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October s,—Wlnd, S. ; light ; fine

ARRIVALS. lord Ashley, s.t. s^o tons, Hagley, from Southern Ports, with pus* ngers and cargo. Star of the South, s.s., I*7 tons, Bendall, from Napier, with •beep. c ' £Kxa Blanche, brfc, ITO tons, Young, from Melbourne, with general carpo. W*ry Ann, cutter, 21 toni, Heath, from Wangapoa, with timber Bessy, cutter, 25 tons, Edwards, from the Thames, with timber. Comet, cutter, 17 tons, Cross, from Puhoi. Cornstalk, cutter, 19 tons. Clark, from Mahuran&i. lUreo Brothers, cutter, 18 tons; Seymour, from Mangawai, With produce ndeavour, cutter, 14 tons. Hodgson, from WalhekL Dawn, cutter. 2u tons, Josim. from Port Fiteroy. Ser«rn cutter, 18 tons, Miller, from the Thames, with timber. ATon, cutter. 18 ton% Harereares, from Thames, with timber. Tay, cutter, 17 tons, Francis, from Matakana.

DEPARTURE B»Un, cutter, 23 tons, Lonsdale, for T»umng», with bricks.

VESSELS KXPRCTED. IFaimnlan Maid, p s , Scon, from Wangarei. Cew>i|w* <|„p , Wilson, frcm London, No. 8917, 3rd dli. p. (railed July 12). Winterthnr, ship. 829 ton*. Hunt, from London, No. 8889, 2»n rtw p (»ai>d.Tune 241. Ida Zieplrr. ship, 800 tons, Reynolds, from London, N«. ft, Btd dis. p (sailed July 24). Maori, ship, 700 tons, Roberts, from London (loading), No. 7523, 2nd dis. p. Chile, ship, 769 tons, Stringer, from London (loading), No. 2715 Brd di». p. Hevtrsham, barque, 600 torn, Sherlock, from San Franciico, No. 1604, 3rd dis. p. Kate, barque, 840 tons, Carter, from San Francisco, No. 6539, Ist dis p. Mayola, barque, 400 tons, Herdman, from Lelth, via We • lington. No. 1528. 3rd dii. p. (sailed May 30). Rita, brig, 178 tons, Robertson, from Sydney, No. 7980, 2nd dis. p. Hebe, brig, 190 tons, Odell, from Newcastle, N.S.W., No. 4970, 15t dis. p Trinc«ss Alice, brijr, 257 tons, Kiddy, from San Francisco, No. 4038, 15t dis p. P»keha. brig, 173 tons, Robinson, from Adelaide, VL F G (new code). Sanny, schooner, ICO tons, Downing, from Melbourne, No. 3781, 15t dis. p. (loading). Banshee, schooner, 70 torn, Sloane, from Adelaide, No. 6418, Ist dis. p. Industry, schooner, 23 tons, Yates, from Whangaroa and Whanareki. Mavis, schooner, 28 tons, Maitland, from Maltetu. Zillah, schoo- er, «5 tons, Wyatt, from Tahiti and Rorotonga. General Cameron, schooner, 41 tons, Wheeler, from Bay of Islands Außevoir. schooner, 188 tons, from Newcastle, N.S.W, P S C J (new code\ ■Revenge, schooner, 98 tons, from Mauritius, No. 823, 3rd Se» Breeze, schooner. 70 tons, Norris, from Bay of Islands. Cora, schooner, from Dunedin. Hirtk, schooner, from Tauranga. Fancy, schooner, from Canterbury. Fortune, schooner, from Taurang*. Clyde, schooner, from Tauranga via "Wangapoa. Rose Ann, schooner, from Poverty Bay. Bleteor. schooner. 42 tons, Queen, from Napier. Argo, schooner, from Whangaroa. Bluebell, schooner. 63 tons, Cheshire, from Tahiti Kauri, schooner, from Mahia, Hawke's Bay. Donald McLean, schooner, from Poverty Bay. Jane, schooner, from Wairoa, Hawke'i Bay, and Tauranga. Cell, schooner, from Napier. Speedwell, ketch, 35 tons. Edwards, from Norfolk Island. Marwell, cutter, from Hokianga. Rose, cutter, from Wanefarei. Bittern, cntter, from Napier. Sea Belle, cutter, from Napier. Three Sisters, cntter, from Tauranga. Isabella, cutter, 30 ton*, Pierce. fromJOvalan, Fiji Islands. Ruse, cutter, 40 tons, Libios, from South S«a Islands. Whitby, cntter, from Opotiki. Betsy, cutter, from Opotiki and Napier. Hercules, cutter, from Greymouth. Satellite, cutter, from Christchuroh. Gazelle, cntter, from Opotiki. Cordelia, cutter, from Whangaroa. Dawn, cutter, from Port Fitzroy. Agnes, cutter, from Wairoa, Hawke» Bay.

