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March 18.-^Fme Wind N. 13. March 10.— Itainy and squally. Wind N.W.

ARRIVALS. TT.ftf. * * Curaeoa, returned to port with ship Bombay in tow. HJf S5 Eclipse, 4guin, r.omintle, from TC»*t Coast Bombay, ship. 000 tons, Sclltr*, fiom London, with general cargo nail Government emigrant* Constance, barque, 3jO ton*, Elliott, fioin Adelaide, with wheat, flour, ifcc Alar n, brij?, l!) 5 torn, Clndwlck, fiom Xe\\ca*tle, with conls Uicdrich l'ontzlcti, brig, 245 tons, D.ihm, from Adelnldc, with flour and whent Slarijiosi, bng.iutiuo, 164 ton*, Umley, from Sydney, with fcneial c.ii'go tt-voir. briimntlne, 133 lons, Watson, fiom Molbom ie, with qoneial cugn. Queen, schooner, 4U ton*, Hill, from Oroit Lirnor, with timbci. Sauc« Lns*, schoonei, .)0 ton 1 ;. JfDonald, fiom Thmnngn, via Mercury Bay, w ith timber F»lcon, schooner, Owen, from Cabbngo Ray, with timber Fairy, schooner. 87 tons, M'Lrod, fiom Kennedy's liay, with timboi. WW Wave, ltcteh, 50 ton*, WvUt, fiom Kiipain, with timbor. Jloiuin? Light, cutter, Tillpv, fiom Meictuy U.iy, with timber.

nr.PAKTURI'S. ]IM si Cnvnoos, rawnoil lipv \ (v\ nye Prnnco? Hentj\ ship, for Guam BapM, schooner, for Tnniangn

VESSELS KKPBCrRD. Queen, ss , fiom Southern FoiK due Wth Mar of the Sonth, s s , f oin Vnpiei Dauntless ship, fiom London, iso SISI, Ist dis i> , sailed December 15. Caducous, ship, fiom london.Xo 9(3, 3rd dis p,siilcdDec 3 Luciuclle, ship, from London, V G X l> , now code Loulsi, ship, from London No 7SII, lstdis p , sailed No\ 22 ErujH ess, from London, No oS2l,lst(l)i p. Wintcrthur, ship, from London Ilydia ship, fiom Newcastle Viola, shii>, from Glnsgow, No 2341. 2-d dis p , sailed t>ec 0 Cantcrbmy ship, fr"m London, No TU2 2nd dis p Belgrnvin, -hip from lonilon. Ko C4")2, ,lrd dis p Pegasus, ship, from London, iSo b4'i.<, l»t (iis v , stnlfd Dec G. K«te Waters, barque, from Newcastle Knto, bin one, from Sydnoy T»iii| Ico, baii|iie. from % nlpuiiso Tauranea, schooner, fiom Tamansra Kate Williams, schooner, fiom Pou>itj- T?iy. Ssa nrecze, schoxnet, fiom Bay of Jeland= Wildfhe, soliooncr fiom MoKianifi Jauet Grey, cutter, from Napier.

(•itOJKOI'KIt DEPART!' IUth. For Tauk w(h — Hope, tv dsiv Svdvst.-— Sal inlander and Lindsays, to ilay : Novelty, 21st Vewcastlk — Eclipse, to div >?EtStiN.— R<;lisncc. to ila\ . Pjlpli, 22nd. NAriF.R, — Tftwern and Lark, to day

VESSELS IN UAIU-ODII (This list doel not include costing cutter, ) H.M. ss Brisk, 1(1 guns from Wineanui. H. NT. ss Eclipse. 4 gun"!, Ficnnntle, fiom East Coist S*l inlander, s s , 770 tons Claike fiom Ne\u»stltf Knveiii i s , 42 toils, 4U.HHI", iruin tltt; M iiuilcnu —Graham ami Co . aßt'ilts Sir Jolm Bnrgoyne, steam jacht, C 1!C 1 ! tons, Captain Header, frO'ii Sydney BelU M iriiiH ship, coal hulk. Arnntrong, ship, 817 ton', Armstrong, fiom london — Nathan, agent Ganjos. ship, 1.211 tons, Fnnnell, fiom Quoenstown — Walter uraliame, agent Ernestmi, ship, I.OJB tons, Fillan, from London — Combes nnd Daldy, agents LimUiys, ship 470 ton«, JioV'-on fiom Newcistle Bombay, ship, 9'o tons Sell lr* from Lmiilon Con?tuice birfine 350 tons, Elliott, fimn \delwlo tjmgnay. bniqnc, 301 tons, Pi ingle, from JTct castle "\ r isco>mt I'.inmng fourque, 7^l tons, \\ right, fiom I onrton — I'ombes mid Daldjr. agents Frecnrsoi, barque, 404 tons, Thomson, from Tome, Chili — Roberton and Co , ngents Noroltv, barque, a^o tons, Austin, from S>dney— Henderson and Mucfarlane, agents India barque, 202 tons. Biddle, from Holmt Town Ellen Ca«tle, barque, 3-10 tons M Lein from Newcastle Bella Mary, barque, 27C tuns. Copping, fiom Iloburt Town M»non, coal hulk Reliance, brig, 120 tons, Frodshain, from Ne« cistle —Williams and Co , agents Alarm ling 195 tons, Chadwick, from Xe^castlo Diederich Pentzien, brig 24. 1 ; ton', Dahm, f»om Adohide 3l«riposa, brigantins 1(4 tons, Hurley from Sydney Au Eavoir, brienntine, ISS tons Watson, from Melbourne. Eclipse, bngantine, ISO tons Adams, from Newcastle Kin I, schooner, 3d tons, P.ryers, from irokiingi Southern Cross, schooner, 02 tuns, Tilly, fiom South Sea Islands Victoria schooner, 5G tons, Reynolds, fmrn Rorotonsi Tawera schooner 55 tons, K< nnedy. fiom Pove\tj P.iy Siipid, schooner. 31 tons, M Kenzie, from Tmrang* Srliih schooner, 50 tons, Norri3, from Russell Zillah schooner, 70 tous, fmllhan, from Po\ertv T?iy. Coral Queen 92 tons, Trajte, from Sjdnoj. — Combes and Daldr, aeents Hep 1 , schooner, 23 tons, Black, from Tauransi Yictorii sclooner. 70 tons li\ine from r.reat lianier Qneen, schooner, 40 tons. Hill fiom Great B-irri-r S»uc> U^s, schoonei, !0 tons, M'Ponild, from Taurauga Fnlcon, schooner, Owen, fiom Cabbage B-\v Fairy, schooner, 37 tons, M Leod, from Kennedj s Bay.

