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WIKATO HEADS. (UiOiU OUi: OWN COIUIKSPONDDH1 1 .) Putntaka, January 19. Tnu launch went off successfully on Friday, although the ' Koheron' was at first ra< hen 1 reluctant to bo moved info her future clement. Since then she has hecn lying ofl" at anchor, drawing, whon empty, only wine inches of waler She looks somewhat unshauely for n ship, but our nautical connoisseurs all agree that she is well proportioned, both foigoingahead and for steering; The tiadosmen are busy getting on with the iittings ; so that, while ton days sufficed to prepare her for launching, as many more \rdl_ probably suffice to complete the ' Kohorou' for her hUure important labouis. The 'Alexandra' left on Satuulay with the lion SYnr Minister. The bar seemed to bo bi caking right across, but, though s,hc pitched heavily, she went, out in line stylo. [ hoar she is to come back immediately with more supplies The ' Lady Ihilcly' weut up i-sfar as Tu.ikau, and stuck frequently on the -way up, but by fence of steam and p.Uieuee, Capt un Pain ell managed to ge! her on hi coming down she was less successful, and stuck lov a day aud a half undei Kohanga Church The fact is, ,sho draws too much tinier for the "Waikato, and need no! lefcurn to our water-. f see by the (Jitoss that large supplies are to be soul, via Raglan, to the Geuoial, on the Waipa, if so, the • 13(ii kly' will do beautilully for Uaglanhaibour, to take goods up it, to the full extent of (he available watei carnage, unless, indeed, she is wanted on the JVlanulum That little craft flinch you announced as having been launched at Oueliunoa lately, the ' JJluenose,' is pist tho tery sort of craft for the "Wa.ik.ilo Hivei — handy, of light di aught and bow and stern alike The a, enthev has been very unsettled, for tw o weeks past, moie suitable, indeed, for the wants, of pasiuraoe fh.Mi foi hnnost tune , but, alas! the foimer is tho only <nouttion of our funnel s in the presenf season It m.13 seeia sh-'inge, but the only crops of wheat in Lnwir TTaikala arc fho->e which the icbels plmted m their ' days of gi ice " That at TuaLau is being seemed lor the good of the eoininouwe!>lf h by Captain J3iow.ii s company ol Ist AVaikalos , th i( opposite Cameron, which! hueheaid is m good oulei", uotwiihst Hiding the irequent Msits of the rebel owners and th"'i eompatrjors, i-> being harvested by (heir resulii iry and more con^iiii, the wise men ol I'ukuf v's li ipu B\ the w ,) , the»e fuendly imhun nuisl feel the benefit of the new legunc o't ' (onstnnl employment" that is now da Miing upon them I undei stand that they lejoue m the opportumiy of solt-snppoi L 111 a eotnfm table manner They never had so much money of their own hard .Mid dear earnm"-- m their possession befoie, m the old sfurebed and stand still times, when even their children bad to bo educated out of ehuity at te public expense, and when the si»bt of "<j;old" wns ivveiy l'lie occurrence. however, that b> nefieial tie to loyultj' circulates amongst their settlements as iiecly as their own health-jjn ni» mountain breezes A now era dawns on the children ol the deceits ot W.i.kato, and the best is to bo hoped fioni (heir with the iony dreaded white men of the sea, foilifkd and lendiied independent as both laces will be by health, wealth, "» 11 1 ne, and that inherent self-respect which De!oiii<s only to laces which hare ne\ er been enslaved 1^ tlieir fellow -men Tlie most pressing work now on baud besides the ' ICoheio.i,' is the jJi rpai .it ioji oi a new n haif at Putataka. for \vSsels soon expected from Sj dney wuli stores and the sections of the Ko 2 ''eamtuaf for nin igation ( j\l eioineu I ,' or ' i'augnni,' or I 'ihcr liist ' Titi,' (h \l bi m'j; (lie Held on w hie li the MVinku fone humbled the pudeof the A'gihiaamopoto and the IVgaiporou ) Raines ai'i busily engnged gclting lo^s and piles .it the Aw.uoa and f.'takd, and must icnll', h,ne thcu* hands full Ihe pctni'^ C'oioner J\fi]oi Speedy, af tei holding tlie inquest here, on the body brought down by wientenant Tiii/ei and p.ut I , ,iiiocet.ded list week up the in er. (0 ivoha.ig.i, with sulhcienl while men t.j nitiliC the majouty ot a. 3111 y, to hold , in mque-it on the ofhei body winch liad been tompoiarily interred near Kohaugi Di\ S .1 Willi-., of the iiojal, ..cfjiepanied the expedition Theie w ere no marks of violence on the body as efc f.Mt lcpoiled bv one oi the paities (n disieputable ehaiacter), who fii^t ini"iu'd the body, and lepoiled the eiicumsta.ices at ilns station The juiy was coinploied by the addition of lour nati\es ua f l nftev full dehbeiation, came to p vph'ici. to the cflt-ct, '■ That the !m '!_> i(iu that of a sergeant of tlie fi'ih « ,u aid hecn di owned about a foitmght pieviously ft is probable that these ;>rc the bodies ol the two men (for they both heoiaed to bo about ii 101 tmght dead\ who veio di owned oft Tuiik.iu, by the upscUi.ig of a canoe, when two were <\\ D\~ned, .md two weie saved. The 1 an]; and regiment of this one were know u by tlie stupes on the arm and the buttons on thebreast oi ; he blue shirt tho*-e of tJie other, which IUI biounhtheye last week, could not be know n, as no shu t w as on the bodj r when found. The body of Ihe sergeant >i,°s put into a coffin j °upplitd by the tradesmen lice, and he y, n» i decently intoned m a grave b}' tho imv side, after Dr. AVilhs had completjd«lu!>2' OS '' M 0 examination, th" \ r ouorable Archdeacon Maunsel 'v)io was on the inquest, reading the bui'ial aeiviee I hope their comrades will not permit their tombs to he -without recording a tablet to then 1 memory. The stockade or \o\ I hero is going on vigorously, the T^cm. "War Minister having intimated that tho foice is to be soon doubled by fie addition of another huudrcd men On tL's account the accoiuodation will bo p\tt nded so as to bo sufficient for three hundred jiicn. It is certainly highly important that the dockyard and other tvovks hevo should bo well covered by men nt sums, as the ' Eclipse' cannot bo expected to be left always lying at her present moorings ofT Putataka, but may return at some future day, and iii.d this pl.ieo cho seat of the New Zealand Govcvnment.