PROJECTED DEPARTURE?. Lontjon — Siatn and Winterthur, in December; Id* Ziegier, in January : Norwood, early. Callao.— Pegasus, earljr. Sooth Sea Islavds — Neva, early. Melbourne — Monarch, Bth. Adelaide. — Novelty, early. Sydney.— F-ee Tiader, to-day : Harriet King, Bth. Newcastle —Free Trader, to-day. Clarence Rive*. N.S. W —Dragon, early. Hobart Town— Slam, 15th; Free Trader, to-day. Christchurcii — Ocean Wave, early. Southern Ports.— Lord Ashley, 12th. Nattkr —Nautilus and Saucy Lass, early ; Lord Ashley, 12th : Star of the South, to-day. Poverty Bay. — Jane, early. Mongonct — Ivanhoe, to-day, Tattrang \.— Hope, to-day ; Lord Ashley, 12th. Bay of I»lands.— General Cameron, early. Wang arei -Eliaabeih Mary and Glimpse, to-day ; Tastnanian Maid. Bth. Coromvnbel — Petrel and Sarah Alice, to-day ; Thasiim.— Caroline, t«-day. Mahuringi —Ringdove and Cornstalk, to-day. Wadi; — Four Sisters, to-day.

VESSELS IN HARBOUR. (This list d«os not include coasting oatteri.) B.M. I. Challenger, 18 gans. i.e.. 1,402 tons, Oommodor* Magnire, from England, via Sydney. H.M. s. Esk, Captain Luce, from Wellington via Kawau. H.M.s. Falcon, Commander Blake, from Norfolk Island, lord Ashley, i.s., 500 tons, Hagley, from Southern Ports. H. M. Jervis, agent Star of the South, ss., 147 tons, Bendall, from Napier.— J, S. Macfarlane, agent. WaUemiita, p.*. (laid up ) Enterprise, p.s. (on ferry service.) "Norwood, ship, 736 tons, Bristow, from London.— E. andH. Isaacs, agents. Monarch, ship, 1,444 torn, Macey, from London.—Cruick■hank, Smart, and Co.. agents. Siam, ship, 743 tons, "William Ashby, from London.— Cruickshank, Smart, and Co , agonts. "egasus, ship, 1.183 tons, Cornwall, ifrom London.— Combes and Daldy, agents. Norelty, barque, 36? tons, Austin, from Sydney — Henderson and Macfarlane, agents . Free Trader, barque, 280 tons, Robinson, from Newcastle, N.B.W. — Henderson and Macfarlane, agents. Dragon, barque, 243 tons, Wawn, from Sydney. — J. Roberton and Co., agents. B«Ua Manna, uliip, coal hnlk. Marion, barque, coal hulk (sunk). Benjamin Heape, barque, coal hulk. Sinan, brig, coal hulk. SUia Blanche, brig, 170 tons, Young, from Melbourne.— Captain, agent. Harriet King, brigantine,lBo tons, McDonald, from Newcastle. — Henderson and Macfarlane, agents. Thane of Fyfe, schooner, 121 tons, Hughes, from Napier.— Cruickshank, Smart, and Co., agents. Neva, schooner, 90 tons, Young, from Eorotonga.— Captain, agent. JUpasia, schooner, 50 tons, from Chrlstchurch, via Tauranga. — T Kmsell, agent. Kate Grant, schooner, 40 torn, McLirer, from Norfolk Island — T. TV". Brown, agent. Elitibeth Mary, schooner, 27 tons, Mair, from "Wangarel.— Capt&in, agent. Hope, schooner, 25 tons, Black, from Tauranga.— Edmonds and Jakins, agents. Helen, schooner, 23 tons, Bicketts, from TVhangaroa.—Captain, agent. Ocean 1 Wave, schooner, 125 tons, Buxton (new).— Captain, agent. Ivanhoe. schooner, 70 tons, McGregor, from Mongonul.— CruicWshank, Smart, and Co., agent*. Saucy Lass, schooner, 38 tons, McEenzie, from Napier.— Captain, agent.

