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Schedule I.

Containing the duties on deeds and other instruments relating to transactions between living persons. Agreement or any minute or memorandum £ 8. d. of an agreement under hand only where the matter thereof shall he of the value of £20 or upwards whether the same shall only be evidence of a contract or obligatory on the parties from its being a written instrument together with every schedule receipt or other matter put or indorsed thereon or annexed thereto 0 10 Provided always that where divera letters shall be offered in evidence to prove any agreement between the parties who shall have written such letters it shall be sufficient if any of such letters shall be stamped with a duty of two shillings and sixpence. Bills op Exchange — Inland bill of exchange draft or order for the payment to tbe bearer or to order at any time otherwise than on demand of any sum of money not exceeding £50 0 10 Ditto not exceeding £100 0 2 0 And where the same shall exceed £100 then for every £50 and also for any fractional part of £50 0 1 0 Foreign bill of exchange drawn in but payable out of the colony of New Zealand — • If drawn singly or otherwise than in set of two or more — the same duty as on an inland bill of the same amount and tenor If drawn in sets of two then for every bill of each set where the sum payable shall not exceed £50 0 0 6 And where it shall exceed £50 and not exceed £100 0 10 And where the same shall exceed £100 then for every £50 and also any fractional par b of £50 0 0 6 If drawn in sets of three or more for every bill of each set where the sum payable thereby shall not exceed £50 0 0 4 And where it shall exceed £30 and not exceed £100 0 0 8 And where the same shall exceed £100 then for every £50 and also any fractional part of £50 0 0 4 Exemptions from the foregoing duties on bills of exchange All debentures and treasury bills issued by the Government of New Zealand All drafts or ordeis for the payment of any sum of money to the bearer on demand drawn upou any banker person or company are exempt from the foregoing duties but are subject to the duty of Id. charged upou drafts or orders. Bills of exchange drawn out of the colony but indorsed or negotiated within the colony the same duties as on a bill of exchange drawn within the colony and payable within the colony — the same duty as on an inland bill of the same amount and tenor. Promissory note for the payment in any other manner than to the bearer on demand of any sum of money not exceeding £25 0 0 6 Exceeding £25 not exceeding £50 .. 0 10 Promissory note for the payment either to the bearer on demand or in other manner than to the bearer on demand of any sum of money exceeding £50 and not exceeding £100 0 2 0 Where the sum shall exceed £100 then for every £50 and fractional part of £50 0 10 Exemptions fi om the foregoing duties on promissory notes but not from any other duty to which the same may be liable All promissory notes for the paymeut of money on demand issued by any bank or banking company in New Zealand authorised to issue such notes and making such returns and paying such compositions as nij this Act respectively mentioned. All bills drafts or orders or promissory notes for the payment by any bank or banking company of any sum of money though not made payable to the bearer or to order and whether delivered to the payee or not and all writings or documents entitling any person to the payment by any bank or banking company o£ »ny <wm of uinuey whether the person to whom payment is to be made shall be named or designated therein or not or whether tha same shall be delivered to him or not shall respectively be deemed to be bills drafts or orders for the payment of money chargeable with stamp duty as if the same had been made payable to bearer or to order. Bill of Lading or receipt in lieu thereof from the master mate or agent of any vessel for any goods merchandise or effects to be carried to any place beyond the boundaries of the colony — for every such bill of lading or receipt or copy thereof 0 10 Conveyance— Of any kind or description whatsoever upon the sale of any property in respect of the principal or only writing whereby the property sold shall be conveyed to or vested in the 2 )urc^ aser or an y other person or persons by his direction (except transfers expressly provided for by this Act)— Where the purchase or consideration money therein or thereupon expressed shall not exceed £50 0 5 0 And where the same shall exceed £50 and not exceed £100 0 10 0 And where the same shall exceed £100 then for every £50 and any fractional part of £50 0 5 0 The purchase money or consideration shall be truly expressed and set forth in "words at length in or upou every such principal or only deed or instrument of conveyance and where such consideration shall consist either wholly or in pai t of any stock or security the value thereof respectively to be ascertained as hereinafter mentioned shall also be truly expressed and set forth iv manner aforesaid in or upon every such deed or instrument and such value shall be deemed and taken to be the purchase or consideration money or part of the purchase or consideration money as the case may be in respect whereof the ad valorem duty shall be charged as afoiesaid. And where the consideration or any part of the consideration shall be any stock in any of the public funds or Government debentures or stock or any debenture or stock of any person payable only at the will of the debtor the said duty shall be calculated (taking the same respectively whether constitutmg-the whole or a part only of such consideration) accoidiug io the average Belling price thereof respectively on the day or on either of the ten days preceding the day of the date of the deed or instrument of conveyance or if no sale shall have taken place within such ten days then according to the average selling price thereof on the day of the last preceding sale and if such consideration or part of such consideration shall be a mortgage judgment or bond or a debenture the amount whereof shall be recoverable by the holder or any other security whatsover whether payable iv money or otherwise then, such calculation shall be made according to the sum due thereon for both principal and interest. And where any lands or other property of different tenures or holdings or held under different titles contracted to be sold at one entire price for the whole shall be conveyed to the purchaser in separate parts or parcels by different deeds or instruments the purchase or consideration mosey shall be divided and apportioned in such manner as the parties shall think fib so that a distinct price or consideration for each separate part or parcel may be set lorth iv or upon the principal or on Jy deed or instrument of conveyance relating thereto which shall be charged with the said ad valorem duty in respect of the price or consideration money therein set forth. And where any property contracted to be purchased by two or more persons jointly or by ai.y person for himself and others or wholly for others at one entire

