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"West Maitland, August 13. The livei lias fallen about two iucbe?, but the backwatei is rising f.vst. A consideiable poition of the town has been saved fiom being iunndated by the different embankments winch hive been raised, aud have stood the pressiue of the wateis.

Melbourne, August 1 3. In the case of Slough against tho Pacific Insurance Company, the verdict was given for plaintiff, making tho thud tiial of tho Eli Whitneys case gainiul by plaintiffs against iimttnnce companies. Bieadhtuffs unsaleable. Teafiimer. Kiuedull. Arrived. — 'Monaich,' fiom London; 'Chere Amie, ' and ' City of Adelaide ' (s. ), from Sydney.

Adelaide, Augnbt 13. The pioposed revaluation of runs caused much excitement. It is prophesied that the Government will be defeated should they press this measuie. Mi. A^iaham was awaided a second-class certificate, which vyas suspended for six months. , Wheat is sold at 7s. pei bushel at the poit. Holdeia are unwilling to sell. Ftaur, £19 to #2Q pw ton, nil brands,

«£, I 111 II 1 1 g'.ITEW ZEALAND EXHIBITION, 1865. ffA. aiEEDNifT of the local committee for the Exliibi- |. tionto be held iv Otago in ISGS was held afc the >j offices of the committee in Piiiiccs-stieot, on SatnrV;day af ternot>n l<\sb There were present Messrs. | :-Heapby, Walton, 'Han'op, and King. Mr. Ucayhy j~-. The minutes of the last meeting were lead and ;- conn mied. *, Tlie following conespondence leceivcd since l.vst | meeting of the committee was also lead : — " Oißces of the Royal Commission, ; "Danedin, Otago, N.Z., Ayvil 13, 1884. ■> Sir, — ' ' I Lave the honour by duection of the Oomi - niissiouers to inform you they puipo&e repsil- "■ 'ing to his Excellency the Governor, and al->o pub- - lishing an account of their i>ioceeiling<;, to£;otliei with a sketch f.f tlieii- juoposr-d fntuio" labouis, aoon^ as they shall havo leceived the l etui us of approximate demands for space which they hare io-qwe->ted to be forwarded by the Ist of ~Msiy next, * and they have delayed the issue of the repoit in order to avail themselves of the infoimation they _ trust then to have at their disposal. "I shall bo obliged by your giving the matter your immediate attention, that the Commissioners' report m-iy show tha + . your piovince is exeitmg } itself, and that stimulus m.iy be givou to the laboms ' which we all have m hand tow aids the Advancement of Kew Zealand.— l iia\e, &o . "AUIiFBEt'CLLS, "Ilonoiary .Secretary. "E. King, Esq., honoiary seeietary, Auckland local committee."

" Offices of the Royal Commi&si ->n, "Dtnmdin, Ot.^o, is'.Z., 19, ISGL '"Sir, — I have the honour titiansmit to you a photograph of the ' De-.i_>n fo- the Bmldu>« foi the New Zealand Exhibition, 1565.' "At pie^ont the ceiitml building only has been contracted foi, and that i<? now being looted in. "I have very much pleasm o in foiwjiding this ilesi^n to thelocil conumtteo ioi yonr pio'inco, nn.l feel sme that they w ill <;pe in the cor. st motion of so lirvndsome and a bmUling comincint; proof that at. least the inhibition will be woitlnly housed through the hbeiality c.f the Piovmcuil Goyeinment of Otago I shall lie oblijvetl by yom calling the attention of yonr local press to tlu m.itter. " Wihara M.vaon, E-q , is the architect, and tlio building is constructed of brick and cement.— l lm c, &c, " Airnrp EccT/F 1 :!, '• fionoiary Sterctary. "13. King, Esq., &c, hoaouiiy sccictary, Auckland local committee. "

"Offices of the Eo\pl Commission, "Dnuenm, Otago, jST.Z., May 23, ISGI. "Sir, — I have the honour by then direction to draw your attention to a lesolutum which the Commissioners have pissed, vi/ .— " 'That medals ov soiuj other award of nieut he {ranted by the Commissioners to persons -who haie advauced the aits luclusitr.e 0 , and m.-.nuf icUms, of Ke\r Zealaud, by zealous soi vices, 01 by eciulnif aiticles to the Exhibition which do not fall uiulei the awards of the juries, but which me of gieat incut ' " You will oblige by making tins geneially know n. ■ — I luive, "^Ar.rRr.D Kcclin, ' ' Honoi ai 3' Secretai y. "E. Kiug, "Esq., honorniy seoiet.iiy, looil committee, Aucklaucl."