ENTERED INWARDS. October 6 —Smuggler, 21 tons, Ron, from "Wangarol, in ballast Pas•enger—l. , 6— Sarah, 7 tons, Brown, from Kawakawa, in ballast. Pas•engera — 4. 6— Star of the South, «.»., 14T tons, Sendall, from Napier, with 1,200 sheep. Passengers— 2. 6— Maggie, 5 tons, Gallagher, from Maraitai, with 700 fish. 6— Severn, 18 tons, Miller, from Thames, with 10,000 feet timber. fi— Avon, 18 tons, Hargreavei, from Thames, with 11,000 feet timber.

CLEAKED OUTWAEDS. October s— Free Trader, barque, 2SO tons, Robinson, for Newcastle, N.S.W., with timber and puiengeri.— Henderion and Macfarlane, agents. A -Helen, 23 tons, Lonsdale, for Tauranga, with 3,000 briclci, 12 bales hay. 6— Maggie, 5 tons, Gallagher, for Motiti, with sundries.

EXPORTS. Per barque Free Trader, for Newcastle, N.S.W. : 35,000 feet timber, M. Somerville; 12 pkgs. doors, G. Hold»hip.— Henderson and Macfarlane, agents.

WEEKLY SUMMARY. Shipping bn fines s during the week has been unusually dull, owing, principally, to the prevalence of light winds off the coast. The weather, during the early part, was squally, with a considerable rainfall, but for the past three days we have had a continuance of fine Rummer weather. The only foreign arrival has been the brig Eliza Blanche, from Melbourne, with a general cargo. The s.s. Star of the South arrived yesterday, with sheep, from Napier. On the 4th the | brigantine Leonidae, Captain Poole, arrived off the port from Tairua saw-mills, where she had loaded 100,000 feet of sawn timber for the Melbourne market; and, after taking in provisions, left for her destination. The arrivals coastwise have not been ■a numerous as usual, although a number of timberladen and other vessels have arrived and discharged during the week. The departures foreign have been eight, inclusive of two of H.M. ships. On the 29th, the brier Lily, for Newcastle, N.S.W.; the barque Lombard, for Queensland; and barque Harriette Nathan, for Hobart Town, all sailed, in balbwt. On the 2nd, It o b * r l ue Anne Melhuish left for Newcastle, JS.B. W., with timber and 44 passengers. On the 3rd, the P., N.Z., aud A.R.M. Co.'s s.s. Auckland, Captain Harris, left for Sydney, with the headquarters of H.M. 50fch Regiment, comprising four companies, in commtnd of Colonel Locke, a parcel of ■pecie, the English mail vi& Suez, &c. On the 4th,