£ a. d. price for the whole shall be conveyed ia parts or parcels by separate dcedg or instruments to the person for whom the same shall be put chased for distinct parts or shares of the purchase money the principal or only deed or instrument of conveyance of each separate part or parcel shall be charged with the said ad valorem duty in respect of the sum of the money therein specified as the consideration for the same. But if separate parts or parcels of such, property shall be conveyed to or to the the use of or in trust for different persons in and by one and the same deed or instrument then such deed or instrument shall be charged with the said ad valorem duty in respect of the aggregate amount of the purchase or consideration moneys therein mentioned to be paid or agreed to be paid for the property thereby conveyed. And where any person having contracted for the purchase of any property but not having obtained a conveyance thereof shall contract to sell to any other person and the same shall in consequence be coaveyed immediately to the sub-pur-chaser the principal or only deed or instrument of conveyance shall be charged with the said ad valorem duty in respect of the purchase or consideration money therein mentioned to be paid or agreed to be paid by the subpurchaser. And where any person having contracted for the purchase of any property but not having obtained a conveyance thereof shall contract to sell the whole or any part or parts thereof to any other person or persons and the same shall in consequeuce be conveyed by the original seller to different persons in parts or parcels the principal or only deed or instrument of conveyance of each part or parcel thereof shall be charged with the said ad valorem duty in respect only of the purchase or consideration money which shall be therein mentioned to be paid or agreed to be paid for the same by the person to whom or to whose use or in tiust for whom the conveyance shall be made without regard to the amount of the original purchase money. And in all cases of such sub-sales as aforesaid the sub-purchaser and the person immediately selling to him shall be deemed and taken to be the purchaser and seller within the intent and meaning of this Act. But where any sub-purchaser shall take an actual conveyance of the interest of the person immediately selling t© him which shall be chargeable with the said ad valorem duty in respect of the purchase or consideration money paid or agreed to be paid by him and shall be duly stamped accordingly any deed or instrument of conveyance to be afterwards made to him of the property in question by the original seller shall be exempt from the said ad valorem duty and be charged only with the oidinary duty on deeds or instruments of the same kind not upon sale. And where any property separately contracted to be purchased of different persons at separate and dist'nct prices shall be conveyed to tbe purchaser or as he shall direct in and by one and the same deed or instrument sucli deed or instrument shall be charge! with the said ad valorem duty in respect of the aggregate amount of the purchase or consideration moneys therein mentioned to be paid or ag(eed to be paid for the same. And where any property shall be sold and conveyed in consideration wholly or in part of any sum of money charged thereon by way of mortgage or otherwise and then clue and owing to the purchaser or shall be sold and couveyed subject to any mortgage or other debt or to any gross or entire sum of money to be afterwards paid by the purchaser such sum of money or debt shall be deemed the purchase or consideration money or part of the purchase or consideration money as the case may be in respect whereof the said ad valorem duty is to be paid. Exemptions from the preceding duties on conveyances — • Any grant from the Crown under the hand of the Governor for the time beiug of the colony of New Zealand to auy purchaser of Crown lands in New Zealand. Any certificate of title granted under the hand of the Registrar- General pursuant to "The Land Registry Act 1860." Deed or instrument of any kind whatever not otherwise charged in this bchedule 0 10 0 Exemptions from the preceding duties on deeds or] instruments, not otherwise charged in this schedule — Apprenticeship and clerkship. — All instruments relating to the services of apprentices clerks or servants. Mortgage.