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WANTED, to PURCUASF, for Cash, Household FURNI TURE, ke, Lc. Full puces, [ r UCn- _^ e \^ and Second hand Fiu nituie always on h.uui, at Mills's Stoic, Vtctoua sticet. WANTED, lmmcdntcly, a quantity of 7 and 9 fct FENCING POSTS and House BLOCKS. Apply at G. UoLDbiuv's Saw Mills, Custom-houso-stieet

WANTED, to PURCITASIO, Two or Three Pans of Fust class Woiking BULLOCKS — \pply, by lettei, McNiil akdWusox, Panniuic. WAN tED to, fiom 50 to GO FOWLS v\ eckly. —Apply to Wat/i v n Gn vham, CUy

WANTED, a PURCHASER foi a SMALL ALLO T\l 13NT, nicely situated and within ten minutes' walk of Queen bticet , toims easy.— Apply to J X , oihcc ot this papei.

VNTED, i PURCHASER foi Foui SIIVRES m tho Coromandd Gold Mining Company —Eoi paitieulais, .apply t-> CAiuwitlCiiir ami Hi cm- Cm id i Biuhlings, Queen stieet

WANTED, to Rent, a Good HOUSE, ot eight looms oi moie, in a i expectable pait of tho city or outskiiU) — one with a stable and puldoek attiched piefeued. — Apply by lettei to T C , ofhee of this pa;> i

WANTED at the Vucklaud City Mission, a M VTROX foi tho CHILDREN S HOME. None need ippl) r except those who aie willing to gi\e tl'cmsolve-. to tho vvotU out of puie love to out Loid and Siviom Jcsiis Chnst — Apply to Bi njami& CussiM.iiwi, Manager

WAV TED, a Young LVDV a-, u-eful Compinion —Apply, by lettei, oi poisonally, to D S , Royil Oak Hotel, lie u E, som. W~~ ANTED, a MILL!N r ER —Apply .at the ollieo of ihi", p ipei

WANTPD, foi the Countiv, a lcspettible Young Poison, ns NURSERY GOVEUNl^~^ and toas'i-'t vvlth tho NccdLwoik —Addiess, stiting siluy, FM, Post othec, l'apito toi, ncu Otihuhu

\Wr\NTCD, aGeneiil Font ilo SERYVXT, a Vv mddleigcl vvomi.i pn toned — A]>ply to u\lis S. U llLfllls, next Row hug Giei.ii, Giittonloid

WAN I ED, a t'lOiough Cieuei il li'KM VLE SERVANT, a middle uel put son pie teued A lcfetcncc lcq.iueil — to Mio J oinu, Rluntl.uid s'-icct

JaMUD aGenci il FCII \LE \NT — 'J \ A]iply to Idvvj.i.j bu vi.^b, Boudii,; lloa^c Chipi-1 stioct

AM'l'l), n. Genet il hL'kVA.v' T — \pply to Xi NULiIDIM, I'urlCCS bticet WANTED, a FEM \LE COOK — Applj to Owln vm> Gnviiiir, Queen stuet

WA>. TED, .a Gononl FIvM \hh bCRYANT Good wa£,es l;ivcu —A[iplj to Mis J. l\. Yaili , Coulv-»tieet

WANTLP, a thotou^n SERVANT.— \pply to Mis Mow is, A\ jnjatd Piei

WAN TED, at the end of the pic-cut month, ar ASSISTANT TEACHER foi H. Petei's Gills' School, Onehungi —Apply to J. M Wa\umi, Chuicliwaidcn

WANTED, OOMPO-.ITORS, at the olhee of tins papei —Net,s Hands, and Two oi llnec tpod Jobbing Hands

WANTED, an cxpmenced DR VPERS' ASSIsTANT _c M\n^ vnd Son, Queen sheet

WANTED, a DRAPERS ASSIST VNT.— Apply to R llokm, Quccn-'-lie'et WAN 1 KD, S'.ONEMASO.Nb, foi Pan mm c Budje lligheat wages given foi good men — Apply to and Wilson", on the WOlks

WANi'LD a goud Gcneial BLVCIvsMITU and SMITHm II ELPEU —Applj to IWi G Li uiT, Weit Queen sticet

