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April C-A M , Vaiiablo light wlndi fiom »f X to N W. and Jieaiv fall of rain , P.M., Alodorite W.SW. winds nnd squall; . AimiVAL Vivid, schooner, fiom Hokinngn

DKPAimHiI S lord Ashley, s s , for Southern Provinces. S>lph, schooner, for Bay of Islands

VKSBKI.B KXPECrKD. Niiiirond ship, fiom London Anne and Jane, liaique, from Jvoiirnsllp, X 1 A> Kxculsior. sthoonei, from Napici •Jr.'iiey, Bchoonor, from Month f>on Tsl.mds Lapwing, cutter, from Noifolk Island, due

I'nO.lKCl'EI) DKVAlll'Dltl'S. Domingn, niKiue, for Sydnoy. Albitross, schoonei, for Otago Zillah, schooner, for Napier Sea Ureezi, schooner, foi Napier

VKHSKM TN POUT. Tldx list docs not include conatiug cutters. II M-» > Fclipse, fiom Sydney. C'liiamont, ship, from London Ilominga, barque, fiom I'uget Hound Josephine, barque, fiom London UnriiPt Armytnge, baique, from Newcastle, N S \V. Allmtross, schooner, fiom Otngo Zillah. stlioonoi, from Mapim Hose Ann, schooner, from Napier and Knit Coist. Southern Cioss, schooner, fiom London. Sea I)iee/!e, schooner, fiom Wellington nnd Napici. Caiolino, gunboat KNTERKD IN\VUiI)S-«HS'nVL«rc Al'i'.n o— Vivid, 20 tons, Ilnidiinan, from Hokiangn, with 20 ton> kniiu (funi, 100 bttslit'ls whent rnsisnuci-r— Mr. Mnrtui. Mhi Howe, Mr' Munio r-J^»r -J^» CLRAKISD OT7jltfsPS-C.OA.ST\VISE. Armti. C— lsabella. IS ton», Subut-,lty, for Olioic, with \ ton flour, 2 drums gal* iM^ed Iron, 1 keg nail'), I pntkage nails, 2 bags nco, 1 bug sugar, 12 bus iron _ i m p .a, . , POUT OF OjSEHUXGA.

ESTKUI2D JNWAMW-COA&rvWU. Ai'im, 4— Abconn, 44 tons, .lolin Kairtlnld, fiom Wnnguiui, with f!0 liead < little, fi kogs biittor, 1 c.ise arnn Vii^scngeii— 3 rank »nil file Wth legt with 1 desortcr of the 40th o_V\onga Woiifia, s s , 108 tons, W B Cellum, front Taianaki, inbi'.hst l'nisengeis— Mi I V.' lir.ulflola, Ret.T Smith, Jlr Smut, T K. Skumci, ltiteiminn, I.ieut — a>id Daldy, agents C— ij'n\ounte, 17 tons, Tlinmnt Killi»our, from Knnhla, Mn llnglnn.with 2->')!g3 potatoes 10 kits do , IS do., 1 ciA pork, 2 boxes tipples. 4 boxes hifgipo, .'i Jjo\cs i|iiiiicc>, 3 kits quincci. 1 boxes apple*, 1 kit onion 1 !, *.f> kit-, potatoes, 1 pigs, 2 boxes apples, from Knwhu, 1 cue, 1 box, fiom ltaglan Pnssenger 1!—1 !— Mi nnd Mm d'oldsnuth mid 2 children, M^i McPougnl, Mr P. O. I\loon, Messrs Nelson '2 — J . F l'owoll, agent.

CLEARKD OUTWABDS— CO \STWISE. Apiiii 4— Kilcombo Castle, US ton*, John .Tames, fm Taianaki. witii 10 IniHooV., ( oininissaiint I'aisengurn— i I snidic« - Henderson uml M'lcfuilano, ngoiitH.

