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(Oun Chatham Islands correspondent sends us the following account, \\ hich seems to have been delayed in ai rival.) June 10. The Chatham Company's new steamer ' Phizzer' made a most successful tiip yesteulay. It « ill he leeolleeted that tliis smait little ciuft ani\ oil m these •wateis ton days ago, after a passage of 114 days 6 hows from the o'd couutiy During h r sojo.iru htio gieat expedition has been di^plajed m getting hei ready to tiAe up the stenn service f < i which she is intended, aii'l Mcssis BtinUum and Benthall dc->oi\e gieat ciedifc for their eneigctio excittons. Ihe lCaoirces of this island aie nude manifest when ■we letlect that the funnel of the ' Phizrei' was put on end in a few seconds undci fivo days. 'J ho slnppius; of the pioj.ellei was likewise successfully accomplishes lin tins poit To Mr. CiTinkpin, the chief engineer, the owneis of the vessel aie mrch indebted for the lapidity with -which the engines, weie f;i eased dov-'n; whileamccdni piaiso shoiilit l>c rnai.lcd to the fiiemon fo- the rcadwo-s with which they pi educed the necc-s.u y c mibnstio.i. Ciptain Daeevtjio and Mi chief offieei, \>ue urn 'itntt'ttg in then eloit* to get the -\e-.sel leadyfoi soi, aided l>y Mi. llenjimiii I'ack&tiy, 'Cfoivl oilicoi, .iinl in ellioicnt oiew they succeed d in tilling ilu ngginc; down and «cndinor (ho toper m.bU up in I days ]6 h >vis and 22 minutes. 'Ihe tune lining been kept by j\fi Wmdbag we can \oncii foi it< aceiu icy. ]>efoie pioccediMg to the tiiil t'lp, we piup^se mving a description of the \cs>-el '-how .is built 1 ist >oii by those eminout lion shipbuilder, Ci.ickwnod and Saw down, and 1-1 pionoinieed to be a splciidul specimen of aielntectu o IT, i d'nieiiMous aio as follow •— Lmgi'i oxei all, 110 ft G^in , beam, about thesime; depth of hold nob a<-cu timed — soundings not having j'ct been taken. It is piesiuiied that hci build will eniMe he- to piccccd st m on oi binad-ide on as cucnnist UiC^s m-iy "'"cesMt.i^e In the Httei ea^e she is i otguv iiit^e 1 to go mnic thin torn krols. F.iciht'es aio nflouled foi letunnig on deck any seas that she liny slap, so tint the pis^ongois may enjoy the lu\niy of a siltwittr bath at almost, 'I he Thi/zel ' 1-. baiqne iK'gcl, hei m< 'c i bcn)<, | liced unuicdi ttcly .ibifl the t.ifn .il, u'lich a'l.uigancnt* is supposed to nilliieneo tlie st"cting \eiy inateually J'ei nmnina-t, like that of most la <|, his jatds aeioss, earh containing in llS'lf s >v>.i il jaiils of c' timlici. By an abstiife (vlcul it. on the imildcis of the 'Plnzzoi'liive aimed at Uio exa.t quantum of iimhci (cube niei'iuenieni) i orpin el in the main top-gall mt \,iid to ]ie ci t .ib^iiatm ii> of t'ne com a^<-. ITei foi^ iS no: i nil c 1 ci minima V, bei'it; peipen.luu l.n ; the only difloi once i> tint w I. lie hci mainmast likes shgSitly to poithei foicm.isb i ikisconsideiably to j-tuboaid, which pioducc-s a no\el and <.t.ii!lintj eiccl Hei b)\\s t >iib ib advanced se\eial teeb bcyoi d Iki bon s aid is supposed to Kee,) a good lookout m tlnok weithei Flic hay so holes smlj-<-ei\e a pien e'y smnl u |>uiposi\ vnd ue hlm?i bunded no except when fie aiw'ioi is d -uu, wlkii <i s]ur[) h'oU-.>iit i> not so muc'i ieiihie.l ITei cable i. a c >nt unity of lin' s, u th '-]],icMc< heic and thcie , the anclun .it the (lid suppis'dto hold Oil till the foico of c icu n^tince c. impels it to let c°, m which ciso it ccioes to cm ib any uuint; lii'iuoncc On w ts' ing da}" clothes hues aie c\teu !e.l tiom ynvH'in to lulai.n w.Hi the M«\. of inciting the m.xte'ots to h ilui& of e'euihne~b The dostiuclio'i of th" ' Phi/^i ' l.y ti cis next to pn nnp")S-ilu!itv, foi by an iuc,odi n.