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IN THE MIDST OF DEATH WE ARE IN LI I-T. NEW AND MOST VALtTABLB MBDIClwlca *OK HTHM<10 INTRACTABLE AND INCURABLE DISEASS" TTNL1KE the Patent Medicines generally imU ported from the United Kingdom, th« following from France have been severely tested and scrutinised by the most eminent Government ami private analytical chemists and practising physicians in Paris, &c, insomuch that the entire Parisian Faculty attached to the Governme it and other hospitals. &c. , in the French dominions, uaa, at t«r vigoious trials, with the fullest confidence reo *»»neiM tbem to the favourable notice of all anguishing 1.0b only under ordinary diseases, but those who may be " hoping against hope." No more Cod Liver Oil. — Syrup of Iodized Horseradish. Prepared by Grimault and Co., Chemists, 7, Rue de la Feuillade, Paris. According to the ceitiricates of the physicians of the Paris hospitals, detailed in the prospectus, aud with the approbation of several academies, this syrup is employed with the greatest success in place of cod. liver oil, to which it is really superior. It cures diseases of the chest, scrofula,- lymphatic disorders, green sickness, muscular atony, and loss of appetite ; it regenerates th? constitution by put if y ing the blood, and is, in a word, the most powerful depurative known. It never fatigues the stomach and bowels like the iodide of potassium aud the ioditlb of iron, and is administered with the greatest efficacy to young children subject to humours, or obstruction to the glands. Dr. Cazenave, of St. Louis Hospital, Paris, recommends it' paiticularly in cutaneous diseases, conjointly with the pills, which bear his name. Nc more Consumption. — Diseases of the chest. — Syrup if hypophosphite of lime, manufactured by Grrimault and Co., chemists, 7, liue de la Feuillade. Paris. This new medicine, which is delicious to the palate, is a sovereign remedy for roughs, colds, irritation of the lungs ; and is also an eiccellent remedy in cases of consumption. Under its influence the cough abates, nocturnal perspirations cease, aud the patient rapidly recovers health and flesh. .No more Indigestion or Dyspepsy. ■ : — Elixir of Pepsine. Piepared by Grimault and Co., chemists, 7, Eue de la Feuillade, Paris, According to the formula of Dr. Corvisart, Knight of the Legion of Honour, physician to H.M. the Emperor of the French, pepsine is the gastric juice itself, or rather the active principle purified, which digests food in the stomach. When from various causes the supply of the digestive fluid is too small, the inevitable consequences are bad digestion, gastritis, gastralgia, inflammation of the mucous coats of the stomach and bowels, heartburn, anosmia, loss of strength ; and in females, general derangemeut. The Elixir of Pepsine, which is sanctioned by the approbation of the Paris Academy of Medicine, speedily curss all such diseases, and prevents vomiting during pregnancy. £Jo more Poverty _of the Blood and Pale Corn* plexion. — Phosphate of Iron. — Dr. Leras, Apothecary, Doctor of Science, 7, Rue de la Feuillade, Pari3. This new ferruginous medicine contains the elements of the bones and blood, and iron. in a liquid state. From observations made in the Paris Hospitals, and detailed in the prospectus, it is superior to ferruginous pills, lactate of iron, iron reduced by hydrogen, pills and syrup of the iodide of iron, and cures rapidly stomach complaints, painful digestion, poverty of the blood, loss of strength and appetite and the diseases incident to females. It is the best adjunct to cod liver oil, and the beat preserver of health ia tropical climates. General Depot.— In Paris, at Grimault and Co., 7, Rue de la Feuillade. In London, at Newbery and Sons, 49, St. Paul's Churchyard. In Melbourne, at Z. Forde and Co. In Sydney, at Row and Co. In Adelaide, at Faulding. In Nelson, at S. B. Hadfield. At Launceiton, at Spicer, At Axickland, at Asher Abher. And at every good druggist of Australia, INTERNAL OR LOCAL. — NEW ODRATIVE AGENOT, MATICO.— GRCMADLT AND CO., PARIS. This new remedy is prepared from the leaves of a Peruvian pepper shrub, called Matico, and cures promptly and infallibly without any fear of inflammatory results. The great majority of physicians iu Paris, Russia, Germany, and New York, now use no other remedy. Full directions accompany each bottle and packet, or an explanatory treatise will b e ent post free for 9d.