SAXBY'S DAYS 1805. March— 26 to 2S [March 25th to 2StU will bo a dangerou3 period with high tale J N.B. — If the d*y mirked prove cilm and still, distrust tho day after, an! especiilly tho iecond day after

ENTERED INWARD" .March IS— Three Bi others, IS toni, c eymom, finm Manernwai -with 11,000 f«et timber, 1 ton cheese, 100 fowls, i Ijovs butter, 4 boxes eggs .} ton onions IS — 'auv .14 tons, JlcLeod, frnm Kennedy s Bay, with 25,000 feet kauri timber I'/issenser; — 2 IS -Emma, 20 tons, Henol, fiom Kennedy's Bay, with IV o'' feet timbei 18— Koreianla, 17 tons, Ciutte, from Omilm, ■nith 30 tons flrewotid 19— Be sy, 'j tons, Plnlpot from 'Mercnry Biy, with 21,000 ft snu ii timber. I°— Gazelle, 24 ton', Chisline, from W'angapoa, \Mth 20,000 feet timber. 18— Lny, -7 ton?, Allin, fion V.>ihoki, vith 30 tons fir---wond 13-A»iie3 23 tons, ■\VilUnui3, fiom ilatakuna, with io tons firewood IS— Slug, lStoi)3, AVooiicoric, from Great Earner, with 10 tons Ihewooi! 18— Goiier^l Cumrron, 42 ton\ Stuc'tey, non 'lie Thames, in bn'l i-t IS -Vision. 15 tons, Biown from Mnlranngi. with ■tumhiei 18— Bombiy, 037 ton;, v cll<ir-.. from London, \,ith general raigo — \\ alter Gialume, agent

ENIERH') OUTWARDS Vahch 18— Xovelty, barqtie, Austin, for Si duey

CLEARED Ol'l WARDS. March 18— Vietoiift, 50 ton*, Ronaud, for Bairiei, in ballast PnssengDr — 1 18— Dolphin, 17 torn, for Wiipu, with sundries 18— Hose, 24 torn, i urrie for Mcrcui v U ij' « lth 5110(1™!? 18 — A'ulon. IS ton«, Bioun, for Jl.ihurang., with 121 sacK? wlieat, 600 feet timber Pisvnger — 10 18 — Besiv 25 tons, Plulpot for Mrrciuv liav, in biUnit 18 Gsuplle, 21 tons, t'liesliiie foi 'SVangipoa, with 1 case eioceiles 18 — Lilr, 17 tons, Allan, forWiilioVi, in ballnst IS — Yene 1 ! 23 tons Willums, for Milmi mqi m billvt 18 Rtng IS ton% WootlcoHf for Crcxt B&nici, in bill ist 18— Rnpi'l, "50 tons, MdCenzie, for ipii'iingi, with 2j tons comms?mat store' Pissengen— lo 18 — ' ln<l?iv!>, 430 ton*. Jiclvon for ipv in ballast 18— Yimstrons, 1,000 tons, for Amheist, Bium.ih