— All bonds aud mortgages whether affecting real or personal estate bills of sale by way of mortgage and all transfers agreements releases re conveyances and discharges thereof. All preferable liens under "The Wool and Oil Securities Act 1858." All Customs bonds. All administration bonds. All bonds on appointment of special bailiffs. Draft or order including cheques or orders on bankers for the payment of any sum of money to a payee named or to bearer or to order either on demand or otherwise not otherwise charged ... ... 0 0 1 Lease or agreement for a lease or any writteu document for the tenancy or occupancy of any lands tenements or hereditaments without any consideration by way of premium the following duties in respect of the yearly rent — Where the yearly rent shall not exceed £50 0 2 6 Where the same shall exceed £50 and not exceed £100 0 5 0 Above £100 for every fractional part of £50 0 2 6 Lease or agreement for a lease of any lands tenements or hereditaments gran ted in consideration of a sum of money by way of premium without rent or with an annual rent — the ad valorem duties payable upou a conveyance calculated on the consideration by way of premium expressed therein. Lease of any lands tenements or hereditaments granted in consideration of a sum of money by way of premium ami also of a yearly rent amounting to £20 and upwards — both the ad valorem duties payable upon a conveyance accurdiug to the consideration therein expressed and for a lease in consideration of a rent of the same amount. Exemptions from the preceding duties on leases — Leases granted by the Crown of »ny waste lands under the provisions of any Waste Lands Act or Gold Fields Act. Memorandum of transfer under "The Land Registry Ace IB6o"— the same duty as for a conveyance for the sale of lands for a like sum the consideration of snch transfer. Pouct of insurance) or other instrument whereby any insurance shall be made upon any ship or vessel or upon any goods merchandise or other property on board of any ship or vessel or upon the freight thereof— covered by a time policy for any period not exceeding three months 0 2 6 And for all other marine policies — for every sum of £100 and for every fractional part of £100 0 10 Promissory Notes payable to the bearer on demand issued by any bank or bankiug company at the rate of for every one hundred pounds of the average annual amount in circulation as certified under "The Bankets Returns Act 1858" ... 2 0 • Receipt or discharp c given for or on payment of any sum of money of the amount of five pounds or upwards ... 0 0 1 Exemptions from the preceding duties on receipts — Receipts given for or upon the paymtnt of money to or for the use of or by or on behalf of her Majesty. )

£ s. d. Receipts indorsed upon any instrument d'lly stamped under this Act acknowledging the receipt of the consideration money therein expressed. Acknowledgment given for money deposited in any banks to be accounted for. Receipts for moneys paid into land building and provident societies. Tbansfeb except by way of mortgage of any run or station held under lease or license or promise of lease or license from the Crown or of any interest therein where the declared value of the said run or station or interest or the value thereof assessed as in this Act provided shall not exceed £100 .. 010 0 And where sach. value shall exceed £100 then for every £100 and any fractional part of £100 ... 0 10 0 Transfer of any share or shares in the stock and funds of any corporation company or society whatever in Wew Zealand upon sale thereof — Where the purchase or consideration money therein expressed shall not exceed £20 0 10 Exceeding £20 and not exceeding £50 ... 0 2 6 Exceeding £50 and not exceeding £100 0 5 0 For every additional £50 or fractional part of £50 0 2 6

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2871, 8 October 1866, Page 6

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Schedule I. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2871, 8 October 1866, Page 6

Schedule I. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2871, 8 October 1866, Page 6