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TitriJi. is n. Zeiluul in the lioiHiem hcmisphric, and ,a #ealand in tlio soiithcin ; New Zealand we call it, but no (lonl)t it is a nuiKsako ot tlio noithein Both an 1 islands, and both .110 occupied by bi.ivc ami pioud laecs, apl io take lugli "louml, and well able to defend a inocloi ito one Ihe nienlion of the foi nun just now is painfully sug^cstne We lias oliid to loivc'it 111 tho hueh. We hive made a good defence, lfcistiue 'I'hcy «vie wiUiil and ob=hnato Finding adiuicnlty 1" their v\y, tucy itlomptod to ude thiough it, and bienk the fence that would notpatt <u bond J(ut nnfoitunatoly tho sm ill people that | -was to leap all this gloiy could only hope to succeed by oui assistance, atom nslc, a.ul om cost, and in a cause' upon which we luid toudeicel oui counsels in vim fco, upon counting the cost, wo declined to enter on 111 lntei mutable and iiupiohtahlo stiugglc did not oven piouuse us the pleasme of doing tlnii"s a=! wo might think best .Not altogether \wtli out li>s>s of cicdit, we bickcd out of tho aft 111. We ha\e not boon so fmtunite 111 the othoi In nnsphoie with t lie othci Zc.ilind Thoie, too, w e ha-\ oto pb.y socon 1 (ulillc ti a Colonial Legislatuie ; tlicic, too, we have lo find all the ships, ill th" men, all tho mo*ey — o\«.i , thing, m fact, with the singlei^scive that we aio not to lie dloucd a voice in the conduct of ill ins We aie to mimUm an .11 ray. which we li.ivc soon put at 10,000 men, and a Hoot, both pioMilcd with the best new ullcd guns ami muskets, and subsisted at the cost lit scxcial thousind pounds a d ly, without hiving even tho chance of being listened to .1 moment oithoi^as to the conduct of the wai or as to om (Tellings with the nati\L<3 All that we know and tint \\a Icun, especially fiom the last niul, is that w;c .10 dining the swages fiom one icsting [lomt to anothti, t'nt we aio doing oui uoik wilh tint wcipon winch stiike-i down ■women iml childion c\cn be foi e it touches tho lighting men — stmation, and tint meauwlule w 3 aio acquaint no gloiy, not e\en the \eiy -=m ill gloiy to be picked up l>y cleuiu" oil simc'cs vith coinage ami skill We v iio onl Ui.nci \lKcl , wo aio smpascd, we fill into ambuscades, -we a\c beaten at a stand up light , a whole icgimcnt is put to the lout, and its ofhcci? shot do\\ 11 wl lie tijinst in \ 1111 to lallv Ihou men , aftci thund nog foi In vis ay 1 lust wooden stock ulos, oui mc.i aie and pnaly-cd by "temlic jells ' We mo not e\cn Uloucd the op|ioitiimt> of le tueuug oui dibjucc, loi th< enemy escape 111 the midit Upon counting lie ids, with moic than a lnmdipA killed and -wounded on 0111 side, we cinnob lio|ic to liaxo drawled moio thin folly of the fou So wo hi\c to content oui selves with the bcggiily consJitiou that, though w e aie killing tho 11 iti\ c s slowly thc> aie only 00 000 , and th it though wo dou t snoot mmv, ■> ct f iimne uiddisci-o ue doiu c ' oiu woik, ,aiid wu shill o\cntnill\ mccccd 111 e\tuiniinitmg a lna\c i'id high spiuted 1 13 c The it Ci ito Ti tells its own stoiy. All went 0 1 well till the ttoop-, having foiccd se\ciil lines of dcleiicc, and fincjiug ip-i4nce was at an end, slid lenh t ain.l thorns, h es e\no,cd to 1 deidly lao fiom all suits, and fiom the \my giomi 1 below tlun feit, bc-idts a han] to haul Cii ountci, in which the) had to meet tomahawks as well as they could with the l)i\ 01, et li\ou when tlu^ hid le co\eicd tiom the fust suipiisC they weie still at 1 di-aih i'itigo m then iiu unis, the ha\mg double binel'eil s.nootli boic-, mil the P.ntish '•oMki the Cnl'tld ulle, ccitunlv not mtendcil foi closo ijiiutiis As csci 1 ) nah of the