-, oo.a liiico a t'.a" diHii m the '-h ,>s bf ti ,m mly be ,u<! ile il\ o,.cned, mil if the n msh ot w.'tci do not e'l"ei.ti\t'l> cv'.^uiD^h the (le\ouing( 1 e\ouing eliunoit — it oaglit to ''I,eon!> obji^ti nt>tlu->ne« in\ i ution, which ly Ihew."} has been pi f cnttd, l> tliat the tiap-doot .' hf n ( n^c open cnn.iot be shut agi'ii AVc hid a mo->z fm^otteu to mention the ' Pliwti 0 ie cum lO.lation 11ns is ot a \oiy «uiichoi oml^i 'J fie saloon is an c'eginb apiitm nb of s i> ib'c lU.nen-ion-, wi h an cxijellent c mk\ galley in clce I'lnMM'j. Tlie sx\oiiiy odom-. fi.'m the liltci (b.i lg si. pi o-cd to o\ert a ic-.toiativc influence up m sei t-i lv pT^nwis) ,xie admitted b\ t.ilic nUo each i'a.e lOuiii , and > iv pas cn<;ci \..-hiii(f to cfii'"oi v j tli t'i° co Amiy do siat.ill hi ib'e tini" 1 b> moTisof the -ai Iti bes rmpiojrety of spec hin i!ie cooks n<; is stnctly pioiubited, espccallv ulicii lion cng'i^cd in the picpuilion of cmiv .md nee The -lec|>'n<j beiths -.10 o 'ii-ti'icttd of <!i nc! sion<s as t > pie.Jiii.le the possibility of then 111 mates i Ohng fiOm side to sule Obe^e nidi \l<luals cm he on then sulo 011I3' md cannot ])!il3' be'i'd mon thtn backs 'I ho i.ible \\h'i_h inns foie and aft the s loon in e^pibl" of dininff tho rulnlt .and one oi I in cii> ill bo}-, foi .ill < f \ilinn s^ ts ait. pio\idod The appio.icli to the sil -on is by a lidku which ,b gim.intixd to beu fmutttii stone Tln^bpinjr the cisc thc^kipiHi nnd lnsofiici -. inu-lbe men of mode iate plysicil c.ililne, coipnlent peisonagcs icrji ,ied to boh) 1 (.led do am by alicklo, and L iiilc.l up by the "amis mean* I.i wmtei tune the iiloon ii l 'mi*"ralo'l at night b, two of Puct s piicnt caiu'k-, wlun it ]ii(.=e'i'^ .a bii'liint loup iVail r lhe second cilitu is <>, iii mi t'> the liiat, !ic\cithfck3s an mdi\ ot oi iri.i'3 (icx'cuty nn^'ii, l lanige to u'o tluonyh a ceitaui rotatoiy uiot'un mt'i a Ot meiii'itt of the fc! no lace. "Wlun the l.atc'.ies an oft it is ccit i''y veil \optiliUd Tn passing tie £, I'ij" ye nbstiml n ]u.r of hu_'e n"";i >s up thcieia Tl'.s useful ait.cle, we weie niioiinc! l>v the dr-f cook, was piescntcd to him on h.s instillation by lho buildcis of the sh.p — il^ssi-. Ci ackwoo 1 and Oil ciitenng Ihe loom we vcic kimll) handed loii'id li\ Jli (Ji lokpm, f.O'ii uhom \ c i!t lived much \a'uible mfo'Pi il'on Tim ci gnus of Jie 'Phi/ ,'t aie of an uncommon de-mjliO' bping so coiisti i.eted as t ) pel mi tof the \osnll pro^us^ng, rcti >c'ie -ills' oi icmiining >-titi"in.y In the l.ittti ca^e ."11 th it to I." done ii to sliul ofT^ oi t\ tingii'sh fiies 1 f<_i Uoilci is suppl.fd with Huts anil lei fiiimot-Sj witliban, so that the e.igmeei is enabled to get In-. e.>iT.x c eiy inoinmg at four o'clock s!ku p Both boileis .and f .rincps areci n^fciiic'cd of lion , an 1 liti fines aie of sik'i dimcn-iioiis ,as to pel 'ml of the mgiess oi egK<B of the Inspcclm of fctt. imtM I when nivkin^ ln& peiiodicnl cxaniin itiou Tt is I said that a =in t of cam as is piowled foi that functional y on such occa-> oil" 'Jhe mjccti >n \.i'\e c.n be opened to assist bun ii. cnteiiiit,' the lines, and tli j eduction in diawni'4 him out th^ieficm. The fud J pipos me Siipnnscd to he ii^(, r ul wlipm the coinni's-.aiiat proves mstifliceiit, and tl.e d slli ug? pipes can 1/C hi ju^'ht to bcai upon rcfiactoi\ "-ennui B3' ,a no\cl r."i.tngeniei<t the c^l.ndci co\ci cam.ot po~<- b'y be ] imined in Ihu dischmgc pipes, 1,01 c^i the piston be . appiopmted to any unlawful jiiupoie. Undti a full pi^d^ of ste vm and when propci!,' sfionsed do\ 11, the engines make 90 involutions pel 1111. uite, pin,u llmif the \essel .at the iate of knots Tito ' Pln/^i ' is said to be a, \ciy steady boat — at tho <\haif , 1.1 fict, she hasbuf-n known to he alongside foi a week without moMiig JTivmggone beyond oni limits 111 d"s..i l>in_f the vssel ue must uece&.inly be \ciy bucf 111 it> poiUi'g her tii'l hip. Se\eial qtntlcoien lii'hun liall^ connected \.ith the meicantde mtiine wcie on boarl dining thjtn.d. Tliu distance to boiim msfioin post to pill'i, and pill.n to po^t, which was si'cee^'-fnl!^ ncLumpliblic.l. Among tbe \lsltois who weic notni" the tine, leie C'.ipt.ain A'ljdiy, Mi Scti f, Mi Bdei, r.nd litiutiiig , using point, them sti>od ClO1 1111 Snobson, who supeiiiitendedthepioc^tdings ]\li JFcnsparrow <hd the iiecdFul in the cnsjiiie-room, can fully noting the piesime, vacuum, levolu lions, <£.c With a piessure of li pounds 10 oiinci s, n^auist a st./t head wind and Irmpy "en, the 'Pln//ei' 2 an om the ]>re^ciil)P'l distance in no, the letiin lrn being accomplished in considerably Iss The spectat us d.sbeheving then st uses put hei to it. again , the lcsnlt was the same The evolufon of tinning wr.s next tried, anil it was Foirid thit the v Pi !/zV could in ike one complete ie\olub on 111 halE hei own length. Tins Mii^nl 11 fact 15 attubutaMe to the pecubai position of her mizfii mast In steaming bioadsit'e on her spefd did not fpiite come up to 4\ knot" On com111 1 iring notes .and sinking .111 aw 1 ige it was foi iid tint the speed was up to the conti.ict figuie , .and (Jnptaiii Snol>?on, ha\ing made a nr>at and smtalile bpeech, giaciously pnsi nted Oiptpni 13.icc.atue wiUi a cutifieate einpowciuig him to run the ' Pni/zei ' to Jeuco and back, 01 to any paifc of the habitable globe wheie sufficient v atei exists to float The piivilege of ■splicing the main biace whenever it should bo deemed ncces-aiy was at tl.e same tune conceded to Ciptain Baccatiie. An excellent champagne luncheon was next pit taken of; tho,e who, 111 the woids of a modem poet, weie not ' too full foi ulteianco"inade speeches, and succes-3 to the ' ?in/zei' w is drunk m oft iep™.ated bumpeis At an e.uly houi thevisitoi-, wee cut. fully loweicd ritoa boat and deposited in safutyon tcnafwnia Slimtly aftciwni''s the g.illant little 'Plnzrei ' steamed away on lier maiden tup, and .it sundown the lasc paiticle of her pmolce had disappeaied below the hoii 7011 "\Yc heaitily wisli hei spnitccl pioniictiij eveiy success. — ] ijtlclton Times, July 12

A contfmpotaiy voiidirs fur the following ploiy. A yotuicr jili'.sitiin who was in lo\o w till a l.ur ]) Ltiont, but was tiuii'>l(> fiom taitilifii'iu-i to re\ li.s piis-iin, u'oteli»i a j>a«iou ile <li (l.n.i'ion, nix) left it on the>le, wlieic tlio »cr\ant f juikl it. Tlie n itili illy enough thought it ii.ri jir9=cu'|>t;ton, and took it to the chemi-t\ «l'o the m*t«lay w-i.t it hack to tho jioor doctor, \\ ltli an ipoloiry, th it ho "« ; h out of the uigicdieuts necessary to m,ike up ttliat was wanted."

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Bibliographic details

Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2188, 26 July 1864, Page 6

Word Count

TRIAL TRIP OF THE 'PHIZZER.' Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2188, 26 July 1864, Page 6

TRIAL TRIP OF THE 'PHIZZER.' Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2188, 26 July 1864, Page 6