ARRIVAL OF THE feniP BOMB IY— DmiA<3TED En lv on "aturdav morning tin 1 signal \vi3 hoisted at the flasjitftff donntins th»t a man of-« ar sto mi"! was fninin» in, ■an'l it was immediately concluded to be th* Eclipse from tin Eait Tors' When she showed round tho Nor h (Te id how ever, it proved to be the Ciiragoa with n largo s.hip in tow dism isted full or passengers and ninth a't"rnauh l.m up her numbers as the Hombiy Intense e\c.t»ment then lircnatlert amongst thoss who had assembli d on the wharf e^pectin^ tn lie/ir in a few minutes that r ome of tho tinfoitunpte passengers hud b^fli killed or dronncd When the Curafioagot ib-enst of Holmes"'! Wharf ihe ton-ropo mas tut, and, leu ing the Bombay to come up thehirbom h«nalf the <'m tool st a amud into the rain of w>r ofiing anrt anchored Iho Bombay ilsn anchored slvortlj nfterw nil? off the Oueen «tieot Wlinf and no sooner wis the cubic down than tin ship was visited bj boat-loads of persons from the nhoro, who le unttli it the ship had encountered the full force of the recent ctalcs, ttliicli weie felt In Auckland, and dunna which she had lost all her masts and »aiK but that nu pet-on hid been huit The Bombay, and her commaicbr, Captain aio Well and favourably known in these «fiter% nnd of the citizens went on bo<ud to sympathise with him seeing the crippled condition in Tvhicli Ins vessel bad arrived in port AYe do not remember seeing a vessel come into port in a more dlstiessing condi'ion tlmn the Bombay She a,«peiTrd to be almost a complete wreck, and it is a wonriei that some of the inimigrants on boaid mimbeiing 400 souls, were not either killed or diowned The Bombay foil in with the Role on the Bth rnstnnt In the evening of that day the bowsprit was carried away to the knieht heads The fore top mut, fore topsail-yard and fore-lopgß also wen t « the bowsprit the same evening Several mists anil yards were sprung, and all the saita attached vereblnwn anav The ihip rolletl very heavily during the night, and the ciies of some of the passengers ire de 1 cubed as being fpnrfnl Enrlv en the follow ng morning the ship give a sudden lurch and her nuinmnst by the board, mi^en topmast and everything attached, mere carried away The mfren mast was al-o sprung ond the starboard b"at wai carried away The p.issongers wore freatlv alarmed, nnd did not beli*vo they should t-ver reuoh Auckland Foitumtely no accident of any serious nature occurred during the tin eo (lays of thot-ale, pithpi- to the crew or pisiengers : and on the mornine of tho 11th the barque Constance went to her assist wee, an 1 towed her until she was In n position to proceed on her The Cnragoa picked her up on Friday near C ipe Brett and immediately returned to port with the ttotnbavin tow Tlie Bombay bnngi* full cargo of goncral mrithandlso and four hundred passengers most of whom nro Government emigrants Sh« hns arrived >n hirboui in any ft cleanly nnd cred : table manner, more espeeiallj lin- 'Ueen decks. Immediately »he anchored nhe w« boarded by the Customs' officer, wlmexpr»Bied himself highly plenscrl with the iurv clennly »tate in which she had an i ved : .md in asking the q>icitiou to the passenger*, as to whether ihc\ bad any complii t^ to make, they replied "No Wo li tva been wall treatnd, and thank Captain Hcllsn for hli kindness to us duiing th» To»»ge.» wear* indebted to Cnptu ln SHlirs for tlm following veport of the voyare, giving full pirticulnrs of thf gale — November 23, 8 am : Sailed from firi»e«end «ith light westerly winds, and at 0 p m , came to anchor off the North PoreUnd, with itro'ng westerly breeze? »nd lain Lay windbound under'the North Foreland until the 30th, then weighod, •ndprooeeded with light westerly winds, nnd anchored in the fowni.

