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PORT OF AUCKLAND. December 28.-Fine summer weather with light airs.


■P^SSS *,%,'• ARRIVAL.. ' ' t -, , - t .' — MifrTv.Onmmtnri.uchooner. lOC.tous, Fuller, from Napier, » .•< , from the Kivn-nu.

jVen««tibril,'' for 'Adelaide: .' ,?«JBrcB'*o;gehooner,,for Itnssoll - \-

gg?A -, ," V J- VES^EM EXPECTED. 5.5.4 Brisk, from Jfr, sßLonT'A^hloy, s n., from the South.dueto-dav. llMflolden Cilr, ftote tondon^No. 8247, 15t <Hs«p l^fiiMbeUe, sliip, from 1 ondon, V.Ct N.t) ," noW com it 'CS«nBCS.5sWl>; from London, No 4182, Ist dls p , ~ WpATm*iras& $]ttp,lrom London. No. 3720, 2nd dis p.. %S ■Ernestine. "Ship, from London, No." 2574, 3rd;dis p fS North.' ship, from London. Nri~ 8070, 2nd dig p. p^Arine"Wood, ship, from-r ondon, sailed Sjeptemboi 8. l-^MatonVn, ship, from ' London, No. 01S0, 2nd dis p , sailed fe*. - Soplemlwr xi.- »- „ g^'Victory.^ship, from London, NM2805, 2nd dis. p. sailed p-ViioountvCnnninp, ship, from "London, No 1275, 3rd dis p., [" "«siiUM -September 17. feFoiHn%'tlfe'Sefl', ship, from London, No 1275, 3rd dis. p Rw3rripress?!ship7 from London, No. 3524, 15t dis. p. RtNelson^liiKtffom London, No 8702. 15t dis j> S"Adplh3ela, "b-if quo, «om Leith, via Wellington, No. 6% Ist dis Wjv^Tampico, Itnrqne, from Vnlpavnis^. , , X Nofdty'r-.baniuor from Sydney, No C 421, 2nd dis p » *,AV»v«l«y?biltS'froin Mauritius, No^ 5540, 2nd dis p. |%*Gen«ftl CAlffeTqnrScliooner, from Lyttelton schooncrj from Eussell ..".

g-?r " x ■■ '• fiuwrrccTKß departures. %~ For-£oNDOS — Mi> Januniy 20th Sf"" * Syj>NbY.— Egmont. ss , .Inn Ist ; Alice Cameron, early. Pr TTzyrakviix.—'Pri de, W-<Uy £.- \?XsaAStri--^Siirprise, to Aay ;" Napibi; — Zillali, to-tlaj'. t>' , HusiKWi.-iWonga AVongn, ss, to day.

jr? * '\ „ , IN HARBOUR. ':' »,^ fTlib list ;cloes not inclndeZoijutmg cutters ) Lfc£ H-l£-«'s ..Curaso-i, Comm^rtpjroJVjsoman. from the K»^i"'-, sfrEgnpnt, s s., 80S tomTTredwcn, from Sydney.— H. M. Jorvis, &y Novelties s , 42 lqrisK''^nco. from *"• Mannkau —Graham "?>" '» »nd Co. 1 , sfctnt-v <^- t*S-'i fSi trns, Turner, fiom Napier. £1 B«ll»Mifina*7ship;c«allmlk. - '," f*~ lAft'i&ilgler, -"ship, 'Boo ton*, Reynolds," from London.— D. % - Nathan', agent. , ' . „.,,•■?, F T«lbot, thip, 847 tons,, James, from London — Ciiuckjliank, £" Smart, and Co.". 'agents. , v Uimrond, ship, 1022 to!is, Ougliton, from London.— D.n id % Nathan, agewt , , __ ! ' Maori,. ihip, 700 tons, "Ashby./fiom Cape of Goon lloio.— 3> Cniickshank, Smart, and Go , agent's fe — Ardbeg, ship, 021 tons, ITobson; from London — .T Robeiton U^ ' and Co , agents _ . , fc Holenslee, ship, 759 ton 3, Brown, from the Clyde — \v.iHer S Gwdiame, agent fe* Light Brigade, ship, 121 i tow, Evans, from London — W S I ■Besate,'i»Ki«e ) e ie2 tons,- Gay, Irom Sandwich Islands — T IT. §L- Hall,>i!?nt. a iff SirOeorjce Grey, b*rqne. 590 ton", BiiTon, from Newcastle — E. and Wacfarlnne, agents !% jUicfcCamcron, 1 birqne, 347 tont, Nearing, from Sydney — lr '^jSHenderson and jrochrlane. ngents q i 5-'*BteKo,b»Tqne, 303 tons, Noon, from Newcastle — Combes and £» . " D«ldy, agents m Ann, and, Jane, barque, 202 tons, Smith, from'NrwcasUo — J W" - S?Jlacfarlane, 1 agent. "* '/ Keiheretiee. bwnue. from Cape of Good Hove T TTrußuay, barque, 820 tons, Trmgle, from Smi Fiancisco, via f i TaliitL " ' , , „ " Mystery, barque. 424 tons, Conghie, from Tjveipool— T. S Macfailane and Co . agents Constance, barque, 350 tons, Elliott, from Adelaide Albert "William, barque, 505 tons, Walker, from London — Owen and Graham, agents *' Marian, hulk. „ T ol -- " Tryde, brig, 175 tons, Verren.from Hobirt Tow n — C. J. Stone ,? . and Son, aaents X ~ Heliance/bng, 120 tons, "Frodham, fiom Hobait Town £ Jane, brig, from Hobart Tow n t " Se« Gull, bricantine, 121 tons, "Wateunan, from Kaipnra — y' Brown, Campbell, anil Co , agents < - Ncr», schooner, 92 tons, Youn? from Eorotonga ii f \ Alliance, brisantine, 73 tons, SeHiis, from Tauringa f^ "Southern Cross," ichoonor, 92 tons, Tilly, from South Sea k!^fc-' Islands. P^ittlo Fred, schooner. 131 tons, M'Kenzie, from Kaipara. BF*K*uH~schooner, 37 tons, She irsr, fiom East Coast ■ Zillab, schooner, 03 tons, Sullivan, fiom Napier —Salmon and W-* Co., agents 1 Surprise, schooner, GO tons, Walhce, fiom Tauranpi. q Kiwi, schooner, 3Q tons, Bryers, from Hokianga — G "Webster, h agent. Mrtcky and Co , agents Eose Ann, schooner, 27 tons, .Tones, from East Coist —John Fahnon and Co , agents 5 Et.JKilda. schooner, 03 tons. Rogers, from °outh Sea Islands, fvia Canterbury— S J Edmonds agent Queen, schooner, MeiUcjohn, from Mercury Bay Meteor, schooner, 43-tons, Fanell, for Tort Fitzrny Fortune schooner, 40 tons^Blick, from Cape Runaway Mary Cnmmings, schooner, 100 tons, Fuller, from Napier

t ENTERED INWARDS jg Prince of "W<fle<:, 21 ton«, Lawi once, from Mahurangi, with 41 torn firewood, GOO feet timbei, 4 tons gum Passen-28-Glftiice, IS toni, Bnatw right, from Matakanft, w ith 200 po*ts SCO feet house blocks Passengers— 7. 28— Curle'v, 15 tons, Morley, fiom Coromindel, in ballast Passengers — 1 . 23— Sea Breezo, 70 tons, Baclcstrair, from Russell, m ballast Pnsaengeis — 3 23— Tirary Cummings, 100 tons, Puller, from Napier, with 120 kit 3 maize, 10 bags maize, and 000 oars, pait of original cargo flora Hotort Town 28— Endeavour, 14 torn, Hodgson, from Vaiheki, with 400 nost* 28— Petrel, 1? tons,_ Jfeiman, fiom Coromandel, with 5,000 feet timber. 23-Ph'enix. 1? ton?. Wlnraki. from Cabbage Bay, m ballast 28— Planet, 20 tons, Ciinpbell, fiom "Wangarei, with 1 bo\ e^RS Passengers— 4 28— Swallow, 27 ton 1 !, Citdvpool, fiom Cheat Banier, witli 47 tons firewood, 100 feet «lii!>s timbm 28-Dot, 25 tons, Law, from I'akin, with 0,700 shingles.

■P CLEAKED OUTWAHD3 ggfr Deokmbeh SSI- 28— Prince of Wales, 23 ton 3, Lawrence, for JTaliuiangi, In ■ffifiS' ballast . _ , Ep 28 -Se» Breeze, 70 tons, Rackstraw, foi Russell, with COO feet Hp timber, 3 package 1 ! sashes, 1 package and 1 case di apery, 4 RE tons flour, \ ton biscuit — S .1 Edmonds, agent E&. 28— Bonita, 28 tons, Petersen, foi Wangaroi, with 3 hoises and sundries Passengers— 3 Bp '2S— Glance, IS tons, Boitw right, foi Jlatikana, with 2 tons |B,- lufteage. Passenger— o IC 23— Dot, 25 tons Anderson, for Pakiri, with 1 ton coal?, CO 3§ bushels grain. Passengeia— 2 gf 28 -Swallow, 27 ton?, Catchpool, for Mnhurangi, m ballast £5. 23— Endeavour, 14 tons, Hodgson for Waihoki, in billdiL _ tS,' , 28— Petrel, 17 tons, Nennan, for Coiomandel, with sundries W"' ' Passengers — 10 "^ 28— E050, 25 tons, C'nriie, for sreicnij Bay, with 1 ton , coal, 3 packages irmimongeiy Passengei? — J \ ' 28 -Clyde, 15 ton% Kasper, foi JTahuumgi, in ballast Pas1 * sengers — 2 ' 28 -Cuilpvr. 15 ton^, Jforley, for Coiomandel in ballast ?- 28— Annie Lamie, SO ton?, Stewart foi Wangiiei, vithCOO ■"- feet timber, 3 bags flour, 3 bass maize P.xssensers— C! X 28— Kymiih, 18 tons, Eateipan, foy Waiftnaki, with rondrJes X Fassengers— ll

Sk- SAXBY'S DAYS 1855.— January— 3, 9, 10, 24, 80. [The 29th and 30tti may prove a very lioubletome period, « itli very high tide on the 20th ] „ February— s, 13, 20, 2G „ March— s, l2, 10, 20 to 28 [March 25th to 28th will bo a dangerous peiiod ' t . v.ith high tide ] N.B.— lf the day marked prove calm and still, distrust the • (Uy after, and especially the second day after.

' The schooner Mary Cummings, Capt Fuller, left Napier on the "22nd inst , and arrived here atdaybreik >esterday She experienced light easterly wind 3 and fine wrather throughout the passage. Her cargo consists of 120 kits an.l 9J bags of I make. The only passenger by her is Mr Smith ' trig Venui, Capt Keau, sailed for Adelaide yesterday ' she Pryde has hauled off from the whaif, and is ill sail for Newcastle this morning. ics*' ,-Theschooner Sea Breeze sailed for Russell last evening, ■* '-with several passengers •.< ,'";,,, Thes.s "Wonga "Wong*. Captain Thompson, left Auckland *"' " 6n Tuesday at 5 pm., for- the Kawau, taking down Hon Mr' V -• Mantell. Mr. Thatcher, Pnvate Secietaiy, and Mr. Bogan, 1 E M.T arrived there that evening left this morning for - Omaha Bay, the steamer anchoring outside, and the boats v, coin? up the rirer. Arrived b*ck again at 4p m left Kanau *~ ats pin., and arrived here »t 0p m. f.-~ l lom*"ot''thjs Goshbn. — The JBruno ariived tliii morning in 'V tOifoKtheHug steamer Fame, Captain Fngg. She is p^itially il ' dUmasted. - The Bruno reports the loss of the ship Goihen, %' "'frdnfiGabnan, bound to Hongkong with coals. The'BninQ 8" - picked, up «• coloured man from f the top of the house of the % ', ship ;f he reports that in a heavy gale of ivind the coals shifted, V tnd'b'sfore the ve«scl could be righted she filled and wenf V ""' ddirn.Haking with her all hands except the mate and this iN »,colou«dLman. _The»e_two remained on the sliip'* liousej *- "1 •* according to the captain of "the Ei unos account, from the date i, ;of the' breez* in 'which he suffered— ten day?. On the morning ;[. '-' of the eleventh day the mate died, hif comrade in misfoitune. &*>'* Cape£P»hnaa man, took the likeness of tho mate't friends p^from'hi»Tneelc7 and hove him'overbo»rd The man sifbsuted ff^'rio* turtle^ and water during the time he was on the wreck ifSjThg'GbiHen appears to have had no 'shifting boards ; the saved ££;f ; man' »pe»ki of the cabin bulkhead* being cutaway to get at JjiSitKe'holdP Thevewel has evidently gone down suddenly,,wl{ile »W all/]i»nd« have been in the hold bhe had two captaini on 'SS-^hVard-irvraian American ship nader Hambxirg flag.— " Cliina pis 1 '' TuMe^Eeport," October U. ' - '* ; . *', iDra^RCOTipN OP I'IRATIOAI- JUNKS BY H.M,'f! GUNBOAT The "gunboat Giassliopper, under command ~M~--r ot Lieutenant Walker/has again been distinguishing herself jl«, up the E«»t Coast, destroying piratical ,,junk». The-follpwing WSi^ is a' short account of the affair :— On the afternoon of, the 23rd |f&,''' September/ some Chinamen 'gave information ,to H.B.M.'s rep, i Consul atfAinoy to the'effect that a-brig had 1 been attacked Wk ~, % by a nquadron consisting of five piratical junks, star to a place VSL' "called •'Eaflkow, not fui' from FwatoWj^and jthatj- having 3K ■" mufdered^air hands the'jjirates had Taken possession ; of the. leS/' '" 9^^° • I "J fP n n t the ship. 4 ' Tho informants werd'Tinawi/.to state ' laE^either the ,h»mo or nation of the brig ,;On''tbis'Wdrmation.. la^ r -^;the u Consiil'communicatea ! with, the commander ofiJlje^Grpss- , hK^-:; hopper, .then in port, who proceeded to sen immediately, <■ loiSftaUlnß o,tnandarin and, an inteipreter,"«mrftrrivcd off Kankow M^ tho'same'nijht. but none of the pirattifjwere visible'. J '<'Tlie next H^tdar irasiip^nt in cruiting about in an. unsuccessful search forOnlth»2fltli tof^optembor the district mandarin H^^polritedvout 'four-jiinnll-.jupkj -lYliieh he. declared 'to tie ■^^;pirAtM,^*nd; ; »sk" - ed i ,foK;tHe'as.'!i»t(inc« ofithe gunboat to I^B^buffi'themfjjYhich'wti ftren*, 1 - and the junksVere, destroyed.. !^^g^Ajp"artr!-ffoWt'thi'Grftsih6ppe^theti-lnn(led'at" KaHko'w and? ■B^setrched the larger houses to endeavour to discover, if possible, 1 ? r «RS*ome'tf*cei*of'th?Mr»t<!« -'In this/ however, they were alsot Sg^di^ppmeapHarlnK spent thi six following days in'oruUinfc-t, fallen in withHHe, junks therwere in M^»fMcu b^lieutenant s yalkerfeWrried to %mor^> wist W

pfober.i " oiTtlio 4rs-Ke rtcWefinf'ormation^hloh iriSuoi* MiVagaMo put to.setf. - TlriSUiineiio procoided to Nitinoa, rind on the fith Ootobofc!, isami an sight of four of the:,ine veritable junks they wS^ln^rohVif. Xttmtnodjivtoly on the appr&ach of the gunboat Uio whoUjpf^thcin endeavoured to <■ ■run, and one incccedcd'in getting away ;-tho other throe were, []ie^ihediJn,rin''Sh t aTlo^Vatbr,v\vith ) theirihtOadBjSde,':tp?tJio'f ,liqncli,s\vhere v thoy-fought, desperately, with the.Orawhomiur forVpwwdsVflialf^lho^r?* 'Mio>a'sShol>pett;!,Miort, however, 1 Vsoou-iiMaWdf Wd 'havoc * witir ■ thetn.t .'nnd ihiy nltimately3rjnfni>oaygov<i-bonrtl -mid? m»d«< for,landj;. one (O.f aiip!jiia«cal'!, boing iinablo,to, iwim, was nicked , tin t»nd,' made prisoner by one pf the Grasshopper"? -boats.-* On questioning 'tlih^prlsbner,' it np- pi peared that the fifth juflk of the pirate "fleet was at* a' p wee, .called TQngloo, to.whero, most probably, it ,was thought that, the foufth ono wliich escaped would also proceed. rr Hiivlnff. tnken possession of the thV'co 'prUeV— one 12, nnothor 8, and the third's large guns— the Grasshopper toVrtd thorn to'Swatow, at which >plac4 the prisoner ww handed' over to the consul ' TliOjgunboat then sailed for Tougleo, Oie place spoken of by the"prisoner,, and there saw the fourth and fifth Junki, wliieh, in com'imny'with another of the »aihe class, had on the' Bth October t iken a Honkonß flshing-boat, the crow of which rwero then prisoners •, Ono of the tlneo ran and escaped, but •tlie otlioi-s engaged, the gunboat and fongbt with great daring and determination for a considerable 'time, sailing w itliin 20 yaids of the Grasshopper. The pnates at last ran their jmiks ashore and deserted them. The cicw of the fishing-boat having been set free, the junks 'weio burned. No moio prisoners >\oio taken Bui ing (he flght, the Giasshopper, being shbit of coal, was oiili' ortabled to woik two boileis She afcerwnidt came into Ho'ngkong — " Cliina Trade Itepoit," October 14

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2322, 29 December 1864, Page 4

Word Count

PORT OF AUCKLAND. December 28.-Fine summer weather with light airs. MISCELLANEOUS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2322, 29 December 1864, Page 4

PORT OF AUCKLAND. December 28.-Fine summer weather with light airs. MISCELLANEOUS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2322, 29 December 1864, Page 4