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By a General Government Gazette, published at Wellington on Wednesday ? the 20th instant, we find that Mr. F. Whitaier's resignation as Superintendent' has been acoepted by his Excellency the Governor. , ! '

__ — — —— — — — — — — — I , I I By the s.s. «Rangatira,' which arrived ' in the Manukau yesterday from Wellington, we halve, Received our Southern exchanges, copious extracts from which will be found elsewhere, < , . . Our Harapipi correspondent states that on the 20th. instant the Rev. Mr. Norrie formally inducted the Rev. Mr. Blaia to the pastorate of that' settle* ment. Several buyers of land b»ve made th«r t appearauee in the district, and as much as £2 .per acre has been received for the few lots sold. " " ', We" regret that, through an oversight, a private note of Major Heaphy's to the Editor was inserted yesterday in our oorrespondenoe columns. The note covered the extract from the Ganette of the terms of the order in reference to granting the Viotofia Gross to members of the colonial force in New Zealand, and to the members of any local corps hereafter to be raised in any British dependency. It is peculiarly gratifying that the Imperial Government have thus unmistakably shown their appreciation of the services of the New Zealand colonists by giving the local forces in this country the preference over those of every other colony. An extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of the Auckland Insurance Company will be held to-day, at noon, at the offices of the Company, for the purpose of considering the resolution passed at the last general half-yearly meeting to wind up the Company. The general annual meeting and ad journed.monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will be .held this afternoon at 3 o'clock, in the council-room of the Chamber, Fort-street, for the election of office* bearers and transaction of other business. , A sitting in banco was, held yesterday in the Supreme, Court, before his Honor Mr. Justice Moore, His Honor .gave an important judgment in the case of John Kirk v. J. S. Macfarlaue, which was a sum* mons under the District Court Act, 1858, calling on the defendant to show cause why the plaintiff should not have the costs of the aqtion tried at the last civil sittings of the Supreme Court, ,notwith« standing that he recovered less than £100 in the action. The question had been previously argued by counsel betore his Honor in Chambers. The Court decided that the plaintiff could not have his costs against the defendant. The case of Rosi© v. Bain and others, which was to pome on for argument on motion to dissolve the injunction, was postponed until to-morrow (Friday), at eleven o'clock. His Honor disposed of a number of applications in insolvency. The immigrants to California per 'Flying Cloud' held a meeting last evening^at the Governor Browne Hotel, Hobson-street, to arrange matters concerning their comfort on shipboard. There were between fifty and sixty bonft fide emigrants present. , A vocal and instrumental concert will be given this evening, at 8 o'clock, in the Brunswick Hall, which has been kindly lent for the occasion by Mr. Stannns Jones— the proceeds to be applied to the fund for liquidating the debt on the All Church harmonium, Ponsonby Eoad. Mr. John Brown will officiate as conductor, and Colonel Balneavis will assume the leadership of the instrumental performers. A large number of ladies and gentle* men have volunteered their services for the occasion, ~ and from the book of words already published ire can promise our readers a rich musical treat; '■ In a General Government Gazette, published; on the 20th instant, a notification' appears that , the Protection of Certain Animals Act, 1866,, is/brought into operation in this province. , , ,_' The members of No. 3 Company AnoldandJfiifle Volunteers are requested to parade this evening near the Princes-street fire-bell, at half-past seven o'clock, for a night marofc > Membep. of other "

, t seven persons punished for drunken- ?*■* # w Police Court, yesterday. The hearing • or » number of. eases of non-payment of citrates .