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Tjie following ig the adveitisement published in the English papeis inviting lencleis foi the loan — >>e\v Zealand Government Dcbcuture Loan, .£3,000,000 ste. ling, authoused by an Acb of tlie Lt-^isl itm c of the colony, passed in the twenty-f=ev<-nthyeai of lu.r Majesty, intituled "The New Zealand L mi Act of 186V foi dcf laying the cost of suppieas'iig tiie pitrfent lebellinn, foi the introduction ot set'lcr^ fiom Australia and Gieat Biitam, and for other public pm poses. A bill u nowbefuic Pailiatncnt, which, if passed, will e\tend the gualautee of the Imperial Government to one third of the abcne l> in ihe other t\vo thmis will be ofFucd to the public by instalments, m debentures tiansferable b> deliveiy and be.mng lnteiesfc at the late of five percent per annum. The undersigned Ciown agents for the colomef, acting on behalf of the Government of New Zealand a-id v\ilh the of her Jlajesty's Principal f-'ecietaiy of Sta f e for the colonies, now offer tie flist of the loan, amounting to JA 'l00,0')0 htei ing, to public coinpetiLiun by tender. The delenhucs aie foi sums of £500, £200, and £100 each, with interest coupons attached, icd«einablB in fifty years from the 15th July next,

and boating intoicst fiom tho same date at tho rate of live per cent pet .minim, payable half-yuuly on the 15th January and loth July of each ye.v. Both principal and interest .no uudc payable at the offices of the Ciown agents foi the colonies in London Tendeis, in accoidince with tho annexed form, will bo loceivcd by the undui signed for tho whole or anypoition of the loan, not being Ic^ thxn £100, until one pm on Tuesd vy, the 12th July next lia eiy teiidoushould be enclosed in a scalcl envelope, addiessed to " The Oitwn Agents foi the Colonies, Spung-gaulens, London, ' with the woids " Tendoi foi Now Zealand Lo\u" wntten on tho outside. All tho tendon i coined will be opened m the piescnoe of the Financo irini>tt-'i of New Zt viand, and of such pet sons interested theiein as maj- attend at the ofiicos of the undei signed, picusely at 1 o'clock on the 12th piiramo The dobo ltuus will then be allotted to the highest bidden, piovuled the iates ofroied aie not below the minimum, will i>o iKod bdfoie the opening takes place in the itbiipliuinnci. Tcudcis it i pn c including a fraction of a shilling other Ihi'i s'xpenpo will not bo accepted, and, in The e\ cut of m cquihty of tendon beyond the amnu-it It lie l-snel ,v pio utta distubution on such tcidei-j wi'lbcniulc Fiv.' poi cont of the piuoln=!o iniiicy mu^t be pud into tin Bank of lOmJand as soon as the allotment is irido and the balmco in two equ il poitions, with nitmvUs df fouifceen dvys butneen caoh The iVnont"ue^ will be dL>li\cie(l it tho onV^s of the un-da-i^nod in c\olwns;» foi the bank leccipts. Tlih loan is so mcd on tho nenci il lovcmie of tho colony ot Kew Zt aland, winch, as w ill be scon by tho following statement, is fit nioiotliin sullicient, aftei pioMilniT, foi all eKKting li ibilitics of tho G~nei il Goveinmont, to dufiiy "such a clingo 'Lhe Act, moicovei, piovide'-, foi the annual pay ment out of the levenuo of the colo ly of a <«ni ot money equal to one per cent on the amount boi rowed foi the foimition, mulct piopoi tuistecs, of a fund, foi the final liquid ition ot the debt. Ordiwr\ Kv^rviji v\d Evpi vdiii'i i for mi list FOUK Xl IRS LNPINtI OX 11IU 30111 Ol JUNT IV P ICH

1 Ipto the pei iod of the last nihicoi leceued fiom the colony this estimate of ret emir haul been conauieiablj'exceeded The only existing loans of the Geneial Govern ment of Xcw Zealand aio £50,000 i=surd unrlei the sum intce of the Impoi'Al Go\einnient in 1557, and £150 000 issued undei the sole gimanlco of the Colonial Government m ISOI. The usual clmges m lc-jpect of both those loins arc included in the amount of expenditure above btited The suiplus icvcnue (winch in futnto Mill be ap plicable to the loan now often. il) hii hitlieito been ih^poscil of nnnnUly among the se\ I'iomiioipl CouiiLils ot the eo'ony Fuithei mfoimation with legnd to the fininoia! conditi not the c I'ony mij- ho hl l on ipplic ition to the umleisiguctl, fiom whom fonus of tender in iv also be [uoemed. Pi,Nßosr G Jui \ v\ ) Ciown \ gents foi W (J Rviti\u\T ) the Colome". Offices of the Cio^ n Agcit^ foi the Colonies, Spiing Gaulens, London, June 25, ISGI

lomr Oi 'ii NDLn To the Ciown \t,'o'it3 f"i tlio Colonies, Spnii^Ganleiis, London Gentlemen, — I lioiehy tendei foi the following ]>mtiou of the Xt.w Zoiliml Fi\o pur CVnt liii m, autlio used by ' The New Zeal mil Loin Act, ISO 1," subject to tie comlit'ons cintiuiod m imii ncUcitiiemuit or the 25th June, IS6-t, \i» ,— Delientiuff-. 'o the extent oi £ , foi winch I unileihkt to \i\) \b the nte of C foi e\eiy£Joo in Debcntuies. X vine .Aildie-s Date

The Tim s in the mone> fti'icle on the thy following tint (Ked foi the itcoipt of toiulers s>i\s — " Ncv ZexUu.l G )veiii'nen l h\e pel cent cltbeiitmes foi €1,000 000 v tie ofttfied to [mbho competition on Tucsil ly l)j the Ciown agentb foi the oolome--, b>it onl^ a \ei\ '■null "Mnount \>s \i>]>lilJ foi 'Die rainiininu » is lived it 00, it which piics the ricbuif tites will Sicld i*3 1U lil pel cent, and on these teims the down aguits declire theincdiGS willing- foi the piesi-nt to iecu\e ttiukis foi the unilloUed poition.'

iSI.O 01 ISbl (!2 ;su2 '.3 ISuJ 1)4 lictcnuo £ 220 TOO B*s 020 5">,8u3 x:\ponditi L 110,020 202 170 2SO (ib 7 470, 7'» ture I I > Sm plus t «0,770 IS 2 fc-.O 29,) -Ul.SlO^tmntei

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Bibliographic details

Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2238, 22 September 1864, Page 6

Word Count

THE NEW ZEALAND LOAN. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2238, 22 September 1864, Page 6

THE NEW ZEALAND LOAN. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2238, 22 September 1864, Page 6