Decembov Ist : Strong S.W. gales and strong sen. 2nd, more moderate and hazy weather ; got undor weigh, and piocecded down chimnel against »tiom» bieezes and gules - December 4th : Landed tho pilot off Sloanage, and again pioceedcd on ouv voyage, with strong gules and rain ; on Mm Sth, abreast of tho LLiiud . o\chnnged signals \Uth tho ihip Trevalian, bound to Calcuttn , had a continuanco of strong S \V. gnies, with lain and hail, until the 13th, in lat 46 23 N , ami long 037 AY then got tho wind fiom tho Noith, and wont chcoiily on until the 17th, when in lat 33 10 N, and long 17 - 43 W , got a leturn of our old enemy tho Sou'westein. Shong gales continued until tho 21st On tho 18th, sighted tho island of Madeira, bcaiing SE , distnnco 28 miles tfiom tho 21st to tho 20th had westeily wind"), modci'ato, ship slipping along piotty woll with them Tlio N V tiadcs woio modoiato, ivnil commenced in lftt 18 3(1 N , long 29 10 W , continuing until tho 31st. Got the Sl3 trades, on Januniy 3id, lbO 1 ), in lat 1 7N., and long 20 1(1 w., out 39 days fiora Oravosond and 34 days fiom tho Down 1 ! , had fino steady S E tiades until wo sighted tho island of Tiimdad, on tho nth, wlrch was passed at a distance of 10 mile-, . on tho sa-no afternoon signalised tho British ship Moiawan, fiom Molbonrno to London, out 40 days, at 8 p m lost s 15 Hades, and had cilmiand squalls throughout the night , fiom thence until io idling tho moiidian of bioonwich had light winils .rid flno weathoi Ilonco until we reached the moiidlm of the Capo, had flno shorn? bieezos, making good nveragos, which win reached on tho 28th, •unking 52 dnjs fiom tho Eddystono, and 02 fiom Giavesend. Fiom ihenoo up to -10 32 had fine smart breezus, and squally, with occasional showers of lain , mid fiom 40 10 up to 100 E hid light westeily ninth and calms, miking voiy poor progieoi Aftenvaids up to tho meridian of Uobait Town, had ll'p stiong bieezos and fino weather tho wholo wav uran.Ud Tasini'iii on tio 271h Apiil without sighting t Wind light ,ii- 1 Miiiiibl- fon N" W ioSE, md luck to N until noon of the Bth March, when the wind began to freshen fiom the N E,, w th small mm, and by 0> p m. had freshened considerable. Shoitenod sail to double icefs, nnd stowed main cowso, cioss-jack, nnd s]i.uikci : ut 820 p in, tho ship was shuck with a violent squall fiom tho f. I! , which canieil awn> the bon split to tho knight heads , also, foie topmast, foie-top»nil-yaids, topgillmt ioj il \ ids The main topz.illant and lovnl m sts, and uppsi topsail jaul v>e»o spuing, and all s.uls attnehed weio blown away 'After some amount of labour nnd dil'icnltj got all the wieck cut away from the ship, fcaung that some of tho hcuy spni3 might, with the mass of nonwork attached to them cli.ifo a hole ill the side of the vessel. B> midnight cot cleu of Ml the wieck of any consequence, with wind blowing vury haul, wit < high, shoit, cioss, and confns..d sea miming, iniiking ship i oil l'oinily The'Jth eomme.icid with tho same kind of weathei, and as the day id\ meed the gale mcicasod. until it wiis blow'iig \\ith hmiiOinc violence with tenillc gusts of wind, and blind ing dint of •.nltwntci spiav, tho only sul set being tho uppei tups ul nnd that lowei oil down on top of lower one which hid nil r.dy blown clean Eaily m tho day tho ship gave a sudden luich in a teuific gust earning away the mainmast by the boaid nlsn tho lniron topmast, and nil attached theieto, and spinning tho mizenmist, \% for somo tims wo dospaued of sa\ ing bit succeeded nt last cioss Jack blew fiom Uio traAols, and spanke-i fiom mast Cut away all goal ivs quickly a-, possible foi tlio sifety of the ship nnd at 4p in tho stirboiul quutoi bout, although c\tia lashed blow clear aw.n fiom tho nftei davit and had to bo cutaway to prevent cloiii'i fmtherdamigo Wind still continuing to blow as haul a? ever, and ship rolling feu full t — almost u complete wieck, but still keeping leiunikabl) light At 8p m , still blowing h utl fiom south, and vecuug quickly lound I'y 10 p m had hauled to RS \V At this point the weather w as brightening up and bmomotei rising which ne\oi sunk lower thin 29 23, ■still blowing li.ud, but gusts notso severe Midnight modeinting, liaiometor nt 2') 50 &lup l\iug-to with tnrpiiulm in mlzcn-ugging , nil hands employed in cloning away the w i ock 10th, ntC n m . Found foro tioes gone Secured tho j nrds with dilhculty the ship lolling heavy and shaming a good deal, but neither shipping nor leaking any watei of consequence Noon inodciato and cloudy 4p m , got foiesnil be t and set 10 pm , bent mizan top ail nnd set it to st ady tho ship Kept hci head to wind and sea as much ns possible Also had n portion of thu bowspiit fn.t, bv a w.up fiom forwaul, to ns>i-.t in doing same Midnight, ship iolti. s and sea --hiking heaulv undei the counter at time» , tho wind falling light at b W llth A M light winds and showeiy At da\li 'lit commenced cloiring anij and sending dor m stump uf foro topmast Cupenter getting a jmv one le.itly, and other span foi mi, with assist in. o fiom of tho pns»engeii At 740 ship hove m S'ght signalled her, when she iinmuliatelv boie away foi v* Sho pio\ed to be the barque Constant eof Anckknd, md nlso bound for th it poit Asked her toiepoitns at Auckl.iud lint Cnpt.un Elliott kindl} oftered to take us m tow until lehef was at hand oi the ship put in condition to piocecd on om voj ige, which was leadily and thinkfullj accepted, felling tint in the disabled state of the Uonibav, and the numbei of souls on boaul, if caught in anothei gilo on the west coast of Ncn Zealand, nothing could be done At 10 a m tho Constance took us in tow. wind continuing light from S W Noon, foic course ciossj ick and muen stajsail set, busily employed getting our jmj m,ast3 nnd gear lendy At Sp m hght winds and fine wsnthci Jlidmght calm and cloudy 12th - Culm and cloivh' with occasional hght flaws of wind from the westward until sam, then got a light breeze fiom about W.V W. At yn m , got up jury