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FERDINAND WOLFSKEHL, BANKER To His Royal Highness th« GRAND DUKE OF HESSE DARMSTADT, and Member op the Exchange in Frankfort-on theMaine, Berlin, Vienna, Paris, St. Petersburg, and 1 London, BEGS lcapectfully to iufoiin the Inhabitants of Auckland, New Zealand, and the Australian Colonies, that he has Authorised it i b Agents, MORRIS HENRY & CO., High-stieet, Auckland, To giant DRAFTS, payable at the above-mentioned places, and all over Europe ; To CASH DRAFTS from Euiope payable at Auckland j and To transact EXCHANGE, BANK, and COMMISSION BUSINESS of every descuption. Foi fiullier paifciculais relative to the above Banking House, apply tp MORRIS HENRY & CO. Ferdinand Wolpskeul, llcsie Darmstadt, F. 70, Rhenish asse. The undei signed wiJl be happy to contracb biisines?, i eceivc moneys, &c, &c, for the above liouso, under the him of Morris llbnuy and Co. MORRIS nENHY. WILLIAM WOLFSKEHL. High stieet, Auckland, August 15, 18G4.

EEHDINAND WOLFSKEHL, BANKIER IN lIESSEN DARMSTADT, MIIGLIED DER BoRSCN ZU FtIA.NKrCJRT All ftIMN, Blrlin, WiEir, Paris, Sr. Petersburg, vst) London, MAOIIT die ergebene Anzeige zu alien DEUTSCIIEN IN DEN AUSTRALISCHEN COLONIEN, Bass er die Heim Morris Henry und "Wn mam AYoLrsKEiir. m Aiicklaml, als seine AGENTEN, untex del- Fmna MOEEIS HENRY & CO , einannfcliat. Uml ERMAEOHTIGHT DIESELBEN fur seine REOHNUNG GELDER EINZUOASSIUEN UND AUSZUZAHLEN- ; ZAIILUNGEN und ERBSOIIAFTEN" an7.unelimen, inn an jedcn BELIEBIGEN PLATZE in DEUTSCHLiVND .ui&bczahlt zu weidcn , El.en^o ZA.HLUNGEH und ERBSCIIAFTEN m DEUTSOFILAND em/ucassnen, untl in den lIIESIGEN COLONIEN auszu/ahlen ; viboiliaupt ALLE m das BANK, WEOIISEL UND COMMISSIONSGESCIIAEFT gelioicndo GESCIIAEFTEfur niicli /u. üboinebmen. Fernei isb den BESITZEUN yon DEUTSOHEN STAATSPAPIERBN mid LOrTERIELOOSEN Gelcf'enlicit cjcboten DER EN SCHIOKSAL zu erf.Uncli, d.icino GROSSE ANZ\IIL yon STAATdLOTrEBIELOOSEN sclion langc mit BEDELTTENDEN GEWINNEN HERAUSGEKOiMMEN, und die Gelder BIS IIEUTE UNERHOBEN bei den betiellondcn SI'AATSOASSEN hegeu. Ebcnso sincl die Heirn Morris Hfnry & Co. beauftiagt iedc AUSKUNFT m deraitiqen Gesch.ifteD, gogen EKANKIRTE ANFRAGEN zu ciblieilen. - FERDINAND WOLFSKEHL, F. 70, Rliemstiasse, llesaeu Darmstadt;. AuE ol»i»c Anzcigo bind die Untei/eiclmeten beleit Geldei und Oulei fui obiges Ilaus, llciiii Fr,UDrxi\D WoLVSKniL, nntci cler Fnma Mokris IlL^ici i% Co, iv Empf ing zu nchmen. MORRIS HENRY, WILLIAM -WOLFSKEIIL, Higb.-stieet. AucVLuid, August 15, ISG4

JSTEWTON STEAM SAW MILLS. SASH. DOOR, AND GENERAL BUILDING MANUFACTORY. G-, II OLD SHIP, BUILDER AND TIMBER MERCHANT, HAS always on liand for sale a laige quantity o^ ■ill kinds of Building Matenals, at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Oidcis left at the Mills, Newton, 01 .it the Office, CUSTOM-HOUSE STJRIiET, \m!l be promptly attended to.

NOTICE. HENRY CARROLL, Glneijai, Smith and Farmed, eic, West Queen-sheet, (Near the William Denny Hotel), BEGS leive to mfoini his friends and the public that lie has engaged a fust class HORSE SHOBR, and is now prepaied to attend to the following bianchos of his tilde, viz , Hoiso Shoeing, m ereiy style ; Gencial Smiths' Work, including Ships' Woilc, JDiay Axles and Mountings, Agiicultural Inuilemcnts, *o , Weighing Machines, Beam-,, Scales and Weights adjusted , dates, Stoves, Locks, Kejs, and Safes rcpaned m the best possible manner ; Biands and Letteis of eveiy descuptiou IF.C. bc^s leave to thank his friends and the public foi then- libeial support since he has commenced business, and hopes, by stuct attention and inodeiato chaiges, to moiifc n continuanco of the same. Auckland, June 27, ISG4.

BERWIN & MENDELSSON, QUEEN-STREET, Opposite Wvj<diivm street, BEG most lespeetfully to intimate to tlio Tiado and Public oE Auckland, and its vicinity generally, that they have COMMENCED BUSINE&S in the above promises, as TOBACCONISTS and IMPORTERS, wheie, fiom their large connections and t;ieat c\'peiience, they. lie piepaied to supply oveiy descnption o£ Tobacco, Cicjais, Meeisch mm and other Pipes, also all kinds of Tobacconists' Waics, at puces that cauuofc f.vil to give satisfaction It be their paiticulav study at all times to keep on hand a laige and well assoited stock of the Choicest Cioods most suitable for this maiket, and such as have never befoio been impoited into this countiy. Any 01 Jci's entrusted to their care •will meet with eveiy atteutiou and despatch. Centlemon viisliing to indulge in a piime Ilavanna Cigai can oblaiu the same at this establishment. COALS f COALS 1 COALS ! THE subsciibei? aio now propaied to deliver at shoit notice, English Coils ox ' Maxwell,' fioni London English Pinnace Coke, best quality Newcastle (N.S W.) Household Smiths' Coals, specially selected. To those who desh o gieat heat for Manufactming purposes or a really splendid hie, the English Coal is lccommended. Couutiy oidcis punctually attended to. W. J. HUEST & CO., Auckland Coal Depdb, Queen-street, (Behind Vaile's National Mait.)

KELLYS COAL SHED, lIIGII-STREET. npHIS is to ceitify that I have disposed of all the JL ii«ht, title, and intciest of the late Captain Henry Kelly, in the Uoal Shed, High stieet, to Mr. Thomas Allan. (Signed) SAMUEL COCHRANE, Auctioneer.

/THEE undei signed begs to infoim tlio customeis JL of the late Captain TTgnky Kelly, and tlio public gcneially, that lio mtuiids to cany, on the above business uudci the same liboial pimciples as lieietoforo, and solicits a continuance of their favoius. THOMAS ALLAN, Coal Shed, lligli street. Coals, Potatoes, Onions, &0., always ou hand,

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2237, 21 September 1864, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2237, 21 September 1864, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2237, 21 September 1864, Page 8