*«. postponed until Friday. ■ The next performance by the Auckland Choral Society Trill be giVen at the Mechanics', Institute, on tn» evening of Tuesday, April 2, at 8 o'clock, whta * tUecbon from the oratorio of "Elijah" asd JkWihdven's "Service in <T trill be perforated.; ! . Speoial services are advertised to be held on- Son-; «y next, in, the Presbyterian Church, Horth Shore: When tbe. feet. Dr. Wallis will offioiate in, the morning at II o'olook, and the Rev. J. Wallace at a qairter to 3 o'olook in the afternoon. . An. inquest vh held at the Court-house* Taranaki, on Monday, the 18th instant, on the body |of> Thomas -.Scantling, settler, who vnw burnt to death in his.whareat.Urenui, on Saturday night, the 16th lostant. • ' ; 1 If rumour apeak* true Mr. Kenuard's viait to the - North may not be without effect as regards the Settlement 6t the Patent Slip question. A report reached town by ths ' Lord. Ashley 1 tbatMeiab. 1 Henderson and Macfarlane, of Auckland, in conjunction with Mr. Njlcqll, who owns an extensive bnilding-ya'td and 'slip there, were in .negotiation .with Mr. Kennard for the pnrohaie of the Patejnt Slip intended for this place. We give the rumour jasit reached us, and' ii mint, be taken for what, it i», is worth.— Advertiser. , " In complianoe with .** requisition from Several . electors of the Clutbfc. district, the Hon. Major Bichardson has declared himself a candidate for the .representation of the district in the Provincial ■ .Council. :' ] y tSJisborne and'S,penoe, the Civil Servioe Commit* 5 sioners; artrted at Nel&h on Satuiday J ,week, aid commefatodtheir inspection oh Monday. They copy eluded it dunfa^the' coarse 1 of the w.eek,, anetwithjit the inspection of the' different General Government departments in the Middle-Island: They returned 1 to tdwn hr the T'OtagFQi: IrrdaV^Wfillipgfem^tej verfoer; l " ;i " n " "' • »"»■•'! y^TV ?" - < We have, reason jto believe that thequestion of wl o istp,be,Attpmey,(^nej;aJ i of the colony under tae „ Act'pasiedlas&sessiojwjriUjbje *«t. i at;ii!eit to-day ir to-moirpw nhjr 3 the , .gazetting , . of Mr. i . Brendergas ;, .whose companion, jwaa made out Bome)timeafeo,:aß I fpnjy(await;e4,Lhu[.r»e«ignali(>*.to f pnjy ( await;e4, L hu[.r»e«igna1i(>*.to be, pflt in force.- - _Ibid.,, . , ..„ . :.„.., ,t, t : A general meeting of shareholders otjihe Ne'r Zealand Steam Navigation Company wilfbe'held ip th^hWofihe Athenasum, onThtrred»yn'e;rfc March 28tbi' 4t 3<fhm., for the purpose of taking' the vote s „ on the. .following resolution :•»-" That tit is desirabl i „ ,lbat , an,. Amalgamation^ shoUld«be> ©fifebtedof th» Panama, New Zealand, and* Australian' >ißoyal<Mail , } Company andi the New^. Zealand Steatb „ ■• Nayigation Company (limited) ; 'and that' the diree- . > tors;. ofu the lait •named,. company be-.' empowered to arrange*n smalgamation.based on .the principle of si i , exchange of shamfor sh«Jo.'V^lbid. „' '■■ ' Among the| olaimants for, registration on, jthii i occaait>n, we are glad' to, find* the^nune' pf a "Mft^r freeholder* , George Gray 'has very' properly piit 4 it his claim, a'tid'the, fact Reserves mention, aaheipj the first of the land in Wanganni. ' There is np neec for any special 2aws.Jor J&O natiyes. Colonial law is as free to the Maori as the pakeha, and we * best help the<form«r>by Peeking to impresß this upon their minds. — Wa^ganu\<Jlironide. • I . ilA>short time adnoei'the 1 SouTHiEir-CRbss'waxed! ; . w;roth t at onr Mmkrks concerning'.- the- ■-want'-bfi t ;Sympathy shown in Auotland towards the- Patriotic! , Fund. In admitting that h»-would>have J n6-objectidn „ toith#,fnnd being called ! the '« Wellington Patriotic! Fund.'i instead. of i the "New Zealand Patriotic ..fand,'' our contemporary asked in «<cemi-sarcastic| ( iVein what was the amount subscribed by Wellington.; oWemay inform- Bim and ourreadcrs that the amount* , subscribed in. tbis province was over £2, 000. A ( . year ws« allowed to >. subscribers to pay their sub- • senptiona in, and as soon as that term has expired vfe t believe that steps will be immediately -taken to collect those outstanding, and- that then a meeting ( will be held in order to deoide upon thoi best means j , of .administering jthe -funds. A balance from thei . Taranaki BelieF iEnnd, subscribed in the: early part jol thelate< iwarjl was proposed to be amalgamated 'with , ihU, and them will .then be in this hands of tbe .treasurer , something over £8, 000. —Wellington 'Advertiser. ■ • ' ' i Elsewhere will be found a letter, from jMeisrs. • Vickery and Masefield, of Auckland^.whp forged the "condemned shaft of the steamer \ Queen,' comparing the capabilities' of Auckland for perfqrmjne ; s^ch work' with 1 Wellington. We think these pentljemep would have done better to have said riotting on a subject which ,can bring no credit to them., The shaft wliich they constructed is now condemned' as bad, and the Gpvernment inspector will not} allow the steamer to, go to ,sea* until it is chaiged. No accident has 1 happened to the Bhafi tp 'damage ii; but, tb^rougb sheer bad work on the pan of those who made it, the . surface— which by the way was tbe, only part they' forged— is' feeling , off in sttch a manner tb'at the engine could t not be turned sstfrb*. ' These gentlemen say „t hat tbey tfd all jtbe, .