PaovrrM.'rAr. Council —In the Piovuicm' Cou'ioil yesteiday the linal repoit of the Pnvafce Gnevances Committee was b><>liy};i; <il>, and the thud leport adopted, The lepoil of the Suivey Cotnmnsionei wa B also bionirht up. A lesolution was passed, lequcsting his Honoi to cause the necessaiy steps to be taken to remedy the evil complained of afe the Allieit sheet cutting Message No 50, relative to making a ioail m Hobson's Bay, was lofened to a select committee. The lepoit of the Audit Committee was adopted; and also a 1 evolution to the effect that no membei should be p lid huevpenses who was not in his ill ice foi at least one third of the ting da} i of a t-ession. The amendments made by the Supomitendent in fclio City lioaid Loan Act Amendinenii Dill, and the South and Onehunga Ko.ul Loan Act Amendment Bill weio adopted; the former Wiis nearly veibal, the latter added to the amount pioposed to be laised, The Empoweimg Bill was lead a second time and wont through committee, much dobate ensuing with regaid to the vote for buddings, and especially on the question of the Geneial Government having ltsshaie in the control ovei then election. The Council sat till half-past 9 o'clock. Auckland Harmonic Rociltv. — The memhei'soE the Haimomc Society mot for pi notice yesteiday evening in the Bi unswiuk ITall it half past 7 oVlock Mr Bealo conducted, and JVliss PLale oißciated at the piauoforte Tlie attendance was veiy good and we were especially s*lad to notice that the lady 1 bingers mustered well. Besides working memheiH, agieat number of others were assembled to listen to the piaotice The semes of the oiatoiio of Judas Maccaheus weie placed in the hands of thesiugeis. wlik h oratouo has l>een substituted for that of Elijah, owing, as we before stated, to the violin p<utn of tho latter being found wanting. Consolering that the music was new to many, the practice went off very well. There will be a meeting for practice agaianoxt Thursday.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2032, 22 January 1864, Page 3

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THE WAR IN AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2032, 22 January 1864, Page 3

THE WAR IN AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2032, 22 January 1864, Page 3