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Rv thf aun^l of the ' Alpmiiili i' hsfc evening we ha\e Wangiirii papoisto the Mi m^fc Ttappi'.us Ihit f'oi jlul UK on pr.ionor? liythefu ndk- natives lii V'"> li ne n liheiatod on ipLi'isj the oit'i of .n. n lie fiance. The fi>Hn\\inT|)Ti inrmpl' fio'iit'ie Mai'tjanvi t'/tioii'dt lc-inls tlio ciicnm lance- — The <ilv)\c [tlio i. count of Uio fi^hl at Oliontalnl was pt'j'ij'iwl as an f\ti i on AFniilij-, ,md since then vo hi\ A Ucxvd liotlim; with winch to supple menb tho«e (letuK 'Llie aims of 1113 m n halccn captne came djun Ki-fc ni^hfc ; and the men Uicm--uhos •x c o\p. cto>l tins evei ing 01 to monow, not, however, we aic &ony to siy, as prisoner, bat ps f:ce men who piopo eto t.i\e tlio oath of alle^ii'ico Tlr-. puts tlion on so entiiely <h(Teient a foifcmtr that we fpni the vicfcoiy gained will not hiv<j so "il a moial effect on the bthor natnc-. as. hiiglit havolicn e\nected lion Kiugi, v. >th 100 m"ii. went unto Pipeliki to havo an mterviow wi'h (Al imuku), l)ut befoic they an ivdl ho hid lefh Some say Lhafc it was Topme's nepluw, and not lm son, that Mas killed. .As we go t"> pie^s we heir lint the wlvls of some of tho capino chiefs hr'e b?en In ought down to Aramoho. This gives a much moio fivonrable complexion to the affair. The follow ing is fiom the same papci of the dthinsh

ARRIVAL OF TIIR VrCTOUS AT PUTrKJ. On Tuesday, fio 2StH ultimo, about 1 ">0 of mil natiscs lPtmncd, v ith llnai at then he-iil. 'I lion Cannes weie decked with ewig.oens, and a 1 } they approached and pawed thy town they gave \ent to thc.r feelings oE timinpli in t-oino of the ir chants, which ha\e a pleasant effect on the lislcmcim nltlimigh nob vciy musical accoi( l ing to European ideas. The townspeople ashoie ltpbel by loud cheeis. On reachm-; Pntila thoy m.uchccl in pi* cession pist lloini Wii emu's grave, sal'it'iip, it with a general volley. 'Jhov then %sentto his hou c ond filed anofcliei silute, and on n]ipii)ichiiig the front of the honse, winch was fYslooiiKl with c\cigiceii«, commPiiceJ a giand Hanoi' befoic the smter and childiCii r,f Flonm, who veio ai'iaugfd in tho voraudah. Alter thi3 was concluded ■speeches «oic mwlo. It appears that Mawai left flilmhar.ima licfoic thctest of oiu natives on account of hu diffeuiic; fi-nn them as to the way thpy should piocetdaftei the liking () f Ohoutahi. lie thovmlit they shoviUl keep all the clu-U as piisoner-, and proc^d at once to Pipcuki and take posscsion of ib. lion Kinui, his olilcr butli<T, with great inodeiatinn, lefused to take all I')O (jloi^' which would thus liavo been gained by hu tube, and thinking that he ini^ht lay the foundation a firm peace uithoub the degradation of the eliiofc, was content with obta ninjj their promise to come to town, tako the oath of allegiance, and give up fw evei the King movement and the ban liau fanaticism In pioof of their sincerity and good fiilh they gave up the wife of Pehi and of e ovon other chiefs as hottagef. Thc-c wcie hi ought ilo« nto Aromoho on We(lne«daj r , together « ifcli a qn-int'ty of aims £,,ntn t . J patu,, and gi and mats which were given up by the conquoicd tube. On Thuisday morning a still target 1 number of Use fiiendly natives came down the 1 1 \ e r and huded at Putiki, whcie they went thwmgh nmoh tho Mime ceremonial forms as tlio pievious paity had done.