the hrigantine Leonidas sailed f<* Melbourae, with timber. H.Mm £. Curngoa and Fcllpse also left these wat rs for England on the 4th— Commodore Sir W. Wiseman in command of the former, and Captain Fremantle of the latter. The vesselsleaveafternearly four years' active service on this station, and were loudly cheered on taking their departure by the remainder of the squad' on. H.M. s. Challenger, Commodore Maguire, shortly afterwards hoisted the pennant as flag-ship of the squadron, and 'was greeted with a salute from the fort. The ships Siam and Monarch, and barque "Novelty, will leave with troops during next week for Hobart Town, Melbourne, and Adelaide. A three-masted schooner, namtd the Ocean Wave, w«a launched from Mr. Bed does's yard, North Shore, on the 29bb, having been built to the order of Captain Buxton, of Chrktchurch. Her dimensions areLength of keel, 91 ft. ; breadth of beam. 23ft. ; depth of hold, Bft. 6in.; length over-all, 103 ft.; tonnage (builders 1 measurement), 2°5 ; registered, 125. The build of the vessel w»s greitly admired by all who siw her. She is loading timber for the South, after which fthe proceeds to Melbourne to be put on the Hi>k>tikatriule. "We have to record the loss of the Auckland cutter Bonita at the Kaipara last week. The Bonita was going into the harbour with a general cargo when she was driven on to the bar with a sudden squall, and was not cot off again, owing to the heavy Burf md nature of the bnttmrj. She was only insured to the extent of;* 100 iv the New Zealand Insurance Office.

ARRIVAL OF THE S.S. LORD ASHLEY. The P.,SN.Z., »nd A.R.M. Co 'a s.s. Lord Ashley, Captain Htglej, arrived in harbour at 1 o'clock this morning from Tauranga, Napier, and the South, bringing the Panama mails, passenger?, and * general cargo. She left the Bluff harbour at 2.30 p.m. on the 25th, and arrived at Otago at 9.30 on the 26th; left again on the 27th at 5.40 p.m., and arrived at Lyttelton at 5.30 p.m. on the 28th; left Lyttelton at 3.15 p.m. on the 29bb, and arrived at Wellington at 12 30 p.m. on the 30th. Left Wellington at 515 p.m. on the 2nd October, and anived at Napier at 2 30 p.m. on the 3rd ; left again at 11 p.m., and arrived at Taurang* at 7 a. m on the sth; left at 10 a.m., and arrived here at 1 a.m. on the 6th. She was detained in Wellington one day awaiting the arrival of the Ruahine from Panama, which vessel arrived at 12 noon on the 2nd, bringing JSngtish news vu\ New York, per Atlantic cable, to August 20th. Transshipped mails, passengers, and cargo at 3 p.m. Called at Napier and Tauranga on the passage, arriving at the Queen-street Wharf at 1 o'clock this morning. Messrs. Thomas Russell and John Buckland were passengers in her from England via, Panama. Passengers — saloon : Messrs. Irvine, Cook, "Donelly, Ray, Soloman, Curtis, Clark, Graham, Iverter, Cochrane, Firth, Russell, J. Buckland, Samuels, Heale, Pitt, Levy, Hill, Captain Tovey, Mrs. Dougall, and Mrs. Kate; and 15 in the steerage. — H. M. Jervis, agent.