WANTED, a STEWARD, foi the Coloni il bt am l ' Puncc Alfied ' None lut a competent poison need apply. — Apply on boaid

AN'I ED, a Young M VN, in the BLTCHKR IMi |SU-,l.\ESS—A^ply to Mi Mia SIM 1 I!, Y\ alvCfleld-StlCCt

WANIED, a bUBSIITUTE m the .ill W.i>-kito->—A] ply at Mi Pow lIL s, V letoui Ret uuant, Mioitland sticet, oi Governor Biownc Hotel, ]]ob-.on -tiect

WANTPD, a Smut YOUTH, as "LIGHT PORTER.—AppIj loJfu vmsHonj-,\mvn.

WANTED, a c uplo of s-mit L\DS— Apply at the New tm i-teim Saw Mill.

WANI'LD, a .- ttons; Actn- L \Dm a Hutchci s shojt —Apply tj Mi. Grji.Ci, Oills, Vic ton i itieet.

WANTED, a BOY, to milk and make himself gene. ally useful on a faun — Apply to John' Sumon and Co.

WANTED, an EXG \GEMkX T, .-s HOLSEKEhPCU, to a widow ci Would bo •vain iblo wheto childien aie depincd of motheily caie — would not object to an hotel, lodging house, oi Fchool — Addie", X Y Z , Po^t olfiee.

WANILD, by a Qualified Gentleman, with colounl cNpeuenee, an ENGAGEMENT as SURVEYOR, oi A-sistiittSiii\ejoi - J. D. lUou l, ■"Eglmtou l'kicc, Gkbe Point, Sydney

WANTED.a &I 1 UAITOX asGARDEXER, Uy a m lined nun tint thoioughly undc i stands Ins biwnosN — \[ |dy to Ja>iis llowill, Otahului

I \ 'O II VRNE-3-5 MAKERS,— WWTED, liumcX diately, UVRXI'SS MAKERS Hi^he-t AvagiS given — \pply to 11. 11. Silvlnson, Ba/aai Bu idniL!^, Qiietn stieot

A, Smut, Active M VRRIED COUPLE wish foi EMPLOYMLN T wife, thotough domestic seivant, man cm milk, mike buttet, uudeiitunis holies, ploughing, fencing, and ewty deieiipfcion of geucial kra woik — V|>i>ly at Mis Vi,k vli.iA Re»iNtiy OfhcO, Wyndham stieet, opposite new Tic i dl Office.

GOOD SERVANTS, in e\eiy capacity, guaian teed Immediate Employment. Highest wiims gnon —Aiis Registiy Oihcc, Wyndh.m-^ticet, ojiposite new Jim aid Oihcc


MISLAID, p DOUBLE BARRELLED GUN and S'IOOK, also a DOU BLE-B4RRELLED RIFLE, without Stock. iMakci's name, ILurvEY, Exeta, on each —Any pei son bunging the same to the oflice of this papei will leceive the above levvaid.

1" OST, on Wednesday, tho 21st instant, on the J Racecouiso, a MOROCCO PURSE, containing money and papeis. — Whoevoi ■nill letuin the =arne to R. J. Fllil^, Symonds-stieet, Mill be lew .u ded.

LOST, on 'Tuesday, the 20th iiistmt, a GOLD LOCKET, set with a cioss and cncleof penils, <Le , in toiqnoise, containing a lady's likeness, eithei in Queen stisct oi on the Whaif — Whoevei will bung the same to the oihec of th.s papei will be lew aided

T OS'T, a Red COW, white back, bianded WR on JLi the nbs — Whoc-vei will letuin the same to W Wilson, Remueia, w ill leceive One Pound Rc■vv.aid.


STRAYED, fiom. Renmci.i.a Light Giey HORSE, aged, with bad spiing halt ii both hind legs A. CUNNINGHAM, Pcplembci 23, ISGI Isewmaiket Hotel.

TJTi'JUNI), a CHEQUE foi £iZ Can be ob_HJ tuned by the ownei on pas ing cx t >cn^es of thi^ advcitisinent.—Apply at the olhco of this paper


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Bibliographic details

Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2239, 23 September 1864, Page 1

Word Count

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2239, 23 September 1864, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2239, 23 September 1864, Page 1