MEETING WITII THIS IION". MU. MANTKLL. Yestei day an as-omlilac:e took place at Puliki to leceive tlio Hon. Mr. Mautell and to ciolivei to him the arms, &c , that hail !)een given up by the lebcis ns pledges that they were no longer at war ami that they desired peace Alaiejo quantity of food hid been provided, consisting of potatoes in kits, fivsh eels, newly slaughtered fit pigs, nncldiinl dogfish, which were laid on tho giouiul in two long lows near the place of meeting. A largo assemblage of Emopeans witnessed tho proceedings, among whom we observed Lieutenant-Colonel Logan, LioufcenanfcColonel Dwyer, Major Druiy, Hey. E. Taylor, IF. Churfcon, Esq., T. Harper, I<V|., W. JT. Watfc, Esq., and otheis of the magibtiato*, Captain Noake, Lieut. Wliite. A DC, Kg. A cr>nsi<!cr.vblo numbcv of ladies also testified by their pi cseucc to tho inteic-t they feel in tlic dengs of our brave allies A htfcle after 11 o'clock the JJon. Mr. M.mtell ai lived, and ne companied by Colonel Logan, Lieutenant White, (f. Chnrton, E c q , Mr. Booth, and Mr. Fiillonn, tlio intcipreter, walked along a lino of about 150 n.ilivo armed with their gnus and ai ranged two deep, that ho 4 becu drawn up to honour the .mival of the Government's lcpiesentative on the occasion. Theso gentlemen and others then took up their position to the Jeffc of the lino, when tho natives composing it fired a feu de joie, uiavchcd to the right for some distance, and then wheeling round came up at a little faster pace than " double quick " to a British

'flag ,|ilncecl near Mr.'-'Maiitell, 'which they "crouched clown. Then arranging thom'blvos five or six (loop, they wont thiough^a short" war claiico. On the conclusion of fits ceremony a cirolo "was formed in fronb of Mr. Man toll, and several chiefs made speeches of congratulation on tliu ocea-<i>ni. Among tht-m weie Htikiui, To YVhaka of Pukiulta, Piioia, ILiimona (tho piiuoipal war-cliief), Aiama, Rhiliu of Koiitufci, A peranilvo of Kaiatta, Hori Kingi, ,MetoKingi, Kemp. &c . &c. Sumo of ,lheni oxpivssecl a <le<siic that the Governor should come, and otheis that thoyhhouM ho allowed lo go to Wai tofcara. - Melo ICingi thanked tho mai.'isl.rtito-( foi having f>onfc up powder, and said that Whitehall done wrong in not bonding it. Seveial quiii, patn, paraoa, meremeie, and knifcaka (niabs) weio laid down before ftfr. Mantell a<s pledges of peace received fiom Pehi and his followcis Mr OJnu ton laid down a uativo spear, citing out in Maoii — This is for Mr. Mantell; tills i«s foi Hie Queen. Kemp ennmeiaU'd tho royal pis and tribes up Mio nvcr, and tlun tho pa.'i ami lO'lonljts of tlie idol-, tlmt fi id been Likuii Ffe gave in l'clu's 'run and whalobouo nific, whoso name wns ILikeiTe Kma ; Flou Pnlouc scon's k.iitiL.i; .iiii<lli j r chief 'h tomahawk inmeti Pon.ik.i Tvipui ; 'J'amalii Waka'a (biotliPt to Pt-'u) loiii ill iwl., a wo i Vi) pi'u tlhxt had bdm., d to Menu 'J'iho'»u, a \Vnikatoiialiv<i,nddin>r — '/!ic->o aio nil LhoQucenN A eluof'R sjitai u i< hnn h'd in th,\b hvl licen u'-cdat Mouto i, and a<;aui .it Uhoutalu its n uno was Ipu■\vaicwnio; and IToioinoiia's do»sKiu in it was tho l.nsb trophy laid down. Mr. Manloll then aiked what the tcims were Umt had been made with the nitivoq. 1 loii Kingi was about to n ply, when Kemp proffered to do ; and 'said that whon Hid while flag came out tho iiting ooasocl. The enemy ran out of some of tho pas and avoio duvou out of othois. ll.ul those in the laige pa nob MUicndeicd, Ohoutahi would have been like Mouloa. They had a eonfctcncc ; and Topiiie wiolo asking them to go to PipcnU, whero tho fight hid beg-in, to c 'lifer about terms. They went and had a contcicuco on Monday, which lasted dining iii<^\ib. That eoufoience ended m peace. Alefcc Kingisud that Pehi having buen conquered w is will ng to submit and lake the oath of allegiance To llii 1 ) they had agiocd, it was for Mr. Mmtell to conh'nntho pease which they had mule A nuinboi of the nalncs tlien saiig out in choiu^, "Answer mo, answer me." Mi ACantcll sud that, as fai as ho was couccuud. ho appiovcd of what had been done; but a> tlie (Jovemor was at AVollington he had wiittcn as' lnin to come up and say uhat should bo done w ilh l\lu ; they had made pence, and it was loi tht'i'i, if they \\i c !ied it, to icoojiimend lo the Govcinoi (hat l\lu and lin Jolloneis slioidl be pauloned. ITo highly aju loved of tlien biavei v and eongrjtul ited them on tho suoecss ihe^r hvl nehiuved A genual sliakuig of hands then tj«>k pl.tce and tho inui'fcin<; broke up.