^work for $U6.\ "We have 'ascertained on very good authority, that it cost'o*er £SOO, and , that now a good shaft will be ■pnt' in the place of the bad one and everything fitted ready for sea for £227. Had the Auckland fiim forged a good shaft, .and charged a Jong 'price for* ft,' too one would have complained ; but to forge * bad one', charge a long price, and' then boast of what, they have done, is rather too inucbj and we fancy, the Company would scarcely trust them again ,even at half the price. Ag, to .the 'Ladybird's 1 shaft, we may say that we have made inquiries, and find that, instead of its having been, bought at old iron price, the bar from which it was made cqs^* £B§, and being smaller than, the required size it had, to be enlarged by "jumpii»& up,'/ as it is technically termed, or being heated to welding beat^ and then beaten at one end until incomes to the required size. -Ibid. Ih% Nelson Examiner of the 14th instant says : — "The two candidates for the Superifitendency/ •Mr, Curtis and, Mr. Baruicoat, are now making •»' tour through the provinces, holding meetings of the electors in every district. Mr. Curtis has this week visited Upper Land; Lowe* JWakefield and Waime* West, and proceeds to Montere. and Motueka to-day. Mr. Barnicoat started early iv the week for Massacre Bay/and will hold meetings in the suburban districts on his return." . . The * St. Kilda,' which arrived in port on Saturday, from Lyttettoo, hms on board a large quantity of small birds, consisting of blackbirds, thrushes, linnets, starlings, snd skylarks, which the' roughness of the weather prevented from being landed at the Amuri, near the station of W. Bobertson, Esq., to whom they were consigned, and who is a zealous supporter of acclimatisation interest in the Canterbury province. The birds are a portion of a large consignment imported from England bytheCaterbnry Acclimatisation Society, and have Veen kept in spacious aviaries till in a fit state for turning oUt-^-a plan which we understand from the secretary, who ha* arrived in charge, to be the best suited to the unsheltered character of the Christohurch district. — , Wellington Advertiser. We extract the following from the Lamceston JSxaminer: — VHugh, Bindon, ship's, corporal, of H.M. n. ' Challenger,' recently atHobart Town, was killed at the end of last month by » Jail from the fore hatching on to the main deck. He was buried with the usual naval honours." Our Wanganui correspondent, writing on the 23rd infttantjssys: — "A melancholy case of suicide occurred in this town on the Bth instant, under tbe following circumstances. " A young woman named Elizabeth . Irvine had (been living in a lodging-house, after 'j leaving the service of the Rev. Mr. Elmsly, Presbyterian minister here. It appears she came to this colony for the express purpose of getting married to her former lover, but when she arrived she found that the faithless lorer had .already married with another woman. Thus disappointed she gave way to despondency. Suffering from blighted affections and the 1 , pangs of despised love, she put an end to\her existence by hanging herself with the rope of her trupk in a bedroom. An inquest was held on the body,, and a verdict of temporary insanity returned by the jury. 'The poor girl helcl an unblemished character. I understand her passage money to this colony' was paid, for by the very man who deceived her by marrying another." The Governor may be expected back in Wellington in a day or two, and will not pay the expected visit to Nelson at present. We understand .that it had been determined previously to' his Excellency leaving Otago for Southland that he should return I direct from the latter place to Wellington, and that lie was expected here yesterday, but, owing to the * Brisk having been windboundv for four days at Otago Heads, tile Governor's return will probably be correspondingly postponed. . It is that Major-Geoeral Chute .will *wait his Excellency's retnrri; and iha^ after an interview wlflihlm, hVwitt, pntoeed to Auoklan'd^' and from tfyere will go to Melbourne after he has made' the 'final arrangements for tbt removal of the ttoov.-AdvertUer, Maroli 22. *

