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TENDERS received, until 4 p.m. THIS DAY, 22nd inst., for the ERECTION of Two TWO-STORIED HOUSES at Onehunga. Plans, *c. at my office, Victoria-streets RICHARD KEALS.


TENDERS are required for the erection of a COTI'AGE at Freeman 'a Bay, for Mr. N. McMillan. Plans and Specifications to be got at the office of Mr. Henderson, Architect, Victoiia-s.treet, and tenders lodged not later 6 p m. THIS DAY,


riHENDERS will be leceived until 4 p.m. of the JL 30th mstaut, for ADDITIONS to the HTBERNIA HOTEL, Onehunga. Flans, &c, at my office, Victoua stieet. RTOHARD KEALS, Aielnteet.


rpENDERS REQUIRED for the carrying out the JL Successful Competitive and Premium Design of OBELISK No. 45. I. W. HARIIOP. Hon. Secretary.



mHE PUBLIC are heieby CAUTIONED against X REMOVING, DEFACING, or in any way DESTROYING the MARKS, PEGS POLES or otherpiopertyof the RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS, uuukuigoul, the line between Auckland Onehunga, aud Drury. X SICETSN, Societal y to the Boaid. July 13, ISG I


IMPOUNDED, at the Pound, Olahuhn, by James I'unciman, foi tiespass in an enclosed paddock ■it Pukalvi, on September 17, 1564 — 1 Bay HORSE, white on face, saddle marked, i pol on l limp, and off side neck bianded like WB (aud S underneath) on near bhouldei. Also, by J Potts, for tiespass in an enclosed paddock at Otalmhu, on September 15, 186-t .— 1 Black Saddle HORSE, star in face, hair off sides, bianded like HS on near shoulder. 1 Black Saddle MARE, star in face. Owneis unknown IE not claimed within eleven days from the date of this notice, application will be made to a justice of the peace foi an order foi tho sale of the abovementioned hoises, agreeably to the provisions of the Impounding Act, 1856. JOHN HALL, Poumlkeeper. Scplembei 19, lSt>4


AN EXAMfNATJON of CANDIDATES for CEItriFICATISS of MERIT, im^ei the Boaid of Education will be held on MONDAY, 3ul October, commencing at 9 a n» Candidates aie lequestod to forwaid their names to the befoie the 30th mst. A list of tlie_ Subjects of Jixammation may be obtained on application to the Societal y, at the tern, poiai/ office of the Board, the old Court-house-Queen-streot, HENRY TAYLOR, Wecietaiy. September 18, 1864.


MR. T. M. KING, Watchmaker, Shortlandeiesent, begs to mfoiin his Fuends and the Public in geneial that he has beou obliged to Relinquish Buiiuess for a few weeks, in consequence of his lent having been tiebled. His New Piemises in course of election, opposite the site of the Exchange Hotel, will shoitly be finished. Mr. King begs to state all Work be lias on II md can be had by leaving tboii names with Mi. Bowdkn, Tailor, or Mr. Cucv&ey. Music Sellei.

NOTICE. COROMA.NDEL GOLD MINING COMPANY (LIMITED). A FIFTH CALL of One Pouud pei share n XJL heieby made on the Shaieholdeis of- this Company, payable on or befoie TUESDAY, the 27th September, to Mi. W OoMnrs, Treasmer to the Company Aftei that date 13 per cent, will be chaiged upon all calls until paid. 11. P. STARK, Secretary.


THE PARTNERSHIP hitherto existing between FAWNS & KERR, Butcheis, Victona-stieet, has been This Day DISSOLVED by mutual consent. The Fum will in futiue be earned ou under the style oE KERR & MAXWELL.— AII Debts Due to and Owing by the said Fum of Fawns aud Kerr will be Received aud P.ud by the said Finn of Kerr and Maxwell. (Signed) CH \RLES FAWNS. ANDREW KERR. Witness — John Maxwell. September 19, IS6I.



ALL PERSONS having CL VIMS against the above named Estate will please foi waul them to the imdoisigncd on oi befoie MONDAY next, the 26th instant, otheiwise they will not be lecogmseil. Peisons INDEBTED to this Estate will take notice that the same must be paid to the Trustees ; any sums othei wise paid after this notice will be sued for in the oidinaiy couise. JOHN ROBERTON, Queen-stieet ; HENRY ISAACS, Queeu-slieet ; Trustees to the Estate. September 21, ISC4.


TUB undersigned will NOT be RESPONSIBLE foi any GOODS OIIDKUED, unless oidered by himself personally, or by wutten oider, and no leceipt for outstanding debts will be lecogmsed unless signed by him. GEORGE NAIRN, Geneial Cameron Hotel, Albert sti eet, Aueklaud. September 21, 1864.


WE hes. to give notice that all DEBTS due to Mr. RICHARD F.IDINGS aie now payable to us, and request all An ears of Rent and luteiest, &c , to be paid without delay. RIDINGS & DOWDEN.


ALL PERSONS indebted to the uudeisigned, will pleasa p.ay the amount of their lespective debts to Mr. LEWIS TURRELL, Bmuswick Buildings,, Queen stieet. GEORGE TURRELL.


fTVHESE DESIGNS are now ON VIEW in the I Chamber of Commeice. I. W. HARROP, Hon. Secrataiy.

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Bibliographic details

Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2238, 22 September 1864, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2238, 22 September 1864, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2238, 22 September 1864, Page 1