wl, mi) clcmilj 1 ml out tor this oeMsion, and the d< fondcis hi I pio'nblj f ilbn bick on'y to di i\\ the ass ul nits into this Iki\ fti'naie, wo must not bo 100 li ml on Boldieis, who onl\ did whit tho biaxesfc and best fcoldiois li.we done befoie- lelu it fiom a position in which they cou'd onl) fill lL tlio 43id Hegment lotued too soon— and it eoitimly did lchie without waiting foi oidcisci consulting e\en the safety of its oihecis— it did not lcli c without hist suftei mg temb'e lo^s I'll 2 olhcais fell, hoc vise, no doubt, t'ie\ weie piel c>l oil fiom loi pholcs , md ■while tin \ wcie doing tin 11 host to 1 \11) and n.iiiiiiutc then men, then fatc\u!ded to the yoncial disonm igeincnt We 11 11st mil then be too hud on men who did then\ up to the \<.iy loophole of the hidden foe, the \uj lunuth of the nth pit, and tho-ioiy s\m ig ff s \eiil bundled tomihiwks One tinny, h>i\'c\ei 1-. Inn c\ ldi nt WIIIU 1 the ollicoi-. dul then duty is the) will il\\;ns do, ilmost np'il) 111 the lust and wol-t ot iiiht-., (lie soldicis hid nrt the 1 nthiisiisni -which dines 1 man into the \ci\ jins of d«,ith andkups lum tlicic Thc> hidn. 1 wish to be Miotdown, nddkil, 01 hacked and hewn to pi'.i'S111 whit' loi the (v'oiy ot did I'nylind- To t'lo piotictioii ot tin it altais md )k utli-, tlteit w ncs md f nialiLs ' l'oi \oimoinci2 ' l''oi justieo uul mci«) ' "No, foi none ot these thing', but ju-tto clou oil some pom ftllows fiom then native 1 md, and obtain tlio title eleu or encumbi ineos foi the speculators at ul 'ihitth CI--C of tho-o 'ijicculitois, and of llie colonists who w mt 'and and can't got it, is -uiy liik', we do'ibt not , 1 >i « fc hud i-, then c ise is, it is still Ini.lei 111 1 d,c foi it, pnticulail) win 11 they aie 111 no liuux to die foi it themsvhc^, 01 c\ cu to pay othd p( o, le to di. f«n it '! lie disistci bi ti t\s, -wlnt we lit\o otlici meins o£ pi o\ 111.', that tlio sold. eis land 111 jS t o>\ Zea1 uul aie in oiu- uspi t <- lU ously ' dcmoiahsed," as amihtan cntie w >tild i\i>iess it '1 hey lino llicn own opinion njimi the wu, Tid they liasi 1 10-t ill f uth m its justice and wisdom 'Ihry don't like sboolin.' dow 11 su igos u]j 1,1 the lowll 1 md It Ins b" u 'epoilcdh silted li\ soldieis tint tho mo--t h ii Inl wmk th ) V/<i^e\ei imploded on w 1, col Icetmijlith s le-vjn gdisfus es, indsuppoi ting otlu' h 'il piocjs'cs upon tho lush ]i»isuity 'Jhit is tlic f. ding wh.ehiiow pinades tho l'.nti-li foices 111 Now 7ciluid 'I hey don t like tho w 01k, and thcicfoic Ti'ioy don t doit is well as they would it then heiitb wcie 111 it It mi) be something to fight fi>i* — w li i 1i 1 - is not '- but it is not a thing to di • foi It the w uit tho 1 md, let them ti_;ht foi it and die foi it They cm ' 1 o so with some lei son 'Ilnn blood is U[» '1 hey h i%e lost houses and hud, cattle, and c\ei) thing ' Many, we feai, ha\e lost ielatnc> and sonants It is a good cause in th"ii cisc, and t > then colonial appiehciision l'ub it is axiiysoulul, \oiy coldblooded if) m foi llic Bntish Sjiildici, who knows onl\ whit he spos If, then, tho wai is to proceed with any hopes o£ suecr3s, the colonists mu .t take it nun c in hind than tluy ha\o eloi'o hithnto, both uy iiskmg then o,\u peisOPS a'ld by di\iding tho cost.

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Bibliographic details

Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2237, 21 September 1864, Page 6

Word Count

NEW ZEALAND (FROM THE LONDON "TIMES") Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2237, 21 September 1864, Page 6

NEW ZEALAND (FROM THE LONDON "TIMES") Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2237, 21 September 1864, Page 6