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October 15.— A.M., fine ; P.M., rainy and cloudy ;'wind N.E. October 16 —Heavy lam ; ttrong N E. winds.

AKKIVALS. 16W^\w^Ttad«. from London, with EanflolXb C "|ne,343 tons, Wamvcll, horn Mil, Ma WeianS^^frrotSTsoUei.. ftomTa«r.,n g a, with Tawera. schooner, 55 tons, Kennedy, from Povorty Buy, with Klwfsdioonor, 30 tons, Uijcm, horn 'Xauranga, in Ijallnst Falcon, schooner, <3 tons, Ottou, fiom Cabbago Bay, wth timber.

DUPAimniiiS . H.M s s Eclipso, on a cruiso "Wongft Wonga, s s , for Coronmndel

VESSELS], EXPEC .TED. II M s.s Esk, from Sydney 11 Xi s s. Cuuifio.i, from Sydney. 11 M 9 1. Hftinoi, from Sydney. Prince Alfred, s s , fiom Sydney, duo 22nd inst Lidy 11ml, s s , from Southern Torts clue 19tli nut Cliud Hamilton, « s , fiom Molbomnc S.uidfly, p s , from Tnui.inga JJ, p s , fiom Jiist Const, No S2OO, 2nd dis. p. C.usar Godeffioy, ship, from Cape of Good Hope. Ida Zcigler, ship, fiom London, No 70, 3rd ells, p , sailed Talbot, ship, from London, No 1470, 2nd dis p. Foam of the Sea, ship, fiom London Glendowir, ship from London, Ho SliiO, Ist dis p Albeit William, ship, fiom London, 2\ r o 9317, 3rd dis p. impress, ship, Jrorn T.oiuloii No 3324, 15t ills p Kimroud, ship, fiom London, No CSO4, 2nd an, p. Ardbeg, shtyi, from London, No 1023, 3rd elis p Matoakn. ship, lioin London, iso OiSO, Istdis p Jumna, ship, from London, No 0510, Ist dis. p , sailed July 4'h Victory, ship, from London, No 2305, 2nd dis p British Trident, ship, from London, No 391, 15t dis p. Oregon, tauque, from Newcastle, Ko 3521, 2nd dis p Keihersctciij, barque, from Cape of Good Hope Chance, birque, fiom Melbourne Seaton baique, horn Foo Chow, No 745, 2nd dis. p Knte Waters, baique, fiom Newcastle. Bosphorus, biique, fiom New castle Novelty, baique, from Sydney, No. 0121, 2nd dis p Alice Cimeron, barque, from Sj dney Alford, barque, fiom CapD of Good Hope. Aleeta, birque, from Newcastle Alliance, brigantino, from I'numngt. Jlarr Thompson, schooner, for Napier Geueial Cameron, schoonci, from South Sea Islandi Coi-al Quoen, scl'ooner, fioiu bouth Sea Islands Sui prise, schooner, fiom Linrangi

PROTKCru) DEPART UIUS?. Tor GiiW — ATa*}' Waneii, cirly MrLBOunXE — Ceres, eaih. Mm vkakvaxd W'vsoarei — "Wonga Wong*, early TIRANAKI AI.D fcounißHlT I'ZIO\^CB< — " ellingtOU, s s , lSlh , , New cas rw — Salamamlei, is, 17th , Loolinagnr and Umou, ciiU NwiER — ltillemin, ciilv SOUTH SEV ISLAXDSj —tt ill "NVlltCll, Cllly