"Offices of tlie Royal Commis-ion, "Dniiediii, Ofei£o, N.Z., JuneS, 1564 '"Sir, —I have the honour in diaw yonr attention to the following lesohvtion cf the Uomnmsionois, and to request that jou will imke lfckuonn to a'l persons remanding space through j oni committee • — Rrsolvcd, — ' That with a view" to the eaily propaiationof the catalogue, and giving proper i-.foimUwn to the C-iinmissionei-of the ebaiactei of «o(nU juo ]>osed to he e\hibitefl, it he an instniction to the loe^l committees and agents, to lequne th\t each ov hibitoi shoiild he called upon, when demanding space to^talogne wliafc he pioposes to fora aid, and to state the uninhei of similar objects lie pioposes to to exhibit. He is to ha at hbeity to puce his catal .gnt, nr.d to maik objects \\it\\ |.nceb ; but he will not be allowed to sell in ths Exhibition.' "Tins should be an addition to, and sepaiate from, the on'maiy demaiid fnr spice — I have, ie , " Alfred Ecclt^, " Honoiaiy feecieLny. I# E. King. Ksq , honoraiy secretazj' local committee, AvcUaud.''

" Superintendent's OfHee, ' Auckland, July 5, JS64 "Sir, — I lia\e the honour to foiuard heiewith copy of a lettu addie«ed to the Supeiintcmleut by the HoDoiaiy Curator of the Auckland Museum, dated 30tli June ultimo, in oider that the simo maj he laid hofoie tl.e local committee of the Xc« Zealand iixhibition, hit Honor being desurms that the committee -nill f.uoui lmu witir.any exmesMon of opinion upon the questions mi-eil b} r the Houora'j Curator. — I lia-v c, <5.c, , ' Josppn NE^Arw, " Pronncial Secietary." "Tl.e hoi.oinry seoictat^' to the local committee, Few Zealand E\hibjtiOn, Auolvlaud. ''

"Auckland Museum, '•June 30, 1564. "Sir, — Atheiting to the conversation with which you favoured me on Monday afternoon, Iha\etlie honour to request that I may lie allowed to exhibit, «s from the museum, and on behalf of that institution, such of the specimens of wot d, coal, iic, as I may llmik desirable at thcapi'iuaibing exposition at Dunedin '•Iha\e fmtherto solicit an authcuity to mem any reasonable expense in packing <nich s| ecimens, and in"piocniing samples of uncd foi tl'e puipose of Leing tested as proposed by the Comnnss.oucis of the Jixhibition ; aiming yen that any funds which may he entru-ted to me "sliall he admimsteied to the best of my power with dre economy — T have, Le, "Edwin B. Dickson, "Honoiaiy Curatoi." "His Honor the Superintendent, &c." The C'hairmvn said ho might state for the infoimatioa of the Committee that lie had called upon his Honor the Superintendent, hawiig heaid that his Honor was inclined, to set apait a snm of money to piocuie specimens of the woods of the colony for exhibiting, and his Honoi had agreed that such a eour-e was highly desiiablc The Honorary Sfcbetuiv said that a sum of £20p had been voted by the Council, and would be available for the purpose stated by the Chan man He had already received a number of promises of specimens, on the wideistanduig thatapait of the expense of procuring such specimens would be borne by the Committee. Mr Walton f=aul he had been promised various specimens ; and not being awaie of the sum voted, he had undertaken, to pay the expense incurred out of his own pocket. Ihe Chairman lemaiked that the whole business of this province had been hi ought to a stand still by the war. This he had told Dr. HTeotoi, when that gentleman last visited Auckland ; and it was one iea«on why they could not leasonably expect this province to be veiy tally lepteseuted in the forthcoming exhibition. In proof of this, he might say that he had hitheito had only some three 01 four applications for space Air Walton \\ as of opinion that many very valuable specimens of slate, wool, coal, and fteestonc mi»ht be obtained He knew of one bed of coal extending over perhaps 100 aoies, where the vein was six or se\ en feet in thickness The Chairman said that the Commissioneis for the Exhibition had offeied to submit the stone sent to a cnvmVhng process, so as to ascertain its value as a building material ; to test the mineial wateis; and in other ways to fully test all specimens sent to them Mr. Waltox said that limestone and hydiaulic cement could also be piocuied The stone had been tried, and its only fault was that it was found to harden too quickly under water. The Chairman said he had *cut to Mr Colenso, who was preparing a puze paper, somewhat elaborate tabulated infoiniation as to the products of this province Mr. Waltox said he had now a report of the English and Fiench marine upon the kauri gum wood. VOfE OF MONEY. Mr. Walton moved that application be made to the Provincial Government for the sum of £100 out of the £200 voted by the Piovincial Council, for the purpose of payiDg the expense of t-ansmitfcing to Otago goods intended for exhibition. Mr. Hakbop seconded the motion, and it was. put and carried. It wat also underotood that the secretary should be empowered to draw upon t his sum. TROCUKINO bPrCIMENH. At tbe suggestion of the Chairman, Mr. Walton moved that the Honoraiy Secretaiy be requested to inform his Honor the Snpeiiutendent of the proceedings that had been taken by the committee as to the communication of Mr, Dixon, the