HEALTH RESTORED TO ALL ' by the excellent medicines of Messrs.. Grimault and Co., Chemists'toL'H. Prince Napoleon,' 7, rue de la Feuillade, Paris. Why do the medical profession and the public so extensively patronize the different medicines prepared by Messrs Grimault and Co. ? 1. Because this house, being indisputably the first iu Paris, honoured with the patronage of the Court and of Prince Napoleon, is careful never to offer any preparations of doubtful efficacy. %. Because their inedicines embody all the ( most valuable and moss recent' discoVeri'es in chemistry, £fnd - therapteutict: 1 3. Because they are all mdst agreeable to ''the 'tasfce, pleasant to the eye, and may be taken without the least danger as well by children as by adults. 4. Because they are altogether different from those remedies, English, French, and American, prepared by manufacturers equally unacquainted with medicine and pharmaceutics, never having made either of them the object of scientific s$udy, 5., Because ines-e, medicines' are each of them specially intended only for a limited category of diseases arising from similar causes, and are not offered as a xuiiveraal papace<T, for all the ills that flesh is, hei* to. We therefore think we shall render great service to the public by briefly enumerating the principal medicines prepared by Messrs. Grimault aud Co. Iodised Syjeiup op Horse Radish, employed with prvTustant success in the stead of Cod Liver oil, which is so nauseous and difficult of digestion. It is the most certain specific for scrofula, lymphatism, flabbiness of the flesh, humours in children, goitre, rlieumafiim, sbu*r*y, skin diseases, and affections of the chest All the Paris physicians 1 recbflimena it as the most powerful depurative/' and' constantly prescribe it as the best means of correcting acridity of the blood and of restoring to that all-important fluid the vital principles which s iray bave lost through excesses, or lymphatic, saciUxCis, or gyjjhjlitic affections. Leras"' "Phosphate of Iron, ffrq ss>t qf aU chalybeates. This excellent medicine rouses the appetite, imparts strength to the system, and ia especially suitable to protect persons of either sex against the effects of hot and unhealthy climates, to enable them to bear fatigne, and restore to the body whatever strength it may have lost by fever, or the abuse of quinine or of mercury. Digestive Elixir of Pepsine, a delicious liquor, which stands in the foremost rank of the new discoveries of science. Pepsine, indeed, possesses the wonderiul property of effecting the digestion of food with scarcely any^aid from the ptoma^k IJ, is the sovereign remedy for 'gastritis, gasttalgia;imTaiDP mation of the stomach, liver, or bowels. a promptly relieves eructation, ijausea, distaste fq.p food, and is invaluable for its unfailing action in preventing vomiting during pregnancy. Persons suffering from cancer in the stomach or intestines may long arrest the effects of that fatal disease by using the Elixir of Pepsine. Elderly persons and convalescents will find it an effective corroborant ; for good digestion is the source of health and strength. Syeitp of Hypophosphite of Lime.— For centuries past physicians and chemists have been exerting their ingenuity to find a specific for diseases of the lungs, but till quite recently all their efforts have been fruitless. Recent discoveries, however, submitted to the Paris Academy of Medicine, and the most satisfactory experiments made in the hospitals especially devoted to consumption, in Paris, London, Berlin, aud Vienna, have proved that this terrible scourge finds a -powerful-specific in tho Syrup <4 Hypo|ihosphite of Lime", if taken before Ihe -disease has reached its last stage. Coughs, Colds, Catarrhs,' Bronchitis, Influenza, Hooping-Cough, are immediately relieved by this Syrup, as are also persons suffering from asthma. Internal or Local. New Cdrative Agent — Matico. Grimault and Co , Paris. This new remedy is prepared from the leaves of a Peruvian pepper shrub called Maiicq, and cures promptly and in fatlibly -without any' fear Sf inflammatory resulta. TJijj great majority, of -Physicians in .Paris, Russia!; Germany, and New York, now use no other remedy! Full directions accompany each bottle and packet, or an explanatory Treatise will be sent post free for 94. ' ' Depots : — Melbourne, J. Forde. and Co. 5 Sydney, J. and D. Stow, '219, Pitt-sfreet ; Launcestoqi Spic'er ; Nelson, T. B. Hatfields ; Auckland, A the? Asher,- 3nd at' every chepuat's.

FOR CHEAP and JfiASY WASHING u«e HAMPER TWELVETREES'' Preparation of GLYCERINE and SOAP POWDER, which makes " a profuse lather and saves considerably in Soap »ud rubbing. No Washing Crystals nor other Sp*_i Powders will do this. Sold, by all Storekeepers, Manufactory— Bromley-byrBow, London.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2711, 26 March 1866, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2711, 26 March 1866, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2711, 26 March 1866, Page 8