PRESENTATION UP TUP, FLAT! BY MKS. L<>GAN. This afternoon the Maoi is cinio up to thoinuket|i!,ico in oitli'iti have ]■»• csonted l> them the fl.i'j; which the ladios of W tiijranui at the sujt^cstion of Mr I o^in, lOsolvod I>> pi o^o it to thorn m honour of thcii In ivciy at 11 m bittle of Montoa. The Mam is ol whom 30') wcio .irincd with mmke.s, \\!.!ctho)o moio above 100 otln is, landed at the wallet place, and l>etn>> ni.u-halled theip, marched <\o\\n in ,i douse cul'iiiM l«i an open fi/i.ic* loft fin them in tho niiddV of iho place, wnere had a'leuly assemble Ii I inje body of spoet itor-i. A detachment ot the ">7th Regiment was diawn up on the hgh f;iotuid on t.ic lotfc ot the Coin t-housc, beside who. a slow! Mis I/j^ui and tlis otli3i fur d moi ? of Llio Hair, while to tho l i<^lit and loft stood Die other '■p.ctatois m a ilcimo hue, stu'tched ,tll liinnd tht. pl.iro, the gio'iiid m the ccntio appiopi idled to tho Maons being b,' a p.n ty of the lSdi Royal In 1). Tn tin-, opjn sjneo the Jl ion^ tliomsuivo^ m two nns, and af'ei a sh'iit uitui va\ went llnoiigh a modinod \\ai-danc. TlO c iicFa, to tic lurn'ici of ,»l)TV!fc .'5O, then c imc foiwaid ti tlic net jliboiiilio id ot the ll i^. Xoai it «o ob-ei vc 1 ihu ili)n Air. ALmt^ll, P.nsjadier (joup ral Waildy, Lie ifc.-0'>!o lei Li^i'ij Li nit -C iloncl Dn^oi (who commanded tho tu>or>3 on tho «ioiind), Mijois Hit In us, Koo.Os, ,i'id Dm o, I»pv. Me 1 -'?,-. Taylor and NichoKi, JF. C' ! i,ntni and D. Ko?s, E'sqs , 5.C I\L'to Kmqi sbiod foiw.ud, and jMi =!. Lo.'in ndil.esiod him and the other chiets in the foil >« mi* uci do, IVFi. Do>th liitcrpii-tincj — "CniKr^ a\u All \" of \V\n(!vni;i, — When the j Queen's suldies lru'o holiived with qw.xb i)i"tveiv' j pri'scit'j them with co'diii 1 !, as a si^n ol hei appioWa Lion, and il-o m fut'iio bittlos tluy may foel tlwt <!lie is p.c^cnt with iliem when they look upon her Rag ' \Yhen the hiave chief-, and men of AVanganui fought :it j\L>ntoa to 'j-i^e tlu lives of women and childicn funu tho Inn Is of fanatic, m lio weic maddoncd by tio teaching ot a f.ilso piophot. " \\'e, tlie hi'lie? of 'Waii^ini.', Ranniti'vci, and M.anauatu, detoni'ined to i;ue them tins fl ly, as a pioof of o.i t .ulimi ition dt Liv u noble condiicl in out ca>o, .doO in livno'y of llio-iJ who mcic Killed in tint battle. " then they have fought a^'iin for us at Oliiulahi, and ill >i .we Ins falli "i, c ver whus 1 body wo vcie pioud \o scj oin; waiotoi Tjlio fust lime , and uv b ho\ot'i it, c I'nmg fi >m Ins giavo, it \m!l be to > on, M.f'ii chiefs, doubly ".icie.l ; an l^ou wi'l h viid dj\\n to joir ehi'dien's cliildipn tho flxg ot mir Qucbii, uh.ih ua> 1 ud o\"i tho body of John Williams. ' GousiVi, irir. Quiit"* " The lioo,ii ]iic=cii(ed inns ; the fine band of the ISfcii p!n,_s ed • Ch> ! si'v the (Jiicen '; and P.tki Iri .ml M ion showed c''ou' 1«\ ilfy bv flu eo loud chwi^ Mete Kmgi and tho other chiefs matched slowly loii'id the o,ii' i space with the (I it,' Tins tctinuntud the inocaeduiii', with tho eve ptioii of the feast pio\ided foi the iMaoris, Ihotcli-iii^ i'3o \toit'i loa\«.s, buns, and cikcs, and s.hi':pi and malt beer bought f»i the occtsioii by the iniabit.ints, and yet th'ia was nut eno.i£h. The lla^ is <i \ery beint'fni one, undent silk, with the Union .lick 1:1 llu ujipfi 1 comer, aid in the nuddlo a "lit cioun, below \\ Inch is a device of two li.Ti'id*? (.'asp'd (pnUein and inaoii), and iindoiiieath tliowdid MouUa m a somiciicle, fioinojch end of ■winch spin cf! i wicit'i of linicl ]«avf -. It i<: intended iiov to msciibo (he \\oids Ohoutahi and W.uiguuu cm cither S'de of tho cown Tho s.iiu of £3?> w..s sub--ciibed by the ladies of this neighborhood foi the \>ido\\i and oiplnn 5 , 'md for the Jlt<; The ina'Piials fni Uip fl.ijjco'S n'/n\o CIO, Icivingtho lom-'indor foi tho othe" object. The subsciibon arc gieatly indebted to Mid. Lonau, who not only sng nested and siipot intended tho whole, but devoted (ivc months of licr time lo the needlework of the II ijj.