Honoraiy Curator to the Miwmiui; and that clluf ' Honoraiy Secretary be also requested to iuform pni ties who might wish lo forward specimens that the committee" would be piepaud lo bcu- a pionortion or tho expense. ' fxhibition sp.icr. The committee agreed that application should be made for 1,200 feet of space for exhibition, and 400 feet of wall space for a like purpose. JSPrCIMEXS PROMISED AND TIICHe' STTUj IUQUIBkD. The JHoNoTtAitY SFCnti'ARY load the iollowwg list of specimens promised, and the appended list of specimens that it was al-o desirable should be procuied .—. — Messis. Viokeiy and Masefield : lion and brass casting's. John Wobstei, Ilokianga : Pla\, cabinet-uoik, Ac. Xeil LIO3CI • PI \x, iope, and lines Coal, fiomDimj, Waikato, and Bay of Islands. W. Aiinwsinilh Amtie : lion sand. Gold and amifeious quaitz. Kami gum A. Maifcyn : Landscape water-colour drawing E King • Bookcjsa, Fiji cotton, eeieals ° Messis. Combes and Guano, kanu gura. Auokl md S ish ajnl Dooi Company : Rashes, doon mouldings!. ' AucLlnnd Museum • S|)eciii)eii9 of wood, co/ils, tee. Mi. Allen, {.{teat Banier Copper oie, timber Kami and oLhei kinds, wool, implements, ctrmnte. Jlosms Ireland Btollieis Lealhoi, full specimens of each kind. Mes^is. and Co • Colonial ale, in dian.'ht and \lotblo. ° Messn. Scecomle and Ron : Colonial ale. Mr. G.'o Bo} d • A full assoilmcnt of dt.iin ti!p«, pipes, tiowtr pots, clnini.o,' poti, p.ivni"- Mies. Mi U.V, H'nlJerq: Lugo logs of Ui'ui timboi. Mr \>j Oibbtuis • JCini'i tndothei timbei-s. Mr. M. H I{oi> Kum fmbei Me^siq Eing Tsiotho>a Tnubei assoitment 'V H. Tiunniiig'niu, Jams and jelhe-- \\. Me^loll, Wauku • Specimens o£ eaivni"- in w ood ° William "White ■ Specimen of caivmg in wood— " U'i!d Boar Jlnut," specimen? o( calling 111 k.imi gum , specimen of can ins in stone— " Night and MouiniL' " MtssiP. Wax nock Biother?, Ncwinaikot . Tallow, cindlcs, <:oap X S West, Pamoll Model fm monument to tho late Ooloncl Nixon Geome Webster Assoitmcnt Hokwnea lams and jellies ° J W. Biuce :? e.isoq sluffed biula. W. llmm Cibinet v 01k. M^r. Ssufori; Cibinet-uoik, se\eial specimens. A SMoE«en . lV,.u^, snufi^ ]am<!, cayenne peppei. lieijmiodevhi'.iUo! Wood, tnubei , fk\, Imu.e^, ye.iioles, agiicnltuial implements, hoiticultuial implements CutMh, seeds paintiuga, fuinitiiie, bmliiiug stone, maible, limestone, d^a buks, lmuganesc, sHlphm, col.mial-made unit's ibied fuiit.-., pu.inco silicate, fine diy, c-lonied clays, iion,tone, petulicd wood, cistm»B, cabinet woik, spee.mens feins, ngatcs, and comelnns,, ha-tite, 01 vegetable catoipillu , M.aou m its, gixmeiits, baskets, weipjn«, implements, &.c. ; specimens sfcahclite, agucultmal seeds, hoiticnltinal seeds flowei seels, floui, biscuits, salt piovisious, honey, beesw i\, coidials, coufectioueiy The committee then adjourned until thit (l\v toit night.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2212, 23 August 1864, Page 5

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AUSTRALIAN TELEGRAMS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2212, 23 August 1864, Page 5

AUSTRALIAN TELEGRAMS. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2212, 23 August 1864, Page 5