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l i *i , Pronounced by 4 '6onDoi«iM^|5^M (i fe The. only Good S»«ce/Jjyid£iri)pJ«ja,^Je, #94a s *SfK^ ' Extract of * letter froni» 1 mocHc»lg«ntlern«n^t;i Madrai fco.liis WbrJektel r MtyM$6tJ^% "T<?ll Lea ancL J'erriuB.thrffc\theirTS*fiW41|Jliii|lfl^MJ estefemed in India, ami ;ityl<ini r iffy-''6pinr^<lilie'^! m «,8fcpaUt*bl«; ah wellU r itHc'mort>uole«omoSaac»'l thai is made." *WiAmr .teWim ,*■, f ,- i n f '.; r . .< ,; c • in i\(^ur,HM^l -, OAUTfON.— Lea mnd^nn^Wg tp'oMrfipn^fie^^ Pulilio against ipurious imitaiioW 6f'theircelebYiit¥d,, WoitaESTERSHIKE SAUCE. L. ' und^.^vef I discovered that several of the Foreign Markets hams'-^ been supplied with Spurious Imitatibni.'tlle'labHlg' 1 -' closely resembling those'of'tH^enmif^Binib^a'na'^ in one or more iuitancea 'the'^fame'of^t.^aiid^.'J-^ forged. L. and P. -will proceed against orie^niinav ' ! J manufacture or vend Biich imitations, .andpliaye'inJV 1 structed their correspondents in the VanojiS*paftii:>f ' V the! world to ad vi«e tliein of anyinfriugeine'rit'ofthoir' -' M*»- m'V;' 1 ?!


V* Sold Wholesale and 'for Export, by the Proprietor*, Worcester ; Me*srs. Chossb and BlackWKi/L ; Messrs. Barclay and SonB,~Ldnd6ii j ,&c.J&Q~' t and by Grocers and Oilmen generally^ ' a l! '



TTNLTKE tho Patent' Medioinei' generally im. \J ported from the United Kingdom, the followiig from France have been severely tested and scrutinised by the , most eminent^ Government and private analytical* chemists' and', practising physician* in Paris, Ac, insomuch' that the" eii'tire. Parisian Faculty attached 'tb J the^Goveriimeit" ! l aiid other hospital! &o., in the Ffenoh'fdomini'pnsV 'can, after vigorous trials,'' with the fullest confidence recommend them to the favourable notice of ' all languishing not only under ordinary diseases, but' those '■ff Ko may be " hoping against hope." , ! "" *' "No more Cod Liver 1 Oil. — Syrup of Iodized Horseradish. Prepared by Grimault aud Co., Chemist*, 7, Rue de la Feuillade, Paris. According to the ceiti lien tes of the physicians of- the Pari* -hospitals; - detailed in the proipeetui, and 1 with the approbation of several academies, this »yrup is employed with the greatest success in place of cod liver oil, to which it i*. really *nperio'r" It 'cures diseates of ' the "cliest, sci of nla, lymphatic disorders,' green iioknei*; muscular atony, and loss of appetite ; it regenerate* the constitution by purify ing the blood,; and is, iua ,word, the most powerful depuratiye known.',- It never fatigue* the stomach and bowels like the ipdide of potasuum and the iodide of iron, and i* administered with the greatest efficacy to young children subject to humours, or obstuiction to the glands. Dr. . Cazen(Jve, of St. Louis Hospital, Paris, recommend* it particularly in cutaneous diseases, conjointly with the pills, which bear his name. , No more Comumption. — Disea*e3 of tho oheit. — Syrup of hypbphosphite of lime, manufactured by Grimault and Co., chemists, 7, Rue de la Feuillade. Paris. This new medicine, ,wl|ich is delicious to the palate, is a sovereign remedy far coughs, colds, irritation of the lungs ; and is also an excellent remedy in cases of consumption. ' Under its influence the' cough abates, nocturnal penpiration* cease, and the patient rapidly recovers health and flesh. ' ' ( No moro Indige»tion or Dy*pop»y. — Elixir of Pepsine. Prepared by Grimault , aud Co., chemisti, 7, Rue de la Feuillade, Paris. According- to the formula of Dr. Corviiait, Knight of the Legion of Honour, physician to H.M. the Emperor of the French, pepsine isthe gastric juice itself or rather ithe-, active principle ' purified, which digests food in the stomach. When from various causes the supply of the digestive fluid is too small, the inevitable consequences are bad digeition, gastritis, gastralgia, inflaTa-, mation of the mucous 'coats of the stomach and bowels, heartburn 1 ,* ancemia, ,<los» of ttren'gth J 'and in female*, general deiangement. The Elixir of Pepiine, xvliioh is sanctioned by the approbation of theiPari* Academy of Medicine, speedily. curei'all such diiease*, and prevents vomiting during pregnancy. ■ • ' No more Poverty of the 'Blood ,and Pale^Complexion. — Phosphate of Iron. — Dr. iLeras, Apothecary, Doctor of Science,' 7, Ruede la Feuillade, Paris. This new ferruginous medicine contains the element* of the bone* and blood, and iron, in a -liquid state.* From observations made in, the 'Paris _Ho«pital«f, and detailed iu the prospeetui, it i* superior to ferruginous pills, laptate -pfj' iroiif ,by hydrogen, .pill* , and syrup of 'tins 'iodide ~of iron, I and, cures 'rapidly stomach complaints, painful digestion, poverty of the blood, loss' of strength 'and appetite, aud the disease* incident 'to females. It is the best adjunct to cod liver oil, and the best preserver of health , in tropical climates. ' ' J s General Depot.— In Paris', at GritnauU and Co.,'^7, Rue de la Fenillade. Iu London, at Newb'ery and . Sons, 49, St. Paul 1 * Churchyard. In Melbourne, at Z.'Forde and C6. In Sydney, at' <Row, and Co. In Adelaide, at Faulding. In Nelson, 'at S B. Hadfield. At Launceston, at Spicer;'»nd at every good diuggist of Australia.