mainmast. Xoon, continued light ans, and bv Up m got up jury foretopmast Got out don sput md set the foll"Wing cmviis- — Maintop gallant sail and royal m mini ist, cross-jacks mid 11117011 s ny sails foie course and jib 15y midnight had flno westeilv bieezes, going along at iho rate of se\ en knots. The Const mco doing vun well 13th —A 111 , fine steady breezes and showery. At 230 a m., oui tow lope broke Shortened sail and h mled it in 51 ule sail agniu nnd pioceeded Constance shortened sail and came back ngun nt 7 a m , but hating the shipnenrlj in a manageable condition, did not leqmre any further assistance in the shape of towage Desired him to proceed on to Auckland and report our condition to my agent, W Giahamc so that in caseof foul winds letanling our progress, they might send us the assistance of a steamer Noon, light iiu'l fine A< 0p in had foiotopsail with foie topsail and lowei studding sails on her 14th — Light air and fine cleai weather Baiometer getting too high Got all jury goal ngged and sail set 1> — I lght winds and calm , variable till noon At 6 a in. made 'Jlu^e Kings, bennng E b\ W , distance It miles Midnight light wind? and clen weather 1G — lighted North Cape at noon, S by \V , distance 11 milci .Saw a schoonci in shoro 17 — \ ste mier liote 111 sight, which proved to ha H JI s s . f'mnroa, C'ommodoie Wiseman, bound to Jlelbomne The (.111,100a at once took us in tow oft Cape Bictt, and bi ought uss.ue)y into port at It n m on featuidaj Tlk following is a list of tho pis'onger?" names — P George and Maria Mnishall, John and Slaila farker, Thomas nnd Saiah Hudwick , Rich utl, Eli?\beth, William, Thos , piulJulia W.uden , Andrew, Elkn, Eli7ftbeth, Ldwnrd, Catherine md Din Millbuin JO5 and Jane Hall Wm , F\ nes, mil Thomas BUn , James, Ann, and Jessie Robinson . Thomas, Eli/iibeth, and Elizabeth Jlcdley Curry , Jiimes and lientlt, Kleanor and William R Escott Robert and 1 li7ibeth Martin , Read, &aiah, Jliiiy, Ann, nnd rrcilenck Win t3 , Thomas, Is ibella. and Illiza' eth Voungo , Richaid. Clmstinn Emmcline, and Wary Tregouth lloboit, Jane, i r (lwin, Robeit ami Mnr> liebken Thoma-, Ciitlunnc, 3fnn, Inn untl i'lionuis Lai gliau , William, Jem Beitiice, Cuihbort, Ileibeit, .Sophia,) nnd --ophia Day | Mai;, Homy, Homy, nntl Charles Bans /Thomas and Jemima lulwaids, Hitiduick, Rho les and &.uali Pusey, William, Mai), nnd Genrge Rpoil \\ llliam, Ann Ann, and Tommy Baltimore , Tames, Mcdsct Michisl, mil Margaret liennessy . Ueoige, Simn, Alfred, and \nn Winter, bamuel and Saiah Ann 15uthes3 Gaoue, Hannih Geoi^o, «> ilium, Saiah, and August 1 Wreforii, John Susan Aithur, Ghnile* Tom, and Emily Fill) iid . Andrew and Mary Mcbkim Joseph .^-arali, Eichaid, Marj, nnd Jami s Williams Joseph, Emmn, mid Catheiine Woodcison John nnd Jane Tabb, G^oige and Jane Chuich Edwin Maua, and Edwin Clark , Hviiry, Susannah, and Unmet Wooiloison . Charles, SiH,aiinnh, and Charles Cnntell John and Maigaict Swinbank , William, Mary, and Andiew Johnston , Go irge Johnston Hem y, \1 irv, and Kli/a Camden , Clnrhs, ilarv, tli/ibeth, and Ji" e^ Flag John and Jane Randall, Clnistopher, Isthei, and George Won" Thomas and lsther 'Ja\loi Walter, liliz.ibe h, Liv iheth, and William Bud , Thomas, Sarah, and Emily Biooko William Mary Ann i h/abeth Helen, Arthui "and Augustus Sawyer , Homy, Hameit, nnd Tinny Evans, Joieph, Cany, Joseph, Geoige ami Henry Wootton , Luke Elizabeth, Matthew nnd Leah Jiallnd Hugh and Maigaict Thomas, John, Catherine, and John Cowan , E'lnard ami Mugartt Hall James, Elizabeth. Emma nnd Jnme-> Tivans Joseph nnd Eliza Miijs, iliomas, Ann >\lrred nnd Small Jones George Catheiine, and Geoige Mll tin , John and Sarah Jcssiip, William md Ann Tui|> n, \lfied nnd Hirnet llainson, Mather ami M.ny Stockman , Thomas, Ann, Mary Rose, and Benedict Wamig Thomas Ann, Ann, aid Maiy Eaves John and Finiu WilKins hi, Thoocloie, El yabeth ami Edwin Luc is, AY C, Elziboth. WiUnm and I'luabeth I'eggott. John C and Ann Treesh, Wmii and Ellen I''nhev, William, Maignret, James nnd William Tones John, Harriet,!, Maiy, and ilamett Ddlbolh , William, Jessie, and Ellen Case , Edwin nnd Helen Allison, Leasing nnd John Paiker, Biduud Wait! 11, Patrick Lonnolly, John and James Sturgeon, James Millbuin, 1 ohuit Curiy William I'legowath Hiuviml Fohn Ctllcey William Riclinid, Thomas JJullock T hn V,' b'»ei, Fianknnd Ma*thew Wiefoid John and Willmm Vi 11 ud, John 1 enrnley, Jnhn Wil iains, F.inny M.itson, Tliomas M lls fennnel Mtnrch, Robert Woorteison. "Willinm, Ihonia^ and Ribeit Johnston, George Sauiulara, Hugh Jrinne W Clink, Wnltei P.itteison, W Paitiuleo, Thomas Jones, \V nnd Cliailos Lend:rton, \V Shugeis, Tiiomis Pny Chailsi, John, and Wm Sawvei Humel Bo^lc Alfied Andrew^, Fredinck Smith, Henry Golthng Williim V nee, William Godfrllow, Thomas Clinstj, Cltarlo* Woollen, David EMei, Thomas and Samivl Hall, James Conii'll OcigeAlulliii Duncan Cramb Williun'J rmthwute, Oeoi he h 'c I'ukoi Chiiles A Collincs, Fiedoiick and G orge Goul'O, Jo=iah Vdims, Maiy an.l Catherine Parker, Alice and Elizabeth Wirden Muy htui/ean, Mnig.aiet nnd i{obin°on Samli and Hannah C'unv, Eli/aboth nnd .Small Wtkcj, .Sarah Younger, Muj Nicholls, Mmia Higgins, Pii^cillv Wroford .T mo nnd Maiy Gillnrd Jnlia Loi-k, Ann Williams, l'hojbo \A r ooilcrson, Eli7abcth Jones Carl Stoikmnn, llichucl and Leah Moses, Jane Prior, Harriet WoolU'n Tnno, Mniy, I'llen, nnd Jlebeccn nail . Mnitha WiKgmgton, Joseph Jlosnoith Tliomas A Dudley, Georgo Sharp Jliomis Oi.'en, Win Landen, John Hughes, lohn Mould Thomas Funnell, C A\ r Pearson, John Ilaiiiet, Sarah, and lames Biss, Robert nnd lane Boore, Mielmol, Helen, nnd Amelia White , John, Maigaret, and John Wilson, Wm and Mrs Coopor, John Alice A»n, antl Elizabeth Ponman , &u>-nn nnd MllM 11 > Howe, Maiy Le ximn, Ann Ord, Matthew and Thomas. Cnny, Joseph nnd Emma Wlntworth, Jacob, Jane Henry. and Rcbecci \\ light , Thomas Le 13iun, Mary and Thomas Le Bum, Alfred. Mary Ann, Agnes and Alfred nowc ; Wm and Amelia Jones, John II Dinhnm Total, 397.

