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TO FARMERS AND NEW ARRIVALS. The subsciiberhas been instiucted by the pioprietor to sell, i A VALUABLE FARM, HOMESTEAD, and j STOCK, on the MAHURANGI RIVER, within foui houis' sail of Auckland, and vessels of 30 tons but then can come close to the house. The FARM is about 400 acies. The HOMESTEAD commisca good house, office, j and stooky.vrds. ' The STOCK, 50 head of Cattle, grazing theieou now. The Laud is of excellent quality, well fenced and chained, a considerable quantity laid down in glass aud under cultivation, and a paddock of '22 aciei is now being ploughed up for summer fallow. Theie aie also 110 acies of fine bush, fiontage to the liver ) veiy considerable. Putok and Trams toa lespcctable pui chaser vciy modeiato, and it is i.aioly that an oppoitnnity ofteis of such a laige and valuable propeity m such a high state of cultivation, and so contiguous to Auckland, being offeicd to the public. If not sold befoio the Ist of Febiuary, 1804, it will bo withdrawn finally. .SAMUEL COCHRANE,

, Auctioneer. FOR SALE, A FOUR-ROOMED COTTAGE, five minutes walk fiom Queen stieet. TI. REID, Accountant, House and Land Agpnt, Haidingtou's Buildings, Queen stieot.

TO LET OR SELL, SIX YEARS LEASE of the COMMODIOUS PREMISES at piesent in the occupation of the undeisigned ; oi, TO LET ONLY, for a teim of >cais, those fust-class BUSINESS PREMISES, in couise of election in Custom House street Posses bion to be given to cither within tlnee weeks. — For paiticulni-., apply to Raitray and Matiieson.

npo BE LKT, the BLACK BULL HOTEL, now JL doing, i good business To bo let on le.i'.e, for five yeais. — Foi all pai hculai s, apply on the pi onuses

TO LET, a NEW FOUR ROOMED COTTAGE, in WAKE FIELD-STREET.— Apply to P. A PiiTlip->, Comei of Queen and Shmtland stieets. ONEHUNGA KOI'AL EXCHANGE INN. WINES, SPIRITS, ALES, CORDIALS, &a, OF Tlin BrNT QUALITY. Yisitots will meet with Good Attendance and Comfoit, Good Stabling, Paddocks, Lc. Vans to and fiom Auckland daily. SAMUEL FURLEY.

FREDERICK SIMS, CO M M E H 0 I A. L _ HO T E L. _ PRIVATE BOARD and RESIDENCE maybe had at Mis. Corn Li's, at the fust cottage above Mc-sis Monk and Moigau's tnnbei yaid, Uppei Queen s>ticct UIVATE APAl^rnNTsTi^Tbp had at Capt. PruisowVi, Naval Hotel, corner of Pitt-stteet and the Kaiangahapc Road. BOARD AND RESIDENCE — Terms modeiate, at Mis CiKr\ s, Giey fetieet, few doors fiom Queen-street Private apai tments, if lequired. THISTLE NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to the owueis of land situated in the Wairoa, Papakiua, Duuy, Pukokohi, Mauku, nnd Waiuku distiicts, that an.ingements have been m.icle wheieby labour can be obtained foi the puiposc of ERADICATING NOXIOUS THISTLES, in the above disfcucts, undei the piotcction of covciing paities Peisoni wishing to avail themselves of the above moans of having then land cleaied of noMOUS thistles, mu«t apply to tho imdeisnjned without delay. F. C. LEWIS, Inspoctoi of Thistles Newmaiket, Deccmbei 29, 18G3.

ELECTORAL DISTRICTS OF: City of Auckland West, City of Auckland East, Painell, Newton, Noithcrn Division. JS r O T I O E . npHE CLAIMS of PERSONS duly qualified, a desnous ot ha\mg then names placed on any of the ELECTORAL ROLLS of the abo\e distucls, oi desnous of haMng an j additions to or alleiation in the statement ot then qualifications upon any of those Rolls, vi ill be i eceived at the Sheuffs Offico, Auckland, dm ing this Month and the succeeding Mouths of Fcbiuary and Match L. OBRIEN, Regishation Officei. Auckland, Januaiy sth, 1864

NOTICE. TW. LEWIS takes this oppoituuity of thanko mg his. fi lends and customeis for their land patiouage during the time he has been in business ; and to mfoim them that his Father (who has recently ai rived fiom England per ' Ida Zeigloi ') has now joined him m paitnci ship , the business will thciofore in fntnie be earned on undei tie Firm of LEWIS & SON, IMPORTERS, TEA DEALERS, AND GENERAL GROCERS QUEEN-STREET, Auckland. LEWIS k SON beg to notify to their Friends and the Public gcneially, that having received shipments of well Selecterl Goods per 'War Spirit,' ' Telegiaph,' and 'Ida Zeigler,' they have now to ofiei at icasouable puces, First Class Congou, Souchong, Pekoe, Caper, Gunpowder, and Young Hyson Teas. Best Loaf, English Crushed, Company's No. 1, and other Sugais, together with a laige awoitment of General Grocery Goods. L. fc S. would call the attention of connoisseurs to "Haywaid and Co 's Gloucester Sauce," au article nothitheito introduced m Auckland ; equal, if not supenor to Lea and Pernn'e, and but twothirds the price. Jones' Oelebiated Waterproof Composition, the only aiticle ever discovered that will waterproof, soften, and preserve boots, aud all kinds of leather. —Sole Agents m Auckland, Lewis & Son, Queenstreet. The Trade Coasters, and all Purchaseis in Large Quantities will be Liberally dealt with. Goods delivered free of expense within a radius of five miles of the city. Best price given for Butter and Eggs. LEWIS & SON, IMPORTERS. TEA DEALERS, AND GENERAL GROCEBS, QUEEN-STREET, (ON THE JONCI'ION OP WAKEFIELD AND GREY-STREETS) Auckland.

WHEREAS ceitain noxious THISTLES aie glowing on land in MANGA RIE DISTl{ IOT, the owner of .which land cannot be ascertained by me after reasonable iuquny, Tins is to give notice that-if the Thistles on such j land aie not eradicated or destroyed within the time limited by the "Thistle Act, 1858," the said Thistles will be destroyed according to the provisions of the said Act, and an order applied for, under the said Act, to charge the expenses on the said land. WILLIAM WILLING. N. B. — The laud referred to in the *bove notice is situated at Kamihohore, on lots 29 and 35, Dated this 6th day of January, 1864.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2020, 6 January 1864, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2020, 6 January 1864, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XX, Issue 2020, 6 January 1864, Page 1