ARRIVAL OF THR S.S. STAR OP THE SOUTH. The s.s. Star of the South, Captain Bendall, arrived in harbour yesterday afternoon from Napier, via the Tamaki, after landing a cargo of sheep at the latter place. She left Wapier on the 28th ultimo, with strong northerly winds, which increased to a gale, and came from the north-east at 6 a.m. on the 29th, when off Tolago Bay. Bore up for Poverty Bay in consequence of the severity of the gale, and anchored there at 10 a.m. Remained at anchor until evening, when she left with slightly moderated weather; but was unable to proceed, with safety to the cargo, beyond the East Cape, and came to anchor there at 10 a.m. on the 30th. .Owing to the heavy swell on, the vessel dragged her anchors off the Cape, and bore up for Waiapu for shelter at daylight on the Ist. Remained at anchor off Waiapu until 10 a.m. on the 2nd, when she left with slightly moderated weather. Shortly after leaving, t>he aea rose, with an increase of wind, and necessitated runninar into Hicks's Bay during a continuance of a W.N W. gale. Remained in Hicks's Bay until the evening of the 3rd, and tripped auchors at 7 p.m. Had strong SW. winds to White Island, and moderate weather during the remainder of thepassage, arriving at the Tamaki at 4 a.m. yesterday. Discharged cargo, and [came up harbour to coal shortly after noon. The cargo — which comprises 1,200 fat ewes, selected specially for this market — was _ landed in excellent condition, ■without loss, notwithstanding the severity of the weather during the passage. Reports the schooners Celt and Kauri leaving Napier, the same day, for Auckland; the former with oattlOj and the latter to load on the coast. We aye indebted to Captain Bendall for later Napier files. <» Passengers : Captain McKenaie (of sohooner Celt) *nd Mr. Webster. Cargo: 400 sheep, Buckland; 800 sheep, J. S. Macfarlane (agent).

I ARRIVAL OF THE BRIG ELIZA. BLANCHE. The brig Eliza Blanche, Captain Young, arrived off tbe heads last evening from Melbourne, with a ( general cargo. She left Melbonrne on the 18th ultimo and°the heads on th* 19th; experienced variable head winds and squally weather during the entire passage ; making the Three Kings on the 2nd instant. Afterwards had light airs and calms along the coast ; arriving off the heads last evening, and anchoring until discharge of consignments of powder. Saw no vessels during the pasßage, and reports none loading for Auckland at Melbourne when she sailed. We give below a manifest of her cargo, but consignees' names are not yet to hand. Passengers : Messrs. Wihlms, McDougall, Sellars, and two in the steerage. Cargo : 12 casks axes, 2 cases snaiths, 6 J-casks port wine, 200 cases red geneva, 20 £-kegs canister powder, 30 blasting powder, 440 bag* rice, 100 cases kerosine oil, 2 cases hay rakes, 2 doz. hay rakes, 2 oases scythe handles, 6 kegs nails, 1 case bench sorews, 4 doz. galvanized buckets, 2 casks, 100 cases kerosine oil, 1 case clothing, 1 case pipe cases, 1 case wearing apparel, 19 casks resin, 50 boxes soap, 10 boxes soap, 1 case toilet soap, 18 cases wax vestas, 9 cases fanoy goods, 4 cases hardware, 19 packages hardware, 12 tons pig iron, 37 boiler plates, 66 boiler tubes, 40 gas pipes, 72 bars iron, 6 bundles sheet iron, 37 packages hardware, 3 bottles quicksilver, 200 cases kerosine oil, 102 pieces stone, 1,000 bags flour, 4 packages drapery, 19 packages hardware, 25 kegs i nail*, 22 kega nails, 7 cases metal, 1 cask nail 9, 2 cases hatchets, 2 package 3 rakes, 2 packages stone, 20 packaget oilmen's stores, 17j cases champagne, 120 cases sherry, 24 quarter-casks port wine, 40 cases moselle, 50 cases lobsters, 2 cases figs, 5 cases salad oil, 23 boxes corn-flour, 10 cases curagoa, 150 bags sugar, 50 cases starch, 20 barrels currants, 38 cases lobsters, 20 hhds. beer, 15 cases lobsters, 1 case pain-killer, 20 cases sarsaparilla, .5 threequarter boxes tobacco, 20 three-quarter boxes tobacco, 16 cases tobacco, 10 cases salmon, 6 quartercasks braudy, order. — Captain, agent.