C VRCIO 4 chains, S Rout S cases, Stephenson and Waidcll • 1 ditto, J Braitlnvaite 2">l>,ilc<>, Brown and Campbell 20 qrcases, lr>ol r >0 tons coals, C cases outer : 1 ditto, II II tusk :40 iron package 1 ;, Bncholzand Co 1 c.isk, JE Elam . 3 package GVeiphton and Scales 2 ditto, LUowall and Rattray • 1 case, T II Hall • 2 ditto watches, T Russell and Son- 3 nates, ShirlocK and Morris •10 pa'ka?es, J Hams I case, W H 'ifoloi . 0 case?, A Clark and Sons . 33 pockoti hops, ordei , 4 cases, T V S 'J'inne : 20 bales, 4 cases, oidor . 3 packages, i2th Regiment, 'i case*, 120 packages, order:? ditto, A Clttik an'! '•on . 10 cases, J Black • 14 packages, Vickerv inrt Minefield f>o ditto Auckland Gas Company I 182 ditto. I'dw ircl Porter 37 cases, Hon Colonial Sec reUiy : 5 ditto Oiiicf-r in clmitje Army Mcd'Ciil Stoics. 600 ditto, Bncliolz and Go • 3 ditto, R Kuoritig • 5 ensos, S and ,T R Vaile. 16'! inckapei, Iton Colonial Secretaiy 12 ditto. R Hohbs Icm, CScmgo Lcgg , 1 ditto, Edward legg US packages D Grihimand Co 25 bumlles spades, II Hobson • « cases A Claik anrl Sous. 2 ditto Rev I Bmlrtla • 6 ditto, E Wayte •18 packages, D Nathan 10 ditto, C HtichVmiy ami Son 843 d tto, 1 case Cm Lksliunk, Smait, and Co • 8 qr -c»ses E J Nonis . s packages, 1 uot, older- 1 case W Rulthby: 1I ox 2 discs, A Clnrk and Sons ■ 4 ditto T. II Cooko • I ditto, C ]j Chapman * ditto. S S P Blnnt : 1 <litt , N"ewm»n and C^qn t ditto, C'olhng'j Gicct . 1 ditto T. Buddie: 2hhds, Richaid Mooie • C c.ises. T. Mucky and Co. : 2 boxes V Foul I ditto W Henry Kelly • 7 cases C Davis . 2 ditto. OiMllan and Co 18 trunkt, B and H Isanci . I hot, Majoi Speedy • 4 oases T Slioit . 21 pack'itfos, J H Bnrnmdo and Co , 10 ditto, S Blown 10 ditto Doltsh andKeesinp- Ifi'j ditto, JB and fl Isiacs: 0 cis:s, R Kcpsini? 24 packages, 1 case, order 1 box, I. W Hdrrop : 1 ditto, Ciiptaln II Heron: 4cuics, Eucholz and Co . 1 ditto, Quurtermanter Galluflier 54 tanks, 2 cases, \V. Graham Fortrmshlpmont to Napier : 8 packages, Newton, Irvine, and Co • 120 ditto, Stuart and Co : 59 ditto, AVatt, Kennedy, and Wntt.-WaUerGxfth.ame, agent,

