buried the remains with the papers and other article?, and on their return to the Karamea sent down information to the police here. Sergeant Frauklyn at once despatched two constables to the spot, with instructions to disinter the bones, carefully measure the height as far as they could judge, and note any particulars that could lead to identifying the deceased. They were also instructed to bring the papers of every description, as, though at present illegible, possibly by the aid of the microscope some further due could be got. After doing this they were to again bury the remains, and mark the spot. They may be expected back to-day or to-morrow, when the Bad mystery may possibly be cleared up.— Fcai Coast Times. Edward Augustus Braithwaite, Esq., i» gazetted Deputy-Registrar of Marriagei, and of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, for the District of Auckland. His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to cancel the commission held by the under-mentioned officer, via.:— Ensign John Crown, Auokland Militia, —and to make the undermentioned appointments in the Bay of Plenty Cavalry Volunteers : — John Gwynneth, to be captain; date of comu-Lsion, 4th February, 1867. Joseph Thompson, to be lieutenant j date of commission', 11th February, 1867. Harry Charles William Rigg, to be cornet; date of commission, 11th February, 1867. A miner named Robert Templetoh Grange was accidentally killed in a drive at the North Beach, Grey River, on the 10th. Mr. C. Stichbury announces that'he will sell this morning, at 11 o'clock, at his stores, eight, trunks seasonable boots and shoes. Messrs. Jones and' Co., will offer for sale to : day T by public auction, at 11 o'clock, at thftir mart, canvas, boiled and raw oil, castor oil &c. Mr. Samuel Cochrane will sell to-day, by publio auction, at 12 o'clock, the schooner 'Fairy.' Messrs. E. and H. Isaacs advertise for sale to-day, by publio auction, at 11 o'clock, at the stores, of Messrs. Bucholz and Co., ale, beer, ohampagne, brandy, groceries, &c. Mr. L. W. Eaton will sell to-day, at 11 o'clock, at the stores of Messrs. Eaton and Dewolf, apples, pears, onions, cheese, &c.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIII, Issue 3018, 29 March 1867, Page 5

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E. J. COX. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIII, Issue 3018, 29 March 1867, Page 5

E. J. COX. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIII, Issue 3018, 29 March 1867, Page 5