ARRIVAL OF THE RUAHINE AT WELLINGTON. / TheP.N.Z. and A.E.M. Co.'s s.s.Euahine arrived at Wellington at 12.15 on the 2nd inßt., overdue from the 22nd ultimo. She left Panama on the 31st August, aud experienced a succession of 'heavy gales during the passage. When off Eapa Island the starboard engine broke down, on the 2 1st September, causing a detention of twenty hours. Afterwards experienced a succession of heavy gales, and was only able to work »ne engine, owing to the accident and her light draft of water at the time. At the time of her arrival she had scarcely five tons of coal in the bunkers, and was in a wretched condition. The Ruahine was to leave Wellington for Sydney on the day after her anival at Wellington. Passengers : — From Southampton : Mr. W. Broiziak, Miss Levy, Mrs. Hart, Mrs. L. Harris, Messrs. John Isaacs, L. and E. Cohen, for Sydney ; Messrs. T. Russell and Buckland, for Auckland ; Mr. R. D. Buyley, for Napier; Mr. G. B. Parker and servant, for Canterbury; Mr. John McNeill, for Otago. From Panama : Mr. J. Farquharson, for Melbourne; Mr. R. McFarlaue, for Otago; Mr. E. Binney, for Wellington.

ARRIVAL OF THE MAYOLA AT WELLINGTON. The barque Mayola, Captain Hardraan, arrived at Wellington from Leith (bound to this port after discharge of Wellington cargo), on the 29th ult. She sailed from Leith on the 31st May, and crossed the Equator on the 27th June, after a fine run of 27 days. Sighted New Zealand on the sth September, coining south about, but strong. northerly winds detained her. On the 24th September she was abreast of Cape Campbell, but was driven back by a strong N.W. gale. She is a fine Liverpool clipper built ship, and this is her second voyage, her first, from England to Valparaiso, having been accomplished in 74 days. She has a full cargo of timber, machinery, and general merchandise for Wellington and Auckland.