vj*si:lB ix n uusoim (This list docs not include coasting cutters ) Salamander, 3 « , 770 tons, Clarke, fiom Newcastle —A Tj Thompson ami Co , agents Noxsltv, s s , 42 tons, Quanco, from the Mauukau — Graham ami Co , agents Aphrasn, ps, 94 ton', Ivliimy, from Duuedin. — Captain, agent M»rv Warren, ship, °">5 to'is, ITomcnood, from London — W S Liume agent Surat, s h.p, 1,000 tons, Dmilop, from London — CruicKSlmuK, Sraiit, aud Co , 1 g=nts Pella Manna, ship, c«A hulk Columbus, ship, 1277 toi.s, Adio, from Tondon —Blown, Campbell, and Co , agents Clendevon, ship, 054 tons, Cron n, fiom London — Owen and GrAam, agents laglo Speed, ship, 1,2 >7 ton', Bunsden fioni Tondon lUiidolph, barque, 313 tons, W.uraell, Iroin Leith, Ma Wellington Lochimgar, barque 404 tons, Chester, fiom London — Gilflllan and Co., agents Stoun.rorder, barque, 310 tons, Grichsen, fromCupeof Good Itopa Bcssia, baviue, TG2 tons, Gay from S vndn ich Islands — T II Hall, .igent Meteor, biiqi.o 2SO tons, Vcr.iey, from Newcistle — Henderson anil Macfirlane, agents Ehoderick Mm, barque, 370 tons, Jl'Plicrson, from Newcastle Henderson and Mac' iriine, agents Marian, hulk Ileliance, rrig, Cionch, fiom Hobart Town —Williams and Co , agents PakcM, brig, 174 tons, Piobinson, from Timnnga — "WiHiums and Co , aients FhUlts, brig, '230 tons M'CuHnm fiom Adelaide Union brigiutma, 207 toas, C\ans, fio-u Imercargill — (. aptain, agent Rifleman, thiee-mastod schooner, 91 tons, McCletchie, fiom L\ttelton Xc% a, schooner, 00 tons, Young, from South Sea Islands — Captain a,jcnt Victoria, schoouci, JB tons, "VVobstoi, fiom Matakana — Captain, agent Southern Cross, sclioonci, 02 tons, Tilly, from South Sea Islands St Kilda, schoonei, 02 tons, Ednaids, from Korotonga — T Mtekv and Co ijents KUipse, schooner, i"> ton» Micirtlmr, from Tnvercargill Csre3, schooner, 91 tons Brown, from Port Fair) , A'ictona Mud of Kent, ."0 tons, Doild, from K.iijjarv. Iloso Ann sJiooner, 2S ton?, Tones, fiom Po\erly Bay Tauianga, schoo ici, CO ton 1 -. Sellers, from Taurangi Tr.weia, schooner, 5t tons, Kennedy, from Po\ertj Bay, Kiwi, schoonei, G tons, Bners, from Tauringa Ptlron, schooner 43 tons, On en, from Cabbage Bay Soa Shell ketch, 50 fon^, Harris from Napier >ia Poverty Bay. "\^ ill Watch, cutter, 31 tons, Xolan, from South Sea Islands. Combes and Va\<l} , a^eut3

i.\n,jtn> inwaiuh OCTODLH 15— Two bisters, 20 tons, Inuess, from Matakana, with 33 ton 3 flienood 15— WiUiim ami Julia, 33 tons, Scott, fiom Mahiuaugi, with 50 torn firoT.orK l , 3 totai.i li.ks 15— Martha, 0 to s, Db GhctiUi, fiom Cabhigo Ba), with 30 bass ovst^is lj — Llizibeth Ann, IS tens, Hughes, for Pukorokoro, with 7 I»gs, SO sheep skins, 12 empty casks, rassengeis— 2

CLLVK!:i) OUTWARDS Ocrounii 15— Elizabeth Ann, 18 tons, Hughes, for Pukorokoro, with IS tons commissaiiiit stoieo 15— Helen, 23 tons. Mood) . for "Wangaioa, with J ton flour, 7 cises gin, 1 bundle — Stephenson and Warden, agents 15 — Courier, 10 roi s AitKr-on, for "W.ingipoa, with 2 cases niachinerj, 12 non i oiler' 15 — Martha, 0 tois, De (Thettldi, for Cabbage Ba>, in b«llast 15 — "William Pullrni, 13 to- s, Young, for the Thames, with commissariat stoic*1"> — Two Sisteis, 20 tons, Toscph, for Jfatakana, in ballast. 15— "William and Julia 23 tons, Scott, for Mahurangi, in billast 15 — Hercules, 131 ton', liunMd, for Newcastle — Heudeison and Macfarlane agents 16— NVillWatdi, °4 to.v-, Mi artls, ioi South ben Islands 15 — Loclinasar, 101 tons, Clicter, for Guam — Gilfillan and Co , agents 15— Njmph, 19 tors,, foi 'Wangaroa, with 2,000 feet timber, and quantity of sundries 15— Annie laurie, 30 tons Stuart, foi "Wangarej, with sundries

■EXPORTS— FOREIGN Per Will WatUi, for South Sea Islands . 30 empty casks, 2 bales drapery Per Lochnagar, for Guam C cases sherry, 8 cases port, 8 cases brandy, S cases old torn, 1 box cigars, 1 ullage tobacco

TIME BALL li m. s. The Auckland mean time, when the bill dropped on Sunday morning, was . 9 0 0 The Gieemwch mem time, when the ball chopped on Sunday moining, was 9 20 49 S J WILHAMS, female's Point.

ARRIVAL OF THE F.VGLE .SPEED, FROM LONDON The lino clipper ship Eagle Speed made her anchorage in the harbour yesterday morning, after a protracted voyage of 125 (lays from London She left Gravesewl on the 12th June, and after a succession of adveise wind* down Channel, took her final departure from near Mounted Bay, Cornwall, on the 22nd of June Light variable winds were then experienced ■until crossing the equator, on the Ist Augu?t During the 19 days the ship was detained by these winds, between Cape de Verde Islands and the equator, it was discovered that the main piece of the rudder -was sprung, and that the tiller made nearly double the angle with the chip's keel of that of the tai piece This unfortunate circumstanco considerably impeded the progress of the ship during the remainder of the voyage, as it was found necessary, in oidci to steer the ship at all, to carry much lets *ail than she otherwise would linve done From the equator to the f ape of Good Hope the usual tiado wind* and southerly weather was experienced The island of Tristan D'Acunha made on the 25th August, and the me ridian of the Cape on the Ist September From this point to the S W capo of Tasmania the s>hip liatl, for tlio most part, ite*dy breeze* and fail weather It wa«, however, found impossible to bring out the sailing capabilities of thin fine vessel, in comequence of tlio damage done to tha rudder, even under an ordinary pressure of sail no canvas could be kept on the mizen mi3t Immediately upon the dis;o/ery of the diiabled condition of tho rudder, the necessary precautions wore at once taken, and a spare tiller was forged on board, ready to be shippedat any moment In case of necessity. The New Zoa' land cout was sighted on tlio 13 tli October, and the North Cape rounded on the following day, Cape Brett being passed on Saturday 'Moderate wiud* from the N.K have prevailed on the const. Th« above report will account for the protracted and tediout passage of this vessel. Before leaving Auckland a new rudder will be shipped, and wo have no doubt tho fine qualities of this clipper ship will be brought out on her return trip. The Eagle Speed is in command of Captain Brinsden, who, it will be lemembeied, came here lait year in command of the "William Milts Captain Brinsden has, on this occasion, won the esteqm of the passenger"), who speak of him in the highest terms, and the neat and cleanly appearance of tho iship npon entering the harbour is highly commendable The total number of pussdngors on board is 191, a large number of whom 'arc for the Clmreli of Englimd Settlement, and have received fiee passage. Dr Frederick John Robinson, F.H C.S. England, i* the medical officer and superintendent in charge There hare been no deaths and only one birth during the voyage. * The Hagle Speed is one of the largest vessels that have , entered our harbour, her register beiag 1,237 tons.. Bho has on board ovtr 1,500 tons of general mercha.nd.Ujf, Jler hand

»ome saloon is particnlaily woithy of notice. Jt it fitted up with tho lutest Impiovoinont*, and has every possible convenlencofor the comfoit of passengert. Tho following is a list ot Uio passengers' names and c*rgo :— PASSINQE9S. Cabin •— Rpv. Mr.Saywoll, Mrs. Saywell, three oliildron and Kovorncss., Archeson Thompson, fanner , Dr. F Robinson, surgeon • Henry Rudmnu, gontleman : Assistant Commissaiy Ibbotson, Mary, Mary, Frederick Henry, Damol, George, Richaid Henry, L M C , Chaile*. and Ella Edith Ibbetson. Second Cabin :— James JDavies, faimer, Oathciinc. Ann, Elizabeth, and Margiict Danes , Sniah Roeco, Potor Edward Ghoal, suivoyor, Waltor Stinton, engineor, W. G Cox, fiumei , Cliailes Co\, chemist , Thomas Barber, jowellei , Edwin Paikoi, farmoi , Charles W. Gale, faunor; Miss McGuinness, John Thompson, fanner; Henry- Thompson, browoi , W H Pniker, ngucnltnnst : R AY. Slado, Finncis Dell, miller : Joseph S Co\, ngricultmist • Nicholas Mauli, f aimer, Aithm Farrai, gentleman, C ]?. Counsoll, Edwin Stiukcy, cabinet makoi ; Coliu .T Campbell, gcntlomin, Elizabeth, , and Elizabeth Gwce Campbell . Mr llnllalian, clcik , Jolin Searley cleik , Pntiick Hughes, Maignict Komblo, OUver Gauett, ploughman , William Jones, ploughman . James Matthews, caipuntsi and wheolwdght , Johu C Clough, mechanical engiuoer,Mcuor'Clough . George Roshng, laboiuer. William Wedding, Inborn or, Surah and Thomas wedding; John Voices, cmnor, Johu Chailton, fanner and buildol, Maithft, and Emma M Cliaillon . John Macldow, farmor and piovision deilor, William Chailes, and Walter James Macklow , Parallel E Alsop, fannci . John Toyno, labourer ; Jelm Tilsloy, vetoiinaiy suigeon, Hairict S Tilsloy: JamosGiny, lenthei-diessor, Kirn Williams, labourer, Geoigo Reeves, carpenter , William Moms, buildei ; S M Langdon, farmer, Haniet, and John M Liugdon, James Claydon, faimer, Eliza, and Alf ice! Clij den William How on f inner, Isabella, and Elonoi Ann- Bow en, Thomas P Hindo, nial'tor; J AY ltcu\cs, butcher and fnimei , Edwm Walkei, Uthogiaphci . Willum M Moidy, house cm pentei , Ileniy White, mailnei , Haii} AVlnte Thomas Ohvei and Joseph Olnei, fnimois, Mary J , M uy, and riulhp James Millei , Thomas Ken, Siocoi , Small A , Phillip G , Ebencrcr, and Charlotte Peaico, Hcnij Venice, mould maker , Ficdenck Wells,, and Thomas linsaell, bnlehcis, Clam People, Charles Scott, gontleman, Thonus and Samuel Dalton . Henry Plank, carpenter, W, minei, Small McAdam, David Jones, minor, Thomas Kill, miuci, Clvulcs, bncklayer, Cathcunc,! Clmrlei, John James, and Mnrgniot Ann Lowe , Thonus Hauis, caipentor, Maiy and Lonisa Hnnis. James "Wjatt H.ndmg, blacksmitb, Rebecca, John James Henry, Chailes, I'luabeth, James Wjatt, and William Lowiy Hauliii" I'iedeuck Sherwm, carpenter, Penelope, Kate, and Anne Suetum Thonus McCnlhui, mmoi . Geoipo Beer, joiner, tlizabcth, George Jame 1 !, John, and Jotiah Beci , Jtobeit Ludlo\.% faimlabomei , Hugh Canns, farm labourer . William Hemv Madill, faun labouioi JninobAVnllaco, faim lnboiuer Edw m Jenkin, nnnei , Joseph Pooley, cirpentoi , Hannah, John William, Elizabeth, James, Alice, and Hannah Pooloy , Join Mclaughlin, farm labourer. Saiah McLaiighlin , John Collins, minoi ; John Evans, miner, Hebtci, Mnrgaiet, and Ann Evans , John Williams, miner, Elizabeth Williams ; Thomas Junes, miner, Mary Jones , William Phillips, miner, James rinlltpi, miner, Grimth Llo}d, minei, Mary Ltojd , Henry Curtis, minei, Maiy Cmtis, William Jlonoyford, libonrei , Paul AViUiams, miner, lavini, John Paul, Thomas, and Chiules Williams; Divid Kennedy, lnbouioi , John McMulhn, laboiuer, Maigaret McMuUnn; John Duncan, labourci , Thomas Doughty, minei, Hannah and Samuel Doughty, ITaniet Bmiough, seivuit, John Bvily, minei, riui Bayly, William, Anne, and Louisa Bmton, Hugh, Mai * , and "Mary Ann Mcllbow Cißfio Gbanels, II bo^es, Older 42cliaui3, RobeitTAisk SScaies, 1 h!id , (i quaiter cisks, 3 c^sk3, 1 barrel, ordei 20 casks, John Roberton and Co , 1 bo\, as addiessed , 20 trunks, E and If Isaacs , 155 oisks, oi.ler ISO bauds, Cruickslmnk, Smart, and Co , 9 bundles 4 cisks 1 5 cisks, .{ cases, 2 ciates, 1 cask, 9 bundles, 2 casks, Robcit Lusk , 0 cases, Hendoison and Jlatfiulane , I'.XIOO bags, Robeiton and Co 1 cisc, otder , 1 cisc, as addusssed , 3 cases, J and 11 Cook . 17 tieioes, oidei , l cisc, order , 2 cn-sci, as nddicsscd , 1 tasc, 1 piicKii^c, John N 30 banaU, 10 bales, orilei , CO hnds , 230 cases, D Giahan. and Co , 39 cases, G casks, Buchou and Co 4 ciscs, A\ r m Bronn, I pick iges, as addressed , lcise, Pickles , 7 cases, A Claik and Son , 3 case?, 3 c.ibos 7 cask-,, Biown, C'ompbell, and Co, 53 caseb, otder , 50 bo\M, OS casks, Ibo cases, order 10 tilings, Join Rout . 7 casti, McKcnas lease, as addiessed , Gcise3, C bales, oidei , 10 ciscs, 1 bales, Giltlllau and Co , 2 cises, 1 piper pucel, S Hague Smith , 2 cases, H Pieice , 14 bales, oulci lOScibU?, Owen and liiiham, •) package*, A Clirkandbon, apacknges, New Zealand Insi.ianco Compmj . 2 ensss, as addiessed 1 jOObmels, ordei , 100 l>nlf-banels, Older , 100 casos, Ctmckshank, Siu irt, and Co 200 lmrels, 1') cises, oidei 70 liluls , Older, S cii3e3, W 3'hilhps and Son , 3 cases, W. Ratticy, 9 Cisco, Lewis Bios , 10 cises, James Brmsden , 2 case, T Macky and Co , 14 casks S H Smith , 10 cases 1! and II Isaacs, 4 cases, Powley .and Johnston, 5 cases, R Stoens,tonc, 42 casks, 104 cases, 3 b.ales, ordui , 000 case*, 50 hhds, 15 tanks, 1 cinistci, Blown, Cimpbcll, and Co., 10 boxes, A and Son, 7 rases, Lewis, 35i others 12 casks, Junes Bimsdcii 10 case?, 100 bo\cs, Lewis, Brotheis, 1 crsk, 2 cases, 2 bumlUi, IS case-,, 101 bo\C3, £ and 11 Isaacs 20 cases, 2 bales, b and J R Vaile , 2 case,, F II Lewisjon , 1 case, Thomson, Keith, and Co , 1 bales, 0 cases, 1 cask, order , 20 casks, 71 cases, 00 bo\es oidei 80 bands, ordei 9 5 cases, older , 20 casos, J Robeiton and Co 3,000 lm"s oats, MaikSomeiMllo, Lusk 3 packages, 3 cases, Geoige T Chapman 10 cases, 1 cask, Thomson. Keith and Co , 12 000 slates, 150 bands, 50 half binds, 20 bo\cs, Owen and Giuliani , 204 cases, 0 pockets, b Brown, 9) cases 1 parcel, 10 casks, 2 crates, 10 half-ticices, 007 bags oats, Owen md Gialnm , 100 (asks, 22 coils, SS bmrels, .!2S cases, iOObags, order Obiles, 2i> trunks, shhds , 20 bundles E and H Isaacs, 2 large iron poi table buildings, 2 small portable buildings, consisting of OsO sheets non, 14 strap standards, 22 tide bars, 40 pieces puncuples, 20 pieces angle iron, 04 strjpi iron, 44 standards, 2 bundles rods, 4 coiner standaids, 8 dooro with locks and bolts, 4 pieces skj light frame, 1 bottle punt 4 ciates wood fillets, 1 wood sash, 1 box tools, S cases bolts, Ac, J cases gl iss, 1 kegputt\, 12 bundles, Mihtarybtoie Othcer, Auckland, 2 cises, 24 tmks, no bill of lading — Owen and Gialum, agents

AHIUVAL OF Tlir KANDOLPn The birque Randolph, a vessel of 843 tons, in command of Captain J "Wan,' ell, ainved in hnibom jesteiday fiomLcith, \in "Wellington, with .1 c.iigo of general meichandise The Randolph sailed fiom Wellington on the Glh instant, and encountoied strong gales f'Oin the 9th to the 14th, fiom JT W to N?< W YesteuUy mo\ning the gale slightly modeiated, anil sho came to her anchoraKO at noon, off the Queen-street AVhaif Tub passengers 'Die following is a list of her cargo —5 ban ela chain, 7 anchois, 80 bundles bai iron, Hemj Nicol , 22 casks glass, GillHHn and Co , oO stoves, 11 boxes, 2 hhds , 4 bundles square pots, 1 bundle oblong pots, 4 cases silk lumlkeii-hieis, 10 bows cheese, l> boxes lentlici, oidei , 17 kcja nails, 10 cises biscuits, 1 c ise i aruuli, 30 hali-baiiels lieuiugs 30 flikins led heuinga, 0 cases herrings, 0 cases ling, Lucuolz and Co , 7 bo\ej, 2 cut «licel», 1 axle, J)r Uell, 201 bo\&3 tcbicco pipes, 10 casks giense, Bncholz and Co , 1 bin malt, 3 casks malt, 70 cases ale, oi dei , 0 tanks malt, Oilflllan and Co , 34 cases preserved pioMsions, 150 cases old torn, 12 cases mm, Bucholz and Co , 3 casks sulplnu, 24 coils lope.'OO casks oatmeal, 2j casks salt, 10 antes en them* .ue, 20 casks vtlutnmg, 29 casks nlutmng, 20 boxe? and 20 casks bathbiieks, 152 pieces Caithness pavement, order , 30 bundles bpides, 52 coil* rope, 3 bales cam as and twine, 14 b irrel» pitch and tai, Oi>o piece? Arbioath $v.cment, 10 tons pig iron, 10 tons 11 cwt small coal, 4 tins ulnto lead, 2,040 sash weights, 05 bundles iron, 120 bais non, 13 bundles sheet noa, Uhomas Russell , 20 casks currants, 4 beiges tobacco, -o c»se» cheese, Buihok and Co , 32 casks oatmeal, 20 casks baric), 1 cask peas, 2 cisks sc\ the stones, 3 casks linseed oil, 4 boxes custoi oil, b casks salt, 17 casks soda crjstals, 20 casks caibonate of soda, '! boxes lujuoiice, A packages containing IS boxes tea, 10 bauels cuirints, 10 casks biandj, 10 boxes raisins, GO bags seeds, 140 bags oits, 40 crates earthenwaie, 4 tioices eaithenware, 5 barrels white hciiings, 10 firkins red heiunga, ordei . 703 bags oats, Crmckshank, bmait, and Co , 43 bundles sho\ els and spades, 1 1 boxes tobicco pipes, S crates felt, 1 case, 2 packages sack biiTMWS, npftclv.iges tin blocks, 2 ciab winches, 1 ciab winch m 5 packages, 4 anchors, 4 pieces chain, 12 boxes bathbneks, 1 box boots and shoes, order, 4 casks whiskej, as addressed , 13 tanks malt, 4 casks- and 1 case malt, 1 case brass cocks, 30 cases chicory, Bucholz and Co — Bucholz and Co , agents

TESTIMONIAL TO CAPTAIN ERICtI<3ON r AND OFFICERS OF THE UABQUE &TJSINW/EKDER Wo liaie fcicat jileasuio in giving uiseitiou to llio following testimonial .— "Barque Stemw senior, "October 12, lS?i, " Gentlemen,— AYe, the undeisigued immigrant? on board the barque Stemna-rdei, before leaving the sh.i>, beg to e\piess our acknowledgments to Captain JDnchjou for the kindnos? and attention shown to all, both by ofheers and crew, during tlio vo>age fiom Cape Town to Auckland and cannot but express our conviction that it is owing to youi care and attention tint so many of the sick have been spsiied to reach the end of the voyage "We therefore lrwa great pieasnrc m wishing jou may have man} mospeious voyage;, in stoic — "We aie, itc , " (Hero follow the signatures of 70 passengeis ) " To the Captain and Officers of the barque Stemwiurder " "Onboard the Barque Sleimvrcrder, Captain Unclison " October 13, lfao-1 •< Sir,— l fool it my duty to tli ink j'ou most sinceioly for the kindness I leceived from jou duimg my long sickneii I endnrert o» boaul I thank yon veiy much for the loud and prompt attendance you paid me, and all the good things which >ou gave me to levivo mo from my long and dieary sickness, and I aiso thank jou for all the kindness which my wife and child received from you And it umy sincoie wish Unit the Loid will spaio you many a year after thii, and that you may always receive from others the same kindness which wo received from you "Tins is the wish out of the bottom of my heart— l lemain. &c , "Joiiankfs Hern'midus JCimhan, "Emigrant from Cape of Good Hope to Kbw Zealand "

II M s s Eclipse amved in harbour yesterday afternoon at lpm, and "sailed again at 3p m undei sealed ordcia Sho left 'J aur.inga on "Wednesday last, in company with the Sandily, and has since been cruising on the coast If M s s Miranda and I'alcon arc also cruising on tho coast The Jlirandi was. •seen at the Thames on Saturday night The s s Wong.i "Wonga, Captain Thompson, left the wharf on Saturday afternoon for Coiomandel, conveying about 0 or 7 tons cargo, and 12 cabin and 8 steerage passenger; She will return from there to day, oud will pioceod to-morrow to tho liiy of Island % calling at Matakana and Wangaiei The barque Lochnagai hai hauled off from tho whaif, and will sail foi Newcastle to day The s s Lady Bird is due here from tho Southern ports on "\Vcdnesrtay ne\t. The Falcon amved from Cabbnge Bay yesterday, with a cargo of timber The s s Salamander sails for Newcastle tins afternoon. The mail by her close 1 ! at noon The cutter Kate, Giuldmg, master, atiived from tho Thame* yesterday, with 30 pigs and 5 tons flax fehe leports that tho boats from the Miranda boaided her on Satuiday night. The schooner Kiwi, Captain Biyei», arrived from Tauranga yesterday morning in ballast On Wednesday ovoning lost she was coming up with a fair wind, and was »uddenly brought to by a 12 pounder being Ared over her bows from tho Eclipso The boats then came alongside, and after tho officers had Marched her Bho was allowed to proceed to Auckland The schooner Tauranga, Captain Seller*, returned from Tauranga )esterday, having (.ailed from thence on Jhlday evening. She brings up 7 horses, 2 hhdi tallow, 40 empty casks, several hides, and 15 passongeis, amongst whom is the Eev Mr Volknei, who has just letmned from the Bay of Plenty, lie lepoits that the natives aio dying off voiyfnst from typhus fever, and that sixty had dyed within a foitnight at Opotiki » The "schooner Maiy Thompiou was spoken off Uio Eait Capo on Saturday by the Tauranga Tho Khooner Surprise left Tauranga on Friday, m company with tho Tauianga, for Auckland Tho schooner Qem had sailed fromPovoifcy Bay foi thin port prioi to the sailing of the 'lamanga Tho schooner Taweia, Captain Kennedy, arrived from Povorty Bay yesterday morning, from whenco »he sailed on Monday lost Her caigo consists of SOO bag! grain, 3 ton* pork, and 0 bales wool Sho ha» also four passengers. Th* ship Jumna is tho noxt veisel duo from London She ■ailed from London on the 4th July, Tho Ida Zeigler foljowtd on tho 20th of th,q »amc month,

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2259, 17 October 1864, Page 4

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. MISCELLANEOUS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2259, 17 October 1864, Page 4

PORT OF AUCKLAND. MISCELLANEOUS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2259, 17 October 1864, Page 4