THE FRONT. Tlio ' fi .Dulacai' aimed this evening, but tool.ito foj the insertion of our cotic'&pon ieiH'i letter. Theio is, however, absolutely nothing to lopoil, Tim Uoopi have now iill left W.utot.u i, \wlh the exception of a sufficient miiihei to koep the lciloubl th e ie 'I ho last of them arnvtxl at ll'O Fitea ynteiiliy. 'iho Goupial intends lo i>nkc anotliui move lo'vaul-. T.uaniki Utnioiinw. JiFo^fc p. obnMv lin iU'->tui ition is j\J<inawapou Ye e ttnl.vy .1 i<'Ci»)iioitainig putj cure on snme Maons m .111 open pa. at no giuit (hst.ince fiom tlio c\mp, pns;i\!,'t!(l in cooldny potaioei for theii hroiLfast. They weio near enough lo sue them plainly thus employed ; hut tlieoomnvind to the officer v\ chaise was nob to fuc unless iiiud upon, and the MaoiK spemcil to unrimßtiml tlnq pcsfectly, and weio nob in the leisfc put about by tho .appc.aiance of llioir ciictny. At W T .ntotiiia a white (1 iq h still (lying. The hon Mr. Muitc!! Ins ipcqupil oveituips of poice, .and sonds .a Ltlef in ropi}' 'o moiiou moining by the ' Gnnd'.'Tii." 'I lie piohi'ulity is til it he will hue difened givuic( >i posituc ivi c .«er until tlia anival»of the Oovomoi, win h daily expuctetl hero.

TFIE CAP PURE OK OTTOUrATIL Tlio following ii tlic translation of flic dc^piteh laceived fiom the Maous by RLijoi Duiip, descubiiig this affiii •— "To M.ii.r Dime, Mr. Watt, Mr. Watore, and all tin* l'uroponn gentlemen, — On the 24th of tins month Gonpinl Metu Kingt g.ivp oideis lo ilie soldiem to commence tho liglif, and tlie chiefs Kawina Paipai, TCafpup, Kuilii, Apuaniko, Toma and Paoi.^ yifc up and conscntuil to give hatfcle. These wpie tlip chiifs tliat assaulted tno pahs, and took them, and killed three, unimlv, Keiemia, Ilota, and another, name not known. The chief tliat was slain was To Tawhcin, son of Tupin" Te JMam'iku. The 400 all then trot up to fiulil in that one hour, and tho enemy took flight into the bu<sh, anJ the unvivois leniamul in the l.ircje p.vh, whicli wo suiionnded. Peln's wife came out with a white flag, and the finug of tho Bolilicis was ])ufc a stop to; when they came over to us, namely, Pthi, Topin, Tiihnna. Do you wnfco to the Gencial, and convey this intL-lligeiioe to Colonel Logan. J'roin your fiiends; from Hoii Kingi, MetcKinqi, Apcraniko, TTivimona, and Toma "

GovEitSMKNr's AppnovAr, of this jVr,uirsrKAT:n c i Senptnci Trip NATivrs Phwdkr.— Major Dm 10 Imb received the following letter :—": — " Attorney-General's Office, Wellington, 28Ui FcHruaiy, 1365. Sir. — I Imvo the !ioi>m to acknowledge tlio receipt of your letter of the 18(li Febitmiy, and I am cliiected to infuim yo.i in io|>ly, the Government consider that you and the other Mngisbrat-oq noted with judgment and propiiely under the oircumMtances nai raced by" 3 on. T have, &c , for the] Assistant Lnw Officer, J, Fountain," >

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXI, Issue 2382, 9 March 1865, Page 5

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WANGAUI. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXI, Issue 2382, 9 March 1865, Page 5

WANGAUI. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXI, Issue 2382, 9 March 1865, Page 5