The Celt. — The schooner Celt may be expect here to-day fiom Napier, via the Tamaki, having left the former place ou Friday last, With a cargo cattle. Captain McKenzie, who was severely iujured when thrown from the vessel at the time of grounding on thesandspit there, came up a3 passenger in the 8.8, Star of the South yesterday, and hao almost recovered from the effeofa of the aoculenfc. Thb Dragon.— The barque Dragon, whioU is discharging breadstuffs from Valparaiso, at the wharf, has been laid on for Clarence River, N.S.W., to sail next week. j The NoVKLTr.—The barque Novelty has been . taken up for the couveyance of troops to Adelaide, and is now alongside the wharf, fitting up for their reception, She sails about the latter end of next week. The Monarch. — The ship Monarch, Captain Macey, has been fitted up for the reception of troops, and conveys detachments of the 14ch and 50th Regiments to Melbourne, sailing next week. The HaHmet King. — 'ihe clipper brigantine Harriet King is loading kauri gum and timber alongside Queen-street Wharf, and sails fur Sydney on Monday evening. The Ship Siam.— The Siam was officially inspected yesterday by Captain Spain, R.M., Resident '.transport Officer, who was accompanied by several officers of H M s. Challenger. The vessel was found in excellent otder, and gave every satisfaction to the inspecting officers. The spacious 'tween-decks of the vessel were in a neat and cleanly condition, and looked admirably adapted for the comfort of a large number of troops or other passengers on a long sea voyage. The ventilation and other details of a passenger ship were of the most perfect description. The superior oabin accommodation possessed by the vessel ia another guarantee of the oomfort ensured to passengers by her ; whilst Captain Ashby, her able commander, ha* wou the esteem of a numerous circle o! acquaintance during his visits to this port. The Siam embarks her troops on the 15th instant, and sails for Hobart Town, after ■which she return* to load home, having * large portion of her cargo already awaiting shipment, at Messrs. Cruickshank and Co.'s stores, and a number of her cabins engaged by private passengers proceeding to England. The Frke Trader. — The barque Free Trader, Captain Robinson, sails for Newcastle, N.S.W., at 10 a.m. to-day, with a cargo of sawn timber, &c, and the following passengers : — Messrs. W. Johnson, James, Moses, R. Andrews, T. Brown, J. McNeill, W. Simpson, and G. Walker. After discharging at Newcastle, she loads for Hobart Town direot. The Neva. — The fine topsail schooner Neva has undergone a thorough overhaul on the Patent Slip, Notth Shore, and will be brought over to Queen-street Wharf to load for the South Seas. The Ocean Wave. — The three-masted schooner Ocean Wave, launched from* Mr. Beddoes's yards, will be brought over from the builders after taking in a load of sawn timber, in order to complete her cargo for the South. She leaves for Chri3tchurch in charge of her owner, Captain Buxton. The Clyde.— The Star of the Sonth reports the Auckland schooner Clyde putting in to Poverty Bay on Saturday night last, bound here. H.M.I. Challenger, from England, has had her top-masts struck and rigging stripped, prior to being overhauled. The s.s. Star of the South will take in cargo at the wharf this morning, and leave again for Napier in the afternoon. The schooner Mapere, which put back late on Friday night, in oonsequence of the loss of a passenger overboard, left again yesterday mo rning for Port Charles, with cargo and passengers. The cutter Hero, from Mercury Bay, with timber, came alongside Custom-house-street yesterday to discharge. The cutter Tay, Francis, master, arrived yesterday from Matakana, with a cargo of firewood. The cutters Betsy and Sea Belle arrived at Napier on the 29bh ulfc., from Auckland. The cutter Helen, Lonsdale, master, sailed early yesterday morning for Tauranga, with a cargo. The cutter Dawn arrived yesterday from Port Fitzroy, with a number of passengers, to load stores, &c, on account of the Aotea Copper Mining Company. The cutter Severn, Miller, master, arrived yesterday from the Thames ; and the cutter Avon, Hargreaves, master, from the same place, with cargoes of timber. The cutter Bessy, Edwards, master, arrived yesterday from the Thames, with a cargo of sawn timber, The cutter Three Brothers, Seymour, master, arrived yesterday from Mangawai, with a cargo of settlers' produce, and a number of passengers. The cutters Cornstalk from Mahurangi, Comet from Puhoi, and Endeavour from Waibeki, arrived yesterday, with cargoes of firewood. The cutter Mary Ann, Heath, master, arrived yesterday from Wangapoa, with a cargo of sawn timber. The cutter Aquila has been put on the berth for Kaipara and Wairoa river, to sail on Saturday next. The schooner Meteor left Napier for Auckland on the 22nd ulfc., in ballast. The schooners Hope for Tauranga, and Ivanhoe for Mongonui, will sail this evening. The schooner Susan was lying at anchor in Hicks's Bay on Tuesday last, when the s s. Star of the South left. The cutters Agnes and Bittern arrived at Napier, from Auckland, on the 22nd, and the brigantine Balmoral, from Hobart Town, the same day, with cargoes of timber, &c. The schooner Rose Ann, bound here, was passed off the East Cape by the s.s. Star of the South on her upward trip. The second eugineer of the Omeo steamer was oharged, yesterday, before the Steam Navigation Board, with gross misconduct during his watch, on the morning of the 20th August, whilst the steamer was on the voyage from Newcastle to Melbourne, in permitting the bearings of the forward connectingrod to get hot, and thereby impede the progress of the steamer, and imperil the safety of the vessel and the lives of all on board, and for other neglect iv his capacity as engineer in charge. Witnesses were called who substantiated the accusation ; and in defence the second engineer pleaded illness ; but the board held it to be insufficient, and, finding him guilty, ordered the suspension of his certificate for six months. — Melbourne Age, September 8.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2870, 6 October 1866, Page 4

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SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF AUCKLAND. MISCELLANEOUS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2870, 6 October 1866, Page 4

SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF AUCKLAND. MISCELLANEOUS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2870, 6 October 1866, Page 4