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ADOKLAND^LBffIPSKUBY RAILWAY. TENDER FOR FENCING. Commissioners' Oflice, Council Chambers, Auckland, August 8, 18C4. npENDERS will be received at this office, until JL noon of 20th September, 1804, from patties desirous of eontt acting for the FENCING- required on tho above hue of Railway. Specifications to be seen at the Engineer's Office, on aud after the lOfch mstmt. TUO3. CHEESEMAN, Chan man.

TO CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. TENDERS aio REQUIRED for ADDITIONS to a BUILDING in Queen stieet Plans auel specifications may bo seen at my office, until THURSDAY, Septembei 29, when the Tenders aie to be deluded at 4 o'clock piceisely. JAMES WHIG LEY, Architect, Shortlaud-.stfcct.

TO CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. npEVDERS will be ie<eivtd until 4pm of the JL 3l)th insiaiii, foi ADDITIONS to the nJBERNI \ HOTEL, Onelumga. Flans, &c ,at my ollieo, Victoua-stiuet. RICHARD KEALS, Aichitoct.

THE "NIXON MEMORIAL." RENDERS RFQUIRED for the cairying out the i .Sucresifiil Competitive and Piemiuui Design of OBELISK No. 45. I W. HARROP. Hon. Secretary.

TO BUILDERS. rpENDERS aieioquned foi the ERECTION of J a COTTAGE, on Hobson stieet ClilT Plans, Lo , maybe sren at Mi. Graham's lesidonee, Rutland btioet, ncu WaUoficld-stioct.

UOIIC E. IMPOUNDED at the Public Pounds, Otahuhu, by Majoi 1 , Waltnsley, foi tiespass. in an enclosed giass paddock at Mangaici Septembei 19, ISG4- — Will I E and YELLOW POLEY BULLOCK, b tb eais slit, biandeel like HM conjoined on lump Abo, by William Thompson, for tiespaas and d un mes in D ivid I hompson's paddock at Lovvbauk, Septembei 20, ISG4 - 1 Will IK and ROAV "or RED SPOTTED POLEY COW, holes tlnough eras, bianded like C on neai tump YKLLOW POLEY COAV, white fl ink and 1 elly, bi aide i like lion oil tump, hole in each eai . Damages, 5s ear h If not cl iimed within eleven divs fiom tho date of this notiec, application will be made to a justice of the p^ace toi m 01 lei foi the s ile of the abovementioned cattle, agieeibly to the piovi-ions of the Impounding Act, IS 3O JOHN IMLL Poundlveeper. Septembei 22, IStil.

N OTIC E. TO THE INIT\BITANTS OF AUCKLAND, PARNELL, AND NEWMARKET. AL3 E 11 T CAIS, 3'x 'Claud Hamilton.' WILLIAM GROWTH FR lespeetfully intimates that on and after MONDAY, the 12th Septembei, he intends RUNNING the said CA.RS between Newmaiket and Auckland, vift Parnell Moichanti wilt be taken in and out of town daily, as pei agt cement, at any tune. The^e Cais so fat excel for cleanliness and the comfoit of passengeis, that WC. feels confident, by attention to business and stnctly model ate chaiges, he will nieitt the suppoit and custom of the public. Pai ties can depend on these Cais being always found at Mi. Scholcs\ Royal G«oige Hotel, Newmarket, the Rojal Exchange, Parnell, oi at the junction of Queen and sticets. !s,•>- Pi rv ate Engagements solicited , Night oi Day.

NOTICE. COROM ■YNDEL GOLD MINING COMPANY (LIMITED). A FIFTH C VLL of One Pound per shsivo is i \ heieby mule on tlie Sh.aie'ioldeia of this Company, pavablo on oi liefoic TUE^D VY, the 27th .Septembei , to Mi W Cmrnrs, Treismei to tho Company A ftei th if d ite 13 [ci cent w r ill be chaiged upon ill calls until pud 11. P STARK, Secntaiy.

N OTIC E. MR T. M XIN T G, Watchmaker, Shoitlandciefeont, begs to m foi in his Fuends and the Pulibc m that he has been obliged to Relinquish Riwness foi a few weeks, in consequence of his lent having been tiebled His New Promises in cuiisc of election o, 'polite the site of the E\ehmge Hotel, will shortly lie fim-hed Mi FCincv begs to state all Woik he has on Hand can be had by leaving then names with Mi. BuwDiar, iatlut, ot Alt. Cucksi \, Music Sellci.

IN THE ESTATE OK MORRIS HENRY, High mri lt. N O T ICE ALL PERSONS hiving CL \IMS against the aliove named Esl ito uill please foinaid them to the undeisigned mi oi befoio MONDAY next, the 2bth lnstiut, othoi\vi-.c tlu>jr will not bo iccot;iii-.ed. Persons INDEBTED to this listalo will take notice that the same must bo paid to the Tiustees ; any sums otheiwise paid after this notice will be sued foi in the oidmaiy comse. JOHN ROBERTON, Queen-stieet, HENRY ISAACS, Queen-street; Tiustees to the Estate. Scptembet 21. IBb4

N OTIC E. I HEREBY give Notice that Mi. Morris Hfnrt bas ceased to be a P.utnci in the turn of Morris Himiy and Co, and has no longei any authouty to leecne money on account of, oi giant diatts on, Fi'KDLNAM) Woi-rsKLiu,, llessc-Daim-stadt, Auckland. WILLIAM WOLFSKEHL. Septembei 22, ISGI

NOTICE. npilE undeisioned will NOT bo RESPONSIBLE JL for any GOODS ORDERED, unless ouleicd by himself peibonally, or by wiitlen Older, and no lcceijit toi outstandiug debts will be lecoguiscel unless signed by him. GEORGE NAIRN, Gcneial Caiueion Hotel, Albeit stieet, Auckland. Soptembei 21, 1861.

NOTICE. WE bee; to gn e notice that all DEBTS due to Mi. RICHARD RIDINGS aie now payable to us, and request all At teats of Rent and luteiebt, &.0., to be paid without delay. RIDINGS & DOWDEtf.

NOTICE. AJiL PERSONS indebted to the uudeisigned, will please pvy the amount of then lespective debts to Mi. LEWIS TURRELL, Biuuswtck Buildings, Quoon-strcet. GEORGE TURRELL.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2239, 23 September 1864, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2239, 23 September 1864, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2239, 23 September 1864, Page 1