, Charles Jodcs,, ,»ged 80,j tailor; „wb:o, -had mads a near Bristol) disappe^ed,on.j;laimary 10. It! m suspected that he hasbeen murdered,,, but hia body 'h«s not BSen found.* Qn tbe afifcrnobtt of the abbve day ,h« had; yon^crset Railway Inn, in St. Philip> Marshy Kept by * man .named ftamsderi. Hut plkce i« iituated olote to what} u termed the Feeder, «nd at no f reaidjlsUnoe frpm the New Cut, in which there la a' tidal stream. Near to the premises fire two or threa limekil »«I' : Ramsden, in, answer to inquiries, ,said tnat came there. a.bout, two o'clock, and remained, th ire! 1 till about" a .quarter ,pMt five,, when he left.yery very drunk. £he servant statflf that he, had a, gold, vatoh and costly, chjuD. l ,Thflra j n«d ) ,pcoa: feafin k ' transaotiop* bet^eeo Eamsdenand him, and^etlad' lent Rainiden money// Eamidep L «ayi v shat on[ the' afternoon of the 10th he j>aid Mr. Jonet £340— i 10 more than he owed him, by mistake— in notes aid' gold, for.whjich hei obtained' a lreabipt— or rathei «' pencilled, cros^ purporting to be, Charles, Jone iV Tnark. mncb'tiiiri no bite nas' seen ;Mr; Jones. It iijald'.that-Mfc' Jones 1 bouia" write iiis owftnkm*' reiy,W6U, ( and hadndneed to^make* *row; afad also, that^amsden, although he alleged he. pwd ,£3fO in gold' and notes, ,oan give no, mforinatipn, as to where he' ohtained tlie money; The Government faas offered 1 * reward <>f '£loo^ the dtecovery bf themiuingmftn. ' • " /' '.' j ' • Sir Edwin Landseer'if lbng^'expeiited' lions haVe it' last been Completed. i'OnVof'ttiem 'wrid- yesterdi y 1 placed on it* pedestal at the base,,^of. Nelson's! columi, ; and another is to arrive .t^day..') ; A hoardings to he' erected toy their) temporary// protection, nand th<y .^Ul.notbe undovered< until all are ii their place j. ' The liona have beenjcast in a special foundry efedto dfoe $i; purpose *t Barori.Marochetlii'astnidiopLwhe »| Sir,Edwindidttie.modelling.[ . >.: \•< > r v. i- r ' " • Messn." Jam : *a MoEwanaAa'CoM^Wioyare^iriey' obnae<rted' with. Qii rftrade^'of ■'•Meffttaoriei' 'ik c ; rawfntly shipped a'cdmplete ket qt "MeiWi'X'M d P. Howard^edfordt^brtfetos^JloVgli- ■ ifig AWd 'cultitf itfiitf'itpp^ratus;" Tjie 9 inaiitt&cture s 'hrfTes'electe4bfle T « r Wir'expißnencea 'ehginfers fe superintend the working triafa>nich iire ea^ect« d, 'tO'JComtaence'Jn'May'neifc j The introauotjon if^ flteam 'cultivator^' into *Austarah'i willbe 1 of, grwt afsistanc*td agricultural interests, 1 particularly whe a | weconsider the eijormons extent of 'land'under cv -, ! Uvation" foi* grain cr6ps, : arid the' high price (f agricultural labour.— English' paper, y ' ', , ' ' rfeurs. Jb?ws and .Co. hav.e "received y»9truqtioii b l fco' sell. Wd^y, by f pubjic auction, at. H ojQleckf sti ■&o rMldwco^AVriCommipsary-^enera^tricklanc, j Shellyj [Beach Mtoad, the. whole •of ..his ,furoituri, i (hprB ( hpr8^ 'ca^rijig^i harness, ponltry, Ac. . < u Mr.- Alfred "Bnckland wilt «eU,'to*day; by public a"uction,'atl r o'cl6ok,at the NeWmatket^saleyards , fat and stort > cattle, ■ daiftr cowsj sheep, pigs,' &C - ' M*..C. Stichbury, will offer fdr^sale,, to-day,, at 11 b J| 9\oc^''at his, stores^ tweeds,, drapery,, clothipg pnnis, calico, blanket*, 4c •.. , s , ; /,: Mr. George Sibbin will offer for sale,'to-d»y^at !! a'clook, on . Custom-honse-street, th6 X oarfed boa ; ' JLady Rath;' and 50,000 ft. timber; in 'lots to suii purchasers.! • ' •''<'• , Messrs. Torrell and Tonks advertise, tha|; thejr wil hold; to-day, 'an vmre|seWed ( ple ( of grdcerlea,, pil men's stores, wmes, spirits,' tobacco, hirdvw'j and ■jirbduce,' kt.ll o'clock,, at Mr. S. "J. Edmpnds*s siore^ Queen>Bcreei. ' '' ' '", , , ' ." \ / , j

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIII, Issue 3017, 28 March 1867, Page 4

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THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIII, Issue 3017, 28 March 1867, Page 4

THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIII, Issue 3017, 28 March 1867, Page 4