ABRIVAL OP KM. S.S. EOLIFSE, FROM VllE EASIT OOAST. lI.M. 1 1 Ecllpio, Captain Fromimtlo, returned frem tht Ewt Coast on Satin day ovenlng, bringing up tho Hoy. Mr. Giaco, and Mr. Levy, tho master of tho iclioonor Eclipso. Tho schooner Eullpso, with all hor crew on board, in novr>on lior way bnok from Opotiki, and may bo expected to-day. * The a % Ecllpso left Auckland on tho ovonlng of the 10th instnnt, having pieviously embarked his Lordship the JJishop of New Zealand, and Mr Shoi t, pilot ; and sailed for tho Eiist Cont, to jecover, if poiiiblo, the llov. Mi Oinco, nnd othoi Europeans, who had fallen into Iho hands of the natives nt Opotiki AVc nro indebted to tho officers of the ship for a full lopoit of tho doinqg of the Eclipso, fiom the time of hoi leaving Anckhmd, nnd which will bo found in another column.

AMIIVAIi OF THE BARQUE CONSTANCE. The clippoi baiquo Constance, one of tho Circulnt Saw Lino, commandud by Captiiin Elliott, arrived m harbour on Saturday, with ft oaigo of flour, wheat, bian, Arc , consigned to Mews Hendeiison and Macfnilano. Tho Constance sailed from Adelaide on tho 22nd February, and e\peilenoed -hoad winds and vivnal)lo wcathci until passing tlnough BasVs Straits On tho 3rd instant pawed a largo ihii> and a brig bound oa-it, in tho Stiaits, On tlio 4th had light vaiiablo wtiiils and heavy N E sea, which continued until 10 p m of the Stli, when tho wind hauled to Sl5 with frequent squalls and high sons, and every iippeaiuiice of bad woutlior to tlio oostwaul. Consequently kept a\vay lo the noithwaid undei double-icefed topsails and reefed foiosail At midnight tho wind wns SBK, and at 0a m on tlio following morning tho wind wai duo south The wind and son wcio itlH Increasing, and tlio vessel was labouring heavily and shipping laigo quantities of watei At noon wind b\V . blowing n perfect gile, with a high cioss sea, and baiometci Using On the 10th still blowing haul, with a confuted soft, but neathei nnpioving On the folio 1115, morning (llth) at 8 a in, "sighted a vessel to tho Nl5 with . 1 signal of (listless flying Immediately lan down to hoi, and she piovod to bo the Bombay, fiom London iioiuiil to Anckland lull of emigi mil She had lost liev bowsput nißininnsl, and foio and mi/on topmasts, and had only a foicsail and mUen staysail sot Tho lvmstoi of tho Hombay lequestcd to lie taken 111 tow. llovo to und loceivod tho iJombaj's hawser, nml piocceded with the ship m ton At .'i am on tlie l.«li ]\lnrch patted the tow lopo and liove-to till dtiylii;lit At Sa m got alongside The captain of the Bombay said tint as ho hud got the jmy mast-< ligued he would got on without oiu fiuthei assistanre, and teqnosted the Constance to go on and report the condition of the ship to Mr W Gidhamo, the itßont Km tho Bombay The passengcis vexe in gourt spaiti anil eheeied tho Constance vihon iho p u ted company This was in Lit. 34 20 h , long 178 X The Bombay u t sundown was bcaung w 10 miles , wind no t At 7iv m on the folloninß morning U'C ship \\« btill m sight Tho Const nice bin since had light vauablo windi Passed the bugDicdiieh Pontzem, bound heio, on Wednesday last

AEKIVAL OF THE THEDRICH PEN'mE.V. Tha lnli{ Dlodilch Fontrlcn, Captain D.ilnn, anclicuod in the lmibour, on Sntimlav last, with a caigo of flour wheat, «fee , from Adelaide Sho sailed fiom thence on the ISth Fobiunry, and on tho OHi ami 10th expeiicnced heavy E to S W gale*, with vciy lieavv sens Since then lino weather and light vindiliaro pievniled Tlio Kings weie passed on thu lltli Instant— She is consigned to Messis. Thornton, Smith, nml Firtli

ARRIVAL OF THE AU RES'OIR, FROM MELBOURNE The foilsantino An Revoir, Cnptain Watson, sailed fiom Melbourne" on the 27th ult , and c\peiienced heavy uonthor until the 12th instant On the Bth and Oth had stionjrgnle' nnd tremenrtoui seas Since making the const fine weathei hns pievailcd The Au Kevoh bungs a geneial cargo, and the followm? pa-songers :— Mr and Mis .folm iriEgun, Ml and Mis Wilson, and t«oclnlclion

ARRIVAL OF THE MARIPOSA, FROM SYDNEY. The biigantlno M.iuiiosn, Captain iruilcv, auivod in poit yesterday morning fiom Sidney She sailed fiom thence on tho evening of the -Ith, and evpeuonced lino weitliei and light winds until tho Oth liistmt, when a stiong sontheily gnlo plivmlod fii two dais, uith a lemendoiH sdi running fiom allquaitois The Tlneo Kings weio sighted on Tlmisday last, and fine weathci ha-, pi e\ ailed on tho coast Thu Mnupos/i I > iocs a full geneinl tugo, tind tlie following pisiongcrs ■ Moisis Monin l , Close, iJandnll, and tlnoe in the steoin^e The barque X ito was announced to follow the Mmiposa, and was to load immediately upon annal

ARRTVAt OF THE ALARM The bug Alaim, Captain Chailnick, ai lived in harbour from Newcastle yesterday She sailed fiom Newcastle on the 3rd instant, and lepoits light variable wind 1 ! and calim throughout the pissage She bungs 232 tons coils, consigned to llessis Jlondcison nnrt Jlncfmlanc.

IMPOKi'S Pa Constanco, fiom Adelaide 1,370 bigs flour, 2,713 bags whent 444 bugs broil, 25 bales hay oidci , 21 cises ttine, Ctptnin Clapton 1 cask biscuit, B. Pnttison — Hendeisonand Macfarlane, agents Pei Mauposa, from Sydney 25 chests, 150 half chests, and fiOchesutea Older, SOhagssug.u Gilflllan anil Co., 487 bft«s nee, order 25 cases saidines, (xilflllitn and Co , 3 ciscs fancy goods 1 cask gla«s\vaie 2 kegs nails, P A Philips , 2 bales piper bags, 4 cnses vestas, 3 coses fancy goods, French , 22 bags griss seed, U'nllice . 15 ke"s butter, Conine and Burt, 5 bales leather, ordei • 22 ke^s b'ltter, S Cochrano , G8 banels poik, 20 cases bacon, llobeiton and (Jo , 10U bugs bone dust, 12 kegs button, 113 bag? m/iizo, ordei , 21 bales leiither, 05 bags mairo, 10 spring carts, 1 buggies, G tip dnivs, 2 bales bags 3 V-chests lea, 2 cases drapery, 11 bags salt, 1 big soda, 2 kegs nails oidei , 2 bags non, C bo'^es candles, 1 boxes soip, 108 bags Hour, 1 cask eaithoimaio, 20 bags seeds, 4 piekagos lionmongery, "0 casks biscuit, S3 tons coals, oi dei — Henderson and Jlacf irlane, agents Per An i.evoir, from Melbourne 221 bags walnuts, 60 lmlf-ihosts tea, 50 chests ten, SO hhdi ale, f>s cases mosellD, 100 cas>"> o\steis, 102 oases biscuit A Wonlley nnd Co , 4 cases \\a\ vctas, lieinin and Mendolsson , 4 cases \\ it vestas, A Qnaitier 1 cases. It A\isotski, 2 cases .T White 2 cases, P. A Philips, 8 packages glas-waie, oi del 5 enses cigais 40 cheats tea 3JO bags sugui, 1> Nathan 1 ciso dings, as addressed 10? stones foi Tamaki River 1 cii°o, AVlilte , 1 case, Qimrtier 3 cases V II Lon .«on 1 case, E Ccck 313 liars iron 30 bundles iron, J II Smith — A 'Woiilley ami Co , agents Por Diedrich Pent7ien, fiom AdoKide 1,000 big 3 flow, 1,474 bags whcit, IS tons hay, 35 bo\es pipes ouloi — Jlessis Thointon, Smith and Fnth, agents Pei Alarm, fiom Newcastle. 282 tons coals, Hendeison and JMacfailanc

