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CAUTION. LETCHFORD'S WAX VESTAS. RLETOHFORD &CO. guarantee their Matche • will light in any ( Jliinate, even tf dipped in watkr. Customers, therefore, when ordering Wax 'a Matches should be particular in requesting "Letch- -^ ford's Make," as others are often substituted. R. Letchford and Co. having just built an extensive Manufactory, aie now prepared to execute, at a few days' notice, any order made payable in England. ThrceColts Lane, Bethnal Green, (late of Wliitechapel,) London.

LEA & P ERR INS' CELEBRATED WORCESTERSHIRE SAtfCE. tKXTHACT OP A I.FTTKH from a MEDICAL GENTLEMAN at Madras, To Ills brother at WORCESTER, "Tell LEA' &PERKIXS Unit tlioir Sauce is highly esteemed in India, nnd ie, In my opinion, tho most palatable, ax well a* the mo«t wholesome, Sauce -"■ that is nuule." EXTENSIVE FRAUDS. L. and P. having discovered (hat several of the Forei<m Maikets have been supplied with spurious imitationb of their "WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE," the labels of which closely resemble those of the genuine Sauce, and in one or more instanced with the names of L. and P. FORGED ; they have deemed it tlteir duty to caution the public, and request purehaseis to Reo that the names of Lea anil Piuiriks are upon the Wrapi>cr, Label, Stopper, and Bottle. L. and P. fuither give notice that they will proceed against any one who may infringe upon their right, either by manufactm ing or vending such imitations, and have instructed their correspondents in the various parts of the w orld to ad\ ise them of such infi ingements. Wholesale and for Exportation by the Proprietors, Lea and Peirins, Worcester, England ; Ciosse and Blackvvell, and oilier Oilmen and Merchants, London.

rpilE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY FOR GOUT J AND RHEUMATISM.— BLAIR'S GOUT AND HHEUMATIC PILLS.— This preparation is one of the benefits which the science of modem chemi«stiy has conferred upon mankind ; for during the first twenty years of the piesent century, to speak of a cure for the Gout was considered a romance ; but now the efficacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demon* stiated, by unsolicited testimonials fiom persons in eveiy lank of life, that public opinion proclaims this a3 oiie of the most important discoveries of the piesent age. These pills leqniie no lestraint of diet or confinement during their use, and aie certain to pievent the. disease attacking any vital pait. They can be relied upon as Hie most safe and effectual xemedy ever offered to the public, and have been universally used in Europe and America for many years for the above complaints. Her Majesty's Commissioneis have authorised the name and addict of •' THOMAS PKOUT, No. 220, Strand, London," to be itnpicssed upon the Government stamps affixed to each box of the genuine medicine. Sold iv F.jislftnJ at Is. l.Jd. and 2s. 9d. per Box. Agent for Auckland, MR. ASHER ASIIER.



Ulirsl Oumplalnti. No diseases arc more fi client, fevy more dangepous, than allection" of the lespuatoiy organs. Thp lirst syniptoms of citanli, biouuliitis, and iu!luei)/% nay always be radically lemovcd bj' llollow.iy s roaowncd Pills. Thej' qutcKly lemedy any tc^iporary stagnation of bl'toij, (elieve aijy overgoigoil veins, moderate tlie luiuicd bicvthiijg, .inti eTi^Me tltp lungs to do t!>cir oflice with ease a-id lcgul.uity. These Pills by their puufyimj powers, cjc4usc tKo blood ft om all itnpmit;ie«, ant} fortify tlie sj - sten) against consumption, .tsthini, and similar complaint*!. Slommh, Liter, Kidneys-, and Bowels Fiom vaiious Gaijses these organs aie fi ! e<jueiitly getting out of order, and require come suitablo medicine to regulate them. Hollovyay's Pdlt, effect this objoot with vvoudoi'fiil coleuty and cmtamty, They do not disticss tho system, or we.ilvon the fianio ; they thoioiighly invigorate tho digestive organs. They gently evcito the stomaoli am liver, stimulate tiio kidneys to peifonn tlioir functions efficiently, and act upon tlie foovvols without griping or any other annoyance ; again, takon an hour bofoi c dinner, they cannot be equalled as a " Dinner Pill" as they cutiicly prevent acidity, Hat ilcucy, nausea, and biliousness. Windy or Watery Dropsy. Whoever is allhutcd with these, complaints, should at once have recourse to Hollovvjty'b Pills. They act most eneigctieally on the glandular and ab* soubcnfc gystem, lWjity l]je blooa, and inipait a vi»our winch age or other.' causes' 'ijiay'h.ivc 'fe \\\>oe anly t-tkeii avyay, Tliey excite the kidneys to increased aptivity, and thoteby stimulate the abisoibeuts Joiemoye the fluid allcady collected^ Pisorda's Peculiar to Wonjcn. There }q np m,ed{ciiiQ Qfjuai tq }}qllo^r.iy's Pi]ls fqr correcting tfye ailmcius incidental to fqin ilcs. Tli'ev may bo taken with safety fo.r any juegii! inty of tlft system. As they remove all c>ik*o of maladies, an 4 so restoie, by their giaml piuifying p/ropoi (ies^ feinaij.:? qf all a^ps Jp robifsf l\c,\ltl\, Jnliifciuq, Bjipiheria, <(nd Horc Throaj. Hovy all-important it js \q cl>cck the fii-st depip« tin c from health! All may do so by taking Hollo-w-ay's PiUs, without; yisk. ov restriction. Iv all disceses aft'ecliug the blood, nerves, and musolcs, or in aases of fever, sore throat, colds, coughs, asthini, and shortness of breath, the earlier they are taken the better. Children's Complaints. Diseases incidental to children, such as feverish attae]:°j spnjlet fever, measles, and all diseases of the skin, may pc iinmcSi'utcly checked, aiu} soon cmedj by the^o pulifyinjj P.ii'l-!, vyhlch'may bo reduced to ti powder, and given in doses of one," two, 1 or three! nightly, aceoidmg to tlie age of the' sufferer. Hollq^' way's Ointincnt js sootluijg, coou'qg, aiul healing", and }s Ijottey ad^pLei} |UaH al|y qtljef re.ra.edv f,qr. ajj e\teti)al ,tiii|iciilg'. " Indigestion, Bile and Islck Headaches. No organ in the human body is so liable to disolder as the liver, and none is more apt, when neglected, to become seriously diseased. When uaif-ea, flatulency or acidity on the stomach, warns us that digestion is not proceeding properly, Holloway's Pills legulato every function, give sticngth to every orvnu, speedily remove all cmiscs of indigestion, bijt) 'and sick headaches, an\l efie<!t a permanent cure.' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' ' c Litiiibaf/o. Rheumatism, and Gout. In these diseases, the blood is always in a highly inflamjnatoiy j tye stomae)} U also c}isordeie(l, and tljo liver a.i}d kiclqoys ui)i):vturally tovpfd. 4 few doses of those Pills, taken in time, will rectify all those symptoms by their cooling and purifying properties.

Hollowai/t Pills art the lest remedy Inovm in flu world for the following diseases : — Ague Female Irregu- Scrofula, or BifibiT Com- FeScrt^of ajl Stlhe } ? S^Sd plaints "" "kinds ' "'Gravel lllT Blotches qn the Gout ' Secondary _ Ski R He^daelje SymptQiflS Bowel Com- Indigestion Tic- DanlouFeu.* plaints Inflammation Tumours Colics Jaundice Ulcers Constipation of Liver Com- Venereal Affeo* the Bowels plaints tions Consumption Lumbago Worms of all Debility Piles kinds Dropsy Rheumatism Weakness, from Dysentery Rotentfon of whatever Erysipplas ' Urine 1 ' ."< (fe^e 1 Ac!', &o. Fits Sore throats '^ * '▼? Sold at the Eatablishmont of Trofjesor HoLto> way, 244, Strand, (near Temple Bar), London ; also by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Mediciuos throughout the civilized world, at the follow* ing prices :— Is. Ud., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d. f lit.,, 225., and 335. each Box. ' V yjw» ]a considerable saving by taking tha largest sWs. "'•' *'■• •■ • „ . N.B.— Directions for the gxiidance of patients In •very disorder are affixedfco each! box. ' •'•"•■!

A/tckland, U e^ Zealap.d r— Printed and published" by Rqbert J. Cjt;piG*rroi? and J^ifmp SdaW at tlioir Office, O'Conaell-itreet.

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1783, 7 April 1863, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1783, 7 April 1863, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 6 Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1783, 7 April 1863, Page 6