The schoonei Sjlpli, for Unwell, siiled jestordiv niormnp 'i lie ■- lord Ashley, n ith the Soiitliern m uls on lioanl, left \eslcnl iv mormni?" it liulf |i t'-t II o'llock Hisproldbla tliat II M s ■! Hnruoi, Connnimlci SuJli\.in, \\illlca\u the Mnmikan this ilny foi Sjilnev The cutter \\ ill Witch will sail foi the .South N>a Islands, ni soon .is the weather deiii-t Jl M ■! i< ]khpsc Commander Mayno, it to beat Turaiuki by the 14th, in reft<Unei-> to bring his" excellency the Oo>ernoi hick to \nclvlnml hi consequence of the unsettled stite of the i\entber. tlio Htenmer 'Insinaninn Mniil did not go on hei c\cuiiioii tupi > citeuln\ , as <u\\ ertisul 'J he s i \\ onqii V onga Cai turn ( 'clluin, cirn ing the s:tp|ilementau null for Englaml, will le.ive the Mnmilvau this day about 11 o'olock Adpition to nt'R Vi ktt — We Rtntcd in our lust that it was rcpoiteil .it Ot lyo thit Jfr Dimcin hurt bought the ss J.idy Bird ioi the Kew Zealand Steam Navigition ( omlniiy Tho lepoit tmniout to betoncct 1 his fine stenmcr, upon which jLI,(iOO had but retentlj been expended, lias been pmdi.ised b) Jlr Human, with tho cordial toncuuenoe of Captain ltonnei, foi £8,000 Y e unilcitt'iml that those gentle men found extreme dillkulty m obtaimiii? a siutnWc tessel at am price and utterly imjiosslble to find one at the maximum price estimated by tlie Dnectois In conseciuencc of tlio ■tow ing trade between S>dney ami Queensland, steam \cs3els in the llrst n lined place hnM; usen m inluo f>o per cent In proof of the fact, we iiia> "itnto, on the authority of Capliim ften'icr, tliat tlic 'Stai of Tasmania, of ITO tons, and .'! 0 horsa ikhvm , but nitlioiit anj passciiijor aceoiinnodition wn-s oTcicd to Mi Dnntui ioi £'11,000, anil nnotliei nnd a smnller yes-el was offcied for uxacth the b.irno buih a-, the company paid for the W'oiiitn AVongi and Storm Bird— liz , £7.000 There uero two or three othei voasola for sale m Kjdnej, which besides being too high-piiccd. weio otherniso unsuitible In \ltlbonrne the clioice liyl>st^cen the Kxpiea^ tiel tho TUulj JJird both pooil and fast steamers, and both \ lined at the iame in ice but the former with veiy poor pi> orgcr accommodation llaMiitf aicertaiiud tlmt there weie no other stoam lesseli forsnle, eit'iei in Anstralii or Tasmann, Sir Dnncnn (Utorinmud on pui eh.isini? the Lady Bird Captain ltenuer intended taking a trip in her to Portland nnd bitk, on the 10th instnnt. in ordei to asteitim how she worked, and to get the r«|i qf lur popipisses, Ac ; and the \essel wis to ho il'uhvcrcii r^iion (.he 1011), wlipi| ;>{i Uimf \\\ pwiposPd to docK her eithei at Meibpurnc or «\tli,ey, fpi tl|o muw of t}c4iiinK and painting liti Jigttom, hiftl, <te . nftei ulinh tliej liquid eomeonto WeUnigtftil, wheii) thei expected to urmo on oi about tha ir.t'> nn^lmo We coiigiatulnte the cnmpnjy in bdllg oinifhi"} (<j ad(l eu nns » Vu^oj tq Jhfiir fleot, nnd Ujo nnrt in hnM|ig one of tlio fii3te<st vessels in the .Vnuli hnllmg fiom it,—" Wellington AtUertmci; 1 Msvrcl>23,

MONETATvY AND COMMKUCIAL. AUCKLAND. IUI'IIS OF EXCIMNtiK AND DISCOUNT. Kxchansoon r.oudoit, 3 dnji' x1 o 'ht 21 p c ]>rsm under £20 „ >( M> ,i ,• H >i „ <■ CO „ „ 1 ii „ St*lnQ3 i ,i t, 1 ti „ Jlulboiuno 3 „ „ 1 ii „ 'i/!S>ii;u)iiL 3 „ „1 •• „ Ncu /.eaiatul 8 „ „ 1 >t DiscoinU— . JJiIU nmler 0t il i> », 7 per ccnl riink oi N \\ ale« " " i"2 " o " „' i» A-A -' i» J ii „ ovw 125 „ 10 „ STOCK IN T TIIR l! 0\ r DT.D W VHHUOU.srS AT Till". TOUT OF AUUUiAS'P, ON* Al'ItTT, 4th _ __ |J« SSS S %q = »5--'»' S GowK '§ = S g' sJ?-5»25 5| § ~ i^^l^S PsSg^°" 5 3! § Braiulv uTsW ?W t 'ls :^I S^ o , , .J-^'lf 1 ' fiui mi.l gcncM 0840 „ KHS , 211,,, 20 gh 11 ••* „ Hum • 2010! „ __ 37b „ l^- 1^ .. Tohicco . 3tß3Ml"saTOlbi H.Wlbs |4457r \\>% \\!nc'" " ..«3*llh S'^P'i^ 22 ? h '™*& Yestciday being ll.istei 1 Monday, tho Banks weie closed and no public sales took pl.ico. MEAN TIME OF lIICMI WATUR AT AUCKIAXD V M. V M A p U l 7, . Sli 39m ... 8h ;.om. JIoON T-'i"t quAltei, Ap v il lltli, lit lip lit

BIRTH. On the Oth instant, at Tariiell, the wife of Mr J Harness j,.ii),!pr, <>f .i daughter


On the 4th March, b\ the Rev « JlcKinnov, Arr Charles Ludniif X isper, AucMimt, to -\lib3 Margaret Ann Johnston, Maliurnngi


On the iilh insUnt, in H.uracK street, William Thomas 0010, ngeil 4 yonri, ion »f Copland 'Ihomas Cole, Armed Police On the sth inst.iiit, Milluim Samuel, infunt son of .Mr J "jhe funeral will leiue hib futhei'i residence, Jlobsoiistiect, this (TnesdnjJ nfteinoon nt tlnce o'clock

TOST OFFICE. Mati-s 1 — „ ForTaiiinaM <m«l the Kouthein Trounce;, the Anstialian tyloiilci, luilw, Clilr/rt, tlio Moflitcniinean P/nl«, cfnil tlio United Kliigdom, por » s Wo^gn JVoni.ii, iliia i>)oi»«ig at 8 o'clock , , „ . , i For Svdnov, i>ei H M % u llnnier, this morning ntBo clock For WaiiKftTOi, perPetiol, tliii day at noon For Dunedin, per Allntiow, on Tlmrsday no\t m noon. For Napier, per Zillah, on Thursday ne\t nt noon W. COKBErr, Clnof Postmaitcr.


r . SOLD BY Mr. J. Vakty, Canada Buildings. Mr. Epw. Wayte, Qucen-stieefc, Mr. Lkigiiton, ShortJaud-streefc. Mr. IT. W. Reiixy, Shortland-street. Mr. Harbin, Cavondish House, Princes-st. The Daily Southern Cnoss Office, Queen-street, " corner of Vulcau-lane.


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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1783, 7 April 1863, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1783, 7 April 1863, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1783, 7 April 1863, Page 2