MATICp.— OBIMAOLT Af)D CO.i, PARIS. J ' . This new remedy is 'prepared from' the loaves of a Peruvian pepper shrub, dalled' Matojo; v an'd cures promptly and infaUMy without any fear of inflammatory results. The great majority of physicians in Paris, Russia, Gennauy, and New York, now use no other remedy. Full directions accompany each bottle aud pacaet, or an explanatory treatise will^be ent post free for 9d.

mHE GREAT ENGLISH! REMEDY FOR X GOUT AND RHEUMATISM.— BLAIRS GOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. 1 — 'This prepa* ration is one of the benefits which the science of modern chemistry has conferred. upon'mankind'; for during the first twenty years of the present century to speak of a cure for the gout was considered a romance ; but now the efficacy and safety of this medicine is so fullyi demonstrated.'by unsolicited tes- .• timouials from persons in every rank of life, that' public opinion proclaims this as 'one 1 of the 1 most important discoveries of the present age. ■,-! ry 1 , t ,.> These pills require no restraint of diet or confinement diring their uie,- and are certain to prevent the diseas attacking any vital part. ' They can ,be relied upon as , the. most safe. t and effectual remedy everoffere'd to tlie public, and r have been universally used , in, Europo and, America for many years for the above complaint's. ' ' ' 'Her Majesty's Commissioners have authorised the , name and "address' of "Thomas~Pr6ut, "No/ 229? t "-' Strand, London, " to be* impressed upon tho Government stamps affixed to each box of the genuine medicine. _ ' ' » '"",,' ."Sold iri England at Is. l^d'. and 2s. 9d. per $or.' - Agent for Auckland,' ' ■ " ' "' •■ VVj"?'' '" V" ; - ' '" " '■ -'MR;. AgflER' A8frE;R^ ' '/ t '| MpiMEL'S UNRIVALLED ' PER^U^ERy'' 1 :< j warranted, to ret'aiu its 'excellent quality in any ..ite. , ■ Ti * '; -> K^fff *,* Rimmel'i Toilet Vinegar, , to siiperaedo Eaii'dt Cologne. , , , ' .; tS'.li '"' ; Rimmel'* Lavender Water,' distilled from Mitoham flower*..,?' ,>',>' . . 1 !•}•,/ i Rimmel's Jockey Club, Fxangipane, &o., of .ex* „, quisite'frfi'graneu. " ' ( '™ ! «' '">u '-, cuT Rimmel's Glycerine, Honey, 'Windspr,. aud other , Toilet Soapi. '' i'', ",] " lUmrael's Limo Juice and Glycerine for beautifying theHnir « »...«.; ilifaSt Rimmel'* . Perfume Vaporizer, . Perfu'moViF'oim. tains. \<e. ko. ' l . <■?*',) bhli-'X Rimmel' Book of Perfumes, with -iSOHMaintions, 5«. ' ' ■ •.»,( £itf {'i siiz-i ,

; Sold by all Perfumery Vendors hi tlie World. r , w 1 .', . .1. 'W, ■ r. —..!..- ...i. -l 'Ju^'fi <i.'i\-iihjx iu. = E. RIMMEp/ Perfumer 1 to HrB. t H. I ttfo''I'rjnoes8 of 1 I 1 Wales, 88. Strand;" ; tntityl r • ' THE only really serviceable Artiole fo^lCoVl^ NOMICAL WASHING 'fi * "HI RP,"BUv7 -? 'TWELVETKEES' rrt'p'Sr'aiion of .GLYCERINE,'?,^ and SOAP.^.POWDER^llwhichyiatherirapWWirply,^.^, inaRes Soap,. and .washei.iwnh'a^hifd ofttfirufcualjfe I time';and trouble. "No VVashin'giOryiitaW'n&nt^the^J,^ Sqap Powder/ will

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXI, Issue 2609, 28 November 1865, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXI, Issue 2609, 28 November 1865, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXI, Issue 2609, 28 November 1865, Page 8