Tho schooner Siticy Cnss, from Tainan^t hid nuircd at Mercmv IJ.iy, and wt? loulin h timbci foi Auckland The schooner June mmcd at Tanrangi on Mondaj last, nnd tho sclionnei Tauiangaon the following day JIM ss Cmacoa, C inmudore Wlseniui, letiuned to port on Satuidav morning with tho dismisted ship Uotnbaj in tow, and anchoiod until the evening, when she sulcd again for Melbourne When between ltangitoto and the Noith Head, she met tho s s Kchpss coming in and communicated Slit attcrwauls anchored until midnight, when she lasumed hei The s s S.ilamindei, Captain Clarke, will sail for Sydneydirect this morn ng Iht. ship I'iances Henty sailed for Unitn enilv yesteulay mounng Tlio barquo Hlen Simpson is at tho Tamaki dischaigmg stones Hie schooner Saucj Lisi, with timbci fiom Meicui) Bay, and the schoonci Falcon, from Cabbage liny, with timbu, both umtc<i in poitycstordiy morning llio schcionei Fauv, fiom Kennedy's Buy, returned to poit on Satuidav, with a caigo of timbei The ketch Wild AY iva Ciptain Wjatt, aui\ ad in harbour yesterday morning fiom Kaipn i, with a cargo of timbei &c Tlio schoonei ljueen aUo with a t.ugo of timber, airivod yciterday from the Great Bhiupi The ship Linds.iyi foi f>dney bngantine Eclipse, foi New castle , and b.iiquo A^iscount Canning, foi I'omt do Galle, wil" all sail to d iy. 1 The sthoonor Knte William? has been cxpsLted liomroveity Bay foi su\eial dajs past The s s &t.n of the South is oxpected fiom Napiei on AVednesday or Thuisday next with sheep The ship Aimstiong rlenied at ihe Customs on Saturday for Amherst The b iirjue Novelty has enteied out foi Sjrtncy Naruow Hscape kko-m C'OLListoN at Sfc v -Tho following Ins been communicated b) a iwssengcr m the H iiigatira, and iixouchedforai conect Ihe s s Kmigatiia, Captain Mundlo, luft Taranaki on Tuesday, 7th, at 2 p m , and at 25 minutes to Spin sighted the i s nlexandia 'Ihe Kanga na was steering her course 2J miles off sho\e Tho Alexandra kept bearing down on the Riingntna, with what intention could not be made out b> t ose watching hei Captain Mundlo still boie in shore, with tho view of allo«ing the Alexandia to puss outside Still the lattoi vciel did not altei her comso but i.ither bore down on us until a collision sroiueri inevitable At this junctme, when opposite the AVarea pa, at five minutes to 5 o clock, Captain Mundlc, with a singulai pieaenco of mind, oidcred the helm " had up," and Iho boat answering lapidly, with two men at tho wheel, tho two steaineii shot past each other, the bow of the ltangatua being about si\ inches to one foot of the(]uaitei of tho Alrxandia Hud the prompt action of putting the holm " lnud up " not takon edoct, notlnng undu heaven could h.ivo Miied the Alexandra fiom being cut tliiough amidships, and in all piobabihtj the total destruction of both vesiels wo.ild lu\o been tho lesult Not a soul on ion d the Uangiilna hilt felt his lieiut jump into his tlnoat, and all w utcd in Inanthless silence nhat .ippeaicd a fearful issue Thanks howe\ei,to the Almighty disposci of human events, and to the uneriing sKill and piesonce of mind of the gentleman who had tho cure of some sixty wills, we escaped what appealed to all, for a lnlef period, certain death Had we boon tho Confedeiate steamei Mionindoah, and the Alexandi.i a. Federal ram, liei commandei could not have mined at our destitution with greater piocision, Gros>i negligence existed somewheie, and an lnqnny seoms denianded For myself and many of iho passong is, I beg to rendoi to Captain Mundle our heartfelt thinks for his skill in ai oidins a collision at sea on the West Coist of Now Zealand on tho 7th March, ISGS — " Wangamn Chioniclo," March 8

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXI, Issue 2391, 20 March 1865, Page 4

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SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF AUCKLAND. MISCELLANEOUS Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXI, Issue 2391, 20 March 1865, Page 4

SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF AUCKLAND. MISCELLANEOUS Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXI, Issue 2391, 20 March 1865, Page 4