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February 19.-Wind S.W. ; light, ihowMjr.

ARRIVALS. Ahnriri, is., 170 toni. Flowerdftjr, from Wttftnui, Willing&3s£A3S&£ft3ga~£<" Swcjr Lw, ichooner, 88 toni, D. M'Kwiile, from Mercury Hor»S v Don»ld, cutter, 18 torn, M«Keurie, from W»ipu, with TOi?s*£utUr, 20 toni, Doufhty, from Corom«ndel, with S«nS in iuce. cutter, 16 toni, Edward., from Coromandd, PtbS^utff'n toni, Nlenumn, f»m Coromwdel, with Sta/cutter!" 18 toni, Gomw, from M»Uk*n». ffl, l&Kcntter, 23 toni, Stewart, from Wttgwrei.

DEPASTURES. Tasmanian Maid, p.i., Jackion, for Coromandel, with pasIm "SSTbarquentine, 365 tonf , Abbott, for Adelaide, in XUyJXoner, 17 toni, Joseph, for Waiheld, to ballut. SUf, cutter, 18 tons, Jones, for Om»h», in b*llMt. , Mi^iret, cutter, 81 tons, for Coromandel, withiundriei. Four Siiten, outUr, 17 toni, Gomez, for the Wade, with OmuMnttw/17 tons. D»er, for Puhoi with «nndries. Orpheui, cutter, 21 tons, Innesi, for Matakana, in ballait.

VESSEL 3 EXPECTED, ladybird, s.s., Kreeft, from Wellington and Tauranga (due to-day). Start, p.s., from Opotlki, early. „„.., Lord Ashley, ij., from Southern Ports (due 28th). Prince Alfred, n., from Sydney (due 22nd). „ Salamander, a.5.1., from Melbourne, via Queensland, No. 570, Maor? d «hS*. Roberts, from Adelaide, No. 7523, 2 nd dis. p. jEmna, ship, from London, No. 6510, lit dis. p. I loading . Spore, ship, Halbert, from London, No. 8917, 3rd dis. p. liTeSSofSp, M«Ewen, from London, No. 7206, 15t dii. p., SUrer Eagle,° ship, 1046 tons, Longman, from London (loadAleSndr^swKs tons'" Small, from London fading). Queen of the North, ship, from London (loading). Alice Cameion, barque, from Sydney. »&W^^ ais. P . Waverley, brig from China. No 2540, 2nd dis. p. Pakeha, brig, from Newcastle, VLFG, new co .c. BmmaEliia, schooner, from Nelson. Victoria, schooner, from Borptonga. No. 301 2nd dU. p. Kiwi, schooner, from Grey Eirer, via HoManf a. Celt, schooner, from Wanganui. Swallow, schooner, from Tauranga. Tawera. schooner, from Napier, via Poverty Bay. Donald M'Lean, schooner, from Napier. Zillah, schooner, from Napier. Sylph, schooner, from Kaipara. __..--. „.„, EUnbsth Mary, schooner, from Nnpier, vU Wangapoa. Jane, schooner, from Tauranga. „.„„,,„„ late Grant, sohooner, Matzen, from the Manutara. Clyde, schooner, from Napier, via Wangapoa. Bnsan, schooner, from Tauranga. Isabella, cutter, from Christchnrch, via Mercury Bay. Lady Wynyard, cutter, from Tauranga. Bittern, cotter, from Napier. # Planet, cutter, from the Grey Hirer. Volunteer, cutter, from InvercargilL Sir Duncan Cameron, from Napier, via Wangapoa. Sandfly, cutter, from Napier. Ruse flate Will Watch), cutter, from Tahiti.

PROJECTED DEPASTURES. For London.— Percy, 27th ; Ballarat, March 5. San FmANCisco.— ComUnc*. early. Ho*am Tows.— H.M. s. Cnragoa. early. SouTHjam Ports.— Ladybird, 23rd. WnLiNGTON.— Ahuriri, to-morrow. Coromandil. — Tasmnnian Mud, Wamgarw.— T«m»ni»n Maid, 21st. Po*t Ch»wj».— Shamrock, to-day. Sooth S«a Islands.— Ctoral Queen, early. Thamis.— Caroline, early. Kbnnedt*s Bat.— Bob Roy, early. Bay op IsiiANDS.-S» Breeze, to-day; General Cameron, early. Mongonwi.— lvanhoe, early. Tatj»anga.— Tauranga, early. Opotiki. — Eortune, to-day. Miiujuhy Bay.— Saucy Lais, to-morrow. NAPnau— Lark, Kauri, and Betiy, ear^r. Ki^AirA.-Aquila and Sylph, early; William and Julia, TA»tTA.— Helen, early Port FrrzitoY.— Prince of Wales, early.

TESSELS IN HABBOUB. (Thl» list doM not Include coasting cutters. ) H.M t. Cnragoa, Commodore Sir W. Wiseman, from Sydney ria Norfolk Island. WalUmata, p.s. (on ferry serjrice.) BSfcS'ij StSTSSSSr. *» ™"*™* wdtar MitySnepherd^ihT^iws toni, Gio. Croot, from London- . and Daldy, agents. Percy, «hip, 919 tons, Weatherburn, from london.-D. N*O»n, «*«»*• SS*SSSe; f S't O oni^M-Ewan. from M.uriUu,. tl* 'Adel»ido!-J. S. M»cf»rl»ne »nd Co., *gente. B*ll»r»t, barque, «85 t«ni, Allan, from London.—Cruickshank. Smart, and Co , agenti. „.*.», Sarah Ann, barque, 350 ton*, Crouchtr, from Hobart Town. Marion, coal bulk. iSn"ern ri CroM, loboonw, 92 ton«, Tillr, from tb« South Sea -William and Jtdia^ schooner, 33 tons, Scott, from Mahurangi lark, ichooner, 27 tons, Toke, from Napier. Industrj. wshooner, 23 tons, Yates, from Wangaruru, via Omaha. Harr, schooner, 18 tons, Ford, from Waiheki. Helen, schooner, 21 tons, Ricketts, from Tairua. Ifapere, schooner, 30 tons. J. White, from Tairua. Tauranra, schooner, 60 tons, Sellars, from Tauranga. Fortune, schooner. 21 tons, Parker, from Tanranga. Dot, schooner, 27 tons, Jones, from Omaha. Mary Ann White, schooner, 14 tons. Knight, from waiheki. Caroline, schooner, 16 tons, M'Caskffl, from the Thames. Coral Qneen, schooner, 92 tons, Trayte, from Mahurangi. Bose Ann, schooner, 26 tons, Jones, from Tairua. Sea Breeze, schooner, 70 tons, Norris, from Russell. SauoyLass, sdhooner, 38 tons, M'Kensde, from Mercury Bay.

entered inwards. i February U— Dot, 27 tool, Barrett, from Paldri, with 6,800 palings, 19— Coral Querai 92 tons, G. H. Trayte, from Mahurangi, with 10 package! original cargo from Sydney. 19— Fortune, 21 tons, Parker, from Tauranga, with 6 hhds. al», 2 hhds., 1 c«e. Pa»sengers— 2. 19— Rose Ann. 20 torn, Jonei, from Tairua, with 20,000 feet timb«r. 19— Star, 18 torn, Jones, from Omaha, with 45 toni firewood, 1 box ecgs, lk«g honey. «..,., « ID— WMtby, 20 tons, Doughty, from Kikowhakarere, CoromandeL tMth 12,000 feet timber. 5 kegs beef. 19— Fo*ir Sisters, 17 tons, Gomez, from Puhoi, with SO tons IJ»— ldly, 17 tons, Joseph, from Waiheki, with 32 tons firewood. Passenger — 1. 19— Comet, 17 tons, Deer, from Puhoi, withll.9oo feet timber. Passengers— 2. 19— Orpheus, 21 tonsjnntss, from Matakana, with 36 tons firewood.

ENTEEED OUTWARDS. FIBKTJARY 18— Coral Queen, 92 torn, Trayte, for South Sea Island*.— Combei ana Daldy, agents.

CLEAEEB OUTWARDS. FSBKTJART It— Staf, 18 tons, Jones, for Omaha, ia ballast. Passentnt—S. 18— M»Tt»iet, 21 tons, Kennedy, for Kikoirbakarere, Corom»ndel,TriUi sundries. P«ssengeM- 7. , . „ . _ IS— Orpaetu, 21 tons, Inness, for M«t*k»n«, in b»ll*st. P«fsenrer — 1, 18— Comet, 17 tons, Deer, for Pnhoi, with sundries. PassenIS—Lfly, 17 tons, Joseph, tor Waiheld, in b«ll*f t. Passen18—Four Sisters, 17 tons, Gomez, for the Wade, with sundry furniture, 3,000 feet timber, 1 J tons flour. Passengers— B.

ARBIVAL OF THE S.S. AHUBIRI, WITH TROOPS. The hired transport s.s. Ahuriri, Captain Flowerday, arrived in the harbour yesterday, at 1 p.m., from Tauranga, Napier, Wellington, and WanganuL The General and staff were passengers by her. The Ahnriri left Wanganni on Saturday evening, the 10th inrt;; arrived at Wellington on Sunday morning at 5. Remained there until Friday morning, and arrived at Napier on Saturday morning at 3; left again same morning at 8. Arrived at Tauranga on Sunday evening at 7.30*; left again about 11.30 tame evening, and arrived here at above. ' The «.». Ladybird and Queen were in Napier when the Ahuriri left. The former vessel is bringing on to Tauranga 150 men of the 12th Regiment, and from thence she will embark 200 men, of the 68th Begiment for Auckland. Passed the s.s. Beautiful Star off Table Cape; and [experienced very fine weather throughout the whole passage. Passengers : — Major • General Chute ; Colonel Gamble, C.B. ; Colonel Carey, C.B. ; Major Pitt M.S.; Dr. Gibb, S.S.; Dr. Manly, M.T.; Captain Boitock, Captain Marshall, Lieutenant Burke, 68th; Mr. McDuff, M.T.; 70 rank and file 68th Begiment, 1 woman, and 4 children.

ARRIVAL OP THE SEA BREEZE. The ichooner Sea Breeze, Captain Norm, arrired in harbour lwt erening from Russell, Bay of Island*, after a good raa down the coait. She brought a oargo of 23 head of cattle, which were landed at the Tamaki before coming up harbour. Pawengen: 16, including four native* in rtetrage. — Edmonds and Jakini, agenti.

MISCELLANEOUS. The N.Z.S.N. Company's i.i. Ladybird, Captain Kneft, may be expected here this morning from Wellington, Napier, and Tauranga, with 200 troops from the Utter place, and the Southern mail

The schooner Coral Queen, Captain Trayte, entered outwards at the Customs yesterday for the fcouth Sea Islands. The N.Z.S.N. Company's s.e. Rangatira has been laid up at Wellington for an over-haul. Her place will be supplied by the s.s. Ladybird, which may be looked for in this harbour to day. The barquentine Sea Bird, Captain Abbott, sailed yesterday afternoon, for Adelaide, in ballast, with four passengers. The N.Z.S.N. Company's s.s. Ahuriri, under charter to the Government, coaled yesterday, and will leave again on Government service to-day. The paddlcsteamer Tasmanian Maid, Captain Jackson, left the wharf yesterday morning at ■even o'clock, for Coromandel, with a number of passengers. The schooner Fortune, Captain Parker, will leave with despatches to-day for Opotiki, in order to bring up the Maori prisoners there charged with the murder of the Rev. Mr. Volkner. The following coasters were alongside Custom-house-street yesterday, discharging their cargoes of sawn timber :— Helen, schooner, from Tairua; Shamrock, cutter, from Port Charles ; Comet, cutter, from Puhoi ; Dot, schooner, from Omaha ; Julia, schooner, from the Thames ; Rose Ann, schooner, from Tairua ; Mary Ann, cutter, from the Thames j and the Sarah •Alice, cutter, from Coromandel. The following coaster* entered inwards at the Curtains yesterday :— Coral Queen, tchooner, from Mahurangi; Fortune, schooner, from Tauranga ; Koae Ann, schooner, from Tairua ; Stag, cutter, from Omaha j Whitby, outter, from Coromandel j Four Sisters, cutter, from the Wade ; Lily, schooner, from Waiheki ; Comet, cutter, from Puhoi ; Orpheus, cutter, from Matakan* ; and Dot, schooner, from Pakiri. The cutter Stag, Jones, master, sailed yesterday for Omaha, in ballast, with three passengers. The cutter Margaret, Kennedy, master, sailed yesterday for Kikowhakarere, Coromandel, with sundries and seven passengers. The schooner Lily, Joseph, master, sailed yesteri day for Waiheki, in ballast, with four passengers. 1 The cutter Four Sisters, Gomez, master, sailed yesterday for the Wade, with a cargo of general merchandise and eight passengers. The cutter Orpheus, Inness, master, sailed yesterday for Matakana, in ballast. The cutter Comet, Deer, master, sailed yetterday for Puhoi, with sundries and five passengers. The cutter Petrel, Niemann, master, arrived yesterday from Coromandel, with sundries and passengers. The cutter America is alongside Custom-house-street, being re-coppered before leaving for Norfolk Island, to load cattle for this port. The cutters Comet and Stag, from Puhoi, and the Lily, schooner, from Waiheki, were discharging their cargoes alongside the Cu3tom-house-street T yesterday. . The cutter Anne Laurie, Stuart, master, arrived yesterday from Wangarei, in ballast. The schooner Saucy Lass, McKenzie, master, arrived yesterday from Mercury Bay, with a cargo of sawn timber and passengers, from the Auckland Saw-mill Company's yards. The cutter Sarah Alice, Edwards," master, arrived yesterday from Coromandel, with a cargo of sawn timber. The schooner Lily, Joseph, master, arrived yesterday from Waiheki, with a cargo of firewood, &c, which was discharged alongside Custom-house-street Wharf. The cutter Flora McDonald, McKenzie, master, arrived yesterday morning from Waipu, with a cargo of produce, and several passengers. The schooner Helen, Bicketts, master, arrived yesterday from the Tairua saw-mills, with a full cargo of timber. The cutter Whitby, Doughty, master, arrived yesterday from Coromandel, with a cargo of sawn timber and several passengers. The cutter Stag, Gomez, master, arrived yesterday from Puhoi, with a cargo of firewood, &c, and went alongside Custom-house-street to discharge. Wbeck of the Schooner Sarah.— On the 22nd January, as Mr. flebberly and Mr. Beauchamp, surveyors, were surveying the coast on the Straits, on the north shore of the Middle Island, between George's Rock and Lucky Point, they found the wreck of the missing schooner Sarah. The whole of the vessel was there, but smashed to pieces. The clothes of the two unfortunate men, Andrew Lemon and Curly George, were strewn about the rocks, but all torn to pieces. A necktie was sent to Mrs. Lemon to be identified, but it wa» known by Mr. Hebberly to be the one he usually wore. Mr. Hebberly picked up a leaden pump and some bits, made of blue gum, and conveyed them to hii place in Queen Charlotte's SouDd, where they can be seen. Nothing was seen of the remains of the poor fellows who had met with a watery grave.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2682, 20 February 1866, Page 4

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2682, 20 February 1866, Page 4

PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXII, Issue 2682, 20 February 1866, Page 4