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NEW SOUTH WALES OAEEIAGE FACTOEY AND BAZAAE, 267 & 269, CASTLEREAGH-ST., SYDNEY. HOLT & ANGUS, PROPRIETORS OP THE ABOVE, BEG to mfoim the 10-idents of Auckland, and New Zealand generally, that they have at all times a veiy large and vaued stock of AMERICAN AND COLONIAL-BUILT CARRIAGES, together with suitable HARNESS, and being determined to supersede othei houses by then quality of goods and low puces, solicit the pationage of all intending put chasers. Descuptive catalogues and price lists can be obtaiued at the office of this papei. Buggies or Carnages picked and ihipped at small additional cost. 2G7 & 269, CASTLEREAGH-STREET.

AUCKLAND STEAM PUMP AND BLOCK FACTORY, CUSTOM-lIOUSE-STREET. J. P. OXLEY AND SONS, IN letuining thvuks to the public foi thcii libeial suppoit, beg to announce that they have introduced bTEAM and MACHINERY into then business and aie piepaicd to execute ouleis enh listed to them with dispatch and finish that cannot be smpassed, and hope by '.tuct attention to business to meut a continuance of that suppoit which has been sohbeially bestowed Always on hand — Patent Rollei and Common Block*, all sues ; Dead o^es, Pumps, Geai, &c. J. P. OXLEY AND SONS, Custom-house sti eet.

NOTICE, nEN R Y CAPvR 0 L L , GFNLRAL Sstlilt AND FARRItIt, ETC., West Quceu-street, (Neai the William Denny Hotel), BEGS leave to infoim his fuends and the public that he has engaged a lust class HORSE SHOER, and is now pt epai cd to attend to the follow - ing branches of bis tiaile, viz , Hoise Shoeing, in eveiy stjle , Geneial Smiths' Work, including Ships' Woik, Diay Axles and Mountings, Agncultuial .Implements, Ac , Weighing Machines, Beams, Scales and Weights adjusted , Giates, Stoves, Locks, Kejs, and Sties ropaued in the best possible mannei , Biands and Lettcis of eveiy descuptiou IT.C. begs leave to thank hi-> fuends and the public foi their bbeial suppoi t since he has commenced business, and hopes, by stuct attention and modeiate chaiges, to incut a continuance of the same. Auckland, June 27, ISG4.

GIBSON AND EEDFEEN, ENGINEERS, BRASS AND IRON FOUNDERS, Genlrvl Smiths, &.e., BEG to inform the Public of Auckland that they have opened an ESTABLISHMENT in WELLESLEY-STREET, and hope, by good woik manship and piompt utontion to ouleis entmsted to them to execute, to merit and lcccnc a shue of public suppoi t June 13, ISG4.

WILLIAM MILLEE, BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALE V.SD 151 TAIL, SnOKII A N D - S T R E E T, OPPOSITE THE QCE. pENTLEMENS 1 SHOOTING BOOTS, vJT Biilmoial and Elastic Boots, made on the shoitcst notice. CS* Millowneis and liadeis supplied on reasonable tetnis.

BOOKBINDING, PAPER RULING, AND ACCOUN T - B 0 0 X MANUFACTORY. THOMAS WATTEES BEGS to anjonnce that he has unpoited the most mipiov ed and pow eitul Machinery in the colony, and will be prepared to uudeitake woik to any e\ tent m a few day*. Over Mvbin axd Gruiui's Store, Queen-stieet, Auckland.

BENJAMIN HILL BEGS to u- foi in the public that he has taken the piemiics lately occupied bj Mi, J. Gilberd, Puuce^-btieet, and intends caiiymg on the ' BUILDING, SASH AND DOOR MAKING, AIsD GENERAL JOINERY WORK. And tm>ts by attention and modeiate chaiges to meut a shaie of public pationage. Dooi?, Sashes, Fiames, Casements, Mouldings, &c , on hand.

TIMBER i TIMBER ! ! Mn. ROE begs leave to inform Bmldeis, • Shippeis, and otheis, that having made additions to his Machinei y, at Cornvvalhs (besides legulai building timber), he is now piepared to supply Planed, Tongued, and Giooved Floonng and Partitioning, Diessed Lining and Weather Boardi, &c. Olders, to any extent, delivered in Onohunga Aucklaud, Otahuhu, or any of tnc landing places on the Manukau, at current rates, Shingles in any quantities. Offices and Timbei Yaid Onehunga, Apul23, 1564.

NEWTON STEAM SAW MILLS. SASH, DOOR, AND GENERAL BUILDING MANUFACTORY. G-. HOLD SHIP, BUILDER AND TIMBER MERCHANT, H"AS always on hand foi sale a large quantity of all kinds of Building Matenals, at the LOWEST CASH PRICES Oi.lors left at the Mills, Newton, oi at the Office, CUSTOM-HOUSE STilliET, will be piomptly atteuded to.

TIMBER. KAURI AND STRINGY BARK. A CHR.ISTEY begs to inform House and Ship _£%-• Bmldeis, and tho public generally, that he has made ananpements foi KEEPING a SUPPLY of tho above. Any oi dei 8 cutiusted to his care will be duly attended to. Long Lengths of Joist oi Ship Planking cut up to 27 feet lengths. Office and Timber Yaid, Geoige stieot, Onehunga.

MESSES. 0. P. PASSEET & CO., POULTERERS, AND MANUFACTURERS or GERMAN" SAUSAGES, Wakepilld sTnbtr. ALL kinds of POULTRY and GAME, &c, leady dressed for the Spit. Fiankfort and Plain SAUSAGES. Strasburg, Bologna, Salami, and all othei kinds of Sausages, Mich as Liv er, Saveloy, Black Pudding, <JLc , A.c Biawn, Tripe, and Covvheel. Colonial Hams and Bacon, and Fresh Eggs, always on hand. Boiled Ham, Tongue, and Coined Beef "sold at per pound. 6S* The above articles piovided for large Dinner and Wedding Pai ties, <tc., at le.isoiwble teims, op. sufficient notice being given.


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Bibliographic details

Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2239, 23 September 1864, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2239, 23 September 1864